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配信名:【SUPERCHAT READING】happy new BAU 🐾✨
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	47	1113.68		158,317円
  €	EUR	3	156.00		24,264円
 A$	AUD	8	212.00		20,390円
  ¥	JPY	15	19560.00	19,560円
NT$	TWD	4	2124.00		9,773円
IDR	IDR	3	570000.00	5,226円
CA$	CAD	2	25.00		2,668円
MYR	MYR	3	81.00		2,501円
CLP	CLP	2	15000.00	2,411円
  ₫	VND	1	200000.00	1,168円
SGD	SGD	1	10.00		1,072円
ARS	ARS	3	6000.00		1,052円
  ₱	PHP	2	375.00		959円
ISK	ISK	1	750.00		774円
NOK	NOK	1	50.00		687円
HUF	HUF	4	1600.00		652円
 R$	BRL	1	20.00		577円
MX$	MXN	1	50.00		417円
----	----	----	----		252,469円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$5.00 Mad Majide Yo Fuwa and Moco, it's great to meet my 2 fave doge waifus! I love your models! You two are just so CUTE!
Pablo Diaz Alarcon Happy BAUBAU year! FUWApatFUWApatMOCOpatMOCOpat
$20.00 willow🐾 i wanted to do something for holoexpo and decided ill be making fuwamoco happis! (maybe fwmc penlight props too since real custom ones wont be allowed) but i don't know which option to choose!
$20.00 willow🐾
idea 1 is a reversible version where one side is fuwawa and if you turn it inside out itll be mococo! id be able to mix and match with friends! option 2 is both of you on one side (including pero?) which one sounds better?
banban (Welcome to Doggy!)
HUF 400 Dániel Fehér 🐾
3 MOCOsneezeMOCOsneezeMOCOsneeze
$10.00 Brendan Domenech
Bless you Mococo!
A$20.00 ranmazoku
ARS 2,000.00 Pootypie Hey its-a-me Pootypie! My best friend Drowperox and I have been big fans BAU BAU! Im also a huge nintendo fan, it would mean the world to us if we could get a Mario themed motivational speech with its-a-mes! wahoos! and mario impressions, Love you guys WAHOO AND BAU BAU!
¥320 ゆうま フワモコさんめっちゃきれいです!よければゆうまがんばれーって言ってもらえますか?応援してます!
$20.00 TruSanKyuu Happy New Year! We may have only been together for less than half a year but it felt like so much longer. You two came along when I needed a smile the most! I Love Fuwawa! I Love Mococo! I Love FuwaMoco! FUWAheartMOCOheart
$20.00 Veradis Chama🐾 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I LOVE FUWAWA! I LOVE MOCO-CHAN! Thank you for the amazing end to 2023, and a great start to 2024! With a full year of FuwaMoco to look forward to, this year is sure to be even better than the last! BAU BAU!
Masaru野うさぎ (Welcome to Doggy!)
$20.00 jameswargull Thank you for the chill SC reading today! Has been super comfy way to open the year! A bit of a bummer the outfits were delayed, but it does give us a bit more time in 2024 before all us ruffians die of cuteness overload!
boxofhalf looking forward to another amazing year of smilesBAUBAU
HUF 400 Dániel Fehér 🐾
FOUR MOCOsneezeMOCOsneezeMOCOsneezeMOCOsneeze
$2.00 Bishop
MOCOsneezesneeze tax-sukaruMOCOniyaMOCOpat
A$20.00 ranmazoku
BAU BAU! The quad sneeze! MOCOsneezeMOCOsneezeMOCOsneezeMOCOsneeze
Gun happy new years fuwamoco bau bau
$100.00 art おつバウバウ!The past couple weeks have been incredible. Starting tomorrow I will be back to work, to my own 生きがい! Having one makes the bad days tolerable and the good days even better so I was really happy to hear you talk about Ruffians that way! ことよろ!FUWAheartMOCOheart
$20.00 CatinMoon Fuwamoco!! I missed you!! I was with family the last two weeks so I was only able to catch most streams in the middle. I just caught up on all the VODs. the VNs were AMAZING. thank you for such a good 2023! Fuwamoco LOVE CUTE
$20.00 TileSeller
Does Fuwamoco keep attendance?
$20.00 CatinMoon
Mococo! My cute adorable beautiful fuzzy funny ball of love! Your singing in that solo yesterday was mind blowingly AMAZING! The range was great! Hearing your deep voice was SUPER NICE! That whole stream was super hilarious!
¥800 浅海柳也 日本で大きい地震の被害地から、まだ警戒中ですが、いつも元気をもらってます!ありがとう!BAU BAU!
$20.24 EtchySketchy [1/3] 2023 was a great year but 2024 would be even greater! Looking forward to all the new and exciting stuff you have in store for us. From new outfits, new songs, and hopefully 3D concert with everyone!
$20.24 EtchySketchy
[2 /3]Although things might get Ruff sometimes, as with any year, remember the Ruffians always have your back! Taking more doggy naps and walks might also make things a bit easier.
$20.24 EtchySketchy
[3/3] Here’s to more doggy of the days, more misunderstandings, more rock and rawr party, more Fuwawa backseating, more Moco-chan sneezes. Here's to more fun memories with the ruffians, my oshi Pero! and my kamioshi FuwaMoco!
$20.00 rad shiba Happy Night 1 of the Year of the Demon Guard Dog Princesses! Last year I learned that you can buy "bubble tea ice cream" bars with chewy tapioca pearls spread throughout! They're super yummy if you don't mind the texture!
IDR 500,000.00 John Smith
$20.00 SkyCat Hello Fuwawa! Hello Mococo! あけもめ! BAU time sure is amazing! I remember your debut like it was yesterday, but it feels like you've been around forever! Here's to FuwaMoco 2024!
Biomotion Happy BAU year
$19.99 Saitema Considering the success of the “Princess Switch” watch-along, it seems that romance movies with FuwaMoco could become a thing. In that case, may I suggest “A Walk to Remember”? My friends always tell me how good it is.
$10.00 SkyCat
あけおめ even! BAU BAU
₱250.00 GV happy new year fuwamoco, looking forward to seeing you two swap for a future shuffle medley
MYR 60.00 Stickboy Happy New Year! Here's my first superchat of 2024 for you, and a good luck wish for FUWAMOCO Year! Can I request for Mococo to sit on my face?