トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【初日の出2024】あけましておめでとう!2024年最初は一緒に日の出みよおお!【ロボ子さん / ホロライブ】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
8 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:51:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]JP bros: talking about the rise at tokyo starts 6:51 | |
9 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:52:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ハッシュタグで募集してたしそれ鑑賞会するのかも? | |
10 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:52:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | #ろぼろぼと初日の出 で初日の出写真投稿よ〜 | |
11 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:53:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんなら17:00時とも投稿してたから昨日は相当酔ってるとみてますw | |
12 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:53:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]JP bro: Tokyo sun rise starting | |
13 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:55:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 急にこっち晴れたから日の出みれる‥わぁ‥ | |
14 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:58:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 撮れた撮れた | |
15 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:59:12 PM |
里人B | 充電中 |
16 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:59:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 皆さんあけましておめでとうございます〜!Happy new year guys! 初日の出の写真は#ろぼろぼと初日の出 でとのこと | |
17 🔗 |
12/31/2023 9:59:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | If you can see sun rise, please post it with hashtag #ろぼろぼと初日の出 | |
18 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:00:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Title:【Sunrise2024】Happy New Year! Let's Watch The First Sunrise Of 2024 Together! | |
19 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:00:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | とりま気長に待ちましょw | |
20 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:01:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]JP chat: happy new year | |
21 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:03:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 待ってる間 #ろぼろぼと初日の出 で初日の出の写真投稿しときましょw | |
22 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:04:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 多分おやすみ中かと | |
23 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:04:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 初PONは縁起がいいまである | |
24 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:08:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
25 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:08:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
26 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:09:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | PON初めは縁起がいいまである | |
27 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:10:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 念の為、配信の概要欄にも書かれてる通り鳩行為はやめましょうね | |
28 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:11:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ※Just as written in the description of the stream, please don't tell the other streamers while they are having their stream. thanks! | |
29 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:11:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | #ろぼろぼと初日の出 で初日の出の写真投稿も忘れずによ〜! | |
30 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:12:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
31 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:13:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 零のPONは草 | |
32 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:14:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お!w | |
33 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:14:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
34 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:14:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Title:【Sunrise2024】Happy New Year! Let's Watch The First Sunrise Of 2024 Together! | |
35 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:14:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Title:【Sunrise2024】Happy New Year! Let's Watch The First Sunrise Of 2024 Together! | |
36 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:14:51 PM |
里人B | ||
37 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:15:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 新年起きれてえらい! | |
38 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:16:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]From X |
39 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:16:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
40 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:17:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん太陽だからあってる |
41 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:17:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
42 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:17:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ここすき | |
43 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:18:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おはろーぼーwあけおめ〜! | |
44 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:18:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あけましておめでとうございます | |
45 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:18:39 PM |
里人B | 大丈夫ですよ! | |
46 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:18:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I'm really sorry I woke up late. thought 'twould be only the thumbnail | |
47 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:18:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 初笑顔たすかる | |
48 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:19:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あけましておめでとうございます〜! | |
49 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:19:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]When I woke up, sun was already risen | |
50 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:19:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよw | |
51 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:20:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Can I claim the first sun I saw was the sunrise? | |
52 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:20:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そっとじしないで | |
53 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:20:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]When I opened the window, the sun alredy risen, and i have bunny nars lol | |
54 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:21:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | トナカイの角つけようw | |
55 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:21:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんトナカイの角つければ龍っぽいよw | |
56 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:21:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | チラ見してたけどかわいかったw | |
57 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:22:07 PM |
里人B | あっ… | |
58 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:22:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: Talks about last night after booze party | |
59 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:22:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
60 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:22:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 気が早くない??www | |
61 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:23:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: last PON last year. Roboco drew granblue fantasy gacha 300 timet without knowing | |
62 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:23:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まだ早いよw | |
63 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:23:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おめでとう |
64 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:23:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 1月3日まで一応は回せてたよw | |
65 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:24:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | よかったw | |
66 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:25:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Thanks to waking up, she won't be late to job. and granblue gacha was her first max draw of 300 | |
67 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:25:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
68 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:25:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 出ないもんだよw | |
69 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:25:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちなチケットは余ってたりする? | |
70 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:25:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あけましておめでとうございますw | |
71 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:26:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
72 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:26:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 投稿したよ〜 | |
73 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:26:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Checking the posts at hashtag #ろぼろぼと初日の出 | |
74 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:26:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みてこ〜! | |
75 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:27:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ギリギリみれたよー | |
76 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:27:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
77 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:27:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 宅のみでよかったねw | |
78 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:27:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Talks about how drunk she was | |
79 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:28:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいのあったね | |
80 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:28:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよー | |
81 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:28:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | トナカイの角つけようw | |
82 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:28:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
83 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:30:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 初日の出助かる | |
84 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:30:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 綺麗だよなぁ | |
85 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:30:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Checking the sunrise picks at hashtag #ろぼろぼと初日の出 | |
86 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:31:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 撮り方がとてもいい | |
87 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:31:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あらぁ | |
88 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:31:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ろぼさーかわいい | |
89 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:32:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | めっちゃ輝いてる |
90 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:32:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
91 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:32:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいのよw | |
92 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Talks how hard she was trying to sleep last night | |
93 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | わかるーw | |
94 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 年末年始くらいいいよw | |
95 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 朝の17:00とか | |
96 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 酒は飲んでも飲まれるなとかw | |
97 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:33:55 PM |
里人B | かわいい | |
98 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:34:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Laughing at her drunk post | |
99 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:34:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あれは名文だったよw | |
100 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:34:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】blames Raden for that post | |
101 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:34:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 去年かーw | |
102 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:35:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | subtitleよかった‥ | |
103 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:35:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Talks about her team performance with the subtitle | |
104 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:35:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 低音な歌い方がバッチリハマってた | |
105 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:36:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】during the recordings, Roboco didn't know about the song | |
106 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:36:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いい歌だった‥ | |
107 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:36:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんは上手いよ | |
108 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:37:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco don't have confident of her singing voice | |
109 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:38:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
110 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:38:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】She was public searching that she was praised for the performance. made her search a lot and made her stay up late | |
111 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:39:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うん | |
112 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:39:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Reviewing her regret last year | |
113 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:39:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 真面目にほしかったやつ!! | |
114 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:39:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Planning to post more short clips of her cover song | |
115 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:40:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】"Pon is my partner" | |
116 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:40:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 向き合うしかないわねw | |
117 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:41:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
118 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:42:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Messaging Manager-chan new year Message | |
119 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:42:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 見られてたw | |
120 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:42:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Manager-chan saw the chat was talking "New Year PON " | |
121 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:42:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しみにしてる〜! | |
122 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:42:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco will be at official stream later and sing | |
123 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:43:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 餅つき海外だと風習ないからなー | |
124 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:43:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Talks about making mochi | |
125 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:44:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 学生時代でやるくらいしかじゃない? | |
126 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:44:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
127 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:44:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco wouldn't try mochi alone | |
128 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:44:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | それはまずいw | |
129 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:45:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco is scared eating mochi | |
130 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:45:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
131 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:45:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 甘い持ち雑炊は食べれる? | |
132 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:45:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | リポストしたらみれるかも | |
133 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:45:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
134 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:46:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちょうどいいねw | |
135 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:46:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 狐お面もつけよう | |
136 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:47:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】After checking this post, robocosan thinks bringing the big Roboco pushie | |
137 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:47:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | めっちゃ大きいよねw | |
138 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:47:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
139 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:47:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Cats were at her behind sleeping | |
140 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:47:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ハッピーニューにゃあ |
141 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:48:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | アスノヨゾラw | |
142 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:48:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | めっちゃ綺麗 | |
143 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:49:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Checking the posts at hashtag #ろぼろぼと初日の出 | |
144 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:49:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | また後日やろうw | |
145 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:49:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco 's original plan was to wake up at 6:30 but she slept again | |
146 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:49:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 寝過ごしあるあるw | |
147 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:50:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | コスプレがんばれw | |
148 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:51:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】superchat said if this person got the ticket to hololive expo, that person would cosplay as robocosan | |
149 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:51:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だね | |
150 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:51:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco waiting for more cosplay of her | |
151 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:51:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 新衣装のコスプレも結構みるわね | |
152 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:52:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | たこ焼きハンドモードのロボ子さんコスプレもでそうなw | |
153 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:52:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco is praying for us Robo-cirs able to get the ticket | |
154 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:52:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まってるー!! | |
155 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:53:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】There's a "news" coming about Roboco figure | |
156 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:53:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうなんだよなぁ | |
157 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:53:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 脚のディテールは大事 | |
158 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:54:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
159 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:54:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もっかいみせてw | |
160 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:55:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「尊敬の眼差しで見てます」 | |
161 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:55:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】'Please don't tell that I was sittinp on mochi" | |
162 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:55:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんも餅だったw | |
163 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:55:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ん? | |
164 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:56:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Roboco came up with new stream greeting | |
165 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:56:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 深夜テンションはやばいがw | |
166 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:56:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
167 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:57:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | エコー増しましでお願いw | |
168 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:57:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かもん! | |
169 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:57:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】New greetings made when she was drunk | |
170 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:57:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | エコーあるよー | |
171 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:58:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
172 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:58:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
173 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:58:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいけど‥w | |
174 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:58:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あーん‥w | |
175 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:58:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいけどシラフでできそう?w | |
176 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:59:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】She made those greetings from the message she was hap | |
177 🔗 |
12/31/2023 10:59:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 大事www | |
178 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:00:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】The "A---m" part is the important part base on drunken robocosan's mind | |
179 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:00:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なるほどw | |
180 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:00:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子「さん」は強調しない?w | |
181 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:01:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】She's planning to use that new phrase in official stream | |
182 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:01:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
183 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:01:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちょろぽろでんw | |
184 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:01:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
185 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:02:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Talks about the PON award | |
186 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:02:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あせったかーw | |
187 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:03:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「今年のPON大賞ロボ子さんがまた優勝するって信じてる」 | |
188 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:03:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Can't recreate the baldey-bo again | |
189 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:03:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 一本のキセキかーw | |
190 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:03:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | カミのイタズラ、新曲かな? | |
191 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:04:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
192 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:04:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
193 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:04:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Don't wanna sing "bald's miracle" | |
194 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:04:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | エイプリルフールできたかw | |
195 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:04:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ボクの輝き | |
196 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:05:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ボクの輝き、カミ掛かり | |
197 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:05:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あっという間にくるわねw | |
198 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:06:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 何はともあれ起きれてよかったよw | |
199 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:06:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】Thanks for you all I was able to sleep well | |
200 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:06:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいね | |
201 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:06:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ポストカードにできそう | |
202 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:07:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよw | |
203 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:07:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こっちは曇りだったよ | |
204 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:07:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 8時だね | |
205 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:07:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | はーい | |
206 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:08:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】The stream ends at 8:30AM(JsT) | |
207 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:08:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どったのw | |
208 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:09:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 見事な太陽だわw | |
209 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:09:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】 | |
210 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:09:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context:】the reason why Roboco was late | |
211 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:10:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 皆のためにありがとねw | |
212 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:10:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | さっきの写真の上においたせいでさらに勢いがすごいことになってるw | |
213 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:10:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ありがとうw | |
214 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:12:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子餅w | |
215 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:13:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
216 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:14:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Didn't notice she was holding apple. she's trying to draw omikuji | |
217 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:14:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 狐のお面とかなかったっけ? | |
218 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:15:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 立ち上がったw | |
219 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:15:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんでw | |
220 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:16:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いろいろ変わっちゃったかんじ? | |
221 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:16:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 機能変わっちゃったかー | |
222 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:17:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】The gacha is not working. last year she had function of fortune telling | |
223 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:17:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
224 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:18:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 壁ドンしてほしい | |
225 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:18:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | りんご飴がじわじわくるw | |
226 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:18:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
227 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:19:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 新年勝負じゃー! | |
228 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:19:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あいこだったらどう? | |
229 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:19:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
230 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:20:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】If you lose, worse pon. if draw, same level pon | |
231 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:20:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
232 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:20:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
233 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:20:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 引き分けたー!! | |
234 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:20:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あいこやったぜ! | |
235 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:21:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】If you got draw, you are same PON with Roboco this year | |
236 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:21:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あいこ多いの、ロボ子さん分かってる感じだw | |
237 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:22:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | アンケートで結果集めてみない?w | |
238 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:22:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
239 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:22:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ありがとうシャンクス | |
240 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:22:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | PON皇草 | |
241 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:23:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 年越し花火はあるわね | |
242 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:24:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | やめな〜 | |
243 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:24:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Talks about Everyone might be baldy | |
244 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:24:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
245 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:24:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼさんよ〜! | |
246 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:25:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しみにしてる〜! | |
247 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:25:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お? | |
248 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:25:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みたみた | |
249 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:25:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Talks about the full body stream last night | |
250 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:25:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうなんだw | |
251 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:26:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | メロメロかわいかった | |
252 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:26:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
253 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:27:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Talks about Roboco was doubting Miko was too smart | |
254 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:27:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
255 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:27:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | メルちゃんはてんさいだからな‥w | |
256 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:28:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 忘れてたかーw | |
257 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:29:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Totally didn't know it was dokkiri | |
258 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:29:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
259 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:29:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ナチュラルな高性能だったw | |
260 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:30:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼよ〜! | |
261 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:30:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
262 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:30:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ことよろおつろぼさんでしたー! | |
263 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:31:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まってるねw | |
264 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:31:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いってらっしゃい〜! | |
265 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:31:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]【Context】Sched: Roboco will be on official stream, check the updates from official post | |
266 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:31:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの餅楽しみにしてるね〜! | |
267 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:32:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼ〜! | |
268 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:32:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | EDおかえりw | |
269 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:32:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
270 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:33:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
271 🔗 |
12/31/2023 11:33:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい |