トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【hololiveID】ETS 2 : TRUUCCCKIINNGGGG IS BACK !!!!【Ayunda Risu】 |
時間 |
チャンネル名 | チャット | ||
301 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: wha tmeat is it? the server while smiling asnwered this is pork, poke | ||
302 🔗 |
Katya M13 | |||
303 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: me with Ela was like, ooh, but when we turned our body wwww | ||
304 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so funny, i'll laugh if i were there | ||
305 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: when i talk to Ela i was like, La www | ||
306 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R&I: haduuh. I: see? we said it at the same time | ||
307 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: because we already together for a long time we synchronized. random by the two of us | ||
308 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: holoid's fuwamoco. R: one is yopipi the other is risdudu | ||
309 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R&I: waaah. I: why the waah is at the same time too | ||
310 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i tried holomie ice cream, the taste is confusing, it's like the noodle put in the fridge | ||
311 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: basically it's vanilla ice cream, sprinkled with the seasoning and noodle. so one is enough | ||
312 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i like the boba one. I: it's good. R: but ice cream like that is seasonal | ||
313 🔗 |
Katya M13 | buat stream pizza kayak Arupapa kemaren kah? wkwkw | ||
314 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: fruits as topping is okay too, grapes, pineapple | ||
315 🔗 |
Katya M13 | coklat ama kacang, pizza apa martabak tuh wkwkw | ||
316 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] O: still ongoing? R: yes | ||
317 🔗 |
Katya M13 | Hewwrroo Ollie | ||
318 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: yopi is taking the ice cream. O: i'm here just for awhile | ||
319 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: we're talking. I: we're talking together but we're playing different game | ||
320 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i'd say monhun, trucking, and then ff. O: you guys are brutal | ||
321 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] O: if it's free. I: okay i'll gift you. O: but i play from the start | ||
322 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: it's okay, we too. R: i played from the start, and then i got lv cap | ||
323 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: aah, not discounted anymore. O: but you'll still buy for me right? I: yes | ||
324 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: it was 100k before. O: now? I: 400k. | ||
325 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: that's indie game, i thought it's indie game so it' cheap. R: i thought it's 100k . I: it's 500k\ | ||
326 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] O: that's why we gifting game too | ||
327 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: it's still beta, ubisoft game, new pirate game | ||
328 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so the sea shantys is also malay one, it's like indonesian | ||
329 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i was surprised. I: me too, i was checking and omg. O: what should we give her? | ||
330 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: if we don't play it again, it won't be good | ||
331 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: if i give monhun, will you play next week? O: the day after tomorrow i can, tomorrow. I: i can't, tomorrow is monday | ||
332 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: i can't in monday and 15th. R: for me it's kliwon friday. O: scary (kliwon friday is a spooky day in javanese) | ||
333 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] (Yopi is telling Ollie the story of Risu's kliwon friday event) | ||
334 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: accidentaly i had mbah risu that time. I: but she only said friday kliwon, i got confused | ||
335 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] O: i'm going to cook noodle. I: we'll be here. O: okay, happy trucking and ff | ||
336 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: lethal company, let's ask zeta again | ||
337 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: let's go, as long as it's after ther 15th i'm okay | ||
338 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN]I: someone's having her birthday. R: who is it? | ||
339 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: there' no group, or did we talk not in group? R: or maybe we just let's collab and that's? | ||
340 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: zet, this month, after 15th, lethal company again let's go | ||
341 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: let's go. I: me too let's go | ||
342 🔗 |
Katya M13 | I: i have no reason to deny, why deny. just a little motion sickness tho. R: me too, sorry guys, i feel not that stabilized, cegil | ||
343 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: it's not that stabilized | ||
344 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: agil, alien gila (crazy alien). R: that's someone's name. I: someone who's named agil feels called | ||
345 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: how old is that joke? I: then why we laugh? R: because it's funy. R: Iofi has become old man, they said | ||
346 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i'll check the driver. I: if you have driver now you're the truck business owner? R: yes, driver | ||
347 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: someone said otsu, afraid to be smacked down by their mom | ||
348 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: let's find the short ones, short ones www. I: why are you laughing? | ||
349 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: are you allowed to laugh? R: the more it is prohibited the harder the laugh | ||
350 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: stream without roasting Yopi, something is missing. I: not in my own strream, in other stream, i got roasted | ||
351 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: just came back, why there are many air fresheners., am scared. R: don't be afraid, it's the spice of life | ||
352 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: alchemist guild, this is your kind of place.R: i like alchemy, when i play game the magic always goes to alchemy, idk, it's just fun | ||
353 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i can't physical because my distance perception is bad. I: bad aim, huh | ||
354 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so that's why the distance between us is never nearer | ||
355 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: trucking with this squrl, things will happen. R: magic, well i am a magic squirrel | ||
356 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: this is small, so cute | ||
357 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: i wanna be a tailor here. R: what you gonna do as tailor? I: sewing | ||
358 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: my lv is already at 30s, even tho i just started playing yesterday | ||
359 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: i haven't bought the game but i already bought the skin | ||
360 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] (Iofi is telling the new painter job from the recent update) | ||
361 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: for those you want to play with yopipi, who know someone want to buy her house. I: our house | ||
362 🔗 |
Arisa Ch. 源ありさ | misqueen di oce ueueue | ||
363 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how much does the house cost? I: 45mil, in-game currency | ||
364 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: playing mmo but wanting few people. I: you haven't experienced streaming and then there's a hundred people logged in, it'll crashed. | ||
365 🔗 |
Arisa Ch. 源ありさ | bisa orangnya dikurangin, namanya diilangin juga bisa WWW | ||
366 🔗 |
Arisa Ch. 源ありさ | BISA ILANG WWW | ||
367 🔗 |
Katya M13 | oawkoawkoa | ||
368 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] r: after listening to budiono siregar, my accent became like him, batak accent, become rusdi siregar | ||
369 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: you got another name. R: it's become further from my name | ||
370 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: when did you start getting names? R: maybe it's from the typo, and then develop to this | ||
371 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: what happen? R: it's fine, good thing it's small. I: just a little crash is fine | ||
372 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: it's okay guys. as long as i'm still in the lane it's alright | ||
373 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: tomorrow i stuesday. R: yaay tomorrow is tuesday guys | ||
374 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN]I: ah this dungeon needs many people | ||
375 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN]I: i still remember, back then i can't go with npc, i waited so long | ||
376 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: wrong button | ||
377 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: swaying a bit it alright | ||
378 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: when you eat that tim rice, have you split the rice with you r tongue? I: no? | ||
379 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] I: one by one? R: no, but when one piece is in your tongue you split it | ||
380 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: really ris, i'm tired. I: see they're tired. c: what you siad is right, communicating with you is tiring. good luck yop | ||
381 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: mbah risu in my house suddenly there's a smell of roasted fermented shrimp paste. I: usually it's the jasmine flower scernt, scary. but this is fermented shrimp paste scent | ||
382 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: maybe your neighbour is preparing to sell some tomorrow | ||
383 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so is ollie's noodle done yet? I: maybe she already asleep | ||
384 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: Yop there's PC casing monhun 20th edition. I: i knoww, do you think i don't know??? i sjut bought my pc when that came out | ||
385 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i got karma, where am i? I: stuck, omg | ||
386 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: is it turned? oh right, okay then | ||
387 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: there's more maintenace/repair cost than the reward | ||
388 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: yesterday it was yopi now it's risu. I: what is? karma?. R: yes, karma | ||
389 🔗 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: nice, arrived. let's continue later, donation will be read next stream | ||
390 🔗 |
Katya M13 | Otsu~ thank you for the stream and collab (?) www | ||
391 🔗 |
Katya M13 | |||
392 🔗 |
Katya M13 | |||
393 🔗 |
Katya M13 | otsu chat~ |