Thank you for such a beautiful cover of white love. Your voices were so beautiful for this song. Thank you for all the effort and care you put into everything your doing. Excited to see what else your working on to come!
I can't stop listening to your new cover! This entire month you crafted has been amazing! I keep tearing up listening to you two HOWL your heart out! Please take care of yourselves, our most precious Guard DogsBAU BAU!
I always love the bittersweet feeling in music & literature. It's a way to remind myself that life's not always sunshine & rainbow. I find myself wanting sth that resonates with my emotions rather than just trying to cheer me up. But that's just me.
I’ll absolutely be listening to your cover lots and lots! The effort and love you and everyone involved put into it truly shows and I plan to appreciate every detail! You really made it your own in the most beautiful way!
Was wondering when planning a cover do you deep plan, as in plan almost line by line where to add vibrato, crescendo etc. Or do you sing it through then discuss and fine tune?