トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Ranch Simulator】Have fun with the girls!!!【holoID】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
44 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: you need to look for fuel meter | ||
45 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Bruh throw the car yeah | ||
46 🔗 |
haruharu | lol | ||
47 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: then what next? K: Place the jerry can here | ||
48 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I mean on the rear, you might need to arrange it first | ||
49 🔗 |
haruharu | kaela ketinggian |
50 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: You can pinpoint to where we go | ||
51 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I dont see any pinpoint A: Who's there?! HIT THEM! | ||
52 🔗 |
haruharu | anya sesad |
53 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Jangan dicontoh dirumah ya [en] K: Drive safety guys ~ | ||
54 🔗 |
haruharu | |||
55 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Park on the center road, let's make a congestion ~ | ||
56 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Pick the nozzle and point it to the jerry can | ||
57 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: What are you doing?! | ||
58 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: It's already filled, please car move back a little | ||
59 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where should I fill it? K: the one with the green one | ||
60 🔗 |
haruharu | |||
61 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Wait it's not fill yet A: how do we know it's filled K: our money got decreased | ||
62 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What BGM for teletubbies? A: My BGM is more like a teletubbies BGM | ||
63 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What should I do? Who talking to the clerk? | ||
64 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We need to bould a radio in our car | ||
65 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh we have $400 in our pocket | ||
66 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
67 🔗 |
haruharu | |||
68 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Can I steal this? oh I cant | ||
69 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There will be gun int his game | ||
70 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: If we have bigger vehicle we can put much bigger animal in the vehicle, right noe we can only put 2 boar | ||
71 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
72 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We need to build a radio on the vehicle | ||
73 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Moona char is pretty beautiful | ||
74 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | WKWKWKKWKW | ||
75 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Why the pink color like this?!!!! | ||
76 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: The pink color is very very bright lol | ||
77 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What should we buy? K: (mentioning stuff that need to buy) | ||
78 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: That's it? Okay BUY! | ||
79 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There's the stuff . . . okay let me put it on the vehicle | ||
80 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I'm guarding the stuff, oh yeah we can only sleep at night, around 8 PM game time | ||
81 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: try pressing "L" for Light . . . ok good | ||
82 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where are you Anya A: I alread at the farm | ||
83 🔗 |
haruharu | |||
84 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: YOPI! What happend to your eyes, that car is very big | ||
85 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | CHIMKEN! | ||
86 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Chimkin | ||
87 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where? On the tools? K: Careful when buying rooster, they can escape | ||
88 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Okay ready? done | ||
89 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh my very dark in here | ||
90 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Bless you ~ | ||
91 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: lets go back and sleep | ||
92 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Bless u | ||
93 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] It's very adrk here M: Yeah A: Like in horror game | ||
94 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] (Moona tell story when she went to a place and she use gmap for the location, but the gmap took Moona to a scary place) | ||
95 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Talking about walking, there's time when I go home late and using google map with the holouber and passing creepy place | ||
96 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I think camping with 4 of us will be fun | ||
97 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I dont know other place to sleep other than the camp | ||
98 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: can we use this mattress? A: There's one on the upper flor K: Yeah I cant use it | ||
99 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | kyaaa ~ | ||
100 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
101 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What should we do? Pur food, grain food? | ||
102 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: I already chop lot's of tree | ||
103 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh we have a revolver, maybe we go hunting? A: Okay hunting | ||
104 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: but we have to buy ammo, so we need to umm . . . | ||
105 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: TO build press "T" | ||
106 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What should I do with this? K: give it to me and let me put it on the forest | ||
107 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I need Jerry can, where is it again? M: Let me clean this place a little . . . | ||
108 🔗 |
Gerrymon | OCD Strikes ww | ||
109 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Maybe later, we have to process it M: I can't hear you ~ | ||
110 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We gonna have ammo later | ||
111 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Ok that's how you process a log, Moona senpai you focus on building, I'll provide all the log you need | ||
112 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Where do I bulld it? And how? | ||
113 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What should I build? K: Chicken coop, but we can make fence for chicken tho | ||
114 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Where do I put the chicken coop? | ||
115 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I can't build it here? Oh you already place it? I: yeah all we need next is logs | ||
116 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: Can someone buy more gasoline? | ||
117 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I do process the logs, Anya senpai cut some three | ||
118 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | WKWKWKWKKWKWKW | ||
119 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | RAWWWWRRRR | ||
120 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
121 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Fiest* | ||
122 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Okay let's move this chimken | ||
123 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: How to move them? I: Right click then release | ||
124 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] How to move? I: press right click | ||
125 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Where the jerry can? K: You have to buy on the General Store | ||
126 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: how to drive this? I: Press "F" to turn it on | ||
127 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: I will pin the general store location | ||
128 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Turn here? Okay ~ | ||
129 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] So fast | ||
130 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
131 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: What happend if we run out of fuel, we push it? K: umm that's why you need to have fuel, you can use Jerry can tho | ||
132 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Crashing a big trailer ww | ||
133 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: I mean that trailer suddently spawn in the middle of the road | ||
134 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I probably be here in couple of hours, since we need lot's of logs ~ | ||
135 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Kaela butuh Kayu | ||
136 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: There is no Jerry can here? | ||
137 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Jerry Can | ||
138 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Jerry Can | ||
139 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: No? I think it's on different store, try hardware Store | ||
140 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: No Jerry Can here | ||
141 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: If you want, you can rearrange this woods . . . | ||
142 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Gas gas gas | ||
143 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Why we do the labor work? lol | ||
144 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Where the entrance? | ||
145 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where do we enter the buy place? | ||
146 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN]I: turn around from the back | ||
147 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Our cash currently $300 | ||
148 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We only need Jerry can? | ||
149 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: can you buy ammo? | ||
150 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Dont forget ammo, we need to for hunting | ||
151 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Ammo is on General Store . . . | ||
152 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Ammo in general store | ||
153 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Meat get us a pretty good money in this game | ||
154 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] You drive now | ||
155 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Okay you drive now Yopi | ||
156 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
157 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: while they go out the chicken is dying | ||
158 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Do we have enough money? All we do is buying stuff? | ||
159 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K; We do given some food initially | ||
160 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: how to refilll the car? M: here, pick the nozzle and insert the car | ||
161 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: We need to clear mission to get money | ||
162 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Dont move the car | ||
163 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We need to do some demolish to get money, but we have to start from the roof | ||
164 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Selangnya | ||
165 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | wkwkwkw | ||
166 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: It got stuck | ||
167 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | WKWKWKKWKWKWK | ||
168 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
169 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Baby Gurl, Rawrrrr | ||
170 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
171 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Okay this person keep donating wierd message and it make me confused | ||
172 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I: you dont have to be so neat | ||
173 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: It's very dramatic way to demolish the building K: Yeah like hiyaaa | ||
174 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
175 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Welcome to |
176 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I: the car suddenly spawn! It surprised mne | ||
177 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh yeah ammo and chicken food | ||
178 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | WKWKWKKW | ||
179 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
180 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Moona why you tp to farm? WKWKWKWKKW | ||
181 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Glitch | ||
182 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Iofi, you on your own, too lazy to go there | ||
183 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Why you came back to farm alone M: I have no idea, it's a glitch K: Ah I see | ||
184 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | MOONA SMASH!!! | ||
185 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
186 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I think we done demolish the house | ||
187 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We got money! 750$ | ||
188 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: yaay we got more money, we can shopping again! M: HOw much do we get K: Around $750 | ||
189 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Someone said to me that faster way to get money is by getting pigs | ||
190 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: SO I have to build a barn? K: yeah, but if we want to biuld it cheap, fence is enough | ||
191 🔗 |
Gerrymon | bacon | ||
192 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: But barn is enough since there's 4 of us | ||
193 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where should I place the barn | ||
194 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
195 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We dont need home right? | ||
196 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We really dont need a house right? K: Tent need to be build, I mean it's almost night | ||
197 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We ned more of woods | ||
198 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Do we have metal? we might need to buy it | ||
199 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We have one person to buy stuff | ||
200 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We need to build the middle section 2 times, since there's 4 of us. bigger the better ~ | ||
201 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Ammo automatically loaded when we bought it | ||
202 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: Who need sleep we do work overnight | ||
203 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] How do we chop this small tree? | ||
204 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: How do we feed the chimken? K: Place it here . . . yeah pour option, then close | ||
205 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: ALso we need to build where chimken can drink, on the build menu | ||
206 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Now I just neeed wood | ||
207 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There, small water bowl | ||
208 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What's this? I think I do it weo- oh it's right | ||
209 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I can't place the wood here . . . oh need to put it one by one | ||
210 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | SC |
211 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: It's already dark, I can't see, let's sleep K: Okay who told us not to sleep? We dont have beds, it's line in MC | ||
212 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] *It's like | ||
213 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: That tent can only be used for 2 people K: Maybe disconnect? but I'm afraid you can't reconnect again | ||
214 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: I think the best choice is we keep working K: We can, how about them? M: I think I can keep working | ||
215 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh we run out of woods | ||
216 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We just need to buy one tent right? | ||
217 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
218 🔗 |
Gerrymon | 6th sense ww | ||
219 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I can do my work perfectly with my inner eyes | ||
220 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We basically boild temple in one night literally | ||
221 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
222 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh we also need to make a well for animal to drink, yeah I learn it from viewers . . . | ||
223 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: I think the game tell us to learn by mistake | ||
224 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There's is more advance table, but it costs $1000 I think . . . | ||
225 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: When morning came, Anya senpai go hunting and sell the meat on burger shop | ||
226 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Yeah we have to bring the meat one by one, that's why we need a chiller for it | ||
227 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: I dont know where the place for hunting K: You can do it on the road, you saw them spawning on the road right . . . | ||
228 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: It's not 12 AM yet lol | ||
229 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: make the well near barn, it's almost completed | ||
230 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Careful when hunting, there will be bear and wolf | ||
231 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: For concrete, we need to buy it M: I need metal K: We need to buy metal btw | ||
232 🔗 |
Gerrymon | So strong | ||
233 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I'm gonna place the woods here | ||
234 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: If we keep hunting, the animal will be gone, so we need to keep selling eggs from chicken | ||
235 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] we ignore the chicken, it produce 8$, but we ignore it | ||
236 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: and also pigs | ||
237 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Where should I put the small bown K: Inside the coop | ||
238 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: how to put it again? K: That's why when I first play, I make fence for the chimken | ||
239 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: I build fence before so the chicken can run around | ||
240 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
241 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: That's the probel with OCD, I'm just a humble carpenter | ||
242 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There's inflatable mattress for just only $15, and it's for 2 people too | ||
243 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: It's not straight enough | ||
244 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
245 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: someone said John Wick make a chicken coop lol | ||
246 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: The jokes is just john wick making a chicken coop | ||
247 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: I mean he already atoned right? Oh is there any dogs here K: Maybe wolf | ||
248 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
249 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh right John WIck might be argry if someone kill a chimken | ||
250 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Ayam-ayamku mana?! | ||
251 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Its' almost 5 AM A: but it's till dark here | ||
252 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K:I currently empty the logs here | ||
253 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: For the dor, should I make it on the side or front? I: Right here | ||
254 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Where do you want to put the door? I: in the fornt | ||
255 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh it's finally moning ~ A: Suddenly there's light | ||
256 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Weird it isn't closed well | ||
257 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I t's not closing, I confused | ||
258 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] why the length is different? | ||
259 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Why the length of the fence is different? | ||
260 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] The side fence probably not straight | ||
261 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I think the fence is a bit either to the right or left, that's why it's not closing | ||
262 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: see? it's not closing | ||
263 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] A: is it because we use different size? | ||
264 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: ill go shopping | ||
265 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I: Its closed! M: i still have to close the back | ||
266 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Wait I need to turn off the machine . . . | ||
267 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Wait, I have an idea! I: THE CHICKEN MIGH DIE!!!! | ||
268 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Wait a minute! I Have Idea! Io: NO | ||
269 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
270 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] The chicken will die | ||
271 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: I need concrete for well | ||
272 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We need 6 plank for this | ||
273 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] So we need metal and 20 concrete | ||
274 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: we need money coz metal is expensive | ||
275 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Dont forget the tent | ||
276 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Haw to change it to 1st person | ||
277 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Bless you | ||
278 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | bless you ~ | ||
279 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I already change view but it's remain | ||
280 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] It's Ok if you buy more | ||
281 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Buy necessary stuff first | ||
282 🔗 |
Gerrymon | lol Ela | ||
283 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io; its ran out | ||
284 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
285 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Out of gas. Kae: the gas is in the garage | ||
286 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: the chicken so cute | ||
287 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Turn it on fitst | ||
288 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: I bring 3 sack of food, put it out | ||
289 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: I'll be back taking concrete, since it wont fit (the car) | ||
290 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Buy some Pigs too: K: we dont have money | ||
291 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: ill just cut the wood you can stack it | ||
292 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] A: it run like a girl? |
293 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I still dont know how to chop wood (tutor how) Wow it speen | ||
294 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: We need money and hunt. Anya is currently hunting | ||
295 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We need to sell the meat in burger store and the price is fluctuating | ||
296 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] what do we need to build next | ||
297 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: the pig pen. M: we already did | ||
298 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I think we need the large door. Oh it exist | ||
299 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We need 40 no 43 metals | ||
300 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] This is for horse? | ||
301 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] for 4 legged animal? Pig also have 4 legs | ||
302 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] which one is for gigs? | ||
303 🔗 |
Gerrymon | *pigs | ||
304 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Is fence enough? K: I did use fence before | ||
305 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] How big should I build? probably a large one | ||
306 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Iofi |
307 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
308 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] This size should be enough? | ||
309 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K & A: (debating when to sell the meat, and dont have money to buy tent) | ||
310 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: Finally we can sleep | ||
311 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] we have the pig pen now? K: how bout the pigs? none | ||
312 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: can the pig reach it? M: should we use small? | ||
313 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Ah the small one for chicken | ||
314 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Let's get home and sleep | ||
315 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Lets add the small one | ||
316 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] So dark | ||
317 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We can fill the food now | ||
318 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Kae: Lets go to sleep | ||
319 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Kae: Moona wants with Iofi | ||
320 🔗 |
Gerrymon | finally ww | ||
321 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Sahur sahur | ||
322 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Banjir dong wkwkwk | ||
323 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] If you sleep in the tent, its flooded! Poor you | ||
324 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I cant turn it | ||
325 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I really rotate the mouse | ||
326 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Air itu Hijau | ||
327 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] why the watter is green? | ||
328 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: its herbal water | ||
329 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: Meanwhile our skin is colorfll | ||
330 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K&A (celebrate rising price) | ||
331 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: pig is expensive, 300$ each | ||
332 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: Pend the chicken, its not produce enough | ||
333 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [ID] Ambil yg tengah dulu? Ga bisa | ||
334 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Ini bukan Jenga | ||
335 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [ID] Ini bukan Jenga | ||
336 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Santay dulu ga sih | ||
337 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: The tree ran out M: Just relax | ||
338 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
339 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Soon the John Wick is petting pig | ||
340 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: Making crops? It's expensive | ||
341 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Do you want female or male pig? | ||
342 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: we can only buy one. M: Female first then | ||
343 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: they say wait till we have enough money | ||
344 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: can we sell woods | ||
345 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
346 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | wkwkwkwk | ||
347 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] (Talk about naming) | ||
348 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] The chicken gone | ||
349 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Rambo, its time to show your masculinity | ||
350 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | BAHAHAHAHHAHA | ||
351 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: waht about the red chicken? Io: can we customize the chicken? K: no I''m inside | ||
352 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: now we have red and purple chicken | ||
353 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Rambo now have 2 lover | ||
354 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Is this water Ok? | ||
355 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] we need to make ig circular mouse movement | ||
356 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] My mousepad is not big enough | ||
357 🔗 |
Gerrymon | *big | ||
358 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | buset wkwkw | ||
359 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] She climbing the mountain | ||
360 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Yopi take more water | ||
361 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: how do we get money? | ||
362 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] M: Now the feeder | ||
363 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] whic one is the pig feeder? | ||
364 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | wkwkwkkw | ||
365 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Rambo not expert (Jago) even though its a rooster (Jago) | ||
366 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] He mald and prove his masculinity | ||
367 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
368 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Iofi you are red with blue jeans like spider-man | ||
369 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Can we hatch the eggs? K: we can but it took a long time | ||
370 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] (encouraging Rambo to breed) | ||
371 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] What do we have to work then supervisor? K: just keep chopping wood | ||
372 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I cant see Anya cry anymore | ||
373 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] what happen if the tree ran out? K: dont chop small trees, it can still grow | ||
374 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] This game is so fun, I can play for hours (with sarcastic note) | ||
375 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We can even encourage the chicken | ||
376 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We cheer Rambo so he can do the deed | ||
377 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K&A (talk about hunting, the wild animal ran out) | ||
378 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Can we set the respawn rate? | ||
379 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: One plank worth 2$ M: so cheap | ||
380 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: this is why I chop a lot of wood in the beginning | ||
381 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
382 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] (Moona threating Rambo) | ||
383 🔗 |
Gerrymon | lol expecting rooster to drop eggs |
384 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] You noob! We neeed to rost it first | ||
385 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: You said no to selling wood before. M: but we neeed money to life now | ||
386 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Nice gift yuba ~ | ||
387 🔗 |
Gerrymon | o7 Yuba | ||
388 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: lets all chop tree | ||
389 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] DO we need to bring gas? K: Its still full tank | ||
390 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We can get pigs faster | ||
391 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | agak lain |
392 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: And we bulld all the pen first. Io: Its preparation | ||
393 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: John wick chopping trees for pigs |
394 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Its a lot, we just need to collect it | ||
395 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: this is not a good day for hunting | ||
396 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Luckily we dont have hunger meter | ||
397 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] A: it's too heavy | ||
398 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] A: I can barely drive | ||
399 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | wkwkwkwk | ||
400 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Oh no the logs are rolling down | ||
401 🔗 |
Gerrymon | escape | ||
402 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
403 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: Is this how excomunicado lives | ||
404 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] all 4 pov fro wood | ||
405 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: Anya even do illegal logging on the side roads | ||
406 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Can we plant trees? | ||
407 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Wiidiih ngerinya ~ | ||
408 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
409 🔗 |
Gerrymon | So many |
410 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Penggundulan liar | ||
411 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: we ignore the chicken | ||
412 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: I'll go and sell the woods | ||
413 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: how much do we make? | ||
414 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: pig is cuter | ||
415 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Io: 4 player max? K: yes | ||
416 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We can get at least 2 pigs | ||
417 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: we end up buying rooster | ||
418 🔗 |
Gerrymon | * before | ||
419 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
420 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] I'm sleepy for keep repeating this job | ||
421 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Moona is nyooming | ||
422 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: oh the fuel is depleted | ||
423 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] Its out of gas, bring it all here | ||
424 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
425 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] We get 260$ wait... | ||
426 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: we can sell for $250 guys | ||
427 🔗 |
Gerrymon | [EN] K: i think There's a quest around | ||
428 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I remember there's quest about it, I think it around somewhere, like a house near camp or something | ||
429 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: yeah Demolish quest and capture a fox | ||
430 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Like a quest to catch a fox where they kinda destroy someome plant | ||
431 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: We are very at this ~ | ||
432 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: let's move the logs so that it near the chopper | ||
433 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: it's alright, the sunflower is fine ~ | ||
434 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Can we cross the river? what if we drowned? | ||
435 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I think we gonna camping here | ||
436 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: look there;s camp ahead, we can sleep here. But we can;t sleep yet, not the time to sleep | ||
437 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] but the scenery is good right | ||
438 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I think it's time for HoloID to go to camping, but sadly when we already decide the date, there's something else to do | ||
439 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: is rembo safe? I: 3 eggs already M: Ah so rembo need some private time ~ | ||
440 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Should we sleep, let me back to the camp | ||
441 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: Yeah I tp to the camp | ||
442 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: okay it's time to sleep | ||
443 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
444 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Btw we sleep near the gasoline. OI YOPI WAKE THE F UP!!! I: I DONT WANNA WORK!!! | ||
445 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Siram siram wkwkwk | ||
446 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Ditodong sama Anya dong wkwkwk | ||
447 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Kerja bagai kuda | ||
448 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: This game basically we have to do labor work everytime ~ | ||
449 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We already have lots of woods/planks here | ||
450 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: How much does the fuel cost? K: lot's, look at the balance | ||
451 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: we got some game meat | ||
452 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
453 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: You need to cut more tree K: yeah cut more tree | ||
454 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: how much does the bigger truck cost? K: soo many | ||
455 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I have money, but I dont feel happy . . . ooh heavy topic | ||
456 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | waduh |
457 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Finally we back to the ranch ~ | ||
458 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Let's switch work, you guys go sell the planks | ||
459 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: After selling those, you can buy some pigs on the way | ||
460 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Finally I can bring home some pigs ~ | ||
461 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Rembo ~ how you doing? | ||
462 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Nice, you got 4 eggs ~ | ||
463 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Try drive the car, as long as it stay . . . | ||
464 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Where do we sell it? K: General store | ||
465 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Yopi you coming? I: I wanna watch rembo M: Then you dont want to see pigs . . . | ||
466 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: some eggs can hatch, some dont . . . huh how can you tell the differnt? | ||
467 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: There's a device? Incubator . . . wow | ||
468 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: From here you turn right . . . | ||
469 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh we got $256 ~ | ||
470 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Nice you can buy pigs then M: Okay gonna buy the male and female pig K: Oh yeah pigs do eat a lot | ||
471 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: let's pick up the pigs ~ | ||
472 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I: Oh yeah pig food M: Not enough place for it and not enough money | ||
473 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh we havent change the day, so it's still $15 | ||
474 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh nice now I remember the road ~ | ||
475 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
476 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: probably next time you play, you might forgot it again M: yeah lol | ||
477 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: the pig got loose lol | ||
478 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: What's the pig name M: baba for the male, Bubu for the female | ||
479 🔗 |
Gerrymon | baba but male... | ||
480 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | How could you |
481 🔗 |
Gerrymon | gaslight ww | ||
482 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Look guys, we bough 2 pigs then we got 1 for free | ||
483 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: maybe someone could buy some mince machine | ||
484 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | babi bertelur? baru tau |
485 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: What happen here? | ||
486 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Ok, I need tos sleep now~ have fun Moon | ||
487 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
488 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: What's the goal for today? | ||
489 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Already 8 PM let's sleep ~ | ||
490 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I will bu some pig food . . . | ||
491 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Let me sell this, then buy some pig food, then let's take a trip | ||
492 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: What does the pig eat btw? | ||
493 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: oh we can sell for $320 | ||
494 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Should we buy the food or something else? | ||
495 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] A: the log has been depleted guys | ||
496 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: This is ovoscope? so small | ||
497 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: we don't get anything if we demolish this one? | ||
498 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I still dont understand about the eggs fertilize concept . . . like what color does it fertilize or not | ||
499 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: now let's fill for the animal food ~ | ||
500 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: if the egg hatch, we might not know if they escape | ||
501 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh this is a proof that the egg have embryo in it | ||
502 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Oh look at it . . . it has embryo, on the upper right | ||
503 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: what's the green color does? | ||
504 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] (they are separating which eggs are fertilize and which are not) | ||
505 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I will sell the one that are not fertilize okay | ||
506 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: To hatch the eggs, do we need to place it on the device? | ||
507 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Oh we need Incubator M: yeah I think we need to buy that | ||
508 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: John wich becoming chicken caretaker lel | ||
509 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] *wick | ||
510 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: we can place it inside the coop I think | ||
511 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: Just let the eggs be | ||
512 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: someone pick this basket and go up here to sell the eggs | ||
513 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
514 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Wild meat still $15, should we sell it now? M: maybe we keep it again | ||
515 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: maybe the price will be different if we sell it on the burger shop | ||
516 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: how about we plant this seeds? | ||
517 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Yaay | ||
518 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | DC? |