トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【METAL GEAR SOLID】sneaking not snapping (necks) 🐾
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	54	1128.20		168,626円
 A$	AUD	13	365.00		35,690円
HUF	HUF	4	24800.00	10,588円
CA$	CAD	9	73.00		7,968円
  ¥	JPY	3	4265.00		4,265円
THB	THB	3	800.00		3,392円
IDR	IDR	1	200000.00	1,909円
MYR	MYR	2	30.00		959円
MX$	MXN	1	100.00		869円
----	----	----	----		234,266円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
A$20.00 G D -KFP ERM
Yatta!!... You did it, you got her. Well done FuwaMoco, headpats x 100
MYR 15.00 Pendekar Mando Hello from Malaysia Fuwamoco, been watching since the debut 1st time sending a superchat to vtubers. I hope to watch you guys for a long time.BauBau!!
¥200 野獣先輩 オッスお願いしま〜す!
Itta 🐾 Gifted 5 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships
¥2,065 あこちゃん メタギアお疲れ様~!モコちゃんのごり押しスネークは、やっぱり面白いね!ヘリやスナイパーウルフとの戦いで、フワワちゃんが「Where~?Where~?」って笑顔でさがしてたの、なんだか怖かったよぉ…戦いを楽しんでるんだねフワワちゃん!BAU BAU~
FabulousCupcake Gifted 20 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships
A$20.00 Flanntastic🐾
Thanks for the stream today~ Congrats on getting to disc 2, you did super well today Mococo even if you ignored Fuwawa a lot, also poor Meryl got bullied a lot this stream...
$20.00 vanguardduelist Congratulations on completing Disc 1! It was exciting cheering you on during all those boss fights. I look forward to continuing the MGS journey with you two next time. Have a good rest tonight!
¥2,000 シュガー&ソルト🧪ラッキーミルク フワワちゃんモココちゃん夜遅くまでお疲れさま〜FUWAMOCOスナイパーウルフの最後のシーン悲しすぎるよFUWAawa次回も二人の楽しいスニーキング楽しみしてるねFUWAMOCO
A$20.00 Lux Aeterna 🐾
This was a really fun stream, so many laughs. Mococo you did really well playing today and Fuwawa you were extra genki. The teamwork on Psycho Mantis made me smile. It was nice to spend a long time together!
$20.00 art Congrats on all the progress today to reach disk 2! This is now the new longest stream (barely) 🥳🎉