トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Minecraft】Try to Make something for holoID CUP【holoID】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
41 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | K: Okay if we YOLO then we not gonna find our way lel | ||
42 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: I want the maze to go right here M: Hmm what's this space good for? | ||
43 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We have to make a dead end too right? | ||
44 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I think . . . we can make a straight lane and then we make hole from it right? | ||
45 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: Oh I'm currently focusing rn, it's been a while I do some maze building | ||
46 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I am bit confuse about this . . . what should we do? | ||
47 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: i kinda want to go to toilet K: Then whats the hold up? O: Myself lel | ||
48 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Let me make the outside box, the arena | ||
49 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | test | ||
50 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Oh we can chat now | ||
51 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: I am very serious? sorry | ||
52 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I'm not done this part lel K: I though we got dead end after we exit the prison lol | ||
53 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Dont worry guys, we gonna make some obstacle live Lava etc | ||
54 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: cmon Ela, let's make the maze more difficult | ||
55 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Soda chan | ||
56 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | What happened to YT chat |
57 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Nice gift yuba | ||
58 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | sip sya catat |
59 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] K: jadi tuh kita sudah dapat ijin buat pake mod di event ini | ||
60 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Okaeri ~ | ||
61 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: I'm hungry K: then eat O: I'm just too lazy to go outside | ||
62 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: we gonna close this way so that the person who go through here . . . will go back to prison ~ | ||
63 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | beeg brain moment ~ | ||
64 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] (they discussing about the maze difficulty whether they make it hard or not) | ||
65 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: we need to make 2 way K: We make underground way? M: No, it will become too hard | ||
66 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: We need to do simulation for the maze | ||
67 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Warden lol | ||
68 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | gelud gelud gelud | ||
69 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: Before we begin, we already try using Lava as the trap and it didnt burn all | ||
70 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: If we not use lava then it's fine M: We can make it 1 block below K: It can? | ||
71 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] K: We already try it before stream, and the lava wont burn everything | ||
72 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] O: Someone said that to turn off lava spread | ||
73 🔗 |
yuba | is the signal strong enough? may need a repeater | ||
74 🔗 |
yuba | repeater is pointing into air | ||
75 🔗 |
yuba | put a block in front | ||
76 🔗 |
yuba | to invert it use a redstone torch | ||
77 🔗 |
yuba | the redstone torch should be powered by the signal | ||
78 🔗 |
yuba | just put all the redstone underneath the ground | ||
79 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
80 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Fine by me ~ | ||
81 🔗 |
Gerrymon | looks good | ||
82 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: We wont play in the main server, instead we have our own event server | ||
83 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | Otsu guys |
84 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
85 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] SInce Moona in here as a staff . . . [id] Aku akan tampilkan POV ku mungkin dilayar kecil dan itu di stream official holoID | ||
86 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Connecting other world? | ||
87 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Ini juga ada HUB world [en] this Hub World will be the main world for the other to come | ||
88 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] M: I can't show you all of it atm, and we will use tp to other world | ||
89 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] This is basically the hub world, and we just need to add some decoration | ||
90 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I wont spoil you much, and we need to do much testing too . . . okay so we go to donation reading ~ | ||
91 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] Let me do some donation reading okay ~ | ||
92 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] The maze are already approve by you guys so it should be fine | ||
93 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
94 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] That is not okay Damay, but thank you | ||
95 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] ternyata game yg ga bisa aku stream itu valorant, soalnya pas aku mau stream valo itu ga bisa gitu | ||
96 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Segitu saja untuk donasi hari ini | ||
97 🔗 |
Gerrymon | Game modder | ||
98 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Oh untuk semua mod ini . . . aku pengin bgt mempekerjakan yg buat mod, sayangnya kata m-chan hanya bisa 1 saja | ||
99 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [id] Jadi aku mau minta maaf bagi yg sudah kasih rekomendasi ke aku ya, bukan aku yg memilih untuk mod nya, itu m-chan dan s-chan | ||
100 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] I know that some of you guys already tried to make some mod, but sadly when I want to ask for some of the mod, m-chan said that they can only choose 1 mod | ||
101 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] and m-chan and s-chan that the one who choose the mod | ||
102 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | [en] So thank you for your understanding, I know that some of you might feel dissapointed, but I hope that this year HoloID event will be good as ever | ||
103 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | aamiin | ||
104 🔗 |
Gerrymon | |||
105 🔗 |
Pak Rookie Virtual Oniisan - ID | |||
106 🔗 |
yuba |