トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【THE EXIT 8】no sense of direction and easy to scare 🐾【8番出口】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	42	1521.98		217,300円
  ¥	JPY	7	16130.00	16,130円
CA$	CAD	1	100.00		10,569円
 A$	AUD	3	60.00		5,709円
NT$	TWD	3	1125.00		5,153円
HUF	HUF	1	10000.00	4,097円
  €	EUR	1	20.00		3,108円
  ₫	VND	1	500000.00	2,940円
SGD	SGD	1	20.00		2,142円
 R$	BRL	1	50.00		1,451円
ARS	ARS	1	100.00		18円
----	----	----	----		268,618円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
ていとく (Welcome to Doggy!)
Tehami A (Welcome to Doggy!)
$20.00 twobearshighfiving
Alright, if Mococo won't remember to do it, I'll let Fuwawa know, it was a dastardly plan to get Mococo to tickle you every time you touch the screen, in order to save it. Bau bau ⤵⤵
¥2,065 [たべっこよーて]天津川 綾🧪🩷 FUWAMOCOちゃん8番出口お疲れ様!このスパチャを読んでいるころ、きっと驚(おどろ)いたりおじさんに笑ったことでしょう。頑張ったお2人にはご褒美として美味しいお店を予約しました!行き方は8番出口から徒歩8分だそうです。
Ruka Erika Ch. 絵里香 るか Thanks for the awesome streams they are so fun FUWAheartMOCOheartall the best FuwaMoco ,I’ll join membership when I can!Happy Xmas and New year2024!
$100.00 Spiffyman 30 Though a multi-year fan of other Holomems, you two are the first I consider my Oshi. Every clip of you two puts a smile on my face! Thank you for blessing us with your BAUBAU and comfy streams! 二人とも応援したい!I give to you, my first akasupa FUWApatMOCOpat
$20.00 art Nice speedrun today! Was wondering if you used Yuki's mug yesterday for maximum immersion? 気になって昨夜2時間しか眠れなかった (Although it seems we are going for Rina now...)
SGD 20.00 Ashry Zulkiflee🐾 Hi Fuwa-hime, Moco-hime. My Kami Oshi. You are one of the best moments that happened to our lives and especially 2023. Thank you for working hard for our sakes and I can sense your sincerity and honesty. Bau! Bau!
$5.00 Fuji086 Ad Victoriam!! Bau Bau!!
Evee FUWAheartMOCOheart
$20.00 CatinMoon Fuwawa fluffy! Fuwawa comfy! Mococo we can just reload at the save! It would mean more VN streams! Could we do VN fridays?? PLEASE? Fuwamoco playing VNs is the funnest streams!! Your enthusiasm is SUPER contaigeous! LVOE IT!
Skulls_rw BAUBAU
$20.00 vanguardduelist Yesterday's White Album stream was one of my favorite streams yet. So many routes to choose. I understand now how visual novels can be so fun. Thank you for always cheering us up and brightening our days. You two are the best
ARS 100.00 Cristian Tapia Hello FuwaMoco, I am a fan of Argentina and I identify with Matsuri-sempai (kimoi), when they say BAU BAU they are very adorable
Taro (Doggy)
$20.00 jameswargull
We all love you a ton! FUWAheartMOCOheart
$50.00 twobearshighfiving
I'll firce my phine to play noce, I'm very, truly, incredibly *fond of you dutiful, wonderful, delightful ladies. Y'all really are something special, and don't ever forget it. (My phone almost butchered that last line, too)
€20.00 Ponguin🐾 Although I came too late today to see you destroy this game, I came just in time for the Supa reading! Talking with you is always very comfy! I started reading Leaf VNs now thanks to you, which ones do you like most?
NT$750.00 Tai Teng Hello~FUWAMOCO~BAUBAU I miss so many streaming! i'll see the VOD later.By the way,You're so cute!!FUWApatMOCOpat thank for the stream~
$20.00 Red Jester
While some may be surprised at how fast you conquered "The Exit 8" I am not! Two powerful demon dogs on the case means those abnormalities didn't stand a chance! I couldn't be any more prouder at how observant you were!
$20.00 Darkboomerang🐾 If you stare at an image long enough changes can appear, so maybe thats what happened with the hallway. Maybe that's why as I watch more of your streams you two keep getting cuter. Silliness aside congrats on the quick clear!
$20.00 TileSeller
Which do you prefer, Elf or Leaf? Or both?
$20.00 Anan🐾Onel
Thanks for the fun SC reading stream (especially the WA SCs)! I could've sworn there was a game stream scheduled, but maybe you beat it faster than the human eye can perceive? I kid, but you definitely 'ate' that 出口 right up!
$50.00 Nuahs_Nil Bau bau Muwawa and Fococo I'm heading to Tokyo for a 2 week vacation next year in April. Do you guys have any recommendation on where to visit? Also, when advent get their cafe collab, what food/drink combo will best represent you two?
NT$300.00 かみ箱 BAUBAUBoth of you did the Great job for this game!You two are the fastest of EN member!Fuwawa notice so much Ihen(and scream most),I love youFUWApat!Mococo is cute and reaction so fastMOCOpatマリカ大会と新衣装が楽しみ!
$20.00 rad shiba
YAHALLO! Besides natto and pon-de-rings, I think the food you've mentioned eating the most is soup. Which soup is your favorite? Which soup do you drink the most? Are you fans of stew or hot pot? I looooove spicy hot pot!
$20.00 WalkingCorpse I mean, maybe the Ruffians love FUWAMOCO. I suppose it's possible. It could be true. I don't know...
$20.00 Hydroyasai When I visited Japan, what surprisingly helped me find my way around was all the time I had spent learning idols' kanji names! I still got plenty lost in the stations themselves though so congrats on finding exit8 so quickly!
$20.00 rad shiba
I will keep leading FWMC prechat fan chants until I wither away
$50.00 Itta 🐾
Super secret I really do love Fuwamoco
R$50.00 Gbraga【ジーブラガ】 secret superchats? don't tell anyone, but I love FuwaMoco.
$10.00 Anan🐾Onel
I don't have any secrets to share, so BAUBAU!!!!!!!!!!!
$50.00 Phoenix
it's not really much of a secret, but I also love FUWAMOCO