トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【忘年会】今年もあと少し!呑んで歌って振り返って~!!【ロボ子さん/ホロライブ】 |
時間 UTC |
icon | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
39 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:21:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき(今何してるk+何飲んでるか談義) | |
40 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:21:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Probably sleeping, so let's chill and wait | |
41 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:22:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about the comic market and the new voice packs | |
42 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:23:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | しばし待機の時間、鳩行為だけは他の方にもトラブルあるのでやめてくださいね | |
43 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:23:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 寒さにはお気をつけて~ | |
44 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:24:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Jp chat: talking about what is the popular study in the colleges now | |
45 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:24:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] also JP chat: talks about the new merch available in JP region | |
46 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:25:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | she hit 888k on xmas | |
47 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:25:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 寝てる可能性は高めかとー | |
48 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:25:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 昨日のドライブも大変だったからね… | |
49 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:26:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 豪運おめでとう |
50 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:27:40 PM |
里人B | 寝る子は育つって言いますから~ | |
51 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:27:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ろぼさー忘年会は始まってる |
52 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:28:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 明後日はライブですよ、ライブ |
53 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:28:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 配信時間の30分前にはRTしてましたがその後は音沙汰なしなので充電中かも | |
54 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:28:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
55 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:29:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 初カキコさんもいらっしゃいませ~ |
56 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:29:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about the memories of Roboco-san | |
57 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:30:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
58 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:31:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
59 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:33:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 韓国にも広まってたのw> |
60 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:33:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about the routes of |
61 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:33:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今年はニラネギ事件つよいw | |
62 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:33:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | we're having an advance year-end party | |
63 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:34:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Congrats, that's nice to hear! | |
64 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:34:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「今年になってようやく2021年の誕生日グッズ受け取れたよ!発送トラブルたくさんあって大変だった… | |
65 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:35:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about best moment of Roboco 2022: the spring onion and chinese chives | |
66 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:35:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: congrats overseas bro for having your b-day merch arrived | |
67 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:36:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「ロボ子さんの最高の瞬間はPONをした時だったな」 | |
68 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:36:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いろいろしっかりしてた部分もあるからまさかの部分は見逃してた… | |
69 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:36:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「訪問されてる時好き」 | |
70 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:37:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | りっちしょこら今年だね | |
71 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:37:10 PM |
里人B | 今年はリルビのリリースのインパクトも大きかったですね~ | |
72 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:37:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Bloomライブ好き | |
73 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:38:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN[ JP chat: the expiration incidents | |
74 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:38:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Also JP chat: talks about the bloom live | |
75 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:38:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お、おつまみ第二弾いいですなぁ | |
76 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:39:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Why suddenly talks about bloom live?: it's available to watch in abema tv for a week | |
77 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:39:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] What happened? : probably asleep | |
78 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:41:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの歌といえばいつかReolさんの曲とか聴いてみたい。かっこいい系で「煽げや尊し」とかききたい | |
79 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:41:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about how they love Roboco-san's singing voice | |
80 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:41:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき(寝坊記録確認中) | |
81 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:42:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの歌の幅高性能ぞ |
82 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:42:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お仕事にき暖かくしておやすみー | |
83 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:43:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「ロボ子さんの好きなところは何をしてもかわいいところ、頭撫でたい」 | |
84 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:43:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | some of them are. actually I still got a job ahead till Jan 1, but let's enjoy the moment |
85 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:44:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: wanna see SoraRobo wearing the dress outfit together and do a song collab | |
86 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:44:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そらロボドレスコラボして花子リベンジも待ってるよ… | |
87 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:45:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 初期衣装みたいよなぁ… | |
88 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:45:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: talks about the outfit they wanna see with the new visuals | |
89 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:45:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | キャストオフくんの最後の出番はDJイベかな…いや、DJイベ後のキャストオフ事件か | |
90 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:46:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あ | |
91 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:46:12 PM |
里人B | おおっ!! | |
92 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:46:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]From twitter |
93 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:46:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そろそろ切り替え!!w | |
94 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:46:55 PM |
里人B | ろぼろぼしてきた… | |
95 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:47:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | はい本会始まる!! | |
96 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:47:21 PM |
里人B | お |
97 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:47:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: is it the 2nd party already?? | |
98 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:47:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
99 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:48:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | きちゃ | |
100 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:48:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
101 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:48:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Title:【Year End Paty】It's Almost End Of The Year! Let's Drink, Sing & Look Back~!! | |
102 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:48:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | OPくんがw | |
103 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さん落ち着いてw | |
104 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:16 PM |
里人B | ミュートかな? | |
105 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
106 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Title:【Year End Paty】It's Almost End Of The Year! Let's Drink, Sing & Look Back~!! | |
107 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait... wait.. | |
108 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お水飲んでねー | |
109 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] no, no I hate this... | |
110 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] G'morning... I'm sorry... | |
111 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
112 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お水飲んでねーw | |
113 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:55 PM |
里人B | 寝起き声なのですね | |
114 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:49:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah.. .my throat... | |
115 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちゃちゃひめw | |
116 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, Chacha can speak out louder, yabe | |
117 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いってらっしゃいw | |
118 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me take some hot water... | |
119 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:20 PM |
里人B | ゆっくりで大丈夫ですよ~ | |
120 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいいw | |
121 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おかえりー | |
122 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: taking some hot water | |
123 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:50:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah..... | |
124 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おかえり | |
125 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:08 PM |
里人B | おかえり~ | |
126 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm back.... I'm back.. | |
127 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 落ち着いて白湯のんでね | |
128 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:21 PM |
里人B | 主催なのに~!ww | |
129 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I'm sorry, I'm late... | |
130 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 二次会始まった漢字だけどたのしんでこw | |
131 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] my voice.. my voice... *tuning voice | |
132 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:51:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
133 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think my voice has came back,.,, wait, my nose | |
134 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:07 PM |
里人B | 乾燥してます…? | |
135 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 落ち着いてねw | |
136 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, did you take the booze? | |
137 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよw | |
138 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:25 PM |
里人B | いいですとも! | |
139 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] can we do a kanpai with the hot water? | |
140 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh, is this the second party? | |
141 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | リルビ飲んだよ | |
142 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] sorry for the wait, did you take the shot already? | |
143 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] tbh, I was planing too | |
144 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:52:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, ok let's do KP! | |
145 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かんぱいー! |
146 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:08 PM |
里人B | ||
147 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's good... | |
148 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おいしい | |
149 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah- this is cozzy | |
150 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Chacha come here | |
151 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah- I'm enjoying Chacha's paw | |
152 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいね | |
153 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] then I fell asleep | |
154 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:54 PM |
里人B | ちゃちゃのさいみんじゅつ! | |
155 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:53:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お疲れ様w | |
156 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] that really surprised me | |
157 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] when I noticed, I fell asleep | |
158 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wante to turn off the noisy alarm, then just noticed I fell asleep, thank you Pitan | |
159 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] have you ugys ever late for the year-end party? | |
160 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ないなーw | |
161 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:54:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] what if this was the Dec. 31, I'm in danger, ahahaha | |
162 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
163 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:03 PM |
里人B | ですねww | |
164 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think it was the practice for the actual count down | |
165 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
166 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 本番じゃなくてよかったw | |
167 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] yabe, there's the true count down | |
168 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, ... what's year- end party? | |
169 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:55:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そこ?w | |
170 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] what is the meaning of the year-end party??? it's a looking back party? | |
171 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] look back my PON? I did everyday | |
172 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうやね | |
173 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:23 PM |
174 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ????? | |
175 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] i'M THE PON of the year??? | |
176 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:56:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahahahahaa I'm avaiding??? | |
177 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「忘年会はPON振り返り記念会にしよう」 | |
178 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] not good, we gotta forget it.. | |
179 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もう… | |
180 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, I did a big PON in the end... | |
181 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まだ2日あるよ | |
182 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm already the PON? aha...aha... can't deny that | |
183 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] no PON, no Roboco | |
184 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:57:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]... may be that's true | |
185 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ぎり45分ちょい | |
186 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] glad I didn't sleep more than 1 hour, if that happened, I'd sleep more than 5 hours | |
187 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 疲れてるときはしっかり寝てね? | |
188 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah- I'm happy you guys been waiting for me | |
189 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:55 PM |
里人B | ニラ… | |
190 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:58:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] this year... it's all about the expiration date | |
191 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食べ物は命がかかってるからね… | |
192 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] food issues is difficult | |
193 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, you learn as you make mistake right? I get scared | |
194 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食あたりが活動中一番クリティカルだった一年だったわね… | |
195 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but my meal today was miso soup | |
196 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:52 PM |
里人B | また切れてるww | |
197 🔗 |
12/29/2022 2:59:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's expiration date was Dec 26 | |
198 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 賞味ならセーフだよ | |
199 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] there were 2 left, so I put them with tofu | |
200 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] don't worry, I'm still ok | |
201 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] right Cahcha? | |
202 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Why do I buy it? because Iw anted | |
203 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 自分の食べる量を参照してねw | |
204 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] why I bought extra?? it's cheaper buying in set, am I right? | |
205 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:00:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こらw | |
206 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but but I didn't waste lately | |
207 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:06 PM |
里人B | 放置しないでww | |
208 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the cabbage was ok too, so I cooked them asap | |
209 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なるべくつくおきしておけば大丈夫よ | |
210 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, talk about Lui, she left me some food | |
211 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:01:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ...it's ok right? | |
212 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いや…匂い確認して | |
213 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:02 PM |
里人B | 冷凍ならセーフ…かな? | |
214 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 無限じゃない、匂いで確認して | |
215 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's ok, my tummy is ok | |
216 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait guys | |
217 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I thought I have to confess in the end of the year... I'm scared | |
218 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うん | |
219 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, there's a meat I bought at the hometown tax right | |
220 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:02:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 捨てちゃえそんなの!!!!!! | |
221 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:02 PM |
里人B | Oh… | |
222 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] .... it was expired till Oct. | |
223 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ぺっして!!!!! | |
224 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冷凍してても腐るものは腐るわよ?? | |
225 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] isn't frozen good????? | |
226 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] no????? | |
227 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冷凍「二ヶ月」はだめ | |
228 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but... I'm the only one who ate it.... | |
229 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:56 PM |
里人B | 冷凍も2週間くらいが限度ですかね… | |
230 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:03:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ... so | |
231 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そこじゃないよwwwww | |
232 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] t-tbh,,, I did my best not to open the fridge | |
233 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめです | |
234 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:20 PM |
里人B | 頑張るベクトルがちがうww | |
235 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もったいないのは健康だよ!! | |
236 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I will eat the meat everyday... so next year..... | |
237 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, I gotta buy new meat.. | |
238 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:04:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もう捨てよう、新しいのを買おう | |
239 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm gonna do my best to finish the meat... | |
240 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I don't buy a lot | |
241 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] this year.... I will | |
242 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今年でももうだめなのよ… | |
243 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I can finish the brocolli, but why the meat.. | |
244 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:05:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 正論は受け止めてw | |
245 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 体調崩すほうがもったいないってばw | |
246 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:04 PM |
里人B | お腹壊したらもっともったいないのですよ! | |
247 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but- but... | |
248 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] SC: THROW THEM AWAY | |
249 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]bUT i'M ALIVE GUYS | |
250 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] HM,, | |
251 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:27 PM |
里人B | 生きてればOKじゃないのよww | |
252 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 捨てよう | |
253 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, look after me.... | |
254 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] there's 3 bags of meat left | |
255 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:06:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I think my tummy is strong enough | |
256 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 潔く諦めて捨てて新しいの買ってw | |
257 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh- really??? | |
258 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] yabai,,,,, | |
259 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I'm gonna feel I don't wanna waste it and eat it | |
260 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:30 PM |
里人B | 今すぐポイしちゃいましょ! | |
261 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめ | |
262 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahahaha | |
263 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I know in mind the superchat is right, but.. | |
264 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:07:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 消費しないで捨ててw | |
265 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | それでしばらくロボ子さんが体調崩して会えなくなったら寂しいよ?? | |
266 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but it was good... I made a kimchi.... | |
267 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah...... | |
268 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok... I know it's not a wa.... | |
269 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食べないでw | |
270 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:08:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I wanna eat them | |
271 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今年何回お腹こわしたか覚えてる?w | |
272 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahahah nooooooooo | |
273 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Red superchat: THROW IT AWAY | |
274 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:40 PM |
275 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 観念してw | |
276 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:09:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh,.... since when was this meat??? | |
277 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:10:23 PM |
里人B | 肥料にしましょう | |
278 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:10:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ゾンビ肉作成はちゃんとした調理免許持ってる人でも危険だからやめてね??? | |
279 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:10:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] is there no chance how to eat the expired meat?? | |
280 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:10:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 賞味じゃないんだよなぁ… | |
281 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:10 PM |
里人B | 「休眠」ね | |
282 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: Roboco don't wanna throw away the meat that is already expired | |
283 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ジップロックしてないよね??? | |
284 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ワザップじゃないか!! | |
285 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:30 PM |
里人B | 1ヵ月!! | |
286 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "one month is safe" | |
287 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 二ヶ月なんだよなぁ… | |
288 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:11:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]. .. I should've read the only first part | |
289 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめだよw | |
290 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I--- I should've read the first part only | |
291 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめ | |
292 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そもそも食べないものだからね??????? | |
293 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:27 PM |
里人B | 今ポイしましょ 今! | |
294 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the health... | |
295 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] yeah, 19 people is liking that word.. | |
296 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh,... so everyone is agreeing not to eat the meat? | |
297 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:12:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 切れてるでしょw | |
298 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:13:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, time!! let me check the expiration date gain!! | |
299 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:13:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 事実は目を背けても変わらないんだぞw | |
300 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:13:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: Roboco ran to check the expiration date, she wants to eat the expired lucury meat so bad | |
301 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「投票機能つかわせて」 | |
302 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah... this is hard for the woke up | |
303 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, there's a new fact | |
304 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うん | |
305 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] there were 1 pork meat | |
306 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:14:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 鶏肉はセーフだね | |
307 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the chicken was till 2023 April | |
308 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but the pork was... Oct. 13... | |
309 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 捨てよう | |
310 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:16 PM |
里人B | ||
311 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 豚肉はやばい!!! | |
312 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but the chicken said it was till April | |
313 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:41 PM |
里人B | 鶏肉は大丈夫ですね | |
314 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:15:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 豚肉はまじでだめ | |
315 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS | |
316 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめです | |
317 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but it was so delicious.... | |
318 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] so... no??/ | |
319 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I- I will quit.. | |
320 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 捨てよう | |
321 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but... there was one left | |
322 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ルイ姉さん呼ぶ? | |
323 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:48 PM |
里人B | 食べないでww | |
324 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:16:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] search: how to eat expired meat | |
325 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 諦めるのも高性能だよ?w | |
326 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, don't underestimate my fridge, I only open it when I need it | |
327 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 諦めて | |
328 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:26 PM |
里人B | 病 院 送 り | |
329 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok... I will throw away the pork | |
330 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 本当?????? | |
331 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:43 PM |
里人B | 鳥は美味しく食べてもろて | |
332 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I will do my best finishing the chicken | |
333 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:17:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いますてよう | |
334 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I will throw away.... | |
335 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:03 PM |
里人B | 今ポイしましょ 今 | |
336 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahaha wanna do a check on March check my fridge?? | |
337 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | やろうかw | |
338 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | v you see, I got a big space for the freezer | |
339 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 予約しておこう | |
340 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:18:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok... we gotta make a stream reservation for MArch.. | |
341 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me check the info about the fridge for the business.. | |
342 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:07 PM |
里人B | 業務用は上にパカッと開くやつ | |
343 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, tere's many fridge I never saw | |
344 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 使うことのほうに力いれて?w | |
345 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, it's too expensive.. | |
346 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんなら電力ももっと違うぞ | |
347 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]... I think I can't afford it | |
348 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:19:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I never thought everyone would scold me about this | |
349 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:20:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そんなの1/2600くらいだよ | |
350 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:20:21 PM |
里人B | 昨日大掃除しましたよ 冷凍庫 | |
351 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:20:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but ... guys, I'm sure there's someone like me here right??? | |
352 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:20:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冷蔵庫処理担当だからそんなこと許してないよ | |
353 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:20:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah... potato chips 5 years ago??? I can relate that.. | |
354 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:14 PM |
里人B | Vtuberチップスかな? | |
355 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, there's a hololive merch right??? | |
356 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] with a sncak right?? | |
357 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Vtuberチップス残ってる…??? | |
358 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the Vtuber Chips, it was a tough fight.. | |
359 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:21:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ... I didn't give to the neighbor, but I really did my best | |
360 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's no longer in my house so don't worry | |
361 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I do have that experience | |
362 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] tbh, I hate sweet food | |
363 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] so I had a lot of left over before | |
364 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah- I wanted to give tthem away to the viewers | |
365 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm girl??? what are you thinking? | |
366 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お米は捨てれてえらい | |
367 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:22:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the rice? I did throw them away | |
368 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I only buy the pack size | |
369 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ん?? | |
370 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait.. | |
371 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wher'ed the rice go? | |
372 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I know I found a rice from the old place, where'd it go? | |
373 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 聞かれても困るよw | |
374 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] did the house keeper threw it for me?? | |
375 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 流石に捨てたんじゃないかなw | |
376 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:23:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm scared, let me check it later | |
377 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh... the rice is at behind me???/ it was umbrella | |
378 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ホラー展開やめてw | |
379 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, you see, Lui came to my place right? | |
380 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] she asked me if she need to make a rice for me | |
381 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] then I told her I only use the rice pack only | |
382 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:24:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
383 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] yeah I used to have the rice cooker, but it's forbidden now | |
384 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I have a new goal for the next year | |
385 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 全開からそうだねw | |
386 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, it was for next year, lol | |
387 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] my goal for next year | |
388 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:25:57 PM |
389 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:26:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんならロボ生かけてでも守ってもれてw | |
390 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:26:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 海外にき「どうやって一人暮らししてきたの?草」 | |
391 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:26:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I have to put expiration date mark on what to buy | |
392 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:26:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] hm.... I think I don't buy too much,,, | |
393 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食べる量のぶんだけ買ってない? | |
394 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's random, so I don't .... ah ok | |
395 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I gotta make myslef to eat 3 times a day | |
396 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | えらい | |
397 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:35 PM |
里人B | えらい | |
398 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I don't order uber nowadays | |
399 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:27:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I learned you have to eat morning and lunch | |
400 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうだね | |
401 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I don't feel hungry | |
402 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 心がけてるよ | |
403 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:20 PM |
里人B | 朝は特に!! | |
404 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but at night, I don't have to take sugar, seems like that's the healthy diet | |
405 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうだねw | |
406 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] lol, the year end party became review day | |
407 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:28:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ahahahaha guys, you wanna make me check my fridge every time I stream? | |
408 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:29:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
409 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:29:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, Lui nee recomended me about the shumai, then I avoided it, you know why? | |
410 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:29:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm sure I can't eat it alone | |
411 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:29:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そうだねw | |
412 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:29:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I have a tendency to not cook the frozen food | |
413 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] so I didn't buy it | |
414 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冷凍庫が墓場に… | |
415 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]broccoli is really good you know? and the spring onion | |
416 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ネギ大丈夫? | |
417 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 酔いがとんでるのよ、衝撃的すぎて | |
418 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:50 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, are you guys drunk??? | |
419 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] really?? | |
420 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:30:56 PM |
里人B | ロボ子さんに釘付けで飲めてないですww | |
421 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もう二杯飲んでるよ | |
422 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食べたよ?美味しかったよ? | |
423 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see.... what did I ate lately? | |
424 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ブリ? | |
425 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I forgot what fish I ate... | |
426 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 鮭? | |
427 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | キス? | |
428 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:31:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] context: guessing what Roboco ate (fish) | |
429 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:32:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | さんま? | |
430 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:32:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it was white meat fish, what was it.. | |
431 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:32:29 PM |
里人B | サワラ? | |
432 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | しらす? | |
433 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:00 PM |
里人B | ビントロ? | |
434 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]it looked like this | |
435 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it was cut when I bought | |
436 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 画像みsてーw | |
437 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it was like this | |
438 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] but I forgot wat was it | |
439 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's like this, it shaped like a rice ball | |
440 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:33:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | カジキかな? | |
441 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] is it a sword fish? | |
442 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:06 PM |
里人B | メカジキっぽい | |
443 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's name starts from Ka in JP | |
444 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it wasn't oily much | |
445 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'll check it out | |
446 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] now I'm waking up | |
447 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's not deciding on what is my goal for next year | |
448 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wanna sing song? | |
449 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ahahaha I think I can sing song now | |
450 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:34:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そっかーw | |
451 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I wanna sing a sad song | |
452 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, I really wanan sing sad song | |
453 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよー | |
454 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
455 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "please throwa way the pork before you sing" | |
456 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:42 PM |
里人B | まずはそこから | |
457 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | それはそう | |
458 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:35:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Ah---- | |
459 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:36:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me adjust it | |
460 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:36:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the song I chose is this | |
461 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:36:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
462 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:36:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Song: たぼこ (cigarrette) | |
463 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:37:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 24時間以上も経ってるんだよね… | |
464 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:37:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: the song is hitting roboco-san so bad because she "woke up late" (lyrics) | |
465 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:37:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | がんばってw | |
466 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:38:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
467 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:38:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Jp chat: making pork joke | |
468 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:38:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちゃんと(消費期限)みててよ | |
469 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:39:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP Chat " check the expiration date more" | |
470 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:39:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | これも刺さってる | |
471 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:39:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
472 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "I should've check for you" | |
473 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 良い歌声でブーメランぶっ刺さないでw | |
474 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 遅かったね… | |
475 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 料理しないで…諦めて… | |
476 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 加熱してもやばいって…w | |
477 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:40:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "JP chat: don't put fire on it, it's already expired" | |
478 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:00 PM |
里人B | 一口でもアウト… | |
479 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめだったんだな… | |
480 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もう諦めて… | |
481 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 苦いのはアウト | |
482 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] pork... I'm sorry.... | |
483 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:41:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I should've.... stay with you more | |
484 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:03 PM |
里人B | 苦いのは流石に… | |
485 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 捨てよう(捨てよう) | |
486 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'll be careful next time | |
487 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]h..... it hit me so bad | |
488 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] that song really hit me so bad | |
489 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:26 PM |
里人B | 豚肉にサヨナラできました? | |
490 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
491 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | よし、お別れしよう |
492 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] was this song really this sad? | |
493 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:47 PM |
里人B | 歌声はメチャメチャ最高でした! | |
494 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahahahahah "throw them asap" | |
495 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:42:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
496 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I CAN'T... I CAN'T THROW THE PORK | |
497 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 一つ????? | |
498 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'll throw the pork one | |
499 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:22 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] no, I sang that song to say good bye | |
500 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | グッバイ宣言しなきゃ | |
501 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah--- I can't prepare my heart to sing "Good bye Sengen" | |
502 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I don't remember that song | |
503 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:43:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] how was it ? | |
504 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いいよ | |
505 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] can I check it? | |
506 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: グッバイ宣言 (Good bye Sengen) | |
507 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | お腹がエマージェンシー | |
508 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 腐っていた | |
509 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:44:59 PM |
里人B | かわいい!! |
510 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "expired" lyrics | |
511 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | また刺さっているw | |
512 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] why? wait | |
513 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] isn't this song hitting me again??? | |
514 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I can't say good bye??? | |
515 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 歌詞がここまで刺さってるw | |
516 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] is this really saying good bye? | |
517 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:45:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 冷凍庫に立て籠もりしすぎたんよ | |
518 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:46:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]aahahahahahaha I'm sure it did hikikomori too long that it expired | |
519 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:46:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] pretender? I'm gonna cry | |
520 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:46:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm sure you're gonna cry | |
521 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:46:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ぐっばい | |
522 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:46:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: pretender | |
523 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:47:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | がんばれー! | |
524 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:47:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
525 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:47:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 予想できなかったんだよね | |
526 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:47:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "I wasn't able to predict it" (the expiration missery) | |
527 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:47:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
528 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:48:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "I wish I could able to tell you the love for you, good bye" | |
529 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:48:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ポークじゃない… | |
530 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:48:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 運命… | |
531 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:49:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
532 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:49:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Chat: *keeps saying a pan lyrics with the expiration | |
533 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:49:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
534 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:49:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 無責任… | |
535 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:00 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | エンドライン… | |
536 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] "end line (expiration date)" | |
537 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I, I will be responsible... | |
538 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wanted you to be at my side... (pork) | |
539 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
540 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:50:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ずっと一緒にいたんだよ | |
541 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:51:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 切れぇーだー | |
542 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:51:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Chat: but it's already expired.... | |
543 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:51:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] thank you.... thank you for everything... | |
544 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:51:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]now, Chacha became like ebi fry | |
545 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:51:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I can eat you eternally | |
546 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
547 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Chacha, why are you so long??? | |
548 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you got as long as my arm | |
549 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんの歌声が綺麗なぶんひどく刺さったわね | |
550 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] thanks for the claps | |
551 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it hurts guys | |
552 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: the song Roboco chose all hit her "expired pork" issues | |
553 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys did you know? | |
554 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:52:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんでしょ? | |
555 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あるよ?? | |
556 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] there's no expiration date to the water, did you know that? | |
557 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it only rotten | |
558 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | だめになるよ??? | |
559 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | なんのために濾過してると思ってるの? | |
560 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh,,, water will expire???? | |
561 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:53:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, right? I just don't have to open it right? | |
562 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh... water expiration... | |
563 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] search | |
564 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] will water expire? | |
565 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah- so once it touched the bacteria, it expires | |
566 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] hm! I knw it | |
567 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:54:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 開けたらアウトね | |
568 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:55:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I learned about that when I had my water changed for the expiration date | |
569 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:55:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ウォーターサーバー掃除もしてれば長持ちするよ | |
570 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:56:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh... I belive it will be gone.. right? | |
571 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:56:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 密閉は… | |
572 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:56:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, you're right | |
573 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:56:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahaha | |
574 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:56:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, please stop telling me to throw away the pork | |
575 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:57:04 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | プラスチックのほうが腐るからだめよ | |
576 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:57:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah.... that pork don't know anything yet | |
577 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:57:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it doesn;t know what will happen to it later | |
578 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I've been checking the songs | |
579 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] everything is hitting me so bad | |
580 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
581 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 「消せない罪」 | |
582 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] why am I seeing them??? | |
583 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ちょっとぐるぐるしてるけど戻ってきたよ | |
584 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:58:59 PM |
里人B | おかえり~ | |
585 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] is it DC happeneing? | |
586 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, now I miss this song | |
587 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I really miss them | |
588 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | うたってこ | |
589 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] uwa, this is nostalgic | |
590 🔗 |
12/29/2022 3:59:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Song:カタオモイ (One sided love) | |
591 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:00:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
592 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:00:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
593 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:01:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | メインディッシュ… | |
594 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:01:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Lyric: main dish | |
595 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:01:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 味わって | |
596 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:01:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Lyrics: enjoy the taste | |
597 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:01:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 惜しかったな…w | |
598 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:02:11 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 「忘れてしまってもちょっとつらいけど」 | |
599 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:02:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Lyrics: "it hurts when you forgot me" | |
600 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
601 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, I think the dream is fulfilled | |
602 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
603 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, I almost fulfilled the dream | |
604 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 生まれ変わる… | |
605 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:03:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ロボ子さんのいい歌声とブーメランの化学反応がひどくてしんどいw | |
606 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, it hits me really bad | |
607 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]eh, sing heart broken song?? | |
608 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | きちゃう?w | |
609 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Song: Good bye days | |
610 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あいにいかないで… | |
611 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wait | |
612 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:04:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok ok, | |
613 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:05:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Lyrics: so now, I'm going to meet you, I decided so | |
614 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:05:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こないでw | |
615 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:05:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Context: Roboco can't stop laughinh because she is hitting so bad about her expired pork with the lyrics | |
616 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:06:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | グッバイにく | |
617 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:07:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 変わり始めた(豚肉の状態) | |
618 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:07:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the not cool form of love... with you.. | |
619 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:07:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 「できれば悲しい思いしたくない」 | |
620 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:07:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
621 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:08:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Lyrics: I dont wanna feel sad, but that moment will definitely come | |
622 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:08:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 言えたらいいのに… | |
623 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:08:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
624 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
625 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]well, the last part was hard for me to remember | |
626 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wasn't it god? | |
627 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
628 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] thanks for the clap | |
629 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:30 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I loved you pork | |
630 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, yabai | |
631 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] every song I see now is heart breaking song | |
632 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
633 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:09:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm not drunk | |
634 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:10:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今年いっぱい笑ったよw良い歌声ですごい笑ったよw | |
635 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:10:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Song: フリージア (freesia) | |
636 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:10:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 止まるんじゃねーぞ… | |
637 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:11:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ないぎふ! | |
638 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:11:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 止まるんじゃねーぞ… | |
639 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:11:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
640 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:11:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 忘れないよ… |
641 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:12:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 食べるんじゃねぇぞ… | |
642 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:12:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | たどり着く場所(廃棄) | |
643 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:13:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | (期限に)怯えていた | |
644 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:13:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | チャットの一体感:ロボ子さんの豚肉(消費期限切れ) | |
645 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:13:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
646 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:14:35 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今だよ… | |
647 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:14:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
648 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:15:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 戻る場所なんてない(冷凍庫) | |
649 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:15:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] no place to return... is that so...? | |
650 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:15:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] don't eat it...? hanya? | |
651 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:15:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
652 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:15:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, why are we hearing different? | |
653 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 気のせいだよ | |
654 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] oh, everyone is hallusinating? | |
655 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, so the meaning is right? | |
656 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, I can't stop | |
657 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I do love ballad song, but this is really... | |
658 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:16:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wanna sing a happy song now | |
659 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I wanted to sing a happy song | |
660 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] why? | |
661 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:13 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm really having fun | |
662 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | すごく楽しいよ! | |
663 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:26 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I wonder why are we like this tonight? | |
664 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
665 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:40 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I feel like singing ballad song | |
666 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:17:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
667 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] who's saying pork ballad (pork balla = pork belly) | |
668 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | しゃーないw | |
669 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もうだめだw | |
670 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:44 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think all ballad song are having different meaning now | |
671 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
672 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:18:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] btw, the expired pork was pork belly | |
673 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | もってるなぁw | |
674 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]wait, this is arrange | |
675 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 閃光!? | |
676 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おっと? | |
677 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]lyrics.. lyrics | |
678 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:19:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | それかー | |
679 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:20:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: 心拍数 (hear beat) | |
680 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:20:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 動悸がもう別の意味に聞こえる… | |
681 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:21:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 消費期限は守って… | |
682 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:21:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
683 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:21:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 離して… | |
684 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:22:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Lyric: I won't let you go | |
685 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:23:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] JP chat: *keeps interpreting the lyrics to the relationship with the expired pork | |
686 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:23:23 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ※忘年会で歌枠で冷蔵庫事情反省会です |
687 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:23:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 嬉しかったんだね… | |
688 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:23:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
689 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] thanks for everything... pork... | |
690 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どうして… | |
691 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
692 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok, ok | |
693 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 忘れないでね… |
694 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:24:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] thanks for the clap | |
695 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:25:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, my throat was full ok since I slept | |
696 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:25:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ahahahahaha buhiiiiii | |
697 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:25:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | どれ?w | |
698 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:25:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok sing with me guys, this is the last song | |
699 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:25:36 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | いま別れの時… | |
700 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:26:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Song: 手紙~拝啓十五の君へ~(Letter ~ Dear 165 year old me) | |
701 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:26:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 拝啓じゃなくて廃棄だよ | |
702 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:27:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 消えてしまいそうなポーク | |
703 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:27:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | バラ肉だもんね… | |
704 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:27:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ぽんぺになってる… | |
705 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:27:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] please don't survive... | |
706 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:27:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 廃棄… | |
707 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:28:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Context: JP chat is keeping making a relativeness of the lyrics and the expired pork | |
708 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:28:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 眠れない夜(お腹痛い) | |
709 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:29:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 苦い(消費期限切れ) | |
710 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:29:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
711 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:29:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | キープしないで | |
712 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:30:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ろぼさーのこと信じて | |
713 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:30:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | そこはちょっと… | |
714 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:30:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Chat: don't trust yourself, trust Robo-cir | |
715 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:30:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
716 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ラストは鶏肉のメッセージ | |
717 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ||
718 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok then, thanks for listening | |
719 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:42 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] well, that happens | |
720 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I'm really feeling pain and sad for having different meaning to the songs | |
721 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:31:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しかったよw | |
722 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I was smiling all along while singing | |
723 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | たのしかったよw | |
724 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok time to read the superchats | |
725 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] let me read the truck | |
726 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 29の日になんて運命 | |
727 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:32:45 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, I can't get away with that truck | |
728 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:33:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahaha the truck maker, ahahahaaha | |
729 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:33:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I don't know why the font is really this quality | |
730 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:33:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みたい! | |
731 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:33:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] wait, you want me to drive the truck again? | |
732 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:33:57 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I showed you all my highspec skills | |
733 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:34:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, I think I did all the faults, and someone made a clip of not to do while driving lol | |
734 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:34:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | アレ面白かったw | |
735 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:34:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ahahahah guys- | |
736 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:34:39 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I know learned you shouldn't be doing that, learn from my mistake | |
737 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:34:51 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 100点満点の教習所ビデオだよ | |
738 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, guys sorry for me being oveslept, and thanks | |
739 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 元気ならなによりよ | |
740 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:28 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 大型もあるよ | |
741 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:37 PM |
里人B | 普通車なら! | |
742 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] eh, do you guys have driver's license? | |
743 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:35:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 飛ぶの意味が違うw | |
744 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:36:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] if you don't have license, try it, you'll definitely fly | |
745 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:37:03 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ok, I will definitely throw away the expired meat.. | |
746 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:37:08 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | してないのよw | |
747 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:37:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, so the gold license means a good driver? | |
748 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:37:48 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] that confused me, I thought you get the gold license if you violate the law | |
749 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:37:55 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 実績… | |
750 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:38:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, it's so far away to get gold | |
751 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:38:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, I totally forgot to drink booze | |
752 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:38:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
753 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:38:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あとでゆっくりやすんでねw | |
754 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:07 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I laugh so hard that might affect me tomorrow | |
755 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:15 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] guys, I'm still smiling | |
756 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:18 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 同じだねw | |
757 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, you guys kept making me lauging, so I really can't stop smiling | |
758 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:37 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | こっちも楽しかったよw | |
759 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:44 PM |
里人B | かわいい | |
760 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:39:56 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you see, I put the chat at the side of the lyrics, so I can't really stop laughig | |
761 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:40:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 笑う門には福来たるってねw | |
762 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:40:29 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I promise, I will throw away the epired meat | |
763 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:40:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | してねw | |
764 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:40:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] lol, I should use my eyes for the driving | |
765 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:41:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
766 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:41:10 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I can make a song | |
767 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:41:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 久々に作曲するかい?w | |
768 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:41:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I can make song | |
769 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:41:49 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | まず「たばこ」からここまで刺さると誰がおもってた?w | |
770 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:42:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] lol, I naturally read your name yo wtf | |
771 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:42:06 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 草 | |
772 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:42:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, but.... I think it's regular thing in overseas to say wtf, so it's ok? | |
773 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:42:33 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] japanese is sensitive? enjoy, just go | |
774 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:42:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | Let's Go 廃棄? | |
775 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:43:14 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 発音があやしいw | |
776 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:43:24 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Ah, I think I sound bad in Japanese now | |
777 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:44:05 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 楽しいねw | |
778 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:44:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] it's really fun to talk with you guys at midnight isn't it? | |
779 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:44:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]Eh, put the pork in the garbage box? lol | |
780 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:44:58 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | kusa | |
781 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:45:21 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | できるよ | |
782 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:45:32 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah, can I take a mini pork to walk? | |
783 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:45:41 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]ah- I saw someone petting roach at youtube | |
784 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:45:47 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | やめなー | |
785 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:46:01 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 豚肉とGの話題はまずいよー | |
786 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:46:25 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] You didn;t wanna know that cursed clip? ahahaha | |
787 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:46:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I didn't wanna check it out but I saw it | |
788 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:46:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 気持ちはわからんでもないけどw | |
789 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN]I'll do my best on work thanks | |
790 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | あくびたすかる | |
791 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:16 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 年末年始仕事よー | |
792 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] did you guys end the job of the year? ah- gotta do my best, right Chacha? | |
793 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:53 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] hey chacha- you're too cute, let's sleep together shall we? | |
794 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:47:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] ah, you're too soft chacha | |
795 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:02 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 罵倒w | |
796 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] you're cute, you're dumb, I love you | |
797 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:19 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 肉捨てるの忘れないで | |
798 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:27 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] Ah, now I wanna sleep | |
799 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:38 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] the meat... I'll throw it tomoorrow morning | |
800 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:43 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 今すてて | |
801 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:48:59 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I-I will throw away the meat before I sleep | |
802 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:09 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] and next year see you again | |
803 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:12 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おつろぼよーw | |
804 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:17 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] I think I have a lot of mama now | |
805 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:20 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | ままよー | |
806 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:31 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | [EN] mama- will you take care of me? see you tomorrow | |
807 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:34 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おやろぼー | |
808 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:41 PM |
里人B | おやろぼですよ~ | |
809 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | おやろぼなさいー | |
810 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:52 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | かわいい | |
811 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:49:54 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | みなさんもおつおやろぼーG'night guys- | |
812 🔗 |
12/29/2022 4:52:46 PM |
ぼくしーBoxi | 忘年会おつろぼでした~みなさんもおつおやろぼーG'night guys- |