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配信名:#2【DANGANRONPA】Shower Scene (GONE WRONG)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	6	44.00		5,782円
----	----	----	----		5,782円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
MepChama ch. The way Kirigiri makes Makoto do everything, is like he's her gun kusa
$10.00 Zerocopy I want reine to narrate my life now
temporary67315 Leon's hair is red, Sayaka's hair is blue! As it turns out, they were used as the male and female bases that all the other designs were derived from!
$20.00 Sloth of Shadows Kind of ironic, he was trying to get out of baseball and baseball killed him. First it got him into this school, then his baseball skills helped us pin the crime on him, and then baseballs broke his literally everything.