トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【酔い歌】ほろ酔いカラオケに Welcome 💖【ホロライブ/ ロボ子さん】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
281 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the one I wanted to fish was Aji and Tai, and got the Aji first | |
282 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] tbh, I wanted to eat the Tai fish | |
283 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] so I was working hard on to fish that | |
284 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]but there's a rule once you caught it, I got the other fish | |
285 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あるある | |
286 🔗 |
9/10/2022 3:59:56 PM |
里人B | クロダイ系だった!? | |
287 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]and I was like, " HEY I ALREADY CAUGHT YOU!" then you know what? it was Tai after all, we misseen it | |
288 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
289 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いい思い出じゃないのw | |
290 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | クロダイ? | |
291 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] glad it was not aji, and it was tai, | |
292 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's been a while me fishing | |
293 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it tastes good right? | |
294 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:00:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] when I went to ocean, I remember I followed the Sayori fish | |
295 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it was pretty long, and also I thought I'd die if I kept following it | |
296 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:10 PM |
里人B | サヨリも美味しい魚よ~ | |
297 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it was the memory from the times I used to love the beach | |
298 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] that Sayori was so fast, then I hit the beach barricade, and let it go | |
299 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:37 PM |
里人B | めっちゃ沖で草 | |
300 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I was regreting swimming till the fartest place | |
301 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I hate beach | |
302 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:01:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こらこらw | |
303 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:02:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I prefer pool more than beach now | |
304 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:02:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] whenever I go to beach, I challenge the wave, so ... you know? I lose things a lot | |
305 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:02:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] and regret I'm tired | |
306 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:02:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I lost tons of goggles. when I lost it, it's time for me to go home | |
307 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:02:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そのエピソード本当すきw | |
308 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:03:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think if I started learning how to surf since child, I'd love the beach, but I learned the terror of beach from movie | |
309 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:03:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]but you see, the cup noodle you eat after you swim, it really is tasty | |
310 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:03:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | やきそばもいいぞー | |
311 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:03:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I used to be good at anysports, I really love it | |
312 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but not the beach volley, I hate the sand | |
313 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | めんどくさいよねw | |
314 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あの砂のじゃりじゃりがめんどいw | |
315 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] almost out of booze | |
316 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] yeah, the sand is really hot | |
317 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I easily got tanned guys | |
318 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] how to sing little bit better? | |
319 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:04:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I did hard time how to sing it | |
320 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:05:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I really had hard time to decide how to sing little bit | |
321 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:05:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 生歌きちゃ? | |
322 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:05:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ZZZZZZ tik tok tic tokすき | |
323 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:05:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
324 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:05:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me sing it with sexy tone | |
325 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:06:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: little bit - Roboco-san | |
326 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:06:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] now this sounds ecchi | |
327 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:06:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいね!! | |
328 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:07:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] It soudned like an old school vocaloid, so I really love my little bit song | |
329 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:07:38 PM |
里人B | ここすき | |
330 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:07:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | わかる!! | |
331 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:07:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
332 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:08:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | リルビ | |
333 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:08:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
334 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:08:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | きちゃw | |
335 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:09:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: みっつ数えて大集合! (Mitsu domoe OP) | |
336 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:09:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
337 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:09:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 急に懐かしいじゃんw | |
338 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:09:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] This is my favorite anime | |
339 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:10:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なっつw | |
340 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:11:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I like the Can you be o 、that line is really lewd in japanes | |
341 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:11:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
342 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:11:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I can sing this before without having shame | |
343 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:11:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I really remember this song | |
344 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:12:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's not saying the exact word, so I'm not ashamed to sing it | |
345 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:12:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 金爆の例のうたよりかはマシかなぁーw | |
346 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:12:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]what was it... the song of a tiger's kid? | |
347 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:12:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | とらドラ? | |
348 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] can't remember, but it's denpa song genre | |
349 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] not Tora dora.... what was it? | |
350 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:20 PM |
里人B | 洗脳・搾取・虎の巻? | |
351 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ジャンルは覚えてる? | |
352 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah- I cant remember the title... why.... | |
353 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:13:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もっとヒント頂戴 | |
354 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] uwa- I'm checking the denpa songs list, I think it must be here | |
355 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なっつw | |
356 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, i found it!! this is it!!! | |
357 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どれかな? | |
358 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah--- now I feel relieved | |
359 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:14:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | てにぬかいw | |
360 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:15:00 PM |
里人B | そっちか~! | |
361 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:15:16 PM |
里人B | 歌詞の方だったww | |
362 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:15:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]the Song looking for: FA!? toshite Tougenkyou (Te- kyuu) | |
363 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:16:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] uwa, this is really nostalgic | |
364 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:17:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
365 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:17:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ○シアエー | |
366 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:17:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wait a sec | |
367 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:17:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | kawaii | |
368 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:17:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the tiger is gone | |
369 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: Roboco was looking or a song with tiger's child | |
370 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お水飲んでねーw | |
371 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok, let's end it, I feel really good | |
372 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] tomorrow I think I'll wake up really late time | |
373 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | たくさん寝てたねw | |
374 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I remember I slept really long after the collab with Koyori | |
375 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:44 PM |
里人B | 楽しかった〜!! | |
376 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:18:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok, let's have nice sleep | |
377 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:19:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] and hey, how come you guys can't see my updated splatoon data?? | |
378 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:19:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok I'm doing the splatoon gacha everyday | |
379 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:19:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, really!? I hit 870k subs!? | |
380 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:19:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おめでとうw | |
381 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:19:38 PM |
里人B | おめでとう!! |
382 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:20:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼよーw | |
383 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:20:20 PM |
里人B | おつろぼでした~! | |
384 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:20:38 PM |
里人B | かわいいw | |
385 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:20:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
386 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:21:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
387 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:21:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
388 🔗 |
9/10/2022 4:22:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みんなも乙親 |