トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【GOLF IT】DIMASOEKIN BARENG........................ BOLANYA【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
73 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Wow, i got lost often but not that bad lmao | ||
74 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: CMON we can do it Z: dont use too much force K; with the power of moon, whooo A: yea she did it | ||
75 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: But senpai~, Anya: LESGO BY THE POWER OF WOMEN'S PERIOD (wtf) | ||
76 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (nice) | ||
77 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lol my baby went in the wrong hole | ||
78 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Who was that??, Z: Dont enter this hole with only one motion | ||
79 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: How do i see the score?, Iofi: You can see it after the end of the course | ||
80 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: THAT HOLE IS TOO SMALL, Iofi: AHAHAHA | ||
81 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: how do you see the score? I: its at the end K: how many holes are there? I: about 18 iirc Z: THE HOLE IS TOO SMALL IT WONT FIT | ||
82 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: We are playing with 8 members here and the hole is too small!!, Iofi: AHAHAHA | ||
83 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: can we jump there? oh no i guess | ||
84 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Stop misclicking!, Kaela: Wow thanks for pushing me, Iofi: SOFTLY MY DEAR, SOFTLY~ | ||
85 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: that was Moona that pushed you, awww~, Kaela: I see, yeah keep pushing sure lmao | ||
86 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: KEEP PUSHING I: lETS GOO MOONA O:: yaay she's in | ||
87 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Wow that hole is getting so many balls | ||
88 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: ARE YOU SERIOUS, Reine: Wow you two have white balls, what a couple~! | ||
89 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: 1 for all aww A: OI dont follow me | ||
90 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Alright, its time to push! | ||
91 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Auntie, dont punch the ball, geez, Reine: yeah dont get mad at the balls | ||
92 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ma'm dont push too hard ma'am K: no getting mad ok? R: the heck is this? | ||
93 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: What- what is this course, Ollie: Risu senpai is already on her way, Anya: OH CMONNNN | ||
94 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] iofi: WOW REINE??? that's good, Zeta: WHAT IS THIS, Ollie: Why is everyone so mad lmao | ||
95 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: risu can you go first? Z: oh cmon wth O: lol everyone's emotional | ||
96 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: AYUNDA RISU????, Risu: Hehenggg~ Yeyy~~~, Kaela; Where am i- OH THANKS FOR PUSHING ME GEEZ | ||
97 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: sureee keep pushing eachother, anyone wanna get pushed? Z: me me i wanna get pushed | ||
98 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Zeta: please push me!, Anya: me too!!, Iofi: I cannot push myself so yeah | ||
99 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: Stop "Drown-shaming" thats no good~~ | ||
100 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i cant even boost myself let alone get boosted O: you guys need to stop the drown shaming guys, smh | ||
101 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: did someone get in? M: reine went in after 2 times | ||
102 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Moona: oh Reine already got in, Kaela: yeah she got in twice, Z: *Monkey noises* | ||
103 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: time's up, I: who won? AYUNDA RISU??? | ||
104 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: how did risu won? Ri: in golf, the less the number the higher your point K: so risu won? (all : yea) | ||
105 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Zeta is the loser here, what is the batsu gonna be?, Zeta: no, we are gonna do it 3 times first, Reine: We need to do intro guys, Moona: ITS BEEN 30 MINS!! | ||
106 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: btw should we do an intro? M: ITS BEEN 30 MINS AND WE HAVENT DONE ANY INTROS | ||
107 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: We should have intro okay!, Iofi: lets start from Risu then | ||
108 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | net battle | ||
109 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Intro time, even tho its in the middle lmao) | ||
110 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I am Airani Iofifteen, i am ready to get these balls inside that hole | ||
111 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Reine Auntie, cmon, do your intro | ||
112 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: umm..i am Reine and i am happy to get 3rd, i am fron 2nd gen thank you | ||
113 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: And i am Moona Hoshinova, and tonight we are gonna put these balls inside whose holes~, Iofi: WAIT WHAT | ||
114 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Alright Moona alright~ | ||
115 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: I am Kaela Kovalskia and why is Anya has the same score as me? I am not here to win I AM HERE TO FIGHT! | ||
116 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: btw i just realized the bottom 3 names are in JP | ||
117 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Zeta: Wow these 3 from below are using JP name, i see, Anya: And well, hello guys, this is my first time playing!, Kaela: THE ONE WHO HAS THE SAME SCORE AS ME! | ||
118 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Hello i am Vestia Zeta, i am gonna find wher ethe hole is!!!, Ollie: The hole is here, just go inside~ | ||
119 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: idk where the hole this rounds were but i WILL KNOW where the holes next round | ||
120 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | *sigh* | ||
121 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: disclaimer, we planned to collab with all of us, but one of us has "familial matters" so she coulldnt join | ||
122 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: YOu cant skip the delay between shots right?< Iofi: yep you gotta wait, Moona: Btw we are gonna have a disclaimer: We wanna have a full member collab but Kobo is on vacation now | ||
123 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: hopefully Kobo can join next time!, Iofi: yeah she can join for 2nd session | ||
124 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela; its hard to get 9 members to have their schedule empty and aligned | ||
125 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: its fine, we named it golf it session 1, so we gona go for the 2nd one soon K: i mean finding time for the 9 of us is kinda hard so yea she going was kinda sudden | ||
126 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: I am gonna change my color first, Iofi: yeah lets customize first | ||
127 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: you need to grind to upgrade | ||
128 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: I need coins??, Moona: You dont really need coins right?, Kaela; GRINDING TIME | ||
129 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: how are you wearing a hat? i cant wear one Z: ok ok anyways lets play!! | ||
130 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Zeta: Alright, lets grind for some skins, CMON READY UP!, Anya: Waitttt | ||
131 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Okay okay, i am good, Iofi: Alright, i am gonna set the time here | ||
132 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ok press ready, hurry hurry I: i'll make the time longer ok? K: i think 5 mins abit long I: 3? 3 should be good A: KAELA STOP HAVING THE SAME COLOR AS ME K: im green | ||
133 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Dont do 5 mins, Iofi: Okay, 3 mins then, and collisions okay, Anya: Why do you keep choosing the same color??, Kaela: I chose Green tho?? STOP ATTACKING ME! | ||
134 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: well each holoID have specific color, why dont we- I: i want my kira kira ballz (golden ball) | ||
135 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I want kira kira balls, i want my balls to be shiny, Moona: So, we are gonna have one ball with deep red and one with soft red, Kaela: I am gonna choose green i guess, i dont wanna exit | ||
136 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: im too lazy to change it O: just unready it K: oh, ok lets change it to orrange | ||
137 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: You dont have to exit to change, kaela: well then | ||
138 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oi you using pink? omg K: how red are you ollie? O: im hot pink K: ok i'll go maroon | ||
139 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: I am using a hot pink color, Kael: I am gonna use this maroon color, Z: can we use transparent ball??, Iofi: HUH?? | ||
140 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: are there no better brown? its all combination so its pretty bad | ||
141 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Any brown color that is good to see?,Zeta: Wait what? is there evena bad color of brown??, Moona: You can play with the saturations | ||
142 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Readyyyyy *clicking*, Iofi: Zeta seems so impatient to get the balls in, Kaela: She wants the batsu | ||
143 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i think zeta cant wait to put in some balls K: nono she just want a batsu M: ok we'll give you abatsu later ok dear? | ||
144 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: Dont worry Zeta, you're gonna have all the batsu, Z: I DONT WANNA HAVA A LOSING STREAK | ||
145 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | *have | ||
146 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: okay, okay, i am done, okay i am here! | ||
147 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: change puter speed? wth a puter speed | ||
148 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: yaay i got pushed in | ||
149 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Oh no i am being pushed- yeyyy~, Kaela: I am the one with deep red, Iofi: wait Zeta uses black?, Zeta: No it was grey | ||
150 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: zeta's black too? Z: no im grey M: isnt kaela red? O: OMG (hole in one) | ||
151 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Moona: isnt Kaela using deep red?, Kaela: no one is using black, Ollie: OMGGGGGG | ||
152 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Ollie getting hole in one) | ||
153 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Wow Reine, niceee, Anya: oh cmonn, Kaela: How do you even do that?? | ||
154 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] AnyA: I cannot- oh nvm i can, Iofi: Wow Zeta is doing it~ | ||
155 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: how did you do that? can you do a hole in one? I: omg reineee K: how the hell did you do that? A: can i? oh i can guuys I: im going to the moon guys | ||
156 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: slow down kaela~ | ||
157 🔗 |
158 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: kaela~ go softly~, Reine: Are there any percentage for the power?< Moona: You gotta measure it, Kaela; NO MEASURING, BRUTE FORCE LESGOOO | ||
159 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: brute force is the key R: was i hollow? what? | ||
160 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: NICE, KEEP PUSHING ME THANKS | ||
161 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I wanna be pushed too- ah welp, Zeta: Nothing is impossible, Anya: Do you want my push, Iofi senpai lmao | ||
162 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: sureee keep pushing, no one gonna push me? A: how was my push iofi? | ||
163 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Why are you going reverse??, Kaela: Okay? Nice then, Ollie; Why nice?? | ||
164 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]K: why are you going back my dear? Z: she's taking her stance R: almost there,(nice) | ||
165 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: go left! Okay there we go~ | ||
166 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: where's the hole? K: AH- O: thats what she said | ||
167 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: KEEEP PUSHING Z: anya noo dont get closer O: TELL HER ANYA, WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS | ||
168 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Zeta: So many is in here, someone start fi-, Anya: who keeps pushing me??, Ollie: Anya, you should be angry at her, Zeta; I didnt know okay???, Anya: 1 year and you're already like this | ||
169 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: This is a form of love, this is my love language, to be close with you and push you | ||
170 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: after a year in holoID she's starting to talk back? Z: imean im closer to you now so i can right? | ||
171 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: ollie you need to be abit more gentle, O: its too lubed, so it cant feel it enough | ||
172 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: This is too slippery, it feels like too smooth, Risu: Look at the balls and go slowly, Moona: yeah, just go softly and slowly | ||
173 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: why the heck cant i put it in? A: just put it in, you can Z: good luck ollie you can do it A: wait can i ask? why is there a number on the goal? O: its the hole's number (finally) | ||
174 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: you can do it Ollie senpai, wait, what is that lamp? is that a hat?< Ollie: yep, Anya: So, what is that number on the hole?, Reine: That means its the 4th hole | ||
175 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: that was far, oops, that was the wrong way, ouch dont push me | ||
176 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: is the ice really that slippery?, Iofi: yep | ||
177 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Wow Iofi with the assist | ||
178 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: is the ice sliperry? lemme push A: NONONO DONT PUSH ME AAAA | ||
179 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: if we got pushed, will our strokes increased?, Iofi: nope | ||
180 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: if you push you wont increase the other's strokes so its fine | ||
181 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: senpai, so basically we need to push as little as we can? M: yes | ||
182 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Senpai, this goal is....well, its possible, to push, Kaela: Push?, Z: I mean its possible if we push | ||
183 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: there's a hole there? A: is the time to complete this matter? M: nono just the stroke numbers | ||
184 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (ela hole in one) | ||
185 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: OMG RISU, THAT WAS A PRO PLAYER MOVE | ||
186 🔗 |
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID | too cold so L2D will freeze brrr | ||
187 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i was too forcefull to the ball K: can someone push me? Z: can i go here? oh nvm A: this is hard damn M: you can do it reine | ||
188 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [ID] terlalu dingin jadi L2Dnya bakal diem bentar yak | ||
189 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: GO ANYA YOU CAN | ||
190 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: OMG SHE REACHED THE ROOF | ||
191 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: why are we playing mario kart? | ||
192 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: wait why did a heart appear when i bumped into risu? K: I CANT GO SLOWLY, IMMA GO BRUTE FORCE A: she;s too tired for this damn | ||
193 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Ouch, too far, Moona: Why did you call your dad there lmao, Risu: Where was the- uehhh | ||
194 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: Wow there, Zeta: God Moona senpai is so funny, the ball is shaking, Reine: Wow, Zeta, the audacity!!, Zeta: FINE FINE, i kept being the one at fault here! | ||
195 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: looking at moona;s soo funny, the ball;s shaking so much O: moona, tell her off Z: NONO THE BALL WAS REALLY SHAKING I: how does a ball shake lmao | ||
196 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: AHAHA the balls are shaking...., Z: Do your best! Kaela! A bit more! | ||
197 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: who even play golf like that? accrobatic like I: idk, someone maybe K: THANK YOU FOR THE PUSH | ||
198 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: PUSH ME BESTIE!!, Reine: Oh thanks for that, Iofi: Do an assist- oh baby, whyy, Moona: Ahaha sorry~ | ||
199 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: baby why didnt you push me? M: missclick www | ||
200 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: left is the devil's way, right is right then Z: to the red one im sorry www | ||
201 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: One is right and one is the devils' way, Kaela: I AM GONNA GO AHEAD! | ||
202 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i can hear reine from the other room www Re: yea the rooms are echoing www | ||
203 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Zeta: where am i- wait-, Risu: You are going backwards! | ||
204 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: ELA ITS DOWN THERE K: ok imma yeet down there O: why did you go in there? | ||
205 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: Go down there, Risu: Go slowly, down there! Z: Almost there! | ||
206 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS, Kaela; Wait that is a different map??, Z: Yeah i also thought that! | ||
207 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: THATS ANOTHER MAP?? Z: I THOUGHT IT WAS TEHRE TOO O: reine even moved to another room www | ||
208 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Omg even Reine is changing room right now lmao | ||
209 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: oi dont pull any pranks ok? K: keep pushing | ||
210 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh so you're with her now kaela? ok i see | ||
211 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: can someone push me again? | ||
212 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] iofi: bestie, push me~, Ollie: I dont wanna....., Anya: WRONG WAY!!, Iofi: kaela push me, Ollie doesnt wanna, O: Oh so you're doing this with her Kaela?, wait what happened? is this billiard? | ||
213 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: WHY DID THIS TURN TO POOL? I: yea why are we plaing pool? | ||
214 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: PUSH ME AYUNDA RISUCH!, Risu: no | ||
215 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Risu is taking it slow, Risu: No, i was just waiting, Anya: I see, so you are waiting so you wont get pushed | ||
216 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: awww thank youuu Z: goo risu I: she only has 2 strokes, Ri: i was replacing pinned chat Z: nono it was her plan to not get in the chaos | ||
217 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: cmon abit more K: how do you do this guys? | ||
218 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I am farther away now..., kaela: Keep pushing, Zeta: Ohh this is good, just a bit more | ||
219 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: cmon Reine, you can do this! | ||
220 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: nice senpai, wow so good, Kaela: Next stage- where are we gonna go here | ||
221 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: where do we go here, idk but imma just go | ||
222 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Omg anya what the hecc, Anya: ikr | ||
223 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: anyone wanna push? | ||
224 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I can glow!, Risu: Press L!, Iofi: hehe~ | ||
225 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: if you press Alt+F4 the hole is gonna get closer, Iofi: AHAHA | ||
226 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: wait it can light up? Z: yea, try pressing alt + F4 to move the hole, Re: i fyou unplug the cable its an auto hole in one | ||
227 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Moona: press what again?, Anya: ALT+F4 moona senpai lmao | ||
228 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: can we light up? OH WE CAN | ||
229 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Moona: How do you use those lights?, Kaela: its light using flashlight | ||
230 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: Am gonna start first, Ollie: Reine? WITH THE TWO STREAKS?? | ||
231 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: wait i cannot stop there??, Iofi: Nope, you gotta get across | ||
232 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: wait, so all the last hole is gonna be like this?, it feels like it | ||
233 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: are all the last holes like this? 1 shot in? Ri: idk | ||
234 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Well, depends on the dev, suki suki anata | ||
235 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: SLOW DOWN KALEA O: she's so brutal here | ||
236 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: she's black but why is her light white? | ||
237 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Oh yeah, i was glowing white too, like snow, Kaela: It isnt according to our color right- wait, what is the max streak?, Reine: 22, Anya: We should think of the batsu from now | ||
238 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: should we think about the batsu? I: yea sure K: how about the last one? Z: did we play before? this is the first one i think | ||
239 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: What about the batsu from before?< Z: i dont know what you are talking about, Ollie: WOW REINE??? AMAZING?? | ||
240 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: lets change level, Ollie: yeah lets change | ||
241 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: I pressed exit!, K: Same, welp i am gonna go join again | ||
242 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: dont forget to hide the code guys | ||
243 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: eh what?, Iofi: Zeta is already here | ||
244 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: It should be Yopipi right? (the host), Iofi: yeah i already invited you | ||
245 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: is Reine taking practices before this stream? i swear | ||
246 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh well lets go Z; wait abit | ||
247 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Welp, lets get to it, Z: wait, i havent, wait for me | ||
248 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: what game mode do we have?, Iofi: well there's hard, and there's custom, kaela: I guess hard is just gonna be a harder course, so many holes or so many obstacles | ||
249 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: is there any other game mode? I: hard? idk the difference tho K: isnt it probably a harder map? I: okok lets try hard then | ||
250 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i found feesh O: sure zeta sure... | ||
251 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Wow i found a fish~!, O: okay zeta okayyy, we get itttt | ||
252 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Why am i getting a tutorial, R: yey lights~, Iofi: same, lights~ oh so hard mode means no arrow | ||
253 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Ahh this is gonna be frustrating | ||
254 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: what? why is there a tutorial I: yay i can light up A: good thing im yellow, my light is bright I: oh no there are no arrows now | ||
255 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] iofi: you gotta use your feeling for the arrow, Kaela: Ollie push me please, Ollie: NO! | ||
256 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Ollie seems mad at me~, Ollie: SHUDDUP | ||
257 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: can some one push me abit? ollie can you? O: no K: shee she was mad at me M: cmon ollie you can do it | ||
258 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Moona: Cmon Ollie you can do it~ | ||
259 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Oh man no arrow is so hard, Anya: Luckily i used yellow, not brown, the color is too blending in, Iofi: But, atleast we got the power meter | ||
260 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: If i got pushed does it count?, Kaela: nah, it wont | ||
261 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Why are you guys so pro, Z: CMON A6GAP! YOU CAN DO IT! | ||
262 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Re: does getting pushed add to the stroke K: no so just wait for someone to push | ||
263 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: she wanted to do a trickshot there | ||
264 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: Look at her doing trickshots, M: oh so cool~ | ||
265 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: Where am i? WOW HOLE IN ONE??, Iofi: REINE???, Risu: Reine is a pro! | ||
266 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: So thats why you wanna join us! I see~ | ||
267 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: reine did a hole in one? K: she's a pro golfer huh? M: ahh so she's secretive about it | ||
268 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: noo just abit more, AHHH damn it | ||
269 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Almost there- AAA DAMMITTTT, Iofi: Lets go~ Ayunda Risuch over here! | ||
270 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: GERONIMOOO oh man, Anya: WHY AM I GOING THERE? HOW?? | ||
271 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: WHA- HOW??, kaela: Idk why- wait we can fall here?, Z: yeah seems so | ||
272 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: we kinda need light here , else we cant see anything K: should we just go forwaed? ok A: if we fall here, its gonna be real funny | ||
273 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: I swear if i fall here, Iofi: Dont jinx it! | ||
274 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | ['EN] Ollie: Anya, you said that and i am the one who got jinxed | ||
275 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: anya i got that jinx now Z: you want me to push you? A: this is holoro bond O: I'D RATHER HAVE NO BOND | ||
276 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Awww look at them pushing~, Anya: is this how Holoro's gonna bond? Oh no- okay we are gonna disband lmao | ||
277 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: cmon ollie, Ollie: Wow my strokes, i got a lot of endurance guys~ | ||
278 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: cmon ollie O: i have so may strokes, Z: can i just stop here? | ||
279 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: Zeta, you can just go left, Z: Ehhhh | ||
280 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Just go slowly to the corner- there we go, Zeta: okayyy | ||
281 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: ok you can do this, dont miss, ok | ||
282 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: LMAO REINE (from another room) | ||
283 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: where do we go here? A: nice i fell off Re: where do we go? K: go up M: how do you go up? I: just go up and you'll fall into it | ||
284 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i cant hit it, M: JUST HIT IT | ||
285 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: cmon cmon you can do it nice | ||
286 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: oh goodness, now what? Re: idk K: do we go down? I" no go up O: ohh like that i seee Re: WTH IS THIS? I: just do it, it get stranger the further we go O: i wanna smash this mouse so bad | ||
287 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: I wanna use this mouse harder but this is office's mouse- | ||
288 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Wow senpai already has a hat, i want one too, Iofi: Calm down! lmao, Anya!, Ollie: Anya doesnt need to be sharpened, she sharpened herself | ||
289 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: anya;s starting to get pissed, no need to sharpern the keris, she's sharpering her self www | ||
290 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Dev, if you are watching, please make a Hololive skin, Iofi: yeah so we are gonna be more motivated to play, cmon! | ||
291 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: oh there are holes there i see, so we plauing tom and jerry O: dear deeloper, please make a holoID skinn for this K: damn the request has been sent I: i mean its to motivate us and get people | ||
292 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (reine screaming in the other room) | ||
293 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Ollie and Iofi asking for Hololive skins from dev) O: AHAHAHA, I dont hear Reine from the discord, i heard her from the other room LMAO | ||
294 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: LMAO im not hearing reine from discord, i heard her for the other room | ||
295 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: OI OI OI TAKE IT EASY, ok i;ll stay here K: you waiting to be pushed? nice, she got blocked O: damn zeta is good K: is she in? O: yea Z: WAIT I DONT EVEN KNOW IM IN | ||
296 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: she just need to close her eyes and win I: i mean she's a cat, she;s good at this | ||
297 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: Zeta doesnt need to open her eyes, the ball is already in the hole while she closes her eyes still (Reine can still be heard screaming in Ollie's POV) | ||
298 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: this is the 12th hole, we got like 6 more | ||
299 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Who made this stage, i swear, Kaela: But wait, can we go there again tho?, M: yeah, Kaela: use my feeling? How much more do you need?? | ||
300 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: im using my feeling but this game has no feeling | ||
301 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Zeta singing Bebas) Z: OH NICE I STOPPED THERE!, Iofi: We need to break free!!! | ||
302 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: is ollie not in yet? I: i think its better to be on the right so you can see the kart | ||
303 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Close your eyes, and use your instinct~ | ||
304 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Matsuri, please give me your- OH YOU STUPID-, M: WHAT??? | ||
305 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: close your eyes guys you can do it O: with the power of matsuri.... matsuri you DUMB- (WHAT??) | ||
306 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: What did you just say to mat- okay i ddint hear anything | ||
307 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i still have no idea where the hole is M: ow, did i hit something? | ||
308 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Is this because of the hard mode?< M: oh no i bumped into something, O: Where's the hole she said, ehehe | ||
309 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: WHAT- OHH WHAT? I SEE!!, Reine: Where's the freaking hole?? | ||
310 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ahh okokoko i found the hole I: yea the hole is there | ||
311 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: I got so many strokes already, Ollie, cmon! Go! | ||
312 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: damn i cant believe how many strokes i have O: NOOOO AAAAHHH | ||
313 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: This is golf, this is us playing pool!, Anya: No this is just mario kart | ||
314 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: lol she got yeeted by the train K: this is no golf, this is pool A: nono its golf, but like mariokart M: idc im tired | ||
315 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | BLOk | ||
316 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: Holoro is teetee, Reine; Tete??, Ollie;: TETE?? | ||
317 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: do we need to get up there? how? JUST YEET IT TOTHE MOON THEN | ||
318 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] kaela: How do we even go up there? can we just yeet that ball to the moon?, Iofi: moon? Awwww~ | ||
319 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Ri: oh we can | ||
320 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: channel your inner "OBISA" | ||
321 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: Cmon guys, channel your inner OBISA | ||
322 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i cant do it, do you need power? Z: need abit more, there you go | ||
323 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: nvm, i need to appply more power, Z: There we go~ | ||
324 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: the hole is in space? O: holes are usually below tho | ||
325 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Wait, the hole is on the sky??? What??, Ollie: The hole is always below down there, dont forget | ||
326 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: how the heck do we put it in there | ||
327 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Re: tch how do you even do this | ||
328 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: cmon, dont cry in the corner you can do it, you're abit too tilted, straighten it abit | ||
329 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: okok this is good Z: yea its good from here K: change the way you tilt it abit O: make it about 10-20 degrees I: NONONO WRONG HOLE AAAA | ||
330 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]A: .... i give | ||
331 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: im sorry who;s LMAOing there? A: why are you crying? M: its just soo funny | ||
332 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ahh i cant push you in | ||
333 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Eyyy, Z: nice, Iofi: okay, now we are gonna go- oh- | ||
334 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | (L2D ollie beku dikit, ,maklumin ya gais |
335 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: wait fish??, Ollie: Yeah Zeta, we get it | ||
336 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: oh the hole is down there? im confused M: can i cheat through here i wonder hmm lets try | ||
337 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: WHO IS THIS?? WHAT, Moona: Wait, i can go this way but...okay we are gonna try this way then | ||
338 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Anya: WHERE IS THE- WHAT???, Kaela: Do your best, Iofi: Infront of you babe, Moona: Yey! | ||
339 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: where is the hole? I cant see it??? | ||
340 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: wait where am i? where's the hole idk A: I WASNT DOING ANYTHING DUMMY, i was there but then fell off | ||
341 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: The one on the right, Anya: yeah i was there too but i fell!. Z: okauy i found the hole! | ||
342 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: I swear i fell just like that, Iofi: maybe you put too much power, Anya: I swear i am not | ||
343 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: there its infront of you, nice A:i legit went there and then was yeeted outside I: anyasar www | ||
344 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: Cmon, this is the last one guys | ||
345 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: last one guys I: OMG I FORGOT THIS ONE K: do we go donw? I: no just go forward Re: NO SHOT WE'RE GOING INTO THE KART | ||
346 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Are you serious~, A: Oh cmon now, K: use your feelings, O: Okay fine, A: OMG YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME, WHAT WHY | ||
347 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: yepp keep pushing Z: tsk too low powr O: have you ever wanna eat a golf ball? Re: DID I GOT IN?? OMG I DED | ||
348 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: ooo i fleww high | ||
349 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Do you guys ever wanna eat golf ball?, I: If it didnt make me get a stomachache then sure, Reine: OHH NICE!!, I: Wow Reine got in! | ||
350 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: okay this is closer | ||
351 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (rages in zombie) | ||
352 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: What is this stage's problem??, Iofi: I dont even know Anya, i wonder how Reine does it? | ||
353 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: the heck is that kart's problem? I: idk anya... M: HOW DID YOU DO IT REINE?? Re: ITS THE PRAYERS OF A GOOD GIRL (ollie praying for reine) | ||
354 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: THIS IS THE POWER OF GOOD GIRL!, Ollie: Okay Reine auntie i hope you are healthy and keep being cute and beautiful, yes yes | ||
355 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: Ela? What??, K: yeah thanks guys, thanks so much, Reine: Rigged | ||
356 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: so are we free from batsu K: sorry guys i cant play it the easy way | ||
357 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: This means, I CANNOT PLAY EASY, I NEED THE HARD MODE! | ||
358 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: NO NO I AM NOT BEING SERIOUS!, Anya: Arent you the serious one here, Kaela: Okay fine, so next am gonna be serious then | ||
359 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: guys im kidding im just lucky A: arent you the most serious? K: ok i'll do it seriously after this Ri: toilet beak abit M: me too me too | ||
360 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Ollie: You can go with the Zen Stage, the Japan one | ||
361 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Kaela: isnt the hardest one the one with the hole in one only?< Iofi: yeah, lets go with the easy mode, so yeah, we are gonna go with 4 courses, 3 more for when we are with Kobo | ||
362 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you wanna do the hardest one? O: is it the zen one? I: yea the one in JP K: isnt the hardest one the hole in ones? I: we have 7 maps, we do 4 now and then 3 more later with kobbo | ||
363 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: What color the stage is gonna be?< Iofi: Red, O: ME!, Z: Dev, i want you to add a mode where the hole changes place every 10 seconds | ||
364 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: developer can you make a levele where the hole move every 10 seconds? K: wait i got yeeted out, why? | ||
365 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i think the developer kicked me out, O: smh devs, we're gonna be needing a compensation | ||
366 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i forgot i havent set the mic before so its been low (the others liked it pre setting) | ||
367 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | too loud | ||
368 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Omg, i forgot to set my mic, here's fine now, kaela: Wait, the one from before is better, it sounds like you have a studio recording voice | ||
369 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: yeah the one from before is pretty good already | ||
370 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (chilling waiting for moona) | ||
371 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: you guys are ready? K: hold on im resetting my ball I | ||
372 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (wekwekwek munyu munyu munyu, random sfx galore) K: wait i am gonna change my ball,. Iofi: So yeah, for Moona and Risu, we are gonna leave the other maps for later when we play with Kobo | ||
373 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: You kept saying that, what if we lose to kobo?, Iofi: Yeah like Reine, she is suddenly number one, Risu: Yep | ||
374 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: we have part 2 later ok? I: i mean we never know if we get better at part 2, O: imagine losing to kobo after that I: that means she's been playing offstream, or maybe she;s like reine | ||
375 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Like Kaela too, K: I was just lucky, i swear! | ||
376 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i was lucky, i didnt even know what i was doing I: but did any of you ever play golf? O: i have A: ok im ready~ | ||
377 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: So who is here have tried actual IRL Golf?, Ollie: I do~, M: I got places like this near my place too, but i wanna try sometimes | ||
378 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: aww this place is cute | ||
379 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: why am i here? K:why is no one pushing me? Ri: OI WHO'S THAT INFRONT OF ME? | ||
380 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Why am i going here...., Anya: Why is Zeta so far away already, Risu: WHAT WHO WAS THAT??, Ollie: WOW ABUNDA IS ANGRY | ||
381 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Alright, you and me bestie! | ||
382 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: this is the first hole and its soo hard I: ollie can you push me? OW BESTIE | ||
383 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: RISU NOOO | ||
384 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Risu senpai....AHAHA Iofi: Oh Anya is getting in, Ollie: Since when Kaela got an axe on her head?? | ||
385 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: when did kaela got an axe on her ball? I: yea there are accessories you can set | ||
386 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: now tis infront of you K: its like when you mugg a ball | ||
387 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Alright, infront of you there, K: This feels like a ball snatcher doing, oh nice one | ||
388 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: We are playing on a farm i see | ||
389 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: very nice O: we're playing in the rice fields i see | ||
390 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: MOONYA MOONA MY DEAR, M: Sorryyyy | ||
391 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Who was that earlier??, Z: I can walk on water? | ||
392 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: how am i walking on water? what? I: nice i wanna walk on water too | ||
393 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: I also want to walk on water | ||
394 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: nice i got yeeted tot he next stage | ||
395 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: AAAAAAA EHEHEHEAAAA Iofi: Thank youuu, K: oh no my strokes are already a lot | ||
396 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: oi stop falling, i have too many strokes O: i hate humanity | ||
397 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Who is a human here- oh wait, K: All 3rd gens are human | ||
398 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Ollie and Kaela old couple fighting time) | ||
399 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: all gen 3 are humans so you hate gen 3? smh O: oh no... my sins are showing K: but why did we get married back then? O: yea and you also made a house for miko didnt you? | ||
400 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: kaela i want UFO, not house | ||
401 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: kaela but i want a UFO not a house K: then lets make a UFO | ||
402 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Where are we going- oh we are gonna go over the mountain eh? | ||
403 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: where are we going actually? A: is no one pushing me? O: sureeee keep thinking about sakura Ri: im just gonna keep quiet..... | ||
404 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Ollie ignoring risu so she guilt tripping her lmao | ||
405 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: stooopp im tireeedd | ||
406 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Geez, keep talking about sakura, hmph, Risu: I am just gonna shuddup over here, i am just gonna point to that girl named Kureiji ollie, who keeps getting close to Kaela, Ollie: Its not like- | ||
407 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: its not like that!< K: Oh man i sure dont know where to go | ||
408 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i still dont know whare i need to go I:just keep going forward Re: I FELL INTO A CLIFF | ||
409 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: oh there's the bridge, how am i gonna go there, Iofi: Go left but not too left | ||
410 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: how do yo go there? I: go right abit and then push O: reine's losing her mental- HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH | ||
411 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Reine is right now, being attacked mentally- AHAHAHA | ||
412 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] risu: FINALLY REINE CAN GO UP THERE! | ||
413 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: omg, it was so good but...oh wow | ||
414 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: she's just one shoting everything now lmao, she got it too I: she was hit abit | ||
415 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: can i just give up here, omg...can we just go next? | ||
416 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: ... just give up then, ok next round | ||
417 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Reine malding) K: So we are going to that Well over there?, Iofi: Yep | ||
418 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [En] Z: Someone pushed me... I: Idk....wait dont push me too | ||
419 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Ugh, i am gonna just push everyone | ||
420 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hi ollie O: AHHH, ok who pushed me A: GO KAELA, K: no i dont wanna move | ||
421 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: wow reine's been a good girl, she got in in 5 strokes | ||
422 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Wow Reine powering up, A: After her mental attack, she powers up and ready to go | ||
423 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: weeeeeee roller coaster weeeee | ||
424 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: yey Ayunda Risu my baby~ She did it mwah~ | ||
425 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: weeee roller coaster weeeee O: yaay my baby risu did it, congrats dear mwach~ Ri: utututu thank yu | ||
426 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Wow, my babe is so good at this game~, A: if you lose you wont get any of those praise, Z: What are you guys talking about- | ||
427 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: she wont praise you if you lose risu Z: what are you guys talking about I: idk, what are you talking about even | ||
428 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Wow Zeta being a lucksack, Z: NOOO SO CLOSE | ||
429 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: cmon cmon abit more.... K: is it up there? Z: yea but not yet K: wow i have so many strokes I: reine align it first | ||
430 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Wow so many strokes, omg, Iofi: Reine, straight first, Kaela: Dude, dude, out of the way dude | ||
431 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Why are so many people staking there, O: WOW MY BABE RISU IS SO GOOD, YOU PUT THAT BALL IN JUST LIKE YOU PUT YOUR LOVE IN MY HEARTT | ||
432 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: anya move abit, i cant shoot for the hole O: omg my baby risu you're so good, you put in that ball as easy as you put in your love in me Ri: aww bbyyy | ||
433 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I; slow down kaela Z: do it seriously kaela K: i just wanna be serious with you tho | ||
434 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: I see, no serious gold gameplay here huh, M: Am gonna just take a stroll, i wanna see the scenery | ||
435 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]O: ... omg | ||
436 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: oh no i am blown off by the wind! | ||
437 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: Anya is so good at this stage, what happened, Anya: Wha- no | ||
438 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: oh no i got blown by the wind I: dont you think anya's too good here? A: whaaaa? nawww Re: WHAT?? Z: WWWWWW | ||
439 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (weeeee) | ||
440 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: WOW MY BABE IS SO SEXY MWAHHHA | ||
441 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (ollie risu flerting again) | ||
442 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: AHAHA Whyyyy lmao, Iofi: you can do it, YEYYY | ||
443 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: yaaay its not getting in | ||
444 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: Where are we going?< I: Follow the water! | ||
445 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: This feels like a waterp- OH MY GOD RISU MY BABE, THANKS FOR PUSHING ME, IT FEELS LIKE NIRVANA | ||
446 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: just follow the water O: like in the water- OMG BBY THX FOR PUSHING ME, i feel like in nirvana Z: guys where's the hole again? | ||
447 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Reine is killing it, wow | ||
448 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Yey we are swimming~, A: Omg..., O: ITS PULLING YOU IN, LIKE GRAVITY | ||
449 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: The one singing high tide originally cant go there yet, M: well...uhhh.....River's water is not the same as Ocean's TIDE | ||
450 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: imagine the singer for high tide cant make it in M: SEA AND RIVER WATER ARE DIFFERENT OK? | ||
451 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i can only see tears not even water | ||
452 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: This water is filled with TEARS, i am sure | ||
453 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]I: cmon risu you can do it O: cmon bby you can do it | ||
454 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Cmon Risu senpai!~ O: RISU MY BABY YOU CAN DO IT!, Risu: AAA ANYAAA, O: Wow, as expected of my darling | ||
455 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: oh no Anya, AHAHAHA, K: We are back again~ | ||
456 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh no anya... K: BACK TO START Z: is that hat water proof? A: apparently yes | ||
457 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: you can do it anya! | ||
458 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: fighting the current is hard | ||
459 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Row row fight the flow!, O: NICEE YOU DID IT! | ||
460 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: NICE, CLUTHC IN 10 seconds | ||
461 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: OH NO I AM BEING KISSED, OHH~! | ||
462 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: can someone push me? thx Re: OMG WHAT IS THAT? O: omg i got kissed by my bby | ||
463 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: I am on top of the table, oh? wait what | ||
464 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: do we need to pass the dinning room? oh we need to go up I: if not down go up | ||
465 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: if you have trials, just try them out | ||
466 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: while you have lots of trials, just try em out as testers | ||
467 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Atleast no one got timeoutted, K: oh Moonya, go go, you can do it~ | ||
468 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: idk why i cant do it | ||
469 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: nice now to go up O: wow into the tatami | ||
470 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: next~, O: two more times! | ||
471 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: 2 more | ||
472 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Wow in the middle? Nice!, I: A good position! | ||
473 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: WOW, IT ENTERED THE WINDOW, COOL! | ||
474 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: nice you're on the middle K: just push it in O: WOW SHE WENT INTO THE WINDOW, NICE | ||
475 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: wait there's still more? Re: its the 9th hole www | ||
476 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: WHOSE BALL WAS THAT GEEZ | ||
477 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: oh my goodness, Iofi: AAAAAA | ||
478 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Re: I WENT TOO FAR, I FELL OVER | ||
479 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Iofi: ARE YOU SERIOUSSSSS, O: where should we go?, I: The bowl, get inside there | ||
480 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: ITS TOO fAR, WHAT SHOULD I DO! | ||
481 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Re: we're too far what do we doo Z: i got sided twice... K: how do you get in the pan? i've had too many strokes | ||
482 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: YE- ohhh..., Reine: Omg, i am at 15 strokes, Iofi: 15, the number of Area 15! WOWWW | ||
483 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ollie where are you going? O: IM GOING TO LI YUE | ||
484 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: ollie where are you going?, O: I WANNA GO TO LIYUE | ||
485 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Dont worry i am just Kureiji for you babe aha | ||
486 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: aah ok next round A: where do we go? oh ther | ||
487 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: can someone push me~ thank youuu | ||
488 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: sure she didnt get pushed as nice O: atleast you got pushed | ||
489 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Just be thankful you were pushed, babe | ||
490 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: Wow, imagine if you got pushed again, A: Please push me btw | ||
491 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: ZETA, PUSH THEM BOTH CMON!, A: PUSH MEEEEE | ||
492 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: CMON ZETA YOU CAN PUSH BOTH OF EM | ||
493 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: JUST PUSH ME ALREADYYY | ||
494 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i mean we can all get pushed tho | ||
495 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Oh wow we can push three of them huh, K: Oh here we go | ||
496 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: We are gonna SCATTER THEM | ||
497 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: zeta's like all alone there Z: what are you doing lining up? im separating you | ||
498 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | aru aru dake | ||
499 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: oh we're going there? amazing K: iw Ri: whats that? I: the gong is the goal ok? Z: oww i got yeeted... | ||
500 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Wow Moona!??, Z: Noo i am being kicked, A: Cmon Ela, push me | ||
501 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: cant we get to the goal from here? oh we cant | ||
502 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: can we just go there immediately?, M: Oh Akasupa thank you!! | ||
503 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | salary no up up lmao | ||
504 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oi dont say that, you're mocking our unitname lmao | ||
505 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: WOW A6GAP HERE!, O: A6GAP??, Z: Wow this is skill issue huh, O: Dont say that, I: Why is Risu getting a nerf here, R: I ate something and i got nerfed | ||
506 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: omg you left me, where's solidity? | ||
507 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: WOW, you left me here? Wow the audacity, Risu: How should i do this?? | ||
508 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: show your asik skills O: thats soo bad www | ||
509 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]O: WHOAAAA i figured out a speedrunstrat | ||
510 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]A: can someone push me in? I: no thank you (reine in the distance) | ||
511 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: When will i stop? WHEN???, Z: Same, i am also like you | ||
512 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Awww my baby~, Z: What- i am on the start again?? | ||
513 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: my baby why... Z: ahh im back in the start O: bby... i keep focusing at you so i cant ain I: lol skill issue | ||
514 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Babe, dont distract me, i cannot aim, Risu: SKILL ISSUE! DONT LET YOUR LOVE MAKE YOU BLIND OLLIE | ||
515 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Ri: dont let this love blind you from the game ollie I: LMAO got blinded by love Ri: iofi what you doin there? I: YOU'RE DOIN IT FIRST | ||
516 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: how do you ot push... K: omg so close to getting it in 2 strokes | ||
517 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: How to NOT push? Oh wow almost two times already, I: damn, i am back at the start | ||
518 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Reine malding in the background) | ||
519 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: I saw WASD on that, what does it mean? K: wait you guys used keyboard??? | ||
520 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: i saw WASD in the tutorial, whats that for? M: for the camera K: you're using keyboard? I ONLY USE MY MOUSE | ||
521 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: i didnt do the tutorial Re: there's a tutorial? | ||
522 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: I am just using my mouse, my right hand! SOrry i forgor about the tutorial, I: is there even a tutor- Oh hello Moona my babe | ||
523 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: i cant move cause this thing keep sticking on to me Ri: me? not me~ | ||
524 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | ??? | ||
525 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Moona senpai are you stuck too? | ||
526 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | uh oh | ||
527 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: moona are you stuck too? | ||
528 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: WOw Ollie is already so far, O: No i am bugged out here | ||
529 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: press R, Z: if you fall just catch, that's it, O: What about FALLING IN LOVE?? | ||
530 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i found a bug www, my ball kept falling Z: just catch it when you fall, O: why not just let it fall? like when you fall in love | ||
531 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Ri: guys where are we going? I: front, but not too much | ||
532 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: I hope your day is brighter than ever, R: aww thank uuu, I: Do your best uwu | ||
533 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: is that an onion on her head?, O: Thats a lamp! | ||
534 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Wow Zeta already got in again, Z: GG~ | ||
535 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Reine: Oh i thought you need to go to the gong again, Iofi: You dont need to | ||
536 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: omg zeta's in already? Z: yea GG M: i thought we need to hit the gong again Re: can we hit it tho | ||
537 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: where are we going? Ri: go to the spiraly green kaela, oh nv, | ||
538 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] A: Why is it not full power, K: Full power means out of bounds | ||
539 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: why not go full power? K: i'll get yeeted out the map | ||
540 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Reine, you can do it, i believe in you, Anya too, you can do it | ||
541 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: can someone push me? O: you can do it reine, i believe in you, anya, you can do this LMAO she;s waiting for her | ||
542 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: man, Reine is malding so hard over here, nooo why the strokes-, Reine: WHY CANT I DO IT | ||
543 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: am i last? oh no reine;s there Re: WHY DIDNT THAT COUNT?? | ||
544 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: oh im last? i wanted to be pushed tho O: 17th guys lets go | ||
545 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Only you left Kaela, K: Whaaat, i wanna be pushed tho- Omg, too far | ||
546 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Re: lmao someone has a fish particle, so cute | ||
547 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Where's the hole? wait what? | ||
548 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] A: WHY IS THIS- Z: WHOOOOO, wait where's the hole | ||
549 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: looking for hole over here (Reine malding again) | ||
550 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: be patience moona, donte get too stressed out | ||
551 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: be patient, dont let your anger overcomes you~ | ||
552 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (singing gate open start) | ||
553 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Ri: ok guys last hole | ||
554 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: the hole is on the roof guys btw K: cool, how is it up there? | ||
555 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (gate open start plays) I: You see, the hole is up there on the roof, K: What? I cant see it | ||
556 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Broooo i am already up here, oh sheesh | ||
557 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: so like, you need to go to..... damn this is hard, omg im on top lets goo | ||
558 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ... what? I: IMS OOO DIZY WWW | ||
559 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] (Reine malding once again) O: Ah its there, i see, Iofi: omg, this is making me dizzy, i swear lmao, A: o cmonnnn | ||
560 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: CMON YOPIPI ENTER THAT- okay so there'e a path, and you need to hit the green thingy and then you will enter zero gravity mode | ||
561 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: there's a road up there so you just need to hit the green part and then you can stick | ||
562 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: guys i am bugging, I: press R, Z: Ahh okay, i am good now | ||
563 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: a- i bugged | ||
564 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: yeah the stage is like that, its anti gravity | ||
565 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: ok i need to go WASD, but idk how | ||
566 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: MY HEAD AAAA LMAO | ||
567 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: cmon abit more | ||
568 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Oh wow, okay Ayunda Risuch is here, Risu: Where am i supposed to go.... | ||
569 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: MY HEAD IS GETTING DIZZY | ||
570 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: time's up!, O: OTSUUUU | ||
571 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: time is up O: OTSUUUUU | ||
572 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Okay, Zeta got the batsu twice, Risu: AREA15 IS DOMINATING THE SCORE! | ||
573 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: This feels like seeing every one that debuted last each gen | ||
574 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: zeta got 2 batsus nice I: area 15 is dominating guys, O: and almost all of emdebuted last | ||
575 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Well, Golf is FUN GUYS!~, K: lets go again~ | ||
576 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: so golf is funn K: LETS DO IT AGAIN LATER | ||
577 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] Z: you wanna play again? sure I: lets go it at the 2nd part, any announcement? | ||
578 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (shilling merch) | ||
579 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Thank you guys! See you on part 2! Any announcement?, K: Okay, merch time!< Risu: My Risuners Plushie is still on sale, and the others too! | ||
580 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: my merch is also still on sale!! And yeah i am 1st gen also lmao, the Moontato merch is still on sale! | ||
581 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: if you guys still wanna buy my 3rd anniv merch you can still buy it! | ||
582 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: So, zeta, are we gonna do it? Well, according to the schedule and stuff, we are supposed to have a collab | ||
583 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (zeta and iofi gonna collab soon or tomorrow) | ||
584 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: me too! I am gonna have a VS Risu! WITH OUR GUEST KAELA KOVALSKIA! | ||
585 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (there's a vs risu soon with kaela as the challenger) | ||
586 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Risu: The new VS Risu is gonna be..TOMORROW! | ||
587 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | NEED ZETAMIN | ||
588 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Risu got kaela and i got Zeta, Z: I dont have a merch but if you scan that barcode you can get 20% off of zetamins | ||
589 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] K: ME ME! Dont forget to buy that PemaloeDay merch guys! | ||
590 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
591 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (shilling the official hololive ID fan book) | ||
592 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: I wanna add about the book, its so worth it, its so thick too! | ||
593 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] I: Dont eat the mic auntie, okay who else? | ||
594 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | yt lag | ||
595 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: Dont forget to stream and listen to our cover songs and also original songs! | ||
596 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] O: We put a lot of effort into it, please do listen to it!< Iofi: Okay, thanks guys, sorry if i am nosy and kept saying "is your schedule cleared?" | ||
597 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] M: my chat is saying "What's the batsu?" | ||
598 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | [EN] Z: Playing offstream, that's the batsu gonna be, okay bye bye for now, Iofi: Bye! | ||
599 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | otsuID | ||
600 🔗 |
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID | otsuid!! | ||
601 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
602 🔗 |
Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. | OTSUID! | ||
603 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | otsuu |