トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【JUSTICE SUCKS】i am vacuum cleaner【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	19	132.36		19,587円
IDR	IDR	9	300000.00	2,854円
 A$	AUD	4	20.00		1,890円
  ₩	KRW	2	10000.00	1,037円
MX$	MXN	1	100.00		744円
MYR	MYR	3	22.00		688円
CA$	CAD	1	5.00		543円
  ₹	INR	1	200.00		359円
NT$	TWD	1	75.00		344円
----	----	----	----		28,046円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
CephasRed VS. 2 month member!thumbsthumbsthumbsHappy to be here, Kaela! Keep being the awesome blacksmith that you are!skiaheartamused
$5.00 BOOcho
Extremely Random Question before I sleep: How many geese do you think it would take to lift you up and fly you all around the world?
Terminus I’m so glad I’ve been able to spend 3 months with this amazing blacksmith and all the great Pemaloe. It’s been a great time. Thanks Ela 💕💕💕
aris 385 Congratulations on getting your play button, Kaelaskiaheartskiaheartskiaheart
CA$5.00 CephasRed VS. Just became a member for 2 months and I'm super happy to be here! Keep being the awesome blacksmith gamer that you are, Kaela! 😎 👍
Bolbi Ela cute. thank you for coming to my TED talk
Quetzal Jr It's been a while and I'm glad to be back to watch at a more consistent rate than last month. My Oshi is Lemao never change, never change Kaela.
Afi i just joined the stream and im not really sure what's happening but i like the vibe
IDR 50,000.00 Naga Indosiar
thanks for the stream Kael, enjoyed your lunch and good luck on your gras touching. i really enjoyed it
MX$100.00 Rene Alarcon Reason #980 of why Kaela is cool. There are three ways to do things: The correct, incorrect and Kaela way. The Kaela way is like the correct one but with style which is all the time. Have a great day.
Dowon Na Gifted 1 Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID memberships
白石キウ・イー skiaheartskiaheart
₩5,000 YEE Why my oshi like this