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配信名:≪BAYONETTA 3≫ 12 HOURS (or there abouts) OF PURE LEGS - PART 2
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	14	517.00		76,234円
  ₩	KRW	5	276000.00	28,620円
 A$	AUD	12	235.00		22,229円
  £	GBP	1	20.00		3,425円
MYR	MYR	5	73.50		2,295円
  ¥	JPY	4	2160.00		2,160円
SGD	SGD	2	15.00		1,562円
  €	EUR	1	10.00		1,469円
NOK	NOK	1	100.00		1,432円
NT$	TWD	2	180.00		826円
THB	THB	1	200.00		778円
  ₫	VND	1	100000.00	594円
ARS	ARS	1	500.00		473円
IDR	IDR	1	20000.00	190円
----	----	----	----		142,287円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$50.00 -Inasanaty- Congrats on streaming for over 12 hours Bae, and well done beating Bayo 3
허균 (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
행복한집사냥 (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
A$50.00 Crusty Congratulations on beating the game, Bae, what a sucker punch of an ending!! pienpienpien But it was great seeing how much you got into it, your energy and passion was very infectious! What a stream! patpatpat
A$50.00 Da Bloody Carp Great job Bae! ive been here since the start. What a rollercoaster ride! really enjoyed this stream, kept me company while i work, thanks for the 14 hours stream. enjoy your rest GOOD GAME.patRESPECC
ARS 500.00 Xcronn 13 hours of pure rat hack and slash action! (even if i was half asleep half awake for 5 hours) thank you so much for this stream!
A$5.00 Beerbottles123 It's always a pleasure watching you play. Get some rest yeah. You definitely earned it.
gal10487 Congrats on beating the game bae.patpatpat
LiX1010 Gifted 5 Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN memberships
$20.00 darkness2101 Thank for the long stream, Bae. I hope you have a nice rest. I like the idea of passing the torch ending but not like this *sad* (´; ω ;`)
₩50,000 やよい軒 Enough preparation + Your favorite game seems to have created synergy. I was happy to be with you from the beginning to the end. I'm proud of you!nihihi
IDR 20,000.00 Un-チ what a great stream to make my day miss rat
Jeff Star Gifted 5 Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN memberships
¥500 カーシュタインの者 長い時間おつかれさまでした。
Adrik Congrats on beating the game, Bae! It was an exciting stream, and I really enjoyed it. pat
$100.00 Wrixne Lenti stick2squeakyaystick1
Bemana Prayogoベムプラ squeakyaystick2lessgooostick1squeakyay
NOK 100.00 Hyperstate Be a legend and do this dance for your 3D debut
₩120,000 권유선 耐久配信お疲れ様でした ,べーさん。nihihi配信を見ている間、とても面白そうだったので、私もBayonetta 3をプレイしてみようかと思います。boom1boom2
猫Yin Baeyonetta outfit whenlel
₫100,000 Blake Raeven I stuck along to watch your game play, was totally worth it!! Thank you for streaming your game play, it was such a great experience!!
SGD 5.00 MusLemon 🍋💎 I know this is going to sound cheesy, but I think you're the gratestcheese Good Job Bae! GG RESPECCsqueakyay
$50.00 saltedbread Been awake for 26 hours now. Was thinking about sleeping earlier and watching the vod but I'm so glad I was able to stay up to watch this live! Congrats on beating Bayonetta 3 on this long endurace stream. Very proud of you!!
A$5.00 Rimaru And on that last dance... farewell BAYONETTA! Many thanks Bae for the stream and all the best for the future.
Crusty 👏👏👏
€10.00 Unitychad Your energy is insane! Holding up so well after such a long stream! It was so much fun to watch you and your reactions! The ending was not really satisfactory but you handled it well! coffee
$5.00 HeckDeck Sad that it took Bayonetta and the Bayonetta's to release their first album. Congrats on beating it, Bae!
THB 200.00 Buffy BearBear That's a bonker of a story. Thanks for the madness champ!!! Have a nice rest! also I wonder, what's your fav Bayonetta design?
£20.00 Zyrob Hi Bae, I've been here from the very start and what a wild ride this has been! This has been the most chaotic stream ever and I enjoyed every moment of it! Thank you for the stream, you're a legend for streaming this long!
₩5,000 Man's Baest Friend
Not Lefthand Man Congratulations Bae!
Melon Lord Amazing work Bae!
MYR 30.00 Flaming pants Congrats on beating the game, Bae! GG and well done! Now, if you won't do the end sequence dance for your 3D debut, would you do it in your first 3D sololive, please? Please? Please? Please?
A$20.00 Mclaggen Congrats on beating the game Bae, it was a big effort to complete it in one stream but you did well
ThunderSean boom1I am Bro nownihihi
GalacticTNT This was such a fun experience! Such an amazing game and I’m glad I spent it watching you enjoy it (mostly)! You did very well! pat💜
NT$30.00 洪十二【TW台湾】 クリアおめでとう!楽しかった!
$50.00 Arshaiden
Thanks for an absolute blast of a stream Bae! I totally didn't just sacrifice a nights sleep to watch the entire thing. SUS Welp off I go to somehow make it through a squash match. Wish me luck and do get some rest yourself! Love ya!ECKSDEE
Jeshi patpatpat
$50.00 CaiusXP Congrats on beating the game! It's been a fun ride. Rest well.
A$20.00 Frayre Noire 890 (KAELA SIMP) Hi Bae i alwas here at the Beginning but sadly i dint stick around because i also bought the game and want to experience the game myself .. so after i finish the game then ill watch the full archive !! Thanks a lot !!
$100.00 ᛗᛁᛏᛊ_ᛞ (Mits_d) glad to have been listening and watching your entire endurance stream even though I had work midway in. enjoyed listening to you cheering every time you beat a boss while I had to drive. bless this cute rat. also good night Bae and brats it's 2 in the morning here
$50.00 -Inasanaty-
Well I'm off to try and sleep now, this was an incredible ride and I'm glad I stuck around to the end, thank you for streaming Bae! pat
¥1,000 アローラAlola Baeちゃん、Thanks for the long stream!! 楽しかったですsqueakyay