トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【 Refind Self 】無限ウィスパーvoiceで性格うらなってもうにょ!【ロボ子さん /ホロライブ】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
369 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:07 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, the cafe, I hate coffee | |
370 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but you want coffee? you're being fooled | |
371 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:22 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh--- | |
372 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:33 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]it's saying something emotional thing | |
373 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm not good with games you know? | |
374 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]DESTROY | |
375 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:51 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 破壊神w | |
376 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:58:57 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wow, is it good to destroy thing? | |
377 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:59:00 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, no kidding? | |
378 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:59:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] .... I destroyed one in the cafe? I thought I destroyed the one out | |
379 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:59:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]it was fated to get destroyed | |
380 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:59:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]no, I am not alloed to end the game here! | |
381 🔗 |
11/25/2023 8:59:57 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Ihave to have coins by selling the scrap!!! my heart can't take it if I keep destroying! | |
382 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:01 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんさぁw | |
383 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:08 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] give me , I will hit you | |
384 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:16 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I thought I can get a scrap | |
385 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:33 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]let me exchange the scra... eh!? 98%!? | |
386 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:38 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]NOT GOOD, I WILL GO UP! | |
387 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:00:40 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait,,,,, | |
388 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まにあえー! | |
389 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:28 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]make a last move!? | |
390 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]WHAT!? | |
391 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん | |
392 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:38 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]where am I!? | |
393 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:45 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]please don't leave a thing!! | |
394 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:52 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I want to adventure more!! | |
395 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうなるのw | |
396 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:01:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I wanted to know more | |
397 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:02:08 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]why did I waste my last move on that!? | |
398 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:02:11 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]what did I get!? | |
399 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:02:37 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]lol, now it's time for reveal my personality | |
400 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:02:40 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お水えらい | |
401 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:04 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ※今日のロボ子さんは喉の耐久テストも兼ねての配信とのこと、まったり診ていきましょう | |
402 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]”I will do what I can do with prof" | |
403 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:38 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]”must kill the sheep" eh??? | |
404 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:42 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | わためぇ… | |
405 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]what is with that? | |
406 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:54 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, Ican't stop my hand | |
407 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:03:56 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, yabe | |
408 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:09 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "I will destroy the sheeps" | |
409 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I get it but my hand won't stop | |
410 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:24 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] may be this world is not allowed to make a lot of sheep | |
411 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:40 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: Inori(prayer) is protecting the sheeps | |
412 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh????? fight??? | |
413 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:45 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]why!? | |
414 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:04:59 AM |
415 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:05:12 AM |
416 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:05:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: use the commands to defeat her | |
417 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:05:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "self destruct"??? what? | |
418 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:05:57 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Inori is stronger... | |
419 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:04 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | はやいw | |
420 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]"self destruct " then, yay, I beat you | |
421 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:35 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I'm sure I'm gonna lose for sure, so let's pick the peaceful choise | |
422 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah.... | |
423 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:47 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I will head to you prof... | |
424 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:06:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I killed the sheep,,, and go for you | |
425 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:07:24 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Please don't hate my result prof... | |
426 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:07:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] game clear??? yabe... the BGM is really sad | |
427 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:07:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah...... my robo heart... | |
428 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:08:33 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんだろうねー | |
429 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:08:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: personality test incoming | |
430 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:08:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wait, what are these percentages? so smart | |
431 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:08 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah. these results are making me dizzy | |
432 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:16 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 他の人と比べられてるのよ | |
433 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:24 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, so these are my result? | |
434 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 自販機殴ったw | |
435 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]lol 2% of destroying the machine at the cafe | |
436 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:09:51 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 哲学者なんだw | |
437 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:08 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]lol, "philosopher" | |
438 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]lol "kindness"??? what?! | |
439 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:21 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: kindness: 0 | |
440 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:28 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 壊してばっかりだったからw | |
441 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:40 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]yabe, this is yabe | |
442 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:10:47 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I showed my robot side too much | |
443 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:11:24 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: the "philospher" type personality is really careful, and can make a wise decision | |
444 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:11:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 自爆は正しい判断だった…? | |
445 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:11:44 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I was calm and hit the vending machine.. | |
446 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:11:53 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Personality : Bancho (Leader) | |
447 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:11:56 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ばんちょーw | |
448 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:12:13 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] .... this result don't have a kindness too | |
449 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:12:24 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wait, isn't the bancho and philosopher conflicting? | |
450 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:12:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]adventurer | |
451 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:12:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冒険家おめでとう |
452 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:12:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Bancho personality: wll do anything to achieve their goal, will use destruction as a method too | |
453 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:13:12 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 手段を問わない(自爆) | |
454 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:13:31 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "thinking a lot and destroy" hm, not bad | |
455 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:13:48 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Adventurer personality: has a strong curiosity | |
456 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:13:53 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, there's more I haven't checkd!!! | |
457 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:13:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] my hand.... | |
458 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:01 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 連打癖がw | |
459 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:03 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]my hand.... | |
460 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:08 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh...... | |
461 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:13 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 見れるから安心してね | |
462 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:16 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh, wait? | |
463 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, this this | |
464 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Eh?here's the result | |
465 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:14:47 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh, I have to do another run? I wanna climb to the tree... | |
466 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:03 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but hmmm | |
467 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:21 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I've done a lot of trial and error, but I think the "bancho" side really is me | |
468 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:27 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あってるねw | |
469 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I think this is pretty right | |
470 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I'm not satisfied with the 0 kindness | |
471 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]why is my ethics rated as 0??? | |
472 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:15:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボットの部分がでたわねw | |
473 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:07 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but.... I can't help it | |
474 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:20 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]hope I can have broader result | |
475 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:25 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I have to do it more runs | |
476 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wish my ethics rate will be more | |
477 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しみにしてるねw | |
478 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:16:48 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah- thanks guys | |
479 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:17:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの宇宙の土地がまた増えたわねw | |
480 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:17:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: fan bought a moon land for roboco | |
481 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:17:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: roboco has a star named after her | |
482 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:02 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] now I learned I can speak with this tone, so when I'm ok, let me speak with this tone | |
483 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:06 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しかったよ~! | |
484 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:13 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]tomorrow, I wanna try cooking, so | |
485 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:20 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me cook and try | |
486 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:33 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wake up early a lot lately, so don't be late tomorrow ok? | |
487 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:37 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | HBD |
488 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:43 AM |
里人B | おつろぼでした~ | |
489 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:18:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼ~! | |
490 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:19:05 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
491 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:19:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
492 🔗 |
11/25/2023 9:20:21 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みなさんもおつろぼー!See you guys tomorrow morning-! |