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配信名:≪Pineapple on Pizza≫ lets go hawaii
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	25	303.98		42,692円
  ₩	KRW	9	217500.00	23,056円
CA$	CAD	4	34.59		3,571円
 A$	AUD	2	30.00		2,751円
  ¥	JPY	4	2400.00		2,400円
SGD	SGD	1	10.00		1,037円
MX$	MXN	1	125.00		997円
CRC	CRC	1	1000.00		261円
THB	THB	1	40.00		162円
----	----	----	----		76,927円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$10.00 AlphaetusPrime Hi Bae, just wanted you to know I decided to binge Bettel's previous Barbie watchalongs the day of the collab, so basically I watched 6 Barbie movies in a row. Are you proud of me
$10.00 LJNrocks Hae Bae, saw a movie @ Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh last week about the Angkor Wat ruins in Cambodia & it had unexpected rat trivia. Years ago they had a civil war & there're still live (1/?)
Max Liew its been long journey already 7 months, thanks bae bring us joy!!!
$10.00 LJNrocks
land mines scattered throughout the countryside, including near the ruins. This one group there has trained rats to sniff out TNT, the explosive used in the land mines, & dig them up (2/?)
$10.00 LJNrocks
making it safe and easy for humans to deal with the mines. It's also safe for the rats since they weigh about 4 pounds (2kg) so they're too light to set them off. (3/3)
Rem Forrest SUSFriendtaro 5 is Reine
ResidentEvil742 Hopefully collecting keycaps is cheaper than my model train addiction.
あおいろりんご (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
月牙ひとみ (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
Okeh Chill (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
MX$125.00 Rene Alarcon Have a good relaxing workday.A good time to take a deep breath and look forward.
A$10.00 WolkenKatz - the Tower of Bae Just a friendly reminder that it's the 29th, and THIS WEEK is next month.
Pixy Misa The $89 price tag is the first surprise.
Andy Zhu coffee
$1.99 C.J. O'Dell Bae is such a joy to watch
$10.00 Richardlikespies New make up podcast idea, the SLAYcast
TunaSando (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
$20.00 saltedbread My first memory of watching a Barbie movie was when my cousin forced me to watch the 12 Dancing Princesses. Didn't think I'd expect to watch Barbie again but I did it and I enjoyed it. This is your win Bae! More recs plz
₩20,000 칠육공일 You are better now than you were with your hair down.I wish you would speak in a high tone when you speak Korean, it's genuinely cute. 벨즈는 피카츄보다 더 귀엽다.
₩20,000 Junyeon Weon I found apple-pear cider named honeymoon bae and I couldnt resist buying it....jfyi bae is pear in korean
CA$27.99 Fonzy Congrats on beating Marine as the new “no-no line” for Hololive! Not sure if a game will get bonked by YouTube? “We’ll Bae’s PP archive is still up, so this is nothing” Outlast shows little PP? “Bae’s is worse this is fine”
₩7,500 Hina Hikawa Last week was full of fun, wonderful chaos. I genuinely respect you. The Chaos herself. Rat queen. I kneel. Really thanks for PP games and Barbie Club
CA$2.20 TheDinoflagellate Thx for all the great streams last week and today!
TCLe Play a horror game using the eye tracker instead of a heart beat monitor
$10.00 Koschimoto hii Bae! i have a device that talks when i start my car. could you possibly give me a message to greet me for it? thank you!
₩100,000 やよい軒
We all know that you work harder than anyone else. Thanks for talking to us when you're having a hard time like now. We'll always be here for you! I hope tomorrow's chill break(work) will be helpful to younihihi