トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : SUPER MALAS【Ayunda Risu】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: ris when will you marry? R: if i have a marriage you guys will cry. just like when, who was that indonesian celeb, got married and it becimes the day of broken heart. c: well that's true | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: what about a marathon in monday? R: can do | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] R: what is this "closing" thing? i read it before too. c: it's about the closing on fasting month, better not search for it. R: okay i won't | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c:when getting together in fasting month, always got asked "when will you marry". R: that's just your fate, i'd say | ||
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Katya M13 | membership dlc tskr |
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: what if i share it in family's whatsapp group (talking about the mem content) R: I'd say, if that what happens, your family might think weird of you, saying "so this is where your money went" | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | there's no end to these questions, pien | ||
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Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 | pagi risdu~ | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] N: morning risdu~ R: morning nirma~ | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: already got a handful having an oshi like you, and want to have more? | ||
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Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 | ketinggalan apa aku kenapa ngomongin gen 4..... wkwkwkwkwk | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: having this one oshi is already uncomfortable. R: so this is how you are? one day you rizz, and now you like this? | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] N: what did i miss? talking about the 4th gen. R: nah, just someone asked | ||
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Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 | referensinya tua ya temanku (langsung paham) | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] N: the reference is old, huh, my friend (getting it immediately) | ||
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Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 | choushi wa dou = apa kabar? | ||
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Nirmala Yumeria ch. 【 Project Yoru 】 | selamat ulang tahun! | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] (they're talking about characters in kids magazine, which has been printed out since long ago) | ||
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Katya M13 | ultah~ | ||
24 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i'd say of you buy that, you can watch the stream while washing the dishes, how much does it cost again? 90 million idr? whoa | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: our money already depleted after we moved out, and we need other things too, i'll hit you. R: his wife scolded him, guys www | ||
27 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: mbak hunny's husband be like, better not comment yet for now | ||
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Katya M13 | titah dari oshi |
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: sure, holofest is okay, but buy me snacks for fasting for the whole time kay ris. R: i'd say that's your husband's duty | ||
30 🔗 |
Katya M13 | pengalaman ndengerin cerita para ibu2 ya wkwkw | ||
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Katya M13 | masih senin pagi ges, jangan lah halu dulu wkwkw | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] (Risu was talking about moona's twitter post where moona and yopi asked what risu just said and risu answered "i have two eyes" which make moona and yopi laughed, leaving risu confused) | ||
33 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: will you stream tomorrow at 6pm? i need sweets for breaking the fasting and risu is sweet | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: ris try making a poll asking viewers age. R: do you want to tho? c: pls don't. R: let's not | ||
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Katya M13 | ngapain jodohnya dicari, kan di layar udah ada tupai imut, mungkin jodoh-able, bisa ditanya dulu ges wkwkwk | ||
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Katya M13 | gws Zetaaa | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about falling in love with you? R: what's wrong with you guys? are you guys sane? no? I'm sorry then | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | [EN] (Risu is telling she has many streams lately because in the holofest period she can't stream for a week or more) | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | [EN] c: so this is the last stream before the fest? R: tomorrow is still possible | ||
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Katya M13 | |||
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Katya M13 | what is that sound wth wwww | ||
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Katya M13 | jangankan fix, bisa i can be with her aja udah cukup wwww | ||
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Airani Iofifteen Channel hololive-ID | Stream malas nya lama juga yak | ||
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Katya M13 | [EN] I: the malas stream is a long one, huh. R: yes ofc, hello Yopi | ||
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Airani Iofifteen Channel hololive-ID | Hah aku diomongin lagi??? | ||
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Airani Iofifteen Channel hololive-ID | Ga papa, farming pahala, passive income pahala | ||
49 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: i got talked about again? R: no, they just saying love you Yopi, i miss you Yopi. suure, those belok | ||
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Katya M13 | biro jodoh wkwkwkw |