トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Minecraft】Auto Sorter Redstone! ALMOST FINISH?!【holoID】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
122 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Mostly dutch | ||
123 🔗 |
yuba | it's enough to fill the filter | ||
124 🔗 |
yuba | it's supposed to be on the 8th slot | ||
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yuba | my layout puts the nether wood together with the other nether items, and sakura/bamboo in another module, unless you want to reorder everything | ||
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yuba | just a warning, there's 140 wood-related items to rearrange | ||
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yuba | new blocks will always come in new versions | ||
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yuba | just sent you the version updated for 1.20 | ||
129 🔗 |
yuba | moona, check the v7 file | ||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Kyaaaa Papa Yuba |
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yuba | just so that the gates/fences are placed together | ||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Otsu? |
133 🔗 |
yuba | tip to help with accessing the hoppers for the bottom 2 rows: you can temporarily remove the glass blocks and reach the hopper from the back | ||
134 🔗 |
yuba | yep those | ||
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yuba | don't do that when there's water | ||
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yuba | when there's water, you can temporarily remove the streams, or you can do the crawl method | ||
137 🔗 |
yuba | sure, then you can fill the items at your own time (you only need one item per filter for it to start working) | ||
138 🔗 |
yuba | not there, need to extend out by one block | ||
139 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | *focus mode intensifies* |
140 🔗 |
yuba | that sign can be placed at the 9th block moona | ||
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yuba | before the first turn | ||
142 🔗 |
yuba | this still works though | ||
143 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | bless u ~ | ||
144 🔗 |
yuba | amethyst/sea pickles, and honey blocks | ||
145 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] aku harus end stream sebentar lagi, soalnya aku belum packing dan segalanya, jadi kita bakalan lanjutin projek ini setelah aku kembali ya | ||
146 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Okay ~ | ||
147 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] mau kemana? rahasia dong ~ | ||
148 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Mungkin aku akan selesaikan bagian ini offline karena bakalan makan waktu banyak | ||
149 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Jadi karena ini bakalan offline, sisanya ya grinding ~ | ||
150 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | It's alright moon |
151 🔗 |
yuba | |||
152 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Aku harus mulai packing sebentar lagi, saatnya baca donasi ~ | ||
153 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | WHOA 2JT |
154 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | That's a great idea ~ | ||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
156 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] kalian percaya ga aku pergi beberapa hari, terus balik tgl 24-25 terus pergi lagi dan balik lagi | ||
157 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I just saw discord that i got homework and the deadline is June | ||
158 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | oh nyoo | ||
159 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] Thank you M-chan, I think I will do the homework after I go back home | ||
160 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] This homework need my voices, if I do it on the plane there will be plane engine on the background | ||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
163 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Sasuga M-chan |
164 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Seperti itu di hololive, kalau ada yg pengin join ke hololive, mari kita kerjakan PR nya bersama2 | ||
165 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] jadi ketemu lagi klo ga tgl 24-25 yaa . . . | ||
166 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] tulung aku . . . |
167 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Jadi kalau kalian mau belok, dipersilahkan, akrena bakalan lama ini | ||
168 🔗 |
yuba | |||
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Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID |