トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
180 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:17:33 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: um... hi I: LMAO, we're missing a cypher M: you guys died right? imma surrender then | |
181 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:18:02 PM |
M Hoshidayat | NT | |
182 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:18:04 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ok lets turn off the sound and hide it for a sec, or do you just wanna go? I: lets just go then | |
183 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:18:31 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: being a spirit aint that bad actually R: wondering spirit~ | |
184 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:19:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: just collect the thingy on the pyramid, M: oi it matched too fast, i wanna look around u know | |
185 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:19:41 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: what does the mercenary do? R: sell stuff? O: THATS A MERCHANT | |
186 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:20:19 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: im a perfumer, imma spread my smell to em so they smell good O: oh mercenaries can dash, wait where are we? I: oooo hospital O: istg | |
187 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:20:42 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: its mirror again M: really? oh cmin R: yep an they're near me | |
188 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:20:53 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: ooo no hunter's coming for me, cool | |
189 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:21:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: this one's not a camper? oh nvm he is i think O: everyone's decoding i guess lmao | |
190 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:21:32 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
191 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:22:16 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: hold on im close to finishing I: go get risu, im gettingdrgged down I: can someone help me? hello? WHY AM I ALWAYS FIRST BLOOD? R: why can they TP so far? can they nerf it abit? I: nvm let me | |
192 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:22:32 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: NOOO RISU (heart beating) | |
193 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:23:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: how do i get down? I: just let me, go decypher another one so we can find the dungeon I: ok lets find the dungeon | |
194 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:23:20 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: RUN YOU IDIOT | |
195 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:23:43 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ow that hurts like heck | |
196 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:24:12 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: hmm where is the dungeon, O: idk why but they keep going for risu and iofi I: yea moona;s the last man standing | |
197 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:24:54 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: i pressed F? i didnt click anything why did it dash? R: OH FOUND IT. KEEP GOING, GO STRAIGHT | |
198 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:25:00 PM |
M Hoshidayat | NT ollie | |
199 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:25:18 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok near the wall- NOOOOO so close O: OH HERE R: yea | |
200 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:25:36 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: imma go to the toilet for abit | |
201 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:26:37 PM |
D.D. Investigator | got 2 iirc | |
202 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:27:01 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: how's the trial? you passed? | |
203 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:27:27 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i want holic plss i get it guaranteed but after 8 purchase aaahhh | |
204 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:27:33 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: there are no pity sadly | |
205 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:28:20 PM |
D.D. Investigator | bless her | |
206 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:28:27 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Bless her | |
207 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:28:37 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you wanna do custom? O: no im just looking arround | |
208 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:29:03 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hmm how do you do custom with 8 ppl again? O: wait did i leave room? I: yea just invite her back | |
209 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:29:26 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: top up> how much do we need again? but im waiting for the rerun charas | |
210 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:31:56 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (iofi counting her pity for a characer gacha) | |
211 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:32:42 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i just topped up my monthly genshin ok so im not spending yet | |
212 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:33:04 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: anything to speed up decoding? I: it used to be mechanic but he got nerfed | |
213 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:33:25 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: how to check your survivors? in the book on the left | |
214 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:33:56 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: decoders are usually lawyers, M: how to check again? I: on the left check the books | |
215 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:34:39 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: go to notebook >survivor profile, click it and go to character orientation M: ahh ok | |
216 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:35:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (iofi looking at skins) | |
217 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:36:00 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: wait why do i have so many? R: oh someone toped me up thanks I: wha? I WANT ONE TOO O: yea me too | |
218 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:36:36 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: lets gooo do 5 ppl custom | |
219 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:37:09 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: or you wanna do 4 custom with 1 being a hunter? O: naah i don wanna be called skill issue | |
220 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:37:20 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: how to get mercenary? I: buy it R: buy it | |
221 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:40:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i mean i topped up alot on my ohter account, but i'll start at 0 with u guys O: LETS PLAY THEN M: hold on im still looking aht the roles | |
222 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:40:52 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: you done? M: wait are there accessories? AND PETS? I: yea u buy them M: oh its useless then | |
223 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:40:58 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
224 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:41:11 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: WAIT i wanna se the accessories, what're the uses? O: yea back to waiting www | |
225 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:41:30 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (Iofi telling moona the eff of the accessories) | |
226 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:02 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: hmm what fits with mechanic? like this maybe? I: dont for get the talent that goes with it | |
227 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:29 PM |
D.D. Investigator | MITI |
228 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:29 PM |
Karl's Clips | ||
229 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:38 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Welcome raiders dari Miti! |
230 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:40 PM |
Mythia Batford #scuffgang | OLLIE!! have fun sayang <3 | |
231 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:46 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: we;re waiting for my senpais, they are window shopping | |
232 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:42:47 PM |
Mythia Batford #scuffgang | ||
233 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:43:16 PM |
Mythia Batford #scuffgang | chaatt~~ anteng anteng yaaa di stream ollie |
234 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:43:33 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Siap Miti |
235 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:44:03 PM |
D.D. Investigator | babay miti |
236 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:45:00 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: you seen everything? M: yep O: lets go | |
237 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:45:31 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh the waiting time is longer, that means we got them LETS GOO M: why is iofi a sir? I: you can change it | |
238 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:46:47 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: is that the red riding hood skin? M: my skin is like ollie www O: OUR SKINS ARE GREY | |
239 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:47:21 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: just show your ID then if you wanna top up, O: they dont want to top me up cause they dont have the game lol | |
240 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:47:23 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Welcome home to zomily |
241 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:49:28 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: im hit I: oh this guy is fast hurry guys | |
242 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:49:48 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i think the campers waited too long and then quit stream sniping | |
243 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:50:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: damn moona went kiting, keep luring em moona M: im doin my best www | |
244 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:50:30 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh its a sniper too I: yeap looks like it | |
245 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:50:58 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
246 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:51:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ooo one more I: you guys go to the gate, i'm 60 percent more R: im 30 percent I: ok then good luck M: I'VE BEEN RUNNING AROUND LIKE A DISTRACTION | |
247 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:51:34 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lemme check again, O: want me to help open it? I: oh the hunter is a bot i see... | |
248 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:52:06 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: is it open yet? O: yea its open R: iimma go then byee I: im drawing the hunter wait abit, oh nice, see? looks good right? | |
249 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:52:26 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: stay still lemme draw u, u wanna see? M: im curious actually | |
250 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:52:38 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh so they can attaack after they go in? i see | |
251 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:53:30 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: what are you doing to the doll? I: im dismantling it, cmere moon, M: i wanted to use my skill but i sudenly came to ur area, | |
252 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:54:24 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: where are you? im waiting wiht the hunter M: im outside wwww I: ahh sad they're gone O: lets thumbs up the unter I: idk who are u but i love u hunter | |
253 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:54:44 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: how did i get 12k points? I: you got chased by them so yea no wonder | |
254 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:55:08 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you wanna check anything while waiting for Risu? | |
255 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:56:12 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O:OMG I GOT TOPPED UP YAAYYY | |
256 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:56:42 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: they topped up 690 lol I: ooo enough for a survival gear | |
257 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:56:53 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: me? i want a room, buy me a room | |
258 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:57:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: go to the square icon near the flower, thats a room R: i dont see it I: oh its maybe still locked | |
259 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:57:54 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: you can pick a room? I: yea when you reach a level, you get to have your own M: check your dms, i wanna ask something | |
260 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:58:13 PM |
D.D. Investigator | ITS A GNOME | |
261 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:58:25 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (iofi tutoring moona on the game and the event) | |
262 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:59:35 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
263 🔗 |
12/1/2023 2:59:51 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i wanna show you guys the new skin I: LMAO ITS CHRISTMAS THEME O: well its december so yea | |
264 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:01:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: im getting chased again (ganbare~) M: ah it got me | |
265 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:01:52 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you know that someone let cheese be til bugs grow on them? (eww) | |
266 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:02:40 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: chaase me if you can man I: where're my rescuers O: im going around M: waht happens if you draw em? I: they get distracted because hey're awed by my art | |
267 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:03:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i sometimes wonder why cheese lovers would eat cheese even though they molded so much | |
268 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:04:00 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh smart, he put the puppet on the chair so they cant rescue em huh? | |
269 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:04:23 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: i got bitten oh no I: jsut decode then R: im getting chased i cant- ah that hurt ah nt | |
270 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:05:14 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you got any friends who drink milk even though they're lactose entolerant O: yes they're in this call R: hmm i wonder who I: yea, even though it pains them but they keep drinking milk | |
271 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:05:25 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: iits just a tummy ache, its worth www | |
272 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:06:15 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i forgot that "they" are lactose entolerant right? but i invited em to an italian place which is filled with milk based product R: i mean you just need to tolerate it right? | |
273 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:06:47 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh idt its fine for risu to drink soy milk O: why i said it was risu tho lol | |
274 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:07:24 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: wait why did i.... R: what? wuzzat? M: can we heal ourselves? I: yea just summon ur pet and they'll heal you | |
275 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:07:29 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
276 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:08:15 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: merukuri, dont drink it, its dangerous (sounds like mercury) I: ooo nice thx for the conection O: oh wow we stared our eyes, I: dont bring em here im decypheriing O: its cool im not | |
277 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:08:38 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: risu can i get connection? R: 10 sseconds O: wait what sucked me in? | |
278 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:08:51 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: wuzz diz? poisonous gass? O: lol no | |
279 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:09:29 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you going this smooth sailing? O: OMG- yep smooth I: dont bring em here ok? M: why is my doll hugging me like this? (awww) | |
280 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:09:55 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i;ll do the other one then, oh you're doing the one here i see R: yeap, noice | |
281 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:10:23 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok one more, hi moon O: this is NOT what i signed up for as a lawyer- MAMAA- oh it got me sorry | |
282 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:10:59 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: she's there R: yea i saw em I: lets rescue all 3 of us I: ahh i got i shotted, you two just go out | |
283 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:11:31 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you can rescue me if u want, O: nono you;re too far M: door's open R: ok im out weeee | |
284 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:12:02 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: so this is what it feels like not being stream sniped I: yea its fun right? | |
285 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:13:03 PM |
D.D. Investigator | ||
286 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:13:56 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: did you post it? you should have 10 pulls rn R: ok where do i gacha? you go to the settings and then pull it, if you get it imma be pissed R: why? I: i didnt pull it R: only got a pic | |
287 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:14:03 PM |
D.D. Investigator | LAWSON | |
288 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:14:17 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: swear ther are so may collabs in this game, even lawson is in it | |
289 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:14:27 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i want milkies pls O: here i give u chese | |
290 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:14:59 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: we doin hospital again? R: ye, is it big? I: there's a bigger hospital iirc. wonder if we get it | |
291 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:15:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: oh wow they can suck in some air | |
292 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:15:48 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i think u can save risu R: im down the building, byee | |
293 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:16:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh no he;s camping, but they did leave for abit | |
294 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:16:31 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lol the hunter is like "wont they save em?" O: lol we got a deadline for things ok? | |
295 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:16:51 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: hmm they;re too far, just accept it risu R: yea im almost high, byee | |
296 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:17:02 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: dude cmon not me, im almost done there | |
297 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:17:32 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: tis but a scrach PLease no you smell so BAD- ah he got me | |
298 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:18:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: he's probably camping oh nvm IL just run- O: ME AGAIN? you like your elves dont you? | |
299 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:18:22 PM |
Karl's Clips | Christmas came early | |
300 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:18:22 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] he;s looking for shairs lma | |
301 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:18:34 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ahh he;s camping its not worth it guys | |
302 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:19:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: he's getting close to someone coding there- he's coming back, ahh bye bye I: look for the dungeon for me pls | |
303 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:19:10 PM |
Karl's Clips | ||
304 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:19:21 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ok lets look for the dungeon R: im a ghost and i cant get throguh walls boo | |
305 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:20:06 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: i wanna go through walls~ ah M: I FOUND IT now what? I: lemme die first, and you stay there R: oo i found the ghost | |
306 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:20:30 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: go further back moona, I: he;s going back i see, yea just camp man | |
307 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:21:02 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok just stay therem O: oh he's going back I: i swear moona's the pro for last man standing | |
308 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:21:21 PM |
M Hoshidayat | nt nt | |
309 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:21:26 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: niceee GG your summon did it lol | |
310 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:21:43 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: lets do last next ok? | |
311 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:22:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i need to wake up super early tomorrow I: ooo what u have tomorrow? O: work (LMAO) I: very realistic | |
312 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:23:01 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: how do you give food? R: you set it in your book iirc | |
313 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:23:49 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea you wake up early on weekends R: wait tomorrow's weekend? I: yea its saturday M: its all the same for us www O: but i usually get more work on weekends I: same idk why R: we;re packed | |
314 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:24:13 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: for those who did JLPT dont forget to use the correct photos ok? | |
315 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:24:44 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (telling the story of someone who used an anime pfp for a japanese proficiency test, failed obviously) | |
316 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:25:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i shall be the sacrifice | |
317 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:26:19 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: who;s coding in 2 places? R: me, thats my skill | |
318 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:26:46 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ooo looks like they're farhter back O:hmm can i reach you? I: im about to fly- O: NOT YET- ah... | |
319 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:27:36 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: nice 3 more we can get this | |
320 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:27:53 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: i'll practice on using that later then O: OHHH, didnt bother me | |
321 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:28:07 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: watchout on getting caught? im already caught bruv www | |
322 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:28:56 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: hmm can i make it? idts I: i cant find it- OH ITS HERE O: where? I: ok go straight, and there O: how do i open it? M: wait til i fly | |
323 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:29:30 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: careful- AHH HE's behind you O: oh no damn it we lost | |
324 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:29:41 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] i: oh well, who wanted to win? well i did but ehh? | |
325 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:29:53 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Yahhh | |
326 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:29:59 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you wanna do custom then? O: nahhh can we do it with a bot? | |
327 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:30:07 PM |
M Hoshidayat | NT nt | |
328 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:30:16 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Custom aja ga sih llie |
329 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:30:32 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: what if we lose to a bot? I: lets not, we dont want ur pride suffering O: yea.. oh i got a room M: i dont have one yet R: oh i got mine | |
330 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:30:40 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I:hmm where;s my room | |
331 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:32:04 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Aight, Otsuuu!! |
332 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:32:11 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: we're so tired getting chased so much lol | |
333 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:32:20 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: any announcements before ending stream? | |
334 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:33:01 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: I have my anniversary soon! | |
335 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:33:28 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: 2 more days huh? cant wait then, we got some things planned up at the end of year huh? | |
336 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:34:05 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] R: will someone use a black and white portrait like last year tho? wwww I: yea last year moona wasnt there, we used a bw photo of you | |
337 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:34:17 PM |
D.D. Investigator | reine wasnt there | |
338 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:12 PM |
M Hoshidayat | ||
339 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:29 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Okiii | |
340 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:29 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: well thats how i remember it, anyways thats it, donr forget to redirect to zeta | |
341 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:38 PM |
D.D. Investigator | QUADRUPLE RAID | |
342 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:51 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Nah, bagi dua | |
343 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:53 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (gonna split 2 to zeta and 2 to reine) | |
344 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:35:56 PM |
M Hoshidayat | Asekkkk | |
345 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:36:39 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (risu cant redirect to zeta so might do it manually?) | |
346 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:36:59 PM |
Karl's Clips | ||
347 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:37:10 PM |
Karl's Clips | otsu | |
348 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:37:10 PM |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (a chatter's lil siblings about to get proposed R: what about u tho? WWW) | |
349 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:37:11 PM |
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID | OTSUUUUUUUUUUUUUU | |
350 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:37:18 PM |
D.D. Investigator | OTSUUU | |
351 🔗 |
12/1/2023 3:37:37 PM |
M Hoshidayat | OtsuID, OTSUCRAZY! |