トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【IDENTITY V】*LAWYER NOISES*【Hololive ID 2nd Generation】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
288 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:43:16 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: im that bad at direction, but taht was fun O: you wanna do duo or normal? I: any for last is fine O: oh wait i forgot to invite lol I: see guys? she just wanna play by herself, smh | |
289 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:44:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: you wanna cancel match making first or- Z: wwww the game wont let us | |
290 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:44:33 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (singing the thing announcer would say in the train station or movie theater) | |
291 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:44:41 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: lets go cyber rush | |
292 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:45:18 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh this is- ah handsome man, please dont chase me yet R: omg zeta you SPOOKED me lol | |
293 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:45:29 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: LMAO i dodged him | |
294 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:45:50 PM |
M Hoshidayat | AHAHHAHAHA | |
295 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:46:03 PM |
M Hoshidayat | mas mas... kowe lanang lho mas, MASSSS | |
296 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:46:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: who was that passing buy? R: oh my sir, dont do dat- OI OI SIR, I AM A GUY, NO TOUCHIES | |
297 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:47:20 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you know since we all are decoder, lets jus decode, just let me be, but i almost done with the drawing tho Z: AHHHHHH NOOO THATS TWICE R: im seeing the chaos infront of me www | |
298 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:48:11 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: the skies are so high huh? Z: i wanna do my rhythm game, let me goo I: i wanna try composer later O: you wanna try all composer? that would be fun | |
299 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:48:59 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ah i died sooner www O: is this last game? I: just decode why dont ya | |
300 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:50:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ONE MORE, i cant sleep like this Z: www and there's where we start | |
301 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:50:21 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: lets atleast win one Z: yea.... and we;re entering a tourney too O" WWWW | |
302 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:51:27 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: someone draw for me plz, i was ambitious to draw for a project myself but in the middle of it i died, i wanna yeet it off but im mid way | |
303 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:51:39 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i wanna try... prospector | |
304 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:52:13 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: ooo where am i? O: oh we're facing the queen, hello~ | |
305 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:52:41 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i wanna see her but i dont wanna see her, what to do R: dont se what you dont wanna see I: omg iwas drawing and you got me, whyyy | |
306 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:52:55 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: im coming~ O: no im closer | |
307 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:53:08 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: sorry i bugged. i couldnt press Q | |
308 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:53:39 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ok im coming, please make it, please make it, I: im self healing, she;s going after risu Z: im almost there | |
309 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:54:13 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: AIM AT HIM ZETA O: risu what are you doing? R: idk O: oh heal me Z: LET GO OF MEEE- oh it reached the end | |
310 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:54:23 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: SHE DIDNT SEE US WWWWW | |
311 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:54:39 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i think she's pissed off from that lmao | |
312 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:55:01 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: cmere lady, oh she;s not coming? well fine, its not like i want you to chase me, hmph | |
313 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:55:31 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: noo why did you chase me, i wanted to cypher noo | |
314 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:55:51 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok lets rescue risu O: imm cypher R: she TPd to me, careful | |
315 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:56:28 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: DONT COME HERE'S SHE'S THERE Z: its fine im almost done with my cypher | |
316 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:57:02 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: where you goin? R: oh what's happening? Z: she got trapped by my magnet- NOOO ITS OUT I: NOOO bye risu | |
317 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:57:12 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: i shall look for the dungeon | |
318 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:57:42 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: 1 more cmon we can do it I: you do it, we're runnning O: should i cypher or- I: just cypher, they found the dungeon | |
319 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:58:18 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: give me... 6 seconds, we can do this, zeta dont get caught- ZETAAA Z: he's here O: ok, i'll just go bye then | |
320 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:58:55 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: imagine he TP'd here- AHHHHHHH Z: he's on his way there I: lmao that wass close GG | |
321 🔗 |
1/6/2024 4:59:14 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: atleast ollie survived O: lets take a pick, who's taking it? | |
322 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:00:00 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: atleast im not in my pajamas, lets goo | |
323 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:00:17 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: where do you wanna take a pic here? O: www how do we line up for this? | |
324 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:00:48 PM |
Karl's Clips | ||
325 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:01:13 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: damn we're one happy family huh? Z: but where does the game save the ss? in the document? I: ollie face forward Z: is she showing her but to us? www I: im trying to take a pic | |
326 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:01:34 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh we can take a screen capture Z: idk how to tho | |
327 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:01:57 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i wanna take a pick but u keep going back there O: sorry ww Z: awww so cute | |
328 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:02:10 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
329 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:02:35 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok now to look for where the game saves this Z: oh you can ingame screen shot it too? i see | |
330 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:02:42 PM |
M Hoshidayat | lucunya www | |
331 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:03:01 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ok we done, now what? I: its done, now to look for the file Z: i did it manually cause idk | |
332 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:03:01 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Otsuuuu~!!! | |
333 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:03:36 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: otsu guys, lets play again soon I: we got a tourney wwww, put it in the calendar so we wont forget Z: ok www its just for fun | |
334 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:03:49 PM |
M Hoshidayat | apa tuchhh? | |
335 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:03:49 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: tomorrow i have "something" please loookforward | |
336 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:04:02 PM |
M Hoshidayat | YEYYYY | |
337 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:04:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: how about the others? O: i got mario kart tomorrow Z: dont forget to stream taut hatiii~ | |
338 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:04:16 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] OTSU ID~ | |
339 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:04:34 PM |
M Hoshidayat | OtsuID~! thanks for the stream~!!! |
340 🔗 |
1/6/2024 5:04:44 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Otsuu too all! cyaa on other side! |