トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
133 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (gonna sacrifce ollie for materials) | ||
134 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: it looks cool from down here | ||
135 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ooo there are water on the sky, have you guys seen a flying penguin? I: ela, K: scuse me, when am i a penguin? | ||
136 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: this should be a good stadium O: next holoID cup? but i do want a treasure hunt in minecraft, I:lets try it with the 9 of us first | ||
137 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: nice time for a proposal | ||
138 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talking about the hints they might give if they wanna make a treasure hunt) | ||
139 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: imma be the player, no more me making things O: wait am i alone then? M: you got iofi, i wasnt doing anything here~ I: okok once in a while you take a break | ||
140 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hey we didnt ask you to take charge ok? it was mchan K: back to the mchan discussion O: why are you offended? K: cause alot of ppll keep saying im moona's mchan www | ||
141 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: sorry my brain cant reach O: same here K: nono remember back then wen i called you for the meeting mid stream? I: we kinda call each other when we have meeting | ||
142 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: if i have collab, like with iofi, i would ask her to call me incase im out cold | ||
143 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talking how moona was called but she didnt pick up, said that she's muted herphone | ||
144 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (complaining about what to build for the axolotl | ||
145 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: its not like i dont wanna go back, i just dont know where to go back | ||
146 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: but its kinda hard for netherite farm since w've gone so far in and its too far to go back | ||
147 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: someone told us to touch grass in the 25th layer | ||
148 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | welcome home | ||
149 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you rember when you gave me my first pickaxe? K: ollie gave me stacks of diamond when i started O: i asked that as investment for future interest | ||
150 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talks about how they should just mine the gold in pesugihan and gold on the rainbow road | ||
151 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | ollie playing the long game | ||
152 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talks about how kaela wanna make a slot in MC) | ||
153 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | well watame did a pretty good slot machine, perhaps she could help with design | ||
154 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: you want the good one or the simple one? I: simple please~ | ||
155 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talks about how many blue axolotls they have) | ||
156 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: its kinda slimy but not realy, but it feels bad M: my friends know i dont like frogs right? one day one of em send me a viid of it, i auto blocked them | ||
157 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i mean there are limits of how much you can tease, but oh well attention seeker, atleast i got mine from you ollie~ O: wait did someone speak? | ||
158 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: its fine its mc axolotl, O: she likes them cubed www I: hey alteast they're not like irl | ||
159 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: hi axolotl, you wanna eat rocks? no O: poor Ax | ||
160 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: square lizards? nah, they can just disappear O: omg gecko hatred I: hey, imagine one falling on to your face when you sleep, when i wake up, we were staring at eachotehr | ||
161 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i did it once in elementary, someone put a gecko in my panties | ||
162 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O; and then we never spoke to each other again, cause like, gecko I: if it were ,me, i'd plot my revenge first | ||
163 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: that person might not be there when his brain split intwo | ||
164 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | wtf | ||
165 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: but this person, idk why would like to tease me lots. like the fake bubblegum wrap with cockroach, and she would kick me on the legs when we had our ceremony | ||
166 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: might be jealous M: girls are scary | ||
167 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: good thing we part ways when we entered jr high | ||
168 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: but thats not teasing, thats just straight up bullying | ||
169 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talking about the 23rd layer being 3 blocks wide | ||
170 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
171 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: have any of you been asked out before? M: naah, havent gotten taken out yet, since im still alive | ||
172 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you know how in shoujo manga;s they confess and it gives those tingly feeling after reading them? yea entering holo, it all faded away (thanks to ollie) | ||
173 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: you guys wanna sleep? I: yea sure | ||
174 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
175 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok so 24th right? M: no 25, O: should i put some torches on the ends? K: idt they can spawn on slabs M: yea but not all of em are slabs I: i'll put some lanterns later | ||
176 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: falling hurts without feather falling | ||
177 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | ollie just needs to turn up to make it beautiful | ||
178 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you're used to feather falling huh? K: i want that to be real in real life I: who doesnt? O: like in barbie I: yea,. how you can just change clothes like that | ||
179 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: im hungry, imma go eat some snacks K: hold on, why is it 4 here? M: oh yea | ||
180 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
181 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | ollie fokus is so cute | ||
182 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | TING TING | ||
183 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talking about old indonesia food add) | ||
184 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: i was hungry so i went out and bought some icecream I: why? M:just felt like it | ||
185 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: there are no conditions for icecream, be it day or night, you can eat it O: just like cereal | ||
186 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: WWWW and she was not in the mood for eating before M: you like durian? I: i lke the fruit no the processed flavour M: nice, there's a durian festival here I: omw, but have you ever get KOd? | ||
187 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: if you fell sick, just drink the water from the inside of the durian skin | ||
188 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: i wanna ask ollie but she dont like fruit I: wahaa? for real? O:yes, and your bro (holostars) gave me fruits for celebration, and i cant eat them | ||
189 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: the one who likes to eat are area 15, holoro too, but this thing right here cant eat fruits O: JUST DONT EAT FRUITS | ||
190 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talking about the alcohol from overly ripe durians) | ||
191 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | |||
192 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: the thing is, holoh3ro have a small appetite K: sorry. i eat just for survival O: yea i dont get it, you guys dont like eating idk why | ||
193 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O; i treated zeta once, fish and chips, and she gave up after the 4th bite K: well zeta dont eat much, i will eat if its given to me but i wont actively look for food | ||
194 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: like back then, kobo and zeta was eating and i finished their veggies like a goat | ||
195 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K; basically if you tell me to finish something, i would I: if i dont eat i get sick, if i over eat i get sick | ||
196 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talks about the weird shape the UFO turned into) | ||
197 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: imma breed the axs then | ||
198 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (moona told iofi to finish the roof since she has all the stacks of slabs) | ||
199 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: if we're running out, just get some more at ollie's O: hehehe lemme grab some then | ||
200 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: its fine i got some~ | ||
201 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: there's a mountain on ollie's house www O: im confused aswell | ||
202 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: we cant open chat? zeta cant send chat,,, whatever | ||
203 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: im confused on 3 and 4, which part is the front part? | ||
204 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: hold on im stuck in the water I: ollie's brother is here O: just because im a zombie, that doesnt mean thats my brother I: SAME AS ME, NOT ALL GREEN AND SQUARE THINGIES ARE MY FAMILY | ||
205 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: finally... someone understands the pain | ||
206 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ppl think all the zombies are my family, im like bruh, too big | ||
207 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | thats the zomrades | ||
208 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: whatcha doin ollie? O: grabing rocks M: i told you earlier we got lots O: i know, but i thought those were still raw M: i like to AFK here most times K: its fine I: yea help me count up here | ||
209 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yes goblins are green in anime, doesnt mean im a goblin, not all green things are aliens | ||
210 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: thanos? yea i know em, i just know em ok? | ||
211 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: lets continue this part then I: ollie can you help me stack this? | ||
212 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: we;re still making it 3 blocks wide right? K: yea | ||
213 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: just make it 2 block wider here, idk how to do it M: is it all 3 here? why do you keep making the top even tho the bottom arent done yet? | ||
214 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (gonna fix the west side first) | ||
215 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: afterthis, to end the strem, wanna blow stuff up? I: yea lets just do a small one | ||
216 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: just make borobudur on top pf the UFO, O: HOW? | ||
217 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: why is this? oh nvm lemme c heck | ||
218 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok lets sleep guys | ||
219 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: 26th is the middle section, beyond that is the topI: i shoulda asked for help since the start | ||
220 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (debating on following the guide or the picture on the video) | ||
221 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok this is the last layer before the shkuluk | ||
222 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: yea we need help from him, just put it as 3 3 first and then we do the top part, | ||
223 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: chat remind us that we're on 26th layer | ||
224 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (discussing the blueprint on the width of the blocks | ||
225 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: nice, once i make a project, it made me cry... | ||
226 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: after this you help with my house ok? | ||
227 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: lets just make it 4 wide like the picture and not the blueprint | ||
228 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] M: we just need the man power to help me, my architect should have no problem on it O: did you offend me? K: i'll be honest imma just add the materials, if i can chose | ||
229 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh we're making this 4 wide? I: lets finish this so we can finish moona's house O: yea hers is like a cattle farm www I: hey i dont have a houese before this | ||
230 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: isnt it better to just not have a house than never actually going back to your house? | ||
231 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] K: lets go to gacha after this O: we got no diamonds tho K: moona should have some? M: i do? havent grind for much there | ||
232 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: idk why every time i play games, i always get gacha | ||
233 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (ollie offers tour guiding for all but with a price) | ||
234 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] (talks about the lovelive school festival 2 permit to play) | ||
235 🔗 |
D.D. Investigator | Sorry guys i need to go soon, enjoy the stream |
236 🔗 |
Karl's Clips | thank you for everything D.D love you | ||
237 🔗 |
Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID | OTSUCRAZYYYY!! |