トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:≪Idol Showdown≫ button mash strat |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 ¥ JPY 10 59630.00 59,630円 $ USD 18 139.00 18,793円 ₩ KRW 4 120000.00 12,310円 CA$ CAD 2 22.00 2,223円 CLP CLP 1 11000.00 1,874円 ₱ PHP 2 412.50 1,008円 MX$ MXN 1 125.00 951円 NT$ TWD 1 75.00 331円 NIO NIO 1 50.00 185円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 97,306円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
1 🔗 |
Halladay ハラデイ |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
2 🔗 |
uglycommenter |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
3 🔗 |
Monica mtn |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
4 🔗 |
Limpski |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
5 🔗 |
Nicolas Villalba |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
6 🔗 |
Stark Mandalore |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
7 🔗 |
Azrael the Grim Reaper |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
8 🔗 |
TheBlankAce |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
9 🔗 |
maki |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
10 🔗 |
Sigil7X |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
11 🔗 |
MazzyNo |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
12 🔗 |
¥100 | 鴨塩 |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥100 | ||||
13 🔗 |
ppp_p_ |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
14 🔗 |
David Martin |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
15 🔗 |
¥130 | 魔王モト | (無言スパチャ) | |
¥130 | ||||
16 🔗 |
Shatter Frost |
(Upgraded membership to Rat GOD!!!) | ||
17 🔗 |
zafukiel |
18 🔗 |
Maxx |
19 🔗 |
Kafka on the Shore |
Imma see you in LA in a few months. So excited! | ||
20 🔗 |
阿立 |
21 🔗 |
₩10,000 | Qumin [kjumin] |
thank you for the last pun! you didnt need to say that in game. I had a happiest time with your stru... passion. I was vvvvery touched with you and ina. sos forever! | |
¥1026 | ||||
22 🔗 |
KJ |
昨日はマリオ大会お疲れ様 |
23 🔗 |
$10.00 | The Professor Keen | Irys is playing this game too. Go find her! | |
¥1352 | ||||
24 🔗 |
¥200 | FU KU |
アイリスとの夫婦喧嘩が始まると聞いてw | |
¥200 | ||||
25 🔗 |
NIO 50.00 | Rafael Aguirre | How do I cancel the SC movement? | |
¥185 | ||||
26 🔗 |
$2.00 | Oscar Mendez | Muise? | |
¥270 | ||||
27 🔗 |
CA$11.00 | Kurogetsu1 | directional inputs are swapped when you switch sides. so when someone says forward they mean toward your opponent | |
¥1111 | ||||
28 🔗 |
¥500 | 呉野隼人 | 格闘ゲームでのよく使われる方向入力表記は、 |
¥500 | ||||
29 🔗 |
FPSMetalWolf61 |
Idol Showdown for beat each hololive members. well thats something to watch |
30 🔗 |
ホヤ |
31 🔗 |
You're being Mugged Peasant |
mmmmh I loovvvesss whiskeysss and evrclear tooogg much immm. drunk | ||
32 🔗 |
$5.00 | UltraReconKing |
Hello, fellow Suisei main! | |
¥676 | ||||
33 🔗 |
$2.00 | Shinigami Miroku | Sana Is Eternal | |
¥270 | ||||
34 🔗 |
₱137.50 | Master Jonald | Hello bae, masterjonald here. As a game designer of virtual frontier, I hope you enjoyed the mode. | |
¥336 | ||||
35 🔗 |
CLP 11,000 | Chingue Chingon | GET REKT BAE | |
¥1874 | ||||
36 🔗 |
$10.00 | V-Faction |
...May we hear it? | |
¥1352 | ||||
37 🔗 |
$5.00 | F3ARed genocide | I'm gonna bet 5 bucks on you winning the next one. good luck | |
¥676 | ||||
38 🔗 |
$10.00 | V-Faction (2回目) |
¥1352 | ||||
39 🔗 |
CA$11.00 | ChiPsiUp | Bae we know you're a zoomer but are you too zoomer to recognize who this orange haired dragon? | |
¥1111 | ||||
40 🔗 |
$3.00 | Richard G. |
Hey Baelz. I'm outta here. Good luck in the fight! | |
¥406 | ||||
41 🔗 |
$5.00 | F3ARed genocide (2回目) |
¥676 | ||||
42 🔗 |
カイテラ |
(Welcome to Rat Bro!) | ||
43 🔗 |
hissatsu99 |
How playing an anime girl fighting game led to an existential crisis | ||
44 🔗 |
$10.00 | -Inasanaty- |
¥1352 | ||||
45 🔗 |
₩50,000 | やよい軒 |
Learning about new games is important, but the most important thing is to enjoy it. If you're having fun, that's all that matters. Following Mario competition, you did a really good job again. I hope you'll be added to this game someday. Pat the Rat! | |
¥5129 | ||||
46 🔗 |
$20.00 | AlKusanagi |
You did great for your first time trying a fighting game! It takes a lot of practice to get where you're doing things by instinct. You can unlock more cosplay outfits by beating arcade mode with a character. F for Fird Place! | |
¥2704 | ||||
47 🔗 |
$5.00 | luminull |
On the topic of fighting games, there's a character named May from Guilty Gear who I think you'd do a good voice impression of (the jp voice btw) | |
¥676 | ||||
48 🔗 |
MX$125.00 | Rene Alarcon |
Astrogirl as background music hits different. Caught me offguard. Also, you are brave going online. Fighting games players can be merciless. | |
¥951 | ||||
49 🔗 |
₩10,000 | 콘노 유우키 |
I'm happy that there are many hololive fangames made, Anyway have you heard about other fangame which is RPG? I played it and I love it. I really hope you will play someday. | |
¥1026 | ||||
50 🔗 |
$10.00 | vikarus | 1 dev among many here - we worked real hard!!! seeing someone keep going "one more" in virtual frontier makes me indescribably happy THANK YOU BAE \o/ | |
¥1352 | ||||
51 🔗 |
$10.00 | Techno Bits | Thanks for playing our game Bae! Gotta start labbing for that tournament | |
¥1352 | ||||
52 🔗 |
₩50,000 | 권유선 |
¥5129 | ||||
53 🔗 |
$2.00 | Polex411 | i didn't see mario race anywhere was members only | |
¥270 | ||||
54 🔗 |
₱275.00 | Master Jonald (2回目) |
Thank you for playing Idol Showdown. Especially the virtual frontier mode. Hope you enjoyed the game. | |
¥672 | ||||
55 🔗 |
リネン |
you were doing perfect |
56 🔗 |
¥5,000 | エウロス | (First viewing, first super chat)実はベールズの事、大空POLICEの和訳担当で知りました。大人っぽい声も可愛らしい声も全てグッと来て好きです。これからもベールズの活躍&健康を祈っております。 【The following is silent reading】趣味でホロライブnovelを書き始めました。ホロライブの面々を登場させる予定ですが、ベールズをカッコ良く表現出来ればと思っております。 | |
¥5000 | ||||
57 🔗 |
¥200 | FU KU (2回目) |
離婚したからダーツがアイリスに刺さってるの!?!?!? | |
¥200 | ||||
58 🔗 |
¥500 | ROKAgame | Idol Showdownをプレイしてくれてありがとう!プロジェクトチームより | |
¥500 | ||||
59 🔗 |
$20.00 | saltedbread |
GGs earlier btw. I'll borrow from your wheel of excuses and say that I lost 1 game because of the 230ms ping |
¥2704 | ||||
60 🔗 |
¥50,000 | シモヘイヘ | DEATH STRANDINGは移動した先で何をするのか?」ではなく、「どう移動するのか?」自体を核に据えたゲームです! ストランドシステ厶は本作のもう一つの特徴であるオンライン要素。 プレイヤーのワールドは他のプレイヤーのワールドと緩やかにつながっており、他プレイヤーが設営した梯子やロープ、その他さまざまな建設物を共有することが可能になります! 誰かがハコス・ベールズ殿を助けハコス・ベールズ殿は誰かを助けながら目的地を目指すそんなゲーム! | |
¥50000 | ||||
61 🔗 |
¥1,000 | 燃料式掘削機 ねんりょうしきくっさくき@べーちゃん最推し |
BaeRysはいつ復縁(結婚的な意味で仲直り)するんですか? | |
¥1000 | ||||
62 🔗 |
$5.00 | Captain_Corncobb | Hey Bae, good job on your first foray into fighting games! Did this inspire you to perhaps check out the genre and try some others in the future? | |
¥676 | ||||
63 🔗 |
Azure |
Please get some rest and food Bae |
64 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Kayama |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥331 | ||||
65 🔗 |
$5.00 | PlayAtJoes |
Hey Bae, congrats on the tournament (Go Team SOS) and GG on the matches. This was a great and wild week, so thank you for all the fun :) | |
¥676 | ||||
66 🔗 |
¥2,000 | エウロス (2回目) |
【postscript】今の かわいいところ、novelに書き足しますね。thank you Baelz | |
¥2000 |