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配信名:【METAL GEAR SOLID】loyal like true guard dogs 🐾
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	78	1825.96		268,490円
 A$	AUD	10	300.00		29,189円
  ¥	JPY	14	18650.00	18,650円
CA$	CAD	11	141.00		15,255円
  £	GBP	2	70.00		13,067円
HUF	HUF	5	26000.00	11,096円
  €	EUR	1	20.00		3,227円
MX$	MXN	2	250.00		2,125円
IDR	IDR	1	200000.00	1,902円
  ₩	KRW	2	15000.00	1,710円
MYR	MYR	1	30.00		944円
  ₱	PHP	1	50.00		133円
----	----	----	----		365,789円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$9.99 Jose Cortes Congrats on finishing Metal Gear Solid FuwaMoco! It was a fun journey! BAU BAU~
HUF 10,000 Dániel Fehér 🐾
This was my first time seeing anything from MGS but it was genuinely amazing. I can see why it's become such a classic that has a huge fanbase even now. Thank you for letting me experience this along with you FUWAheartMOCOheart
$20.00 TheDAWinz
Cont. For the genes that fuwawa stole! Looking forward to your MGS2 Playthrough!!!
Now listen !!!! FUWAheartMOCOheartFUWAheartMOCOheart
junon boy (Welcome to Doggy!)
Firion Hope Good job finishing MGS! One of my childhood favorites, it was fun to see it through new eyes. I love you Fuwamoco, keep going strong kami oshis!
$100.00 agri🐾 the absolute panic during the 2nd phase of the boss fight was hilarious. FUWAhm thanks for the fun stream!
$20.00 TileSeller
Great work on completing the game the Fuwamoco way!
MX$50.00 Freak Video Gamer
FUWAyesGreat job FuwaMoco! you both did great! stopped Metal Gear and saved the world! CongratulationsFUWApatMOCOpat
$19.99 Kylorin235 Congratulations Solid Mococo and Liquid Fuwawa! Many respectful head pats for the both of you! Will you dare to take on Revolver Perocelot in MGS 2?
A$20.00 G D -KFP ERM
Congrats on finishing the game. Great and entertaining playthrough ( it was particularly chaotic today, lol, but all good)
キッズ3号 クリアおめでとう!!
secret_simp_account congrats on the clear!
$20.00 vanguardduelist
Congratulations on completing Metal Gear Solid! I've never played it before, so it was fun experiencing it for the first time with you. Thanks for all the cute screaming and fun memories.
$100.00 Darkboomerang🐾 Im honestly so happy! I knew this was going to be a memorable playthrough, but the story was stellar, times were silly and I got to experience it for the first time with you two. I hope you consider playing more of this series and to end off No Genes, Just Live BAU BAU
$20.00 otm🐾 The important thing is that you choose life. And then... live! Thanks, FUWAMOCO. FUWAheartMOCOheart
A$20.00 Lux Aeterna 🐾
Congrats on finishing MGS! Mococo you played so well and Fuwawas sheer panic at every boss fight had me rolling. Thanks for a very fun, and very funny stream!
A$100.00 Chill Man Congrats on beating a LEGENDARY game!
$20.00 輝龍*Kiryuu たまにはモコちゃんに読んでほしいです!クリアおめでとう~!モコちゃん大好き~!モコちゃん今日もとってもゲーム上手かったよ!どんどんうまくなってきてすごーい!フワワおねえちゃん大好き~!フワワちゃんの指示は今日もキレッキレだったよ~!輝いてた~!楽しい配信をありがとう!
Brayand Zurita Congrats on beating MGS! Ive never played this game before but watching your playthrough really made me want to play it myself. Love you both!
$20.00 JakatoXtra
CONGRATS ON BEATING MGS1 FUWAMOCO! 🎉 If you decide to play MGS2 it's recommended to watch THE ALTERNATE OTACON ENDING too which happens if Meryl dies by giving up Ocelot Torture. MGS2 borrows Story Parts from BOTH Endings! 🤯
Penguin Templar Congrats on becoming the superior Snake! BAU BAU
SmoresPuppy BAUBAU
Stratty B. That was so fun, great job!
$100.00 AndyTran
Congrats on finishing MGS! This is one of my favorite series and it was so much fun seeing you two play through it! Liquid was obsessed with genes, but I always really liked the message that your genes only determine your potential, but that you find what to live for
A$20.00 Flanntastic🐾
Congrats on beating MGS, Solid and Liquid Koala! Thanks for all the MGS streams it was a ton of fun to watch and I loved all of your reactions to the story and the twists!
$20.00 Counselor Chip I knew you could do it! Thank you soo much for playing. This is one of my all time favorite games!
$20.00 V-Faction
$20.00 Ramu Congrats on the clear! Might have been a lot to take in but glad to see you two enjoyed the experience. FUWApatMOCOpat What are your thoughts on Snake as a character now that you have beaten the game?
₩10,000 火日木-ひびき- MGS1クリアおめでとう〜〜! フワモコの激しいバウバウをいっぱい聞けて仕事しながら沢山元気貰えたよ~! コアラ・アビスガードの次のミッションも期待してるね!BAU💙BAU🩷
$20.00 miscinsanity Congrats on clearing MGS!!! FUWApatMOCOpat One fun fact about the making of this game is that Kojima would build the levels out of LEGO so he could plan out all the camera angles, there's some footage of it on youtube
$20.00 Osvald Traveler
Congratulations on completing METAL GEAR SOLID!FUWAheartMOCOheart will you play the other MGS games? If so Can I suggest a spin off game from MGS series called Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.FUWApatMOCOpatmochidonut
jojo1229 mochidonut7
$20.00 C. Hunter【C.ハンター】 Hi Fuwamoco! Hope y’all are having a blessed day today. Just wanna say thanks for answering my indie game question at ANYC (it was on the spot)! It really made my day. Also, Mococo is my spirit doggo.MOCOniya Stay fwaffy~!
$50.00 twobearshighfiving
Congrats and headpats for beating MGS! Any chance of an Escape From New York watchalong sometime? It's the film that inspired the games
$20.00 Adonais
Solid Fuwawa! Liquid Mococo! Congrats on beating MGS! It was a kind of sneaky, kind of silly, but totally fun play-through. As convoluted as it is, I hope that you enjoyed the story as much as I did when I played it.
$20.00 Anan🐾Onel
Congrats on 220k views on Identity already! Excited for the HoloEN Connect stream tomorrow too! Any super secret hints for what the announcement might be?
$20.00 Darkboomerang🐾
BTW you guys pulled off such a clutch moment in that second phase of fighting Metal Gear! I felt panicked too and I was not even playing MOCOhuh Liquid Snake continually coming back gave me Seymour Guado anger again.
$20.00 tk [ruffian] 🐾 *** START TRANSMISSION *** Fuwawa Abyssgard, Mococo Abyssgard, job well done on completing the mission mochidonut7. Will you consider taking on more missions?(Will you play MGS2?) *** END TRANSMISSION ***
¥1,000 ひろっく
I enjoyed watching the live game commentary while working remotely.Are you planning on doing live on other Metal Gear series as well?
HUF 4,000 Dániel Fehér 🐾
Can you warm me up with your hair then Fuwawa? FUWAawa
¥2,065 あこちゃん
そういえば……もう昔の話になりますが、あれから無事に船の免許(めんきょ)をゲットすることができました!フワモコちゃんが応援(おうえん)してくれたおかげです!本当にありがとうございます!これで世界中どこでも行けるね!いつか、フワモコちゃん達のいる国へも旅行にいきたいなー!あと、大監獄『The Cell』へも船で観光に行けるかな?捕まるかな?そっか~……BAU BAU~……
$20.00 Osvald Traveler
Now I am curious Is Fuwawa fluffiness so thick that you can store things in it.FUWAhm I apologize if its a very silly question, but I must know for Science!FUWApatFUWApatFUWApat
$20.00 CatinMoon
(Mococo read) Okay so Mococo can't warm the PAL card. I see. Well Fuwawa allowed the use of her super fluffy tail! I'll have to retrieve the card eventually....so tail touching with perms?
$50.00 art クリアおめでとう!Moco-chan played fantastically to clutch out the Rex fight at 1HP! Headpats! MOCOpatMOCOpat If asymmetry theory says that asymmetry is favoured by nature does that mean you two are in danger?! (Can't watch live tomorrow so 🥳🎉)
$20.00 Eintokun I believe Fuwawa in lore is stronger than Mococo because Fuwawa is the great older sister.
Nui Fera (Welcome to Doggy!)
鴿子Pigeon (Welcome to Doggy!)
£50.00 tictactaker1 My first Super Chat to say well done on beating Metal Gear Solid. In the end it's not about the difficulty you play it on, it is about taking the journey and completing it. Proud of you both
¥2,000 シュガー&ソルト🧪🐾【ラッキーミルク】 ミッションクリアおめでとうFUWAMOCOこの思い出は記念に残しておこうFUWAMOCO二人とこれからも楽しい思い出を作る記念にだ
J M It's okay, Mococo. We all love a femme fatale in life and you definitely fit the bill! Cute and deadly, that's one heck of a combo! MOCOpat
¥800 至宝れいと アーカイブ代です
£20.00 Akaryn🐾 Congratulations on beating MGS! It was such a fun time watching you two experience a game from my childhood. I was only able to catch the ending live, but you better believe I'll be watching the VOD later!FUWAMOCO
$20.00 twobearshighfiving
Thank you for indulging my silliness, ladies. I nearly collapsed from cuteness
$5.00 ඞ Watotodile🏆🔎 One question I have for Fuwawa is, what did she mean when she said Solid and Liquid were married before they were born? Was it a misunderstanding?
kopykatx (Welcome to Doggy!)
$20.00 FireBladeRin 🐾
This is from a different MGS game, but I wanted Moco-chan to read this. "Dogtor turn off my BAU BAU inhibitors!"
Michael_SK (Doggy)
HUF 4,000 Dániel Fehér 🐾
...does this mean you'll say it if it's in Japanese? Since you just did... (モコちゃん読め) フワ姉大好き! (モココも MOCOpatFUWAheartMOCOheart
Estebantheguy 3 months of being apart of the Doggy Pack!!! Thank you for all the wonderful streams so far FuwaMoco!!! FuwaMoco LOVE BAU BAU!!! FUWAheartMOCOheart
₱50.00 KITE, Shiori's Chest Strap Buckle gonna play more MG games? if yes, what's next?
$2.00 JakatoXtra
Funny enough Snake Voice Actor is "DAVID Hayter"🐍😉
CA$20.00 Dog Strings
I know we couldn't listen to the end theme, but it's good. Lyrics for "The Best Is Yet To Come" are all in Gaelic, but translations are easy to find. Although simple, I feel the lyrics capture the mood of the MGS1 characters.
許鈞智 3 months!!Thank you for all the wonderful streams!!BAUBAU
v (Welcome to Doggy!)
HUF 4,000 Dániel Fehér 🐾
Y-YouTube-kun cut your hair warming answer Fuwawa... unless it was Moco-chan who cut the stream......... in which case just ignore this.........
Nathan Keep it up dudes you're doing great
CA$10.00 TheZonderman Frankly I think mococo is stronger (smelling)
₩5,000 v Thanks to FUWAMOCO, I think I can have fun studying English in the future! Thank you ( ^ > . < ^ )
IDR 200,000.00 John Smith ブーブーブー、ブーブー、ブ、ブーブブ、ブ、ブー、ブーブーブー
$20.00 CatinMoon
(Mococo read) Licking? Mococo licks? Well Mococo does like doggy kisses so....5 doggy kisses please! Congradulations on beating MGS!! Loved the screams!