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配信名:【FIRE EMBLEM ENGAGE】Veyle basically proposed to me #kfp #キアライブ
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	26	283.96		37,128円
PLN	PLN	7	940.00		28,205円
NT$	TWD	13	5610.00		24,180円
  ₩	KRW	9	134000.00	13,521円
CA$	CAD	6	75.90		7,189円
  €	EUR	4	21.40		3,017円
 A$	AUD	2	12.00		1,044円
DKK	DKK	1	50.00		944円
THB	THB	1	200.00		767円
MX$	MXN	2	90.00		638円
HK$	HKD	2	20.00		333円
CZK	CZK	1	50.00		297円
ARS	ARS	1	225.00		143円
PEN	PEN	1	2.00		69円
----	----	----	----		117,476円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$2.00 Moondog Kiara's Friend, Panette
$19.99 SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo) Congratulations misss kiwawa 👏 👏 👏 you go girl sheesh 👀 Phoenix luck frfr
$5.00 Daniela Hirgts Apologies, I mixed up the names for Torrent Roar and Dragon Blast.
$5.00 DelStar a kiwawa a day keeps the doctor away
€1.40 Marco Kannegießer (無言スパチャ)
$5.00 Trevor G - The sad Owl of KFP Wawa found an owl, did you know the owl actually gives you a berry. that's a hoot isn't it
€5.00 KevinC - KFP Samurai Hey Tecnhou, not complaining or anything but how long is my sentence in the Usual Room? Again not complaining haha (nervous laugh)
CA$5.50 Virulent ビルレント Thanks for the stream Kiwawa! I hope you can find a good waifu to marry, so many good choices.
$5.00 Eden Exile - KFP Do you wanna know how Kiwawa got those scars?
소금맛탄산(Salty soda) mgnmgnmgn
$5.00 Straw_HD Starbucks cash
PEN 2.00 DAKUMA roasting the celestial chicken
NT$1,500.00 A LL Boss !! I saw your response to my SC! I am so sorry! I have failed U~! I am just dumb chicken. Plz give me one more chance! U don't! too bad I'm still going to recommend. Oh! U give me a chance me!? This is awkward~back to recommend!!!!
NT$75.00 A LL
I know U love cat! Maybe I'm not sure~?? But this is not important.
NT$300.00 A LL
So let me ask this. Do you love cat. Do you want to play with a cat? Do you want to take your cat to walk together? See them play with other cat? And also you can play with all of your friend! lucky U!
NT$750.00 A LL
i have exactly games you need! is (ARK:SUVUVAL EVOLVED)
NT$75.00 A LL
You love it? I know you love it!!
NT$300.00 A LL
And I also saw your dead space. ... I am sorry! Since I don't know boss that well~u are the greatest boss! You always care about us. laugh with us. take time with us!
NT$750.00 A LL
don't pay us! put us on the menu~ brainwash us!we are proud to be KFP!!We don't know why!But you deserve better!More Scary! More Thriller! Games!i will find~!for U boss!
CA$5.50 mementoa Just be aware that RDR2 is great but LONGGGGGGG. If you have an Xbox or PS3, considering playing its simpler, slightly shorter but fun predecessor!
NT$300.00 A LL
I got one!! (Sons Of The Forest) IS More Thriller!BUT less scary.
PLN 500.00 Slavic Fellow [No need to read out loud] Reporting for duty, boss. I've recently came back from my bucket. For this occasion, I wanted to be a bit selfish and ask for an employee number. Preferably 1710 or 1017 if its not taken. It was the day and month when I first subbed.sal
PLN 250.00 Slavic Fellow
I've never been the type that stays in one fandom for too long. I thought the same would happen here, because after a few months I began to climb out of the rabbit hole, but out of all the channels I still remained subbed to one. A cute orange idol.
PLN 100.00 Slavic Fellow
I know it may sound a bit odd, but I've never been a committed fan of anyone. Pre-hololive, I never bought any merch, memberships, superchats, went to another country for a concert or even bothered with a twitter account.
PLN 50.00 Slavic Fellow
And when I discovered this kind hearted, strong, sincere, hilarious, compassionate, hardworking businesswoman who runs KFP, has amazing voice and gorgeous dance moves, I wanted to cheer for her.
PLN 25.00 Slavic Fellow
I only stayed and kept watching Hololive because of you. And I'm glad I did. It was an amazing journey and I look forward to what future has in store.
€5.00 The Potatoe Man If you translate Eggcrack into German you get Irys
PLN 10.00 Slavic Fellow
I'll do my best to try to keep up. Thank you, Wawa
PLN 5.00 Slavic Fellow
₩22,000 PbnK Why do you have a feather on your face?
CA$2.20 Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU
Quaso love
ARS 225.00 Ruyi Moonlight, KFP Ryuguard Isn't not saying it, technically, a chicken move? Just saying... bokbok
$50.00 Mavjin8 I would say give Metroid Fusion a try off stream since it's on the VC, it tells you where to go a lot and would be a good test to see if you'd enjoy the sidescrolling games. Thanks for more FE Tenchou. Also that 99 Lck with pulling Edelgard earlier.
$2.00 過ちKen daw
$5.00 Jim Tracy Smoothie cute pat