トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【 ホロ鯖Palworld 】第一拠点は嵐に呑まれてなくなりました。これを機に移転します✌【ロボ子さん / ホロライブ】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
43 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:24:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 納期やばくない?w | |
44 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:26:00 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ヨシ! | |
45 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:27:11 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うわーw | |
46 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:27:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まずレベル上げなきゃかなぁ‥w | |
47 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:28:04 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かなぁw | |
48 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:28:47 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san came up with idea to make a guild to keep her bases | |
49 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:29:00 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 風化‥ | |
50 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:29:54 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんとかなるかなぁ‥ | |
51 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:29:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
52 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:30:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 焦らずまたれよ | |
53 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:32:45 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san wanted to move her base, so she disassembled her first base. Then when she tries to make a new base, she noticed that she encountered a glitch she can't build a new one | |
54 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:33:07 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 間に合え‥間に合え‥ | |
55 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:34:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよ | |
56 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:35:22 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どうしたのw | |
57 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:36:06 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うん | |
58 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:37:23 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san summoned some holomem to join the guild. if this plot is not working, she's gonna give up this base | |
59 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:37:37 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ある意味潔い武士魂 | |
60 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:38:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 作業台確認してみて | |
61 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:39:01 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | OK | |
62 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:39:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
63 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:41:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Trying to reduce what's already built so she might be able to set the base | |
64 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:42:30 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 予約数はどうなってる? | |
65 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:44:19 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 建築予約数は確認しておこ | |
66 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:46:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あ | |
67 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:46:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん落ち着いてこw | |
68 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:49:03 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 予約だけよ | |
69 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:52:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | よかったー!! | |
70 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:52:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
71 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:54:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいね | |
72 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:56:03 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
73 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:56:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 仕事が早すぎるw | |
74 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:56:36 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん食べてw | |
75 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:57:21 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん食べてね〜 | |
76 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:57:27 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 有識者助かる | |
77 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:58:13 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | サンキューベリーマッチ | |
78 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:58:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 限界すぎるw | |
79 🔗 |
1/24/2024 6:59:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | このバグ治ってほしいねぇ‥ | |
80 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:01:28 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 逆にアーリーで見つかったまであるよ‥ | |
81 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:01:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かなり慌ててたねぇ‥ | |
82 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:02:05 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | よかったよかった | |
83 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:03:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】The glitch was solved. Roboco-san reserved 10+ more building reserve to delete the old reserved info. she also demolished some function in her base. | |
84 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:03:52 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 第2拠点スタートがんばってこ | |
85 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:04:19 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 気持ちはわかるw | |
86 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:06:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ラプちゃんありがとうw | |
87 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:06:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】 Lap is here to save Roboco-san's base. | |
88 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:08:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Lap was summoned here because Roboco-san was encountering glitch earlier. To solve it, Roboco-san taught of making a guild so she can have more bases. Now the glitch issue is solve [1/2] | |
89 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:09:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Lap came anyways, so Roboco-san is trying to teach Lap and invite her to the guild. [2/2] | |
90 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:09:57 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 大丈夫かw | |
91 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:10:20 AM |
Roboco Ch. - ロボ子 | お休み中のらぷがたすけにきてくれたからちょっと一緒にするよ |
92 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:11:28 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ないぎふ〜 | |
93 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:11:53 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Lap is making her character now | |
94 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:12:05 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの髪‥; ; | |
95 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:13:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
96 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:14:06 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Lap noticed ReGloss joined the server | |
97 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:15:10 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
98 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:15:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ※The subtitle on screen sometimes makes PON | |
99 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:16:01 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 最初のNPCじゃんw | |
100 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:16:16 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんスルーしたはずよそれw | |
101 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:16:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
102 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:16:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | NPCー!! | |
103 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:17:25 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san is giving Lap a tutorial | |
104 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:17:33 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | チート転生w | |
105 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:17:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
106 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:18:12 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 一般リグロスw | |
107 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:19:14 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん危ないw | |
108 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:19:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | She's with Lap | |
109 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:21:06 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Why Lap is here】Roboco-san summoned Lap to join the guild to avoid losing the base due to glitch. now the glitch is fixed, Roboco-san is giving Lap a tutorial | |
110 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:21:29 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 通常個体じゃない? | |
111 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:22:54 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 大丈夫かw | |
112 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:23:17 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まだ初期設定だろうからブラー激しいよね‥ | |
113 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:23:20 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
114 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:23:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Guild name: Unnamed Guild | |
115 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:24:31 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
116 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:24:45 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こよw | |
117 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:25:29 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
118 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:26:05 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
119 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:27:07 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】inviting Koyo to the guild | |
120 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:27:16 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あとでだよ | |
121 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:27:22 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 裏こよw | |
122 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:27:56 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうそう | |
123 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:28:04 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ラプちゃんw | |
124 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:28:38 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Lap: Why are you all playing this game without streaming? | |
125 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:29:20 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
126 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:29:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san is with Lap | |
127 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:29:48 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どろーぼーw | |
128 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:30:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 亀がいいねか | |
129 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:30:48 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ツノガキw | |
130 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:31:15 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | きゃー!味方ころしー! | |
131 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:33:02 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
132 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:33:56 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
133 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:34:46 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Lap wants a turtle but that one Roboco-san introduced did not make good impression | |
134 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:37:39 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ラプちゃんありがとうね | |
135 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:38:46 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ラプちゃんお疲れ様よ〜 | |
136 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:39:51 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ありがたいね | |
137 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:40:50 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Roboco-san is thanking Lap who came to help Roboco-san solve the glitch even she's resting | |
138 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:41:45 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Unnamed Guild(名無しのギルド)のままだして | |
139 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:41:58 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | *だしね | |
140 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:42:21 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ハジケリストかな?w | |
141 🔗 |
1/24/2024 7:42:32 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんに決定権あるからね | |
142 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:09:22 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今ちらみしたらまさか今もHP1だとは思わなかったw | |
143 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:09:49 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいかんじ | |
144 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:09:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だいぶ広いわね | |
145 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:10:53 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いい感じ | |
146 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:13:46 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かなり整理されて広々でいいかんじ | |
147 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:15:41 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ボロネーゼ高性能 | |
148 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:19:56 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんのコレクター癖のおかげでかなりレベル上がるわねw | |
149 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:21:55 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だねぇw | |
150 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:34:43 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
151 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:35:03 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 本当なんとかなってよかったね | |
152 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:35:17 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼ〜 | |
153 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:35:44 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼでした〜! | |
154 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:35:59 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
155 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:36:06 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
156 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:37:18 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
157 🔗 |
1/24/2024 8:37:34 AM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みなさんもおつろぼ〜See y'all again! |