トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Buddy Simulator 1984】The Buddy of '84 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 46 572.93 85,393円 € EUR 9 267.00 42,061円 ₩ KRW 12 242000.00 26,633円 HK$ HKD 1 500.00 9,528円 NT$ TWD 2 1575.00 7,289円 CA$ CAD 4 35.00 3,858円 £ GBP 1 20.00 3,621円 A$ AUD 3 35.00 3,334円 NZ$ NZD 1 20.00 1,773円 IDR IDR 3 170000.00 1,635円 SAR SAR 1 25.00 993円 ₱ PHP 2 375.00 976円 MX$ MXN 2 100.00 849円 ¥ JPY 1 500.00 500円 R$ BRL 1 5.00 149円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 188,594円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
134 🔗 |
$10.00 | The Needed Laxative |
With the way you described the baby, I'm glad they didn't let you nane it | |
¥1490 | ||||
135 🔗 |
Steven9871234 |
Congrats on being an Auntironni! Imagine that years from now, the baby is gonna see this VOD... |
136 🔗 |
Evil with Carrrne the regular Kronie with no fries |
Your baby description was beautiful and I think you should write some mother's gift card | ||
137 🔗 |
$5.00 | Jax (2回目) |
Before soon that baby will have their first existential crisis, they grow up so fast. | |
¥745 | ||||
138 🔗 |
MrCouchPotato |
139 🔗 |
Kronii's Neglected Sword |
140 🔗 |
$20.00 | ZX Incandesceronii |
Huge Congrats on becoming Aunt-ronii. Just imagine, you can slowly craft your nephew into a gamer! |
¥2981 | ||||
141 🔗 |
JimmyBoombox |
142 🔗 |
Neon |
(Second) | ||
143 🔗 |
Zanzura |
(Welcome to Second!) | ||
144 🔗 |
체클칸 |
145 🔗 |
Joaquin Carvajal |
Hi |
146 🔗 |
R$5.00 | Renato Guimarães 🪐 |
As an uncle of 3 and a 4th in 2 months, I hope you can endure the infernal crying and screaming while not knowing what to when the mother is absent | |
¥149 | ||||
147 🔗 |
¥500 | oyachi |
Hello kronii.I have one question, I think I borrowed some diamonds from nekoneko finance at the holo summer festival, did you return the diamonds? | |
¥500 | ||||
148 🔗 |
CA$5.00 | zimky |
Congrats on becoming an aunt! Experiencing firsts with a tiny human is really something, so enjoy the most you can! |
¥551 | ||||
149 🔗 |
K |
(Welcome to Second!) | ||
150 🔗 |
LemonLizard |
He's already super needy and wants to know everything. Lore accurate | ||
151 🔗 |
₩5,000 | Zenya (2回目) |
¥550 | ||||
152 🔗 |
₩2,000 | Cloud Rain / Blessed Archdemon (2回目) |
OBJECTION! The screen must be black and green! | |
¥220 | ||||
153 🔗 |
二天流 |
Congratulations Auntie. |
154 🔗 |
Kinghuntng |
ayo? | ||
155 🔗 |
€100.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training |
Hyia, it's that time of year where I feel like an old bag of bones, or an older bag of bones I suppose. It was my birthday this past weekend! The day may have passed, but I'm happy to be spending any time watching my fave warden, it's always a blast |
¥15753 | ||||
156 🔗 |
€50.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (2回目) |
I probably said it a bajillion times at this point, but I won't stop saying how I appreciate you and your stuff. Your cool voice, the shenanigans you get up to, how hard you work for all you've shown us and all that good good |
¥7877 | ||||
157 🔗 |
€20.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (3回目) |
I know it's cheesy as hell but I'm super happy to have been a kronie for so long. It's been a ride, wouldn't trade it for the world. "Met" some great people thanks to that, to you(no denying)(the meeting part is still a wip) | |
¥3151 | ||||
158 🔗 |
Neo_Persona |
159 🔗 |
€10.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (4回目) |
Now I'm sorry if that's a selfish ask but, can I please get a happy birthday in french, if that's not too much to ask? That would make this little doofus incredibly happy 4/5 | |
¥1575 | ||||
160 🔗 |
NT$1,500.00 | 九尾焱狐 Kyubi |
¥6942 | ||||
161 🔗 |
€5.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (5回目) |
already lowkey pogging from getting the rainbow clock though but whatevs |
¥788 | ||||
162 🔗 |
Eating Mike Tyson's Ass |
(Second) | ||
163 🔗 |
€2.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (6回目) |
Je t'adore Kronii, merci pour tout |
¥315 | ||||
164 🔗 |
Tempest |
165 🔗 |
윤 |
166 🔗 |
£20.00 | Neon |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥3621 | ||||
167 🔗 |
€20.00 | SamGoesBy, Baguette in training (7回目) |
And congrats again on the ol' auntie business, sure you're gonna be the funny aunt. Also try and not get too many jaywalkers for driving lessons, or go for the record, idunno, you do you | |
¥3151 | ||||
168 🔗 |
$5.00 | Eating Mike Tyson's Ass |
¥745 | ||||
169 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | auzora962 |
Kronii oba-chan or oba-sama |
¥481 | ||||
170 🔗 |
$10.00 | Borrowed Alpaca | I love when Canadians get arty | |
¥1490 | ||||
171 🔗 |
$5.00 | Kay |
Thanks for the rainbow watch, buddy! |
¥745 | ||||
172 🔗 |
【百鬼組】雷帝神 Jeffery |
cute aunt Kronii |
173 🔗 |
₩10,000 | Cloud Rain / Blessed Archdemon (3回目) |
30 years ago, there was a MS-DOS program, named Max. It was kinda scripted self-chat program. Ironically I feel nostalgic, sepia-toned atmosphere. Thank you so much. | |
¥1101 | ||||
174 🔗 |
₩15,000 | 뽀바 |
I'm too busy to watch live streaming, but I always enjoy watching replay it when I have time. thank you kronii! | |
¥1651 | ||||
175 🔗 |
₩20,000 | 아르타니스(artanisㅣアルタニス) |
congratulations on becoming aunt-ronii! | |
¥2201 | ||||
176 🔗 |
A$20.00 | thewizardninja |
Just received your BD merch, I love that it's full of practical things I'll actually use instead of just being intended for display. The design of the 2-way cushion is genius, too! A shame it got in 2 weeks AFTER I flew... | |
¥1905 | ||||
177 🔗 |
SAR 25.00 | Daiki |
Kronichiwaa auntironii .. congrats and god bless the lil baby |
¥993 | ||||
178 🔗 |
$20.00 | Tate Aniki |
Congrats on the happy news, sounds like it was a whirlwind of a weekend. When it comes to old text-based games like this one, the only thing you really need to remember is "Get ye flask" will never be a valid action. | |
¥2981 | ||||
179 🔗 |
Hadlazcka |
2 years of membership already! Never thought I'd become a member to any YouTube channel, but here we are. Keep up the great work, clock-kun! | ||
180 🔗 |
Philsen | Gifted 5 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
181 🔗 |
Kyo Yamato | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
182 🔗 |
eelMacaco | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
183 🔗 |
Ish 🐾 Rune | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
184 🔗 |
rotten | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
185 🔗 |
Erik Castaneda | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
186 🔗 |
Peggy Ro |
187 🔗 |
OppressedBanana |
(Welcome to Second!) | ||
188 🔗 |
an onion |
buddy breakfast YAYY |
189 🔗 |
Philsen (2回目) |
Gifted 5 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
190 🔗 |
Not Observant | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
191 🔗 |
kiddult | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
192 🔗 |
Nicotine | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
193 🔗 |
Prinny Dood | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
194 🔗 |
Darien Fuller | was gifted a membership by Philsen | ||
195 🔗 |
Silver Wolf |
196 🔗 |
Kyono(Kronii's bank) |
197 🔗 |
Chem TrailMix |
UwU Kronii I preordered your awesome anniversary cup. I can't wait! Keep being awesome!!! | ||
198 🔗 |
$5.00 | Stark Mandalore |
If Balto doesn't work Jenna is also a nice name, tho I always wondered why her fur was red. Congrats on becoming Aunt Kronii BTW! |
¥745 | ||||
199 🔗 |
LordLTG |
You're my buddy | ||
200 🔗 |
SupaZero |
201 🔗 |
Ultra Violent |
202 🔗 |
MiserablyHappy |
I think wanna check this game out myself, so i'm gonna head out to avoid anymore spoilers. Later, Kronii! |
203 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Ar_r |
¥347 | ||||
204 🔗 |
NeroUMU |
What in tarnation | ||
205 🔗 |
Miguel Macias |
206 🔗 |
Daniel Gold |
im awake now |
207 🔗 |
nflstreet |
(Welcome to Second!) | ||
208 🔗 |
Bear |
209 🔗 |
$20.00 | Karona |
Oh god, its like listening to "funnyoronii" all over again | |
¥2981 | ||||
210 🔗 |
Izanashi Lena |
211 🔗 |
Zero the Intoner diagnosed with Kroniiosis |
2 years of marriage | ||
212 🔗 |
Arm3gg3d0n94 |
It's been a year already? Time flies when you're with your favorite Warden | ||
213 🔗 |
Charles Christian Cariño |
2 years of being a tool |
214 🔗 |
CrunchyBeee |
215 🔗 |
Kimiko Hiramatsu |
I want to see what happens with no.. but my heart wants to be friends with Kronii... | ||
216 🔗 |
217 🔗 |
Hi Kronii, thank you for the amazing 24 months |
218 🔗 |
Genexis |
219 🔗 |
Winneronyz 徹贏 |
220 🔗 |
あなり |
(Hour) | ||
221 🔗 |
SilverBell은방울 |
222 🔗 |
fairy fox |
223 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rice (2回目) |
*Tosses coin. May Kronii have her billion dollars. | |
¥298 | ||||
224 🔗 |
わためが大好きな夜勤Kronies蒼流俊【AORYU SHUN】 |
225 🔗 |
CA$5.00 | KT |
I saw the psychological horror tag on steam and thought how bad could it be? *Dead Gwandma in the fridge* I am I seeing this right? | |
¥551 | ||||
226 🔗 |
two years woohoo |
227 🔗 |
Bakatare |
(Second) | ||
228 🔗 |
A$5.00 | NineBreaker |
Yeah, my puzzle solution most of the time is to throw Dead Gwandma at it too | |
¥476 | ||||
229 🔗 |
₩100,000 | No. 1729 |
Congratulations on becoming an aunt! Kronii |
¥11005 | ||||
230 🔗 |
MX$50.00 | StarMech |
Gwandma is the best Omni-tool |
¥425 | ||||
231 🔗 |
MX$50.00 | Evil with Carrrne the regular Kronie with no fries |
This game is teaching me that friendship is not so magic | |
¥425 | ||||
232 🔗 |
Rigatony |
233 🔗 |
alexithimial |
234 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | Shannon |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥2205 | ||||
235 🔗 |
IDR 100,000.00 | kusuma k |
it's has been 2 years. I remember the member only karaoke that made me join your membership. I'm glad you did't give up and I'm glad I keep supporting you. looking forward to whatever you do next | |
¥962 | ||||
236 🔗 |
$5.00 | Alejandro Martinez |
the jump from 2d to 3d is like someone pressed the budget increase button. | |
¥745 | ||||
237 🔗 |
HMS Seiso |
(Second) | ||
238 🔗 |
$5.00 | Pepman | If you're looking for a good stopping point soon, this chapter is the main "game" part and goes on longer than the last two parts combined | |
¥745 | ||||
239 🔗 |
$20.00 | WetTacoTime |
This game has been a pleasant surprise. This is really not what I was expecting from how it started, pretty cool game | |
¥2981 | ||||
240 🔗 |
€10.00 | Bats | Congrats on becoming Aunteronii! Couldn't catch the streams much lately, but been catching up on VODs during work (don't worry, am allowed to).Thank you for always entertaining us these past 2 years | |
¥1575 | ||||
241 🔗 |
AgentofShield11 |
Two years! |
242 🔗 |
yih xing |
It’s been a year! |
243 🔗 |
Bats |
(Welcome to Second!) | ||
244 🔗 |
Morsey |
245 🔗 |
$100.00 | Lugnal | First time superchatting! Love your streams! I'm sure you are aware of them, but I would like to shout out @Bluezkaito! They do fan animations primarily of your endeavours, and they are the absolute cutest, most addictive things ever. | |
¥14905 | ||||
246 🔗 |
$5.00 | Kaid |
Its been super fun watching you play this Kronii! I remember I played this game a year ago and it's so good, its nice to see it again! | |
¥745 | ||||
247 🔗 |
₱125.00 | YaYi (2回目) |
Thank you for the stream, Kronii! Loved always your voice acting for the characters here. Congrats again on being an auntie! You're going to be great! | |
¥325 | ||||
248 🔗 |
$20.00 | V-Faction (3回目) |
Oh, bye for now. I'll miss you I guess. | |
¥2981 | ||||
249 🔗 |
A$10.00 | NineBreaker (2回目) |
This game is teaching me that you are your own best buddy(even if you are kinda yandere for yourself), which is not surprising, honestly. Thanks for the stream |
¥953 | ||||
250 🔗 |
€50.00 | MrDeathTheKid8 |
Thank you for the bizarre but fun steam. Also, congrats on becoming an Auntieronii. |
¥7877 | ||||
251 🔗 |
$9.99 | Kurozora (2回目) |
Thanks for the stream! It’s been a while since we’ve had a regular schedule too. After the eventful past couple of months, it’s nice to be back in the groove of things, huh. Congrats again, Auntie. | |
¥1489 | ||||
252 🔗 |
Ahmad Arif [Fira] |
Cant believe it has been 2 years |
253 🔗 |
$5.00 | Eating Mike Tyson's Ass (2回目) |
The thumbnail is really cool |
¥745 | ||||
254 🔗 |
$5.00 | Rice (3回目) |
This game was a really great find on your part さすがクロニーお嬢!Really enjoying it, I was wondering if the white noise was from the game and it was! TY Kro:) | |
¥745 | ||||
255 🔗 |
soraF91 |
RGB Milestone lets goooo | ||
256 🔗 |
$1.99 | Giox |
Thank you for the nice stream, Kronii! Cya! | |
¥297 | ||||
257 🔗 |
James Jager |
Thank you for the wonderful stream auntionii | ||
258 🔗 |
Mclovin is AWESOME |
(Second) | ||
259 🔗 |
codeluckykun |
congratulations on being the cool wine aunt! | ||
260 🔗 |
Aquatic-Lettuce |
Gifted 5 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
261 🔗 |
Eddie | was gifted a membership by Aquatic-Lettuce | ||
262 🔗 |
Silvasche | was gifted a membership by Aquatic-Lettuce | ||
263 🔗 |
Finn Spinster | was gifted a membership by Aquatic-Lettuce | ||
264 🔗 |
HoloPro Enjoyer | was gifted a membership by Aquatic-Lettuce | ||
265 🔗 |
AllHailMerp - Dead Beat Musician | was gifted a membership by Aquatic-Lettuce | ||
266 🔗 |
Mysta J | was gifted a membership by yuuto | ||
267 🔗 |
yuuto | Gifted 1 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
268 🔗 |
hobo | Gifted 1 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
269 🔗 |
周三人 | was gifted a membership by hobo | ||
270 🔗 |
Mayuzumi |
Gifted 5 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
271 🔗 |
Daakku | Gifted 1 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
272 🔗 |
LampyStamps | was gifted a membership by Mayuzumi | ||
273 🔗 |
Mx Maek | was gifted a membership by Mayuzumi | ||
274 🔗 |
Desrigamaa12 | was gifted a membership by Mayuzumi | ||
275 🔗 |
𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐲 🌿 | was gifted a membership by Mayuzumi | ||
276 🔗 |
Version Dew | was gifted a membership by Mayuzumi | ||
277 🔗 |
Dan Oliva | was gifted a membership by Daakku | ||
278 🔗 |
dabomb |
Gifted 1 Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
279 🔗 |
TheLonelyNut 33 | was gifted a membership by dabomb | ||