トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【The Unfinished Swan】Become Uncanny | #1
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	37	441.56		61,971円
  ₩	KRW	8	130000.00	13,615円
SGD	SGD	3	110.00		11,219円
CA$	CAD	5	41.00		4,291円
  €	EUR	3	27.00		3,920円
 A$	AUD	3	29.99		2,809円
IDR	IDR	1	200000.00	1,795円
HK$	HKD	1	100.00		1,794円
MX$	MXN	3	215.00		1,552円
  ₫	VND	1	200000.00	1,131円
NZ$	NZD	1	10.00		863円
  ₱	PHP	2	250.00		613円
NT$	TWD	1	75.00		338円
----	----	----	----		105,912円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$10.00 GAKtion64 This was a really cool game you played here Kronii. The King talking about how there will be kings coming after him reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzars statue dream from bible in daniel 2
₱125.00 TacoCurse why is it when other mems do your greeting you cringe but you do it always anyway.... are you actually a tsundere for us?? huh tsun tsun tsun tsun
A$10.00 NineBreaker
Thank you for the Stream and the PC Case announcement, I'll have to wait and hope for the PC Case to be available internationally since I live across the world
Luffymon Tv nice
ash24042 Can you show us what you talking about?
Khazgar I'M SOLD. GIVE ME 50!!! kromegalol
Daeus_ Pre order locked in krokanpai
Shrimpy - ゼロ Pre-order Locked in Yeeeeboroswhoaboroswhoaboroswhoa
SeNBr0 oh kronii oh kronii, you just like honey, I can't live without you like a bee, subway connects you & me, you make me believe you & me are meant to be
Guam Mastermind Thanks for the fun and stream Kronii!, whens the next devour play coming?krogwakkrogwakkrogwakkrogwak
Motoko Mei Thank you for the stream! Everytime you play a wonderful indie game I felt like I am in heavenlove4ever