トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【FUWAMOCO ROCK N' RAWR PARTY】halloween trick or treat howling ♪ |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 61 1698.99 254,653円 ¥ JPY 49 121140.00 121,140円 CA$ CAD 12 483.66 52,894円 NT$ TWD 6 9725.00 45,062円 A$ AUD 10 384.99 36,470円 SGD SGD 5 210.00 22,931円 € EUR 6 119.98 19,043円 £ GBP 1 50.00 9,115円 IDR IDR 2 700000.00 6,609円 R$ BRL 9 192.00 5,718円 ₩ KRW 5 48123.00 5,342円 HUF HUF 4 12400.00 5,150円 MX$ MXN 3 540.00 4,443円 ₱ PHP 1 500.00 1,320円 HK$ HKD 1 50.00 958円 MYR MYR 2 30.00 943円 PEN PEN 1 20.00 776円 THB THB 1 35.00 144円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 592,711円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
275 🔗 |
Tatsoko | was gifted a membership by MC_らん | ||
276 🔗 |
YM | was gifted a membership by MC_らん | ||
277 🔗 |
WonderOfYou | was gifted a membership by MC_らん | ||
278 🔗 |
BkKotarou | was gifted a membership by MC_らん | ||
279 🔗 |
frjoethesecond |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
280 🔗 |
$49.99 | Jim Tracy |
Thank you for the fantastic karaoke, you guys rock!! Happy Halloween! | |
¥7493 | ||||
281 🔗 |
Boedromion |
282 🔗 |
$5.00 | Cat Parade |
Thank you for singing! |
¥749 | ||||
283 🔗 |
NT$300.00 | アクレス |
¥1390 | ||||
284 🔗 |
Booporiety |
285 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ハンサン【Hansan】 (2回目) |
楽しい歌枠ありがとね。いろんな歌が出てびっくりしたよw | |
¥1000 | ||||
286 🔗 |
A$20.00 | Flanntastic🐾 |
Thank you for the amazingly spooooky Rock N Rawr~ The whole setlist was great, Saya no Uta was beautiful and nostalgic, Kapuuin Chuudoku was so fun to listen to and I really truly love your rendition of Kaibutsu so much! | |
¥1895 | ||||
287 🔗 |
¥500 | 赤柴 -akashiba- |
いろんな曲聴けてすごい楽しかった~! |
¥500 | ||||
288 🔗 |
¥500 | 氷河甌穴(pothole) |
¥500 | ||||
289 🔗 |
蓮根っ子 |
290 🔗 |
$200.00 | tk [ruffian] 🐾 (2回目) |
Fun halloween party |
¥29977 | ||||
291 🔗 |
¥800 | みるくれっぷ |
ハッピーハロウィン!!!今日のロックンロールパーティも楽しかったよー。 | |
¥800 | ||||
292 🔗 |
king kevin |
293 🔗 |
¥2,000 | 煉獄 |
うむ!今日も楽しくて、あっという間の時間だった!!よもやよもやだ!!ハロウィン当日は、おばけだけではなく、鬼も出るかもしれない、FUWAMOCOも気をつけてお菓子を回収してくれ! | |
¥2000 | ||||
294 🔗 |
Osvald Traveler | Gifted 10 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
295 🔗 |
せうた |
ふわもこの歌枠は最高の癒し…生きがいありがとー! |
296 🔗 |
¥1,000 | にくたろう |
今日も楽しい歌をありがとう!Happy Hallohallohalloween!! | |
¥1000 | ||||
297 🔗 |
Xenolic (Janondorf) 💀🦐 | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
298 🔗 |
瑠璃簪 | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
299 🔗 |
OneWayOnlyHim | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
300 🔗 |
Gin.L | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
301 🔗 |
$20.00 | Jojii (4回目) |
Extra candy money. You girls mean everything to me. BAU BAU | |
¥2998 | ||||
302 🔗 |
€23.99 | TheSweatyOne |
Thank you for yet another banging rock n’ rawr party! I was especially surprised by Samayou Uro. I would have never guessed that FUWAMOCO would know(read?) about those kinds of VNs too. Truly refined taste! Happy Halloween! | |
¥3808 | ||||
303 🔗 |
Starlight Gamer | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
304 🔗 |
Gerardo Reyes N | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
305 🔗 |
노버프 | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
306 🔗 |
Joshua Leiss | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
307 🔗 |
D oop | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
308 🔗 |
¥500 | ーぷはー |
ハロウィンセトリ楽しかったです!まさかの選曲もあっておどろきでしたw | |
¥500 | ||||
309 🔗 |
Wa Yo | was gifted a membership by Osvald Traveler | ||
310 🔗 |
¥3,000 | 水見-mizumi- (2回目) |
今日もとっても楽しかった~!かわいくてきれいで・・・そしてspookyな歌枠をありがとう! |
¥3000 | ||||
311 🔗 |
NT$7,500.00 | fima |
fuwamoco BAUhayo!!!I'm not good at expressing myself in English, so I used deepl.I was surprised to see fuwa chan trying to pronounce Chinese, so I'd like to teach you a few words on this special day.It's for fuwawa.我的妹妹是我的寶物 It's for mococo.我的姊姊是我的偶像And finally,萬聖節快樂 Trick or treat I want to give everyone a sweet Halloween. HAPPY BAUlloween | |
¥34752 | ||||
312 🔗 |
¥1,000 | アフォガート |
今日も最高に楽しかった~! |
¥1000 | ||||
313 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | Ngao |
Another amazing karaoke and setlist! A lot of surprising songs!! It was really exciting to see what you were going to sing next! |
¥2187 | ||||
314 🔗 |
¥1,600 | daiken916 |
ご褒美のポンデリング代 | |
¥1600 | ||||
315 🔗 |
ブルーム |
316 🔗 |
¥500 | ななしの |
今回のROCK N' RAWR PARTYも最高だったよ!楽しい時間をありがとう! | |
¥500 | ||||
317 🔗 |
Mshake |
Thank you both for all you do for us! |
318 🔗 |
TF_44 |
319 🔗 |
$50.00 | Eintokun |
This is such a fantastic karaoke stream! I love all the songs and are you still handing out hugs for ruffian? I missed your stream yesterday cause of work. If I can have a spare one, I will be really happy. |
¥7494 | ||||
320 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ビーフジャーキー |
楽しかったです!HappyHalloween! |
¥1000 | ||||
321 🔗 |
A$14.99 | Mei |
Thank you for the fun singing stream! Your singing motivated me to get up & do alot of cleaning, and I was able to finish it before the stream ended! BAU BAU~ | |
¥1420 | ||||
322 🔗 |
ジェムス |
Happy Halloween すごく良かった!楽しかった!ありがとう! | ||
323 🔗 |
$20.00 | katsu (2回目) |
That was so amazing I'm left speechless. Ruffians are so seriously spoiled with FuwaMoco! Now I'm properly prepared for the Halloween vibe! | |
¥2998 | ||||
324 🔗 |
$20.00 | Stingray |
Thank you FuwaMoco for the BANGIN ROCK AND RAWR PARTY |
¥2998 | ||||
325 🔗 |
¥200 | Eins Hart |
¥200 | ||||
326 🔗 |
€20.00 | Marc L |
Thank you so much for another Rock n' Rawr Party! You two sing so passionate together it really makes my heart melt. Keep being awesome! |
¥3174 | ||||
327 🔗 |
¥2,000 | シヴァ村卯月 |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥2000 | ||||
328 🔗 |
CA$2.00 | Ngao (2回目) |
Bless you~ | |
¥219 | ||||
329 🔗 |
$10.00 | otm🐾 |
gesundheit! | |
¥1499 | ||||
330 🔗 |
¥200 | ハンサン【Hansan】 (3回目) |
くしゃみ助かる | |
¥200 | ||||
331 🔗 |
$5.00 | katsu (3回目) |
Sneeze! |
¥749 | ||||
332 🔗 |
R$2.00 | woda the hedgehog (3回目) |
sneeze tax | |
¥60 | ||||
333 🔗 |
$2.00 | Bishop (2回目) |
¥300 | ||||
334 🔗 |
A$20.00 | ranmazoku |
¥1895 | ||||
335 🔗 |
HUF 400 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (2回目) |
¥166 | ||||
336 🔗 |
¥320 | 最近ライフがよく亡くなる尨毛の見た目した毛玉のようなスイカ柄模様の網目メロン (2回目) |
くしゃみ助かる | |
¥320 | ||||
337 🔗 |
¥320 | ナの人 |
くしゃみ助かる | |
¥320 | ||||
338 🔗 |
$5.00 | WalkingCorpse |
Sneeze Tax |
¥749 | ||||
339 🔗 |
€10.00 | deyz 🌿🐾 |
sneeze tax | |
¥1587 | ||||
340 🔗 |
$20.00 | Anan🐾Onel (4回目) |
¥2998 | ||||
341 🔗 |
tanaka |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
342 🔗 |
A$10.00 | G D -KFP ERM (4回目) |
Gesundheit... Sneeze tax | |
¥947 | ||||
343 🔗 |
$100.00 | otm🐾 (2回目) |
Normally it's difficult for me to choose a favourite song in these ROCK N' RAWR parties. Today, it was easy. 沙耶の唄ありがとう。 | |
¥14989 | ||||
344 🔗 |
$20.00 | Darkboomerang |
Koyoi wa Fuwamoco Night! Your singing was so beautiful, I felt the emotions coming through. When you harmonized I melted into mash potatoes. Fuwawa, Mococo would you love ruffians if we were gummy worms? |
¥2998 | ||||
345 🔗 |
¥20,000 | ฅなるみや なゆたฅ⁺🐾 |
今日もめーっちゃ楽しかったよ~!!ありがとう |
¥20000 | ||||
346 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | baileyjs05 |
thank you for another wonderful ROCK N' RAWR party!! you both have been such a pawsitive impact on my day to day since debut, and I can't thank you enough for all of the fun times |
¥2187 | ||||
347 🔗 |
A$100.00 | Lux Aeterna 🐾 |
You changed my view of what a "Halloween song" is today. You gave us so many treats today with the new emotes and another wonderful karaoke. I was so excited to hear Saya no Uta, my favorite today, a very emotional song that I love. |
¥9473 | ||||
348 🔗 |
¥2,000 | オルシオン[ザ・カーブレード] |
素敵な歌枠・もこちゃんのくしゃみとたくさん元気をありがとう!これで明日もがんばれるよ | |
¥2000 | ||||
349 🔗 |
$20.00 | twobearshighfiving (3回目) |
Would y'all like any En song suggestions from us for unarchived karaoke? If so, how would you prefer them? If it's ok, I'd like to sneak one in here, because Fuwa-hime, Moco-hime, I Can't Smile Without You (Barry Manilow) | |
¥2998 | ||||
350 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | linker20 |
trick or treat不給糖就搗蛋.But I only have Natto chocolate.Would MOCOCO play a trick on me?What funny pranks have FUWAMOCO done? |
¥348 | ||||
351 🔗 |
CA$100.00 | Areseia🐾 |
Thank you for another amazing Rock and Rawr Party! I love learning new songs with you two. Your singing always heals my soul. Today I am reporting in from 長崎. Question for you, is there anywhere you wanted to visit but didn't get a chance to during your stay in Japan? | |
¥10936 | ||||
352 🔗 |
¥10,000 | コンピューターおじいちゃん |
2人ともお疲れ様!今日の選曲もよかった!とても楽しかったよ!新しく追加されたモコちゃんのくしゃみスタンプもすごく助かる!フワワちゃんのくしゃみスタンプが出る予定はありますか? | |
¥10000 | ||||
353 🔗 |
Ran, from Touhou |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
354 🔗 |
鹿金すず |
(Doggy) | ||
355 🔗 |
¥500 | ケジメ待ちのフングス | 今日も最高でした!!デビルマンで笑いましたwセトリが幅広くて楽しい!! Thanks BAU BAU |
¥500 | ||||
356 🔗 |
$50.00 | art |
Happy Halloween! You weren't kidding when you talked about working hard for this setlist |
¥7494 | ||||
357 🔗 |
MX$500.00 | Ryūsei |
Happy Halloween BAU BAU; My favorite song was Kaibutsu, this is the third version I've heard of you singing it but it still gets me as excited as the first time! | |
¥4114 | ||||
358 🔗 |
KingstonianMoon |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
359 🔗 |
$20.00 | vanguardduelist |
Thank you for another Rock N' Rawr party today! It was a lot of fun. Love the new emotes too |
¥2998 | ||||
360 🔗 |
€23.99 | zenekakusha | Sharing my birthday money, thanks for all the wholesome times and laughs |
¥3808 | ||||
361 🔗 |
Hibi |
Thanks for that rock n' rawr party. You really save my night shift |
362 🔗 |
$5.00 | Eating Mike Tyson's Ass | I always enjoy watching your streams |
¥749 | ||||
363 🔗 |
¥3,200 | 大胆不敵で知的な紳士 |
フブキさんとポルカさんとのコラボいい悲鳴を期待してますね。 | |
¥3200 | ||||
364 🔗 |
¥500 | てぴ |
ばうばうがばいばいに聞こえるからスパチャ送りにくいよね みんなわかる? | |
¥500 | ||||
365 🔗 |
€22.00 | Lunchy🐾 |
And The Spooky Ghosts were Defeated Thanks To FuwaMoco The Heroes Of Justice Twin POWER! | |
¥3492 | ||||
366 🔗 |
₩20,000 | ゆんゆん |
Otsu BAU BAU~! Thank you for very cute emoji and Rock 'N Rawr Party!!! Also I'm happy Fuwamoco protects my smile today! I want to be kapued by Fuwamoco!! | |
¥2220 | ||||
367 🔗 |
$5.00 | sgtsmurf907 | next time you play ocorina of time can you try get the hylian loach in fishing pond | |
¥749 | ||||
368 🔗 |
A$60.00 | Henry |
Hello Fuwawa and Mococo, What an amazing week! It was fun watching your streams. Lots of beautiful songs in this list. The new emotes are cute, thank you. Congrats on the 600k! Both of you are doing great! |
¥5684 | ||||
369 🔗 |
IDR 200,000.00 | John Smith |
Sorry for the late ticket, and thank you for singing Gegege no Kitaro, that anime was my childhood | |
¥1888 | ||||
370 🔗 |
¥500 | 一撃のごど |
nice boatの歌を歌ったのはめっちゃ笑いました。日本語の歌たくさん歌ってくれて楽しかったです! | |
¥500 | ||||
371 🔗 |
R$20.00 | Chihuahua Abyssgard (3回目) |
Hugging both is the dream of every ruffian, you know? Like a ruffian sandwich |
¥596 | ||||
372 🔗 |
₩3,123 | ヘルティア | my first time watching bui it's fatally cute good! | |
¥347 | ||||
373 🔗 |
Pip Wapton |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
374 🔗 |
$50.00 | deviljeansjacket |
The new emotes are great! Light sticks are necessary for these streams. |
¥7494 | ||||
375 🔗 |
Rey Jaggy |
376 🔗 |
liberos tatarosia |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
377 🔗 |
$20.00 | twobearshighfiving (4回目) |
If I wasn't confident to hug both, how could I achieve my goal of being crushed into a diamond by a double demon dog hug? Crushed, pulverized, smashed, flattened between fluff and fuzz | |
¥2998 | ||||
378 🔗 |
$100.00 | AndyTran |
相変わらず選曲も歌声も最高によかった! Was floored with 悲しみの無効へ、沙耶の唄、and 彷徨う虚, then bouncing with Halloween Night,デビルマンのうた,and CANDY CANDY (That Yasutaka Nakata/KKP sound). I'm sure it wasn't easy to get the 音源 for some of these songs.Thanks for all the work in preparing surprises for us! | |
¥14989 | ||||
379 🔗 |
R$20.00 | Gbraga【ジーブラガ】 |
deposit into FuwaMoco bank | |
¥596 | ||||
380 🔗 |
R$20.00 | woda the hedgehog (4回目) |
Thank you for the great party! You girls are really a treasure |
¥596 | ||||
381 🔗 |
$10.00 | Gabriel | I was so hunger I had to eat a clock. It was pretty time consuming, but I went back for seconds. | |
¥1499 | ||||
382 🔗 |
$20.00 | Lockwhite |
I noticed the headpat emotes are a little close to the ears... |
¥2998 | ||||
383 🔗 |
HUF 4,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (3回目) |
A KISS ON THE PAW IS OKAY?! Then... Fuwawa, your hand please.... chu chu chu Moco-chan, your hand please.... chu chu chu | |
¥1661 | ||||
384 🔗 |
MYR 15.00 | SaltyMaster | I'm feeling pretty down but seeing you two lift my mood up, very much appreciate your beautiful(F) and cute(M) performance | |
¥472 | ||||
385 🔗 |
¥2,000 | おのっち (2回目) |
サイリウムとペンライトの違いを今知りました |
¥2000 | ||||
386 🔗 |
CA$10.00 | Tav |
It's my Birthday! I am struggling to get my twin a birthday gift. Have you two ever had a hard time finding a gift? |
¥1094 | ||||
387 🔗 |
¥2,000 | シュガー&ソルト🧪ラッキーミルク (2回目) |
二人ともとても可愛い早口言葉だったよ |
¥2000 | ||||
388 🔗 |
$50.00 | post sound |
Here's a hug |
¥7494 | ||||
389 🔗 |
$10.00 | HaikouPaisen |
I got paid today weeeee Puppy chow supa! | |
¥1499 | ||||
390 🔗 |
$20.00 | twobearshighfiving (5回目) |
Do y'all think of ちゅ and kiss differently? When I just say ちゅ, it's more like a desperado blowing a kiss to pretty girls. Howsoever you may feel about that, y'all'd look cute dressed like southern belles | |
¥2998 | ||||
391 🔗 |
$20.00 | branesDM |
New emotes are great. Karaoke was great. Fuwamoco are the best |
¥2998 | ||||
392 🔗 |
¥1,000 | Riri🧪【シン・シックス】 |
フワワ!モココ!ハッピーハロウィン! |
¥1000 | ||||
393 🔗 |
$20.00 | Anan🐾Onel (5回目) |
Thanks for another fantastic R&R party! Definitely got me in the spooky mood for the next 10 days. Very much looking forward to all the fun this coming week, especially all the collabs! |
¥2998 | ||||
394 🔗 |
HUF 4,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (4回目) |
So that's a yes, Moco-chan? |
¥1661 | ||||
395 🔗 |
$20.00 | twobearshighfiving (6回目) |
A gentlemanly ちゅ on each of y'all's paw, while sneakily measuring y'all's ring sizes | |
¥2998 | ||||
396 🔗 |
R$20.00 | woda the hedgehog (5回目) |
I'm not really looking to make you wives but I'm up for adoption *wink wink* *nudge nudge* | |
¥596 | ||||
397 🔗 |
¥200 | もりたけ |
¥200 |