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配信名:【HOTLINE MIAMI 2】Stealthing in Miami #kfp #キアライブ
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	20	327.11		47,981円
  ₩	KRW	1	100000.00	11,088円
  €	EUR	3	53.00		8,356円
 A$	AUD	5	13.00		1,226円
SGD	SGD	1	10.00		1,078円
MYR	MYR	1	30.00		941円
  £	GBP	1	5.00		917円
THB	THB	1	200.00		826円
CA$	CAD	2	7.00		756円
SEK	SEK	1	50.00		661円
  ₱	PHP	1	250.00		647円
  ¥	JPY	1	500.00		500円
COP	COP	1	10000.00	368円
CLP	CLP	2	2000.00		331円
HUF	HUF	1	400.00		164円
ARS	ARS	2	120.00		50円
----	----	----	----		75,892円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
ARS 100.00 Ruyi Moonlight, KFP Chicken Trainer I wouldn't say i NEED it, but i won't deny one if you need it, Tenchou daw
SGD 10.00 Iris Trismegistus I've been enjoying your recent steams of BG3, so much so that I have been inspired to play the game. I really enjoy listening to your thoughts on the game, especially while playing the game on my end!
€43.00 LogicalParadox Kikkerikiii! Last Saturday, I won first place in a KFP trivia quiz! As a prize, I get to donate 4300 euro(cent)s to you. I hope you have an excellent day!
Dace (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
Lord Ewok! - KFP Winemaker oh its the 12. Happy Anniversary!
€5.00 Hosgrimm Moonstone well, it's today now that it's midnight, right ? ~Happy Birthday~
Greed-1914 Congratulations on 3 years. Looking forward to many more.
CLP 1,000 El Canal Weaboo
Dont listen to her, she has been great since day 1
$3.14 P1234M You like pi? Here have some
$5.00 Naweed Ahmedi
If you got Life Insurance would it go to smoothie or chonkers
KingOfDepravity was gifted a membership by Trevor G - Private Eyas
thejamesreloaded Auf Wiedersehen