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配信名:【CALL INS】Who will be my HEART CHALLENGER !? HR Monitor + Pick Up Lines! #kfp #キアライブ
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	54	2661.95		400,745円
  €	EUR	30	1460.66		235,987円
  £	GBP	5	250.00		47,300円
CA$	CAD	7	350.00		38,917円
PLN	PLN	4	1000.00		37,219円
NT$	TWD	8	6000.00		28,803円
  ₩	KRW	4	205000.00	23,225円
 A$	AUD	4	208.00		20,349円
HK$	HKD	3	750.00		14,442円
  ₱	PHP	4	5000.00		13,413円
AED	AED	1	250.00		10,247円
  ¥	JPY	2	10000.00	10,000円
  ₹	INR	2	5499.00		9,969円
HUF	HUF	2	20000.00	8,309円
COP	COP	2	200000.00	7,691円
NOK	NOK	1	500.00		7,114円
CZK	CZK	2	1000.00		6,363円
SGD	SGD	1	50.00		5,585円
THB	THB	1	1000.00		4,172円
CLP	CLP	1	25000.00	3,929円
 R$	BRL	2	100.00		3,029円
ARS	ARS	1	500.00		90円
----	----	----	----		936,898円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$50.00 God of Amiibo Happy Valentine's day, tenchou! Thanks for doing another round of these, I'm excited to get one this time! As for the name, just 'Amiibo' is fine. And I'll take #2! Thanks for everything you do, glad to have you back. Love ya, boss!
₱1,250.00 Yumirix - KFP's Deadbeat Lizard I'm a bit of a clumsy Chicken but I saved up batch #2! My best batch of chocolates today just for you daw Thank you for being charming as always 🌹 Happy Hearts Day Wawa ❤ - from Yumirix
NOK 500.00 TheGamerCreed I'll have #1 please and thank you, for TheGamerCreed. We don't want the little chimkin baby to cry after all, lol. Also, a very happy single awareness day Everybody, (even to those that aren't single) luv
$50.00 Jim Tracy Happy Valentine's Day Kiara! I'll take a #3 please for Jim Tracy. Thanks for doing these again! aww
$50.00 JerorawrXD - 🍗 Sous Chef
As former archery teacher and resident flirting chef, I'll go with #1. Chocolate is no good for my diet anyway. Have a lovely lovey dovey Valentine's Day Wawa. Thanks for always making our little chicken hearts feel full 🧡
A$58.00 Ghostbyun Happy Valentine's Day, Kiwawa! I'd like #2 for Ghostbyun ~ thank you for always supporting my wawa artworks, it really makes my day every time ;w; ♡ good luck with all the polaroids!!
COP 100,000.00 Mithin Love how cute the #3 chimkin is so I'll take that one, haven't been feeling too well as of late, but it's so good to see you back Tenchou! Happy Valentine's day luv
CA$50.00 Yuria of Londor #683 Imma keep it short. You’re special to me and no one else can make me happy like you do. I love you and nothing's gonna change thatluv Happy Valentines Day Kiwawa! Also #3 please with just Yuria!
$49.99 Tython - KFP Legal Eagle #2 for Tython please. Encasing myself in chocolate is a small price to pay to have my Tenchou probably point and laugh at me.
€50.00 SpaceWaterfall KFP 「宇宙の滝」 Happy Valentines Day to the best and sweetest girl ever!aww And Happy 3 Year Anniversary of Heart Challenger!!par You are the best that happened in the last 3 years! I love you so muchluv#3 "für SpaceWaterfall" Bitte!daw
$50.00 アリAri Happy Valentine's Day Wawa~! Can I have #3 signed to "アリAri ♡" please! Also, if possible, can you add lashes to the chimkin for mine? Thank you! Love you!!💞🥰❤💞❤🥰💞❤🥰❤💞🐔 (p.s I hope ur hand and wrist are okay after signing all these 🥺)
NT$750.00 BLUE_CHIEN -KFBeats testDACHI Happy Valentine's day,Waewa!I'm very happy you're back!I want to take #2.
SGD 50.00 Kaito Kei firstly, THANK YOU FOR THE DISCOUNT OR I WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THIS crycry WAWA THE BEST!!! but pls dont hurt your hand again!! stretch and rest when you read my SC!! I'll like to be #2 chocolaty chicken, sign to "Kaito Kei" luv
$50.00 UberHobber #1, Uberhobber! Keep that KFP diaper meme going strong! Thank you for all the things you do and the hard work and dedication you put into your work. You mean so much to everyone around you and deserve nothing less than the best! Happy Valentine's Day
PLN 250.00 Slavic Fellow Happy Valentine's Day to the cutest bird out there! And happy 3 year anniversary of Heart Challanger, Kiwawa!🧡 I'll take #1 for Slavic Fellow please.daw On a side note, please have mercy on the lame pick-up lines that'll come today lol
₹1,000.00 Dasadify Happy valentine's day Wawa! I'll take #2, a sweet chocolate covered chicken for the one and only, the sweetest and cutest Oshi. Thanks for all the hardwork you do, Love you so much!!!!!!
$50.00 Soppy - KFP Bartender #2, Soppy. Please hurry Tenchou. I can't breathe under all this chocolate... Also don't ask how we managed this and whose chocolate we stole to do it. (Happy Valentine's Day!)
CLP 25,000 mapucheHD #3 Happy Valentine's day. this is my first pink sc ever and i'm really happy you are the one i'm sending it to. gotta support my oshi!
$50.00 tdawwg Happy Valentines Kiara! Here's to another year with wawa and KFP! ❤ #3 to tdawwg please! Thank you for being the best boss, tenchou!
CA$50.00 JoveW #3 for me please Wawa! Happy Valentines Day!
$49.99 Eevee shy Hi tenchou ! Can I please get a number 3? HAPPY VALENTINES DAYS WAWA !!!!!!!
€50.66 Arestris I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra ... oh wait, that was something else. Well, I guess then I wish a happy valentine to my Oshi daw and will take polaroid #3! Thx for everything and love you! 🙏🧡🧡
€50.00 Lailah (NightLily) #1 for Lailah please wawa luv Will you be my gf (gaming fenix)
CA$50.00 Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU A #1 with the name BonMonkey because I've been shot through the heart and you're to blame 😉. This also counts as my Valentines flirt attempt btw
₩100,000 Dora🐔 #3 for DoraHappy Valentines Day! Tenchou! I hope you have a happy day todayluvluvluv
¥5,000 りょちこ キアラちゃんハッピーバレンタイン❤🍫🎁 チェキは#3 りょちこ でお願い〜pray
€5.00 Arestris
oofTotally forgot my Name on the Pinkyomg, I guess you'd have taken it anyway then, but for the notes, it's just Arestrisyes
PLN 250.00 Yurko Heyo Tenchou, i would like to request a #2 for PipoStan. He appreciates your hardwork and wants to thank you for keeping his smile up through rough times luv Happy Valentine's Day daw
€50.00 Vesien Happy Valentine's Day, my Oshi! I'll take #1 for Vesien. I'm so happy to have found you!
$50.00 Just Cameron #3 Put my name under Cameron V. Good to see you back Kiara. And have a happy Valentines Day!
₱1,250.00 Jheyps - KFP Grease Trap Happy Valentine's Day, 店長! A number 3 for me, Jheyps, please. 🧡🐔
$50.00 Moondog #2 for Moondog please! I thought it would be a good idea to dip into chocolate try and be as sweet as you are. Happy Valentines Day! daw
NT$750.00 かいとう H【 The Phantom Skull Thief 】 #1 for me plz. Would you like to be my Valentine, Tenchouaww, hope you have a great day I will always be that quiet little chicken behind there to support you!!!! Love you dawdawdawdaw (by かいとう H
$50.00 brutalitea #3 for brutalitea. Love you Kiwawa! Happy Valentine's Day~
$50.00 Garik Garza - KFP Librarian Happy Valentine's Day, Wawa! #3 for Garik, please. So happy to have you back, and I hope you had a great time off.
CA$50.00 Toilet Paper Happy Valentines Day Kiwawa! STREAM HEART CHALLENGER! I hope you have a great day. I'll take the #3 please.
€50.00 Light - Space KoroKFBeat Before i forget, #3 please and please use the Name LightKFP. I am following since the Start, so i am happy i can support you now more with the Job i got last Year. I wish you a happy Valentines Day my Kamioshi and lots of Cat cuddles.
€50.00 UltimoMK203 I do believe that my past flirts have been working quite well so far. And maybe I should stop being such a chicken and just ask her out on a date. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Okay, here goes:
€50.00 UltimoMK203
Kiara, ever since the first day I met you my life has been a nonstop Rush of Love. You have Challenged my Heart in all the best ways possible. Will you make me the happiest Employee in KFP and marry me? ....Ehhhwah....chotto a matteuhh
$50.00 Naweed Ahmedi I'll take #3, and your heart 😉
$50.00 Armond Nanbu May I have #2 please ❤ Armond Nanbu is good too! Happy Valentines Tenchou! Love ya lots! ❤❤❤
NT$750.00 LuLu #1 for LuLu please daw Thank you Kiwawa! Happy Valentine's Daypardawdaw
$50.00 Arthur (#3, Arthur) Happy Valentine's Day, Wawa! luv
€50.00 Pain Peko #3 for Pain Peko please, with a smile :_luv::_luv::_luv:
HK$250.00 CaptainMeow (Jumping into a bowl of chocolate) #2 for me ! Happy valentine's day Wawa! I'm going to be a sweet chimkin just like you. Love ya 🫶
NT$750.00 cspoly Happy Valentine's Day, Tenchou. So glad that you are back. I want #3 for "cspoly" please. LOVE YOU, WAWA! dawdawdaw
HK$250.00 ZURG #1,Please sign for ZURG with a heart. Love you, Kiwawa. Happy Valentine's Day
NT$750.00 FireTheElements - Deadbeat + KFP employee #628 #2 for FireTheElements, thank you~
NT$750.00 fafa #2 for fafa please. Happy Valentine's Day wawa. I love chocolate I love wawadawdawdaw
€50.00 Kase Rumiauz I'll take a #2 for your wife Bloo, bc she always comes up with fantastic props....
€50.00 Kase Rumiauz
.... and a #3 for ShiroO to cheer her on...
€50.00 Kase Rumiauz
... and maybe a #1 for yourself? 'Cause you deserve it and it would fit all those pink SCs.
$50.00 King Shiny Groudon #3 for Jennifer please. Happy Valentine's Day Kiwawa! daw
$50.00 Salubrious Beets #3! May I request you aggressively misspell my name and, only if you have time, make an angry face for the pic. Thanks! Hope your Valentine's day was as filled with love as all the love you show us, you're the best 🥰.
A$50.00 PatC - KFP Barista May I have a number #3 Kiara? I'm not worthy to be your valentines but maybe 1.5 million chimkins have a chance in showing you how loved you actually are.🐔🧡🐔 Looking forward to seeing you blush and giggle as the EN girls try their moves on you~🥰
$50.00 Dax Jaden Happ Valentine's day Kiwawa, may I request #2 for Dax.
₹4,499.00 Ark Hello Tenchou! A #3 for Arkx919, please. Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful day.
PLN 250.00 Yurko
Hey Tenchou, it's me again bokbok I want to request #2 for Kase Rumiauz, he got me one before and i want to return the favour. Thank you for your hardwork luv Love you daw
€50.00 Manuel Schneider I'd love a #2, Can't wait for the stream. Hope you don't get too much carpal tunnel syndrome from this
CA$50.00 soclar Hi Tenchou! #1 for Clara please and thank you!! Happy Valentines day to you Chu chu 🧡🧡
$50.00 tanni Happy Valentines Day tenchou! A #2 for tanni please, thank you luv
$50.00 Jinro Happy Valentine's Day, Tenchou!! I would like to request for #3 for Jinro! Also looking forward to the doki doki heart monitor stream!
$50.00 Carpe Absurdum Happy Valentine's Wawa! Could I get a #3 for Carpe Absurdum please, looking forward to the EN rizzing
COP 100,000.00 Wizzaisha - KFP Sorcerer Hi Kiwawa!! I'll take a #2 for Wizzaisha! plsss, thank you! and happy Valentine's everyone, love Kiwawa 🧡
CZK 500.00 Jiří Kuneš Please #2 for Jiri, and have a happy Valentine's day! daw
₱1,250.00 Merry Pippins Happy Valentine's Wawa! Looking forward to seeing if there will be successful rizzing from the girls, or some counter roasting from you. Btw while you were gone I found some armor! It reminds me of the good old egg days. Oh, #2 for MerryP please!
A$50.00 G D -KFP ERM Happy Valentines my KamiOshi!!! Can I have polaroid #3 pls. Thanks!
$50.00 Rowan Hood - KFP#909 Happy Valentine's Day Kiara! I hope the girls are able to make your heart flutter with their pickup lines! I'd like a #1 for the polaroid please!
$50.00 Nathan Cotton - KFP Kenzoku Home Baker I'll have a number 2 with my name please. And a large Coke with no ice.
$50.00 Pyra ホムラ - The KFP Kitsune Happy Valentine's! I'll take one ChocoChimkin #2. It's been 3 years now, I think it was right around this time when Kiwawa became kamioshi...
$50.00 Chicken Okabe Happy Valentine's Day! I got you some chocolates!! Love you my Kamioshi 🧡 I'll do #2 for me
$50.00 Chicken Okabe
Today is also my 1 year membership anniversary! BEST Valentine's Day decision I've ever made!! I can't wait to spend more years with you and kfp! LETS GOO VIVA LA KAMIOSHI VIVA LA KFP VIVA LA KIARA!!
€55.00 Kronoch Hi boss, can I get a #3 for Kronoch with a sprinkle of love? Happy Valentine's Day!
$50.00 GoldenUmi [Wawa's Tissue Dispenser] Happy Valentines Day Wawa! #2 for "GoldenUmi" please! pray Since you're taken by Smoothie and Chonkers I'll say "Will you be my Tenchou, my Kamioshi?" daw I'm hot, fresh and crispy out of the oven so please enjoy kya
CZK 500.00 Jaqqas Happy Valentine's Day Boss!daw And about order I'll have ummmm ohhhh ummmm difficult choice but I'll take #1 with extra sweet sour sauce for Jaqqas please daw
$50.00 KitsuneChiSan Happy Valentine's Day, Kiwawa! #2 for Kitsune! I feel like jumping into a pool of chocolate today 🧡
$50.00 Mavjin8 Happy Valentine's Day Tenchou, I'll take #3 luv
R$50.00 Kuronusu Welcome back and happy Valentine's Day, Wawa! daw Hope you had a nice break!! Also can i has a #2? pie Anyway, have fun with the collab! sal
$50.00 Cruz 🐔 Cover me in Chocolate. Number 2 for this chimken please!
$49.99 OmegaGaming Chan Thank you for everything you do my Kami-Oshi and Happy valentine’s Day, i would like Number 3 -OmegaGaming
$50.00 studio robb 天長へ~ハッピーバレンタインデー!daw🍫🍫🍫daw
R$50.00 Hirune - KFP Shy Knight #3 - Tenchou, welcome back. I missed you more than I as expecting that I would!
THB 1,000.00 NiiNi Diesel Happy Valentine's day! #2 for NiiNi Diesel please! You said am sweet cutie before so I love to be sweet choco chicken! Eat me wawa!
€50.00 Keiler-san Welcome back! I hope you had a pleasant break with your Kitto Kattos. I take #2 Keiler-san.
$100.00 Hatch Welcome back! glad you took a real break, but I'm so glad you're back. Happy Valentine's day.
Roman Lürtzing (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
£50.00 Mentaljedi Happy Valentine's Day! I'll take #1 as a reminder that even when i'm old and needing diapers, I'll think of you boss.
€50.00 Tean0x - KFP Tealounge Happy Valentine's Day! #3 for me please daw
HUF 10,000 Reinier Tenchou, I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day with much love! I would like to request #2, please.
€50.00 Badghostrider-KFP Guard Happy WaHlentines Day! Thank you For always Showering KFP with so Much Love luv! Please stop doubting yourself cry, we always Love you Tenchou daw+++ I would like to Request a #3 please Boss
$50.00 Super Snake Mario - KFP Long Chicken Happy Valentine's Day Kiara! I'll take #1 for S.S.Mario. Spending time with you is always a gift. I need to tell you that I love you through and through. There's no one else in this world that I would trade for you. I couldn't help slipping that in.
€50.00 ᚠᛚᚨᛈᛈᛁ ᛒᛟᛁ [Flappy Boi] [#1 - FlappyBoi] Happy international Oshi-appreciation-day, Kiara. I'll have to sit out tonight, despite how much I wished to be your (mostly) housebroken messenger of love.
€50.00 zipli Hey Wawa! Happy Valentine's! 🍫 I think you're pretty cool chu Thank you for always showing us so much love. You're way too good for us daw I'd like to request #1 bokbok Love ya
€50.00 Avior Nr 3 for me (Avior) please. Hope you can enjoy all the lovely ladies flirting with you today.
NecroStigma (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
€50.00 zipli
chuchuchuchuchuchu PS. This ain't a request. Actually I'm not sure what it is, but just take it. PPS. chu
₩50,000 PONG #1 for PONG pls~ happy valentines day!!! 💝 🧡
£50.00 Sonicmaster2008 Hey Tenchou! Since I can get the chance to give out a Pinkie for a Polaroid, could I request for a #2? And could you name it as the same name Sonicmaster2008? I hope you have fun today Tenchou and Happy Valentine's Day!dawdaw
$50.00 Rude Rules i would like the #3 for Rude Rules, please. daw
Ache (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
$50.00 SpicyChikenButt KFP #1 for SpicyChickenButt. So happy to have you back boss! Happy Valentines Day! Don't put me in the usual room for shooting you with the cupid bow by accident I don't have hands so its hard to hold lol. Love ya my tan-oshi!
$50.00 Merit WD This is by far the biggest superchat I've ever sent, Happy Valentines Day Kiwawa! I'd like #3, please!
HUF 10,000 InuHoshi💀🐔 - HoloEN lovin' doggo Happy Valentine's Day Wawa! Thank you for doing this again with Pinkies. Can I request chimkin #2 with the name InuHoshi? I'm planing to print it out and store it with my other treasured Holo memories in your anniversary notebook when that arrives🧡
CA$50.00 cbjames27 Happy Valentine's day, #1for cbjames27 please daw
$49.99 Sean R. Work says I’m missing the stream but Happy Valentine’s! I’ll take a number 1! May the call-ins challenge your heart!
$50.00 Daezy-MKFPUltra Subject I would like #3, but I should warn you that since I spent all my money on this polaroid that the flowers are plastic and there's not actually any chocolate in box...
€50.00 Daigoro - KFP I loved your christmas polaroids so i need one again! Happy valentines day to my oshi daw i would like #3 for Daigoro, ty!
€50.00 Fragfire KFP Inspector Einmal Nummer 3 bitte und frohen Valentinstag luv
€50.00 Anima-KFP #3 for Anima! You got me tenchou, this is my first supa luvHappy to have you back again i missed you so muuuch, but take a break whenever you need it. Happy Valentine's!!dawdaw
$50.00 MDB A #2 addressed to MDB, please Boss. "Are you a Phoenix? Because you melt my heart. "
NT$750.00 倫LUN #3 for 倫LUN, thank uou. Sadly I have to sleep now, it's almost 4am for me😅 Will watch VOD tomorrow. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY WAWA🧡🌹
€50.00 Tassimo A happy Valentines day to you Kiara! I loved your Polaroids so far and I want to continue collecting them so I would take the number 3 for Tassimo. Thank you!!!
A$50.00 UNKNOWN Happy Valentines, Wawa! #3 number for UNKNOWN pls!luvluvluv
₱1,250.00 PeekABoo #1 for PeekABoo please and thank you Wawa! And Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you receive lots of love not only today, but everyday luv
$49.99 Potat_Muncher #3 for Potat_Muncher, please! Happy Valentine’s Day Wawa! Hope you enjoyed your break! I missed you so much but I hope it was nice and relaxing cause you really deserved it. Here’s to good times now that you’re back, tenchou!
CA$50.00 Coldonam No thoughts wah luv Wawa, Can I have a #1 made out to Coal?
ARS 500.00 Danke Schön #3 for Dank Schön, Happy Valentine's Tenchou aww
$50.00 Sea-Bass Tenchou! Happy Valentines Day!! I'd like to order the #2 for Sea-Bass aww
$50.00 GuyMan Num #3 for GuyMan, wawa I love your streams and hope that you have a lot of fun this stream!
€50.00 Falk70 i'd like a number 3# for "Falk70" please , cant Resist A Valentines Date Polaroid With Oshiwawa! Happy Valentines day !
eh215 땅다람쥐 luvluvluv
Bad@Gaems yayyayyay
PastaMonster luvluvluvluv
€50.00 Unitychad Happy Valentines Day Tenchou! #3 for the cute date chicken please! daw
CaptainSpy102 (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
₩50,000 호눌룰루honolulu It's Valentine's Day, boss! I like #2! I'm chocolate, eat me!
$50.00 MetalSquatch Happy Singles Awareness Day Boss!!! I would like the #2 so I can be dunked into chocolate and eat my way out and have my face break out in the worst way possible.
£50.00 Kuronezumi To my beloved Tenchou would you be my #3 Valentine for Kuronexumi, your British KFP.
€50.00 Pele5 KFP Special-Forces Happy Valentines day kiara, hope your break was Relaxing and your stream is the best present I can Imagine for this day. I would like to take the Nr. 3 for Pele5
Oleksii Badaiev (Welcome to KFP (Kiara Fried Phoenix)!)
$10.00 6s 💌: You make my heart willingly work unpaid overtime -Happy Val's Day, Kiwa-10
$50.00 Brendan - KFP Chicken Hat Guy Kiwawa! Welcome back! I'll take a number 3 Polaroid for Brendan, please
£50.00 Sittadon PavoNashi Desuwa Sittadon Polaroid number3, please. Don't tell my sister that I used part of her gift's money for this.
$50.00 chocolate insomniac Happy Valentine's day Tenchou! #2 for polaroid for me. Thank you! the chocolate chicken is so cute
€50.00 UltimoMK203
It seems I made a little bit of an oopsie. I will go stand in the corner of shame now and humbly request a #1 for Ultimo “missed the” Mark. Happy Valentine's Day.
$50.00 PrnceofDnmrk #2 PrnceofDnmrk. I cringe in anticipation for the VOD.
€50.00 Slime Happy Valentine's Wawa, here's my first super chat to my kami oshi🧡, I'll take #2, also reporting to you I got accepted into PhD and even got a grant now will spend 4 years doing a PhD in Physics Engineering