トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【POST-3D & OG SONG RELEASE】I Cooked So Many Stuffs, How Did They Taste?【hololive ID | Anya Melfissa】 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 ¥ JPY 13 12100.00 12,100円 NZ$ NZD 1 100.00 8,654円 € EUR 4 30.00 4,683円 DKK DKK 1 200.00 4,190円 IDR IDR 5 420000.00 3,928円 NT$ TWD 9 835.00 3,741円 $ USD 1 10.00 1,419円 ₩ KRW 1 10000.00 1,088円 MX$ MXN 2 100.00 831円 MYR MYR 2 21.00 654円 CA$ CAD 1 5.00 530円 THB THB 1 100.00 410円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 42,228円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
1 🔗 |
€5.00 | Last Braincell |
Chef is in the house |
¥781 | ||||
2 🔗 |
¥500 | イズナ0025 |
お披露目やライブお疲れ様でした!!!ほんと最高すぎました♪感動しまくりで涙が止まりませんでしたwライブは歌ってみたの気分上々↑↑が出たときから3Dで見たかったのでそれが見れて泣きましたwこれからもずっと!全力で!応援していきます!!!アーニャ最高!! | |
¥500 | ||||
3 🔗 |
SuperNova 15 |
Hi Anya, Congratulations For 3D Debuted on July.. |
4 🔗 |
€10.00 | Akazawa Miki |
Thanks for the meal masterchef Anya, the cooking was amazing. Unreal Veil is easily one of my favorite songs now. | |
¥1561 | ||||
5 🔗 |
¥2,000 | HappySwan |
アーニャさんの3Dお披露目、本当にかわいくてカッコ良くて最高でした! | |
¥2000 | ||||
6 🔗 |
IDR 100,000.00 | Sashimi Enjoyer |
Teruntuk Chef Anya, terima kasih atas hidangan hidangan sedapnya |
¥935 | ||||
7 🔗 |
$10.00 | Pancake God |
Your songs were amazing Anya |
¥1419 | ||||
8 🔗 |
Dice |
(Welcome to Melhomies Den!) | ||
9 🔗 |
DKK 200.00 | Meow Bunny Nya |
In a good way, you remind me of a turtle. Hard shell, steady working and unstoppable little tank |
¥4190 | ||||
10 🔗 |
Calvin |
huhu thank you Anya for your hard work! can't wait to have fun with you this month and next month and probably till the end |
11 🔗 |
Snow Owl |
Both songs are absolutely incredible, and the energy you consistantly gave throughout both 3d streams was legendary |
12 🔗 |
THB 100.00 | Buffy BearBear |
Seeing my oshis, you and Kanatan, perform together felt like a dream... and both of your OG is such a banger great job Anya!! LOVE IT! Great work!! | |
¥410 | ||||
13 🔗 |
IDR 200,000.00 | Parahita Kayra |
Hi Anya, how was your day or your week? Hope you happy always. | |
¥1871 | ||||
14 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ジル·きょーか |
アーニャさんこんばんは!ドライブのお供にアーニャさんのトーク楽しませてもらいます!オリ曲マジ最高ですわ!ぼっちぼろまるさんに雄之助さん作曲とかやべぇ!!いちDJとして、素敵なオリ曲を布教していければと思ってます! | |
¥1000 | ||||
15 🔗 |
Samy is drawing |
FEET | ||
16 🔗 |
Sashimi Enjoyer |
Gimana perasaannya diprank m-chan ngundang seiyuu? | ||
17 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | 布丁pudding |
Are you saying you are actually Yagoo's son? | |
¥134 | ||||
18 🔗 |
€5.00 | Last Braincell (2回目) |
Anya fought an epic battle against a vending machine. It was a tough fight but the Keris was victorious! | |
¥781 | ||||
19 🔗 |
ChegiCH アチアチホットチキンバー |
(Welcome to Melhomies Den!) | ||
20 🔗 |
NT$300.00 | 伊藤カツラ | I like your new OG song is very good thanks anya | |
¥1344 | ||||
21 🔗 |
MYR 15.00 | ZoMBiE |
your performance with Kanata is superb. both of you are so in sync and the voice is matching so well. definitely big brain | |
¥467 | ||||
22 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | Youch Lee |
The best 3D LIVE , and song very good!!! | |
¥134 | ||||
23 🔗 |
€10.00 | Akazawa Miki (2回目) |
The Sinetren part was fantastic, that was such a meme treasure trove. the H*llo K*tty getting boiled ref was so freaking good. poor udin | |
¥1561 | ||||
24 🔗 |
₩10,000 | 火日木-ひびき- |
長年アーニャさんの3Dお披露目を待ち望んでましたが、遂に動く姿を見れてとても感無量でした!オリ曲も2つも発表されて両方ともハイレゾで買ってずっと聴いてます!Everlasting KnifeのMVも楽しみにしてますね! | |
¥1088 | ||||
25 🔗 |
Nao |
26 🔗 |
¥1,600 | Dice |
みこーにゃてーてー(ㆁωㆁ*) | |
¥1600 | ||||
27 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | 布丁pudding (2回目) |
Congrats on your 3D and original song again! Your menacing appearance at the beginning looks soo cool! The model looks nice! |
¥336 | ||||
28 🔗 |
NT$70.00 | LitSharK小鯊魚 |
I like your daughter! I mean your original song! | |
¥314 | ||||
29 🔗 |
MYR 6.00 | Glasses&Mouthplates | Who's the cute megane girl in the Unreal Veil btw? | |
¥187 | ||||
30 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | C4Fuu | I really like Everlasting Knife, feels like a Ridge Racer (racing game) music | |
¥468 | ||||
31 🔗 |
¥1,000 | こえだ |
色々とお疲れ様でした。アーニャさんの3Dは2Dからそのまま飛び出してきたみたいで本当に可愛いし、オリ曲も最高だし、好きな声優からのメッセージで限界オタクと化したアーニャさんも可愛かった。3D実装で活動の幅が広がるのも今から楽しみです。ありがとうアーニャさん、ずっと応援してる・・・ | |
¥1000 | ||||
32 🔗 |
CA$5.00 | puyike |
I loved how you still had your gun in the end card. If you get home 3D and stuff, are you able to keep your hat? | |
¥530 | ||||
33 🔗 |
NT$150.00 | ollo' Dinp |
Thank you for the 3D showcase and original song Anya. May the toaster- kun could get the treat it deserve. | |
¥672 | ||||
34 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | C4Fuu (2回目) |
Will you be having 3D showcase with Gura or Fubuki next time? | |
¥468 | ||||
35 🔗 |
¥200 | さまよう野良猫 |
3D、オリ曲、holoroと最高でした! ありがとう!3Dで物騒な武器あまり持たないようにwww | |
¥200 | ||||
36 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | 布丁pudding (3回目) |
By the way, will the アイウエ cover in 3D showcase be reupload? It seems like it has dropped a few second in the middle. |
¥336 | ||||
37 🔗 |
Peoples Envy |
(Welcome to Melhomies Den!) | ||
38 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | ollo' Dinp (2回目) |
I promise I'll try. Even I m scared | |
¥134 | ||||
39 🔗 |
都築朋幸 | Gifted 5 Anya Melfissa Ch. hololive-ID memberships | ||
40 🔗 |
Yushitha Nurani Putri | was gifted a membership by 都築朋幸 | ||
41 🔗 |
maruo | was gifted a membership by 都築朋幸 | ||
42 🔗 |
蒟蒻造平家建 | was gifted a membership by 都築朋幸 | ||
43 🔗 |
cosmos | was gifted a membership by 都築朋幸 | ||
44 🔗 |
ケチャマヨ | was gifted a membership by 都築朋幸 | ||
45 🔗 |
Akazawa Miki |
Gifted 5 Anya Melfissa Ch. hololive-ID memberships | ||
46 🔗 |
eci borzu | was gifted a membership by Akazawa Miki | ||
47 🔗 |
Z l f h r | was gifted a membership by Akazawa Miki | ||
48 🔗 |
ヒラリィ | was gifted a membership by Akazawa Miki | ||
49 🔗 |
すくえあるーと | was gifted a membership by Akazawa Miki | ||
50 🔗 |
Masami color forest | was gifted a membership by Akazawa Miki | ||
51 🔗 |
MX$50.00 | Otto Crossheart |
Sorry, I'll be able to buy a ticket for one day for the concert, this ancient body of mine needs maintenance, as an ancient being you will understand? | |
¥415 | ||||
52 🔗 |
MX$50.00 | Otto Crossheart (2回目) |
PS: Gaming while listening to Everlasting Knife (instrumental) as BGM is another whole experience. |
¥415 | ||||
53 🔗 |
¥500 | 八神蒼弐「yagami sosuke」 |
こんばんわアーニャさん。3Dになったアーニャさんが凄く可愛かったですしアンリアルヴェイルも凄くカッコいい曲だったのでここ最近アーニャさんの配信アーカイブを見たり歌を聞いてました。これからも様々なアーニャさんを応援して参ります! | |
¥500 | ||||
54 🔗 |
¥1,600 | 山瀬丸 |
3Dおめでとうございました!1年かけて準備してくれて、ほんとに素敵で幸せな時間でした。ずっと待ってたオリソンも、感動して涙でした・・・・・いつも本当にありがとう |
¥1600 | ||||
55 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ミタ |
3Dライブは終始最高でした!アーカイブ何回も見てます。サプライズ(?)だった声優さんメッセージはリハーサルの時はどういう説明を受けていたのですか?限界化したアーニャ面白かったですw | |
¥1000 | ||||
56 🔗 |
¥1,000 | めた | ライブも新曲もMVも最高すぎて幸せな1週間でした!これからも応援してます! | |
¥1000 | ||||
57 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Samy is drawing |
The 3D Showcase is awesome. Hearing Anya's emotional speech at the end, I was also a little choked up. | |
¥336 | ||||
58 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Sashimi Enjoyer (2回目) |
Itu hantunya mau makan bareng sama kamu Nya wkwkwk | |
¥187 | ||||
59 🔗 |
¥500 | 都築朋幸 |
3D配信とてもよかったです。これからはLIVEに踊りで参加できますね。これからも楽しくゲームしたりするアーニャの配信を楽しみにしています。 | |
¥500 | ||||
60 🔗 |
¥200 | ジル·きょーか (2回目) |
…僕のスパチャが呪われていた可能性…ないな。アーニャさん見れてハッピーだからな!! | |
¥200 | ||||
61 🔗 |
さきさか |
きょうもかわいい | ||
62 🔗 |
NZ$100.00 | RiceRoll |
Glad to hear aiueo is getting a fix upload, I really like that song. I'm satisfied seeing you dance, its good. See ya on nother day. Goodluck on tourney and 17an! | |
¥8654 | ||||
63 🔗 |
¥1,000 | 香坂全 |
3Dお披露目、オリジナル曲と、オフィシャルファンブックに書かれていた挑戦したいことは全て完了したことになりますが、次に挑戦したいことがすでに決まっているなら教えてほしいです。 | |
¥1000 |