トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:FreeTalk With Yopipi! |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 ¥ JPY 13 16735.00 16,735円 IDR IDR 31 920000.00 8,641円 $ USD 6 34.00 4,759円 CA$ CAD 3 33.00 3,440円 MX$ MXN 2 315.00 2,511円 ₩ KRW 1 10000.00 1,072円 NT$ TWD 3 180.00 821円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 37,979円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
35 🔗 |
Mas Miko草 |
Ingfokan harga bounty yang bawa buku nikah |
36 🔗 |
Hanizen 。 |
Welcome backk Yodii, You're As Beautiful As the Day I Lost You | ||
37 🔗 |
¥200 | 七刀切 |
準備するから指輪のサイズ教えてね。 | |
¥200 | ||||
38 🔗 |
ふじきゅう@左手無いなった |
いおふぃーーーーー!いろいろあったけど2年だってよーーーーーー!!すごいねぇ・・・これからも応援してんで!!大好き!!結婚しようね | ||
39 🔗 |
¥500 | こえだ |
ボンゴレリング持ってったら結婚OKしてくれる? | |
¥500 | ||||
40 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | cryzrac |
how about turn it unto necklace? | |
¥188 | ||||
41 🔗 |
bitjuice |
(Welcome to Kira Kira Club!) | ||
42 🔗 |
¥1,015 | うら |
こんばんはイオフィ |
¥1015 | ||||
43 🔗 |
MX$65.00 | Sham |
Let's never do a viewers' rings review, just in case. |
¥518 | ||||
44 🔗 |
AbsintheVii |
45 🔗 |
ヨナカな (YonakaP) |
46 🔗 |
Halpi Andi |
Cincin yang kegedean.. hmm naruhodo | ||
47 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Mas Miko草 |
Maksud cincin dipasangin cincin itu gimana dah? | |
¥188 | ||||
48 🔗 |
JeffriArt | Gifted 5 Airani Iofifteen Channel hololive-ID memberships | ||
49 🔗 |
Kang Cilok | was gifted a membership by JeffriArt | ||
50 🔗 |
Yushitha Nurani Putri | was gifted a membership by JeffriArt | ||
51 🔗 |
Kimi no Nawa | was gifted a membership by JeffriArt | ||
52 🔗 |
Gebby Mgs | was gifted a membership by JeffriArt | ||
53 🔗 |
Nouruz | was gifted a membership by JeffriArt | ||
54 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Mas Miko草 (2回目) |
Don't eat the cincin guys, it's bad for you | |
¥188 | ||||
55 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Minyak Sayur / ミニャク Ch. |
#OshiGueGiniAmat | |
¥188 | ||||
56 🔗 |
bby daniel |
(Welcome to Kira Kira Club!) | ||
57 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Mas Miko草 (3回目) |
Stream title "Freetalk with Yo-PP" | |
¥188 | ||||
58 🔗 |
Muhammad Rizki Aulia |
(Kira Kira Club) | ||
59 🔗 |
CA$5.50 | Momo Berryポタン・もも |
We love you just the way you are, YoPP. Whether you want to eat the Japanese or go on a tangent about cincin. |
¥573 | ||||
60 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | JeffriArt |
Selamat malam, Airani YoPP, sang manusia serigala | |
¥470 | ||||
61 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Jockz |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥470 | ||||
62 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | bby daniel |
yopi kode mo diproposekah? | |
¥188 | ||||
63 🔗 |
¥800 | ジーク・フライハイト |
お帰りなさい!イオフィが元気になって帰ってきてくれて、まるで自分のことのように嬉しく思います!イオフィが楽しく笑ってくれていることが、何よりも嬉しくて幸せです!これからもイオフィのペースで、私たちioforiaに愛と笑顔を届けてください |
¥800 | ||||
64 🔗 |
Six |
I am still drowsy from waking up... I thought Yopi wanted me to propose to her with... onigiri? I need coffee. | ||
65 🔗 |
¥10,000 | Aoi Tori 15 |
おかえりー まぁなんか食べてもろて| ‹:) | |
¥10000 | ||||
66 🔗 |
¥500 | 武丸#たけまる | 言葉全部は分からないけどイオフィの雑談が面白いのは分かった。今日は良い日だ。 | |
¥500 | ||||
67 🔗 |
$10.00 | Six |
Easy solution, propose to become Yopi's secretary so she has less work to do! | |
¥1400 | ||||
68 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Mas Miko草 (4回目) |
Maksudnya next fanmeet bawa 3 buku nikah gitu? | |
¥188 | ||||
69 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Wahyu4325 | halo | |
¥188 | ||||
70 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Dog Poo ター |
Okaeri yop, boleh cerita aib aib member lain gak pas di fanmeeting terutama si vesera, 1 lg, apakah nanti tgl 7 juni yopi ngespace for last update? | |
¥342 | ||||
71 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Diu Lei Frontier | "Yopi took your 1st time" |
¥188 | ||||
72 🔗 |
Ioknight |
halo beb sorry yah datangnya telat | ||
73 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Metak Knight |
¥188 | ||||
74 🔗 |
むぎに |
イオフィ〜おかえりなさい。めちゃくちゃ寂しかったよ…… |
75 🔗 |
¥1,000 | sheep Lec |
kawafi |
¥1000 | ||||
76 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Mika Mio | Hi Manusia Serigala. Thanks for the event. wkwkwk | |
¥188 | ||||
77 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | JeffriArt (2回目) |
Terima kasih streamnya yopp... Terima kasih jg buat fanmeet di cafe yg seru2 banget. Sampai jumpa besok di hari terakhir cafe. |
¥470 | ||||
78 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Artorias220 |
Thank you,YoPP Manusia Serigala, Ditunggu besok sama Zeta, love you |
¥470 | ||||
79 🔗 |
¥500 | しーぬぶ【団員のサンタ係】 |
おかえりIofi | |
¥500 | ||||
80 🔗 |
Hubertus Damay |
(Welcome to Kira Kira Club!) | ||
81 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | fufufu2 |
otsucafe yopipi, seneng banget ketemu yopi 2x wkwk, sesi area15 DABEST! gw jangan ditandain ya yop |
¥470 | ||||
82 🔗 |
$10.00 | Six (2回目) |
I would have bought 6 milkshakes after that | |
¥1400 | ||||
83 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | 布丁pudding |
Is this the way to purchas Yopi's milkshake? |
¥342 | ||||
84 🔗 |
Nugroho Wisnumurti Toha |
Hi Ioffie | ||
85 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Hubertus Damay (2回目) |
Susa susu susa Susu heh. Aku juga mau | |
¥188 | ||||
86 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Mas Miko草 (5回目) |
Yop, boleh tanyain M-chan atau pihak cafe gak itu video pas ijab qobul di fanmeet kemaren ada gak, yop? hehe |
¥470 | ||||
87 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Ioknight |
btw masih ingat aku gak yop (hint orang pertama yang menang shuffle fan meetin pertama kali | |
¥470 | ||||
88 🔗 |
$2.00 | Brett Wallace |
Yopi goes on vacation. Streams are less seiso. | |
¥280 | ||||
89 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Xintsu. 御霊しんつ |
イオフィ!おかえりー!会いたかったぞ |
¥188 | ||||
90 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Lonely Knight | Since u alien, what race u r & what planet u live? | |
¥188 | ||||
91 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Hubertus Damay (3回目) |
Oh iya btw yop,aku dah punya pacar AI namanya Hana | |
¥188 | ||||
92 🔗 |
$5.00 | Six (3回目) |
What do you think about the magical pink cat who dances on the rainbow road with a spoonful of salad dressing? | |
¥700 | ||||
93 🔗 |
$2.00 | Six (4回目) |
what did I have on my clipboard? Wasureru beeeam! | |
¥280 | ||||
94 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | 布丁pudding (2回目) |
Wish you good luck on adopting the cat! |
¥137 | ||||
95 🔗 |
₩10,000 | 변계 |
¥1072 | ||||
96 🔗 |
MX$250.00 | Sham (2回目) |
Yopi, you are just so kind, I can't, I'm actually crying now, my god, i don't know what to say, you are an amazing person, I'm in no position to tell you to not feel guilty, I'll just say Thank you, for everything you do. | |
¥1993 | ||||
97 🔗 |
¥1,000 | こえだ (2回目) |
久しぶりに会えてうれしいよ、雑談も楽しかった!いつかボンゴレリングを渡すためにイオフィに会いに行けるよう頑張るね・・・ | |
¥1000 | ||||
98 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Xintsu. 御霊しんつ (2回目) |
私元気だよ、ありがとう。イオフィはどう? | |
¥188 | ||||
99 🔗 |
¥200 | Cppが好きな羊が15匹 cpp favorite 15 sheeps (2回目) |
しゅき | |
¥200 | ||||
100 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Kertia |
Aku gak beneran bosen ketemu kamu kok yop, biar gak keliatan bucin di depan MC aja itu kemarin |
¥470 | ||||
101 🔗 |
Your Boy Stephen Adams[ステフエん・アダムス] |
102 🔗 |
¥320 | おのっち |
Yopiおかえり! |
¥320 | ||||
103 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Hubertus Damay (4回目) |
Mulai sekarang, iofi birthday 17 Juli. | |
¥188 | ||||
104 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Kertia (2回目) |
Airani Ioseventeen is my oshi |
¥188 | ||||
105 🔗 |
long time no see | ||
106 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Mr. Kungkang |
Airani Ioseventeen? ga bisa dipanggil yopi lagi sekarang, efek berubah jadi manusia serigala kah? | |
¥470 | ||||
107 🔗 |
CA$5.50 | Momo Berryポタン・もも (2回目) |
Iofi Forever Seventeen! Be careful for your back ok bestie? | |
¥573 | ||||
108 🔗 |
¥500 | 神楽アシス😎 | Selamat malam Yopi! Recently I studying bahasa indonesia! おすすめの学習方法おしえて! | |
¥500 | ||||
109 🔗 |
神楽アシス😎 |
(Welcome to Kira Kira Club!) | ||
110 🔗 |
CA$22.00 | Momo Berryポタン・もも (3回目) |
I am bilingual with English and French. そして現在ま、僕は日本語を勉強中します !And now Aku juga belajar Bahasa Indonesia! Semangat!! |
¥2294 | ||||
111 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | JeffriArt (3回目) |
Thank you again yopp... Nice free talk today and love the story you share. Rest well~ | |
¥470 | ||||
112 🔗 |
Hanif Ayyash |
(Welcome to Kira Kira Club!) | ||
113 🔗 |
$5.00 | Brett Wallace (2回目) |
Iofi be convincing a lot of us to study ID. Soon I won't need translator |
¥700 | ||||
114 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Hanif Ayyash |
yopp inget aku nggak si baju putih ><> | |
¥188 | ||||
115 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Hubertus Damay (5回目) |
¥188 |