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配信名:【hololiveID】Prisuners Night : Friday Night Prisun !!!【Ayunda Risu】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	3	119.99		17,804円
IDR	IDR	17	849900.00	8,016円
  ¥	JPY	2	2200.00		2,200円
BYN	BYN	2	20.00		907円
NT$	TWD	1	150.00		709円
  ₱	PHP	2	175.00		462円
CLP	CLP	1	2500.00		391円
PLN	PLN	1	10.00		371円
CA$	CAD	1	2.00		220円
MYR	MYR	1	6.00		189円
----	----	----	----		31,269円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
CLP 2,500 助カルロス gws ardillita te quiero mucho
$100.00 BigNothingMonsterMan Here is for what ever you want Risu <3. Thanks for always lifting our spirits and sharing with us.
BYN 10.00 Rostomer Oh, Risu, i am not joking right now. KGB agent called me on WhatsApp and told me i am in a big trouble. i've sent him to a KGB colonel for consultation.
IDR 50,000.00 Karellen Speaking abt lot of things going on, last Friday I needed to make a report to the police because someone in my office is stealing stuff since October
$9.99 Deadbeat Risuner Ruffian Risu bills fund
IDR 20,000.00 ꦱꦼꦤ꧀ semangat ris risuheart
IDR 200,000.00 X3N - rawr
Am tiger so I'll scare all the bad thoughts away and gib risu a BEEG BEEG hug! >:3 Get better soon okay bun? You've been working hard & I can't assure you that everything will be okay but I will always support! Patpat ^w^
IDR 50,000.00 Dean Gf
apa kabar saya ris? pajak penghasilan 20% lebih, cuma gegara nilai aset usaha naik
NYOM harga pakan ayam udah naik hampir 30% di aku, tapi harga ayamnya yg dari peternak malah turun 50%
Buku Nuklear Hello Ris, did you know, some place in Java call goat baby Cepmek
IDR 50,000.00 Dean Gf
katanya TKI profesional kalo balik dikenai pajaknya lebih gila dibanding TKI ART?
Idolatry Woo another month. Sorry for little super chats this month 😞 money is a little tight after buying BD merch and super. Love you squrl risuheart
IDR 50,000.00 Katya M13 "don't have anyone to talk"?? do you mean "don't have anyone *else* to talk" ma'am? for we are here for you Ris risuheart
BYN 10.00 Rostomer
The fact, that you are sharing such important things to us, shows the amount of trust we all earned. Thank you for it, we will try to do our best to maintain it.
IDR 20,000.00 onizuka 'Jomok-Mwalas' sensei easy, hommie! we got your back!
₱50.00 _Kei Loke
we gotchu homie!
IDR 50,000.00 RK You've gone through times like this before and have always come out the other side even stronger. I believe l, this time won't be any different
IDR 20,000.00 RK
Cepat sehat Ris - Beaver Council
IDR 20,000.00 onizuka 'Jomok-Mwalas' sensei
can i give you hommie's good night kiss?
asakim AP do you know an ice cream that go to church? it's called sundaeRiscot
$10.00 Six The most fun dreams for me are the recurring dreams in which everything happens exactly the same aside from your actions, its like choosing your own adventure. Anyways don't forget to get some rest!
CA$2.00 Momo Berryポタン・もも We love you. That's all I will say. GWS bestie. ❤
PLN 10.00 Bober No. You shan't!
IDR 20,000.00 TimePause drink more hot water, get well soon & rest well❤