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配信名:【The Unfinished Swan】Become Uncanny | #1
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	37	441.56		61,971円
  ₩	KRW	8	130000.00	13,615円
SGD	SGD	3	110.00		11,219円
CA$	CAD	5	41.00		4,291円
  €	EUR	3	27.00		3,920円
 A$	AUD	3	29.99		2,809円
IDR	IDR	1	200000.00	1,795円
HK$	HKD	1	100.00		1,794円
MX$	MXN	3	215.00		1,552円
  ₫	VND	1	200000.00	1,131円
NZ$	NZD	1	10.00		863円
  ₱	PHP	2	250.00		613円
NT$	TWD	1	75.00		338円
----	----	----	----		105,912円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$5.00 NeoMatrix
The powerwash simulator sequel isn't exactly what I expected
$10.00 K1 "Babe, what's wrong? Your Ouro Kronii™ dinner with Ouro Kronii™ fork and knife set is getting cold...please get off your Ouro Kronii™ PC and come spend some time with your family..."
MX$65.00 StarMech
Someone has to clean this all up, if only we had a powerwash pro with perfect eyes with beautiful voice krowink I wonder where we can find her?
CA$10.00 Juntal Calos Working late so sadly gonna miss the stream however I wanted to wish you a fun time at NYC tomorrow! I heard there is gonna be a world in VRC which I would love to see in VR later!
NZ$10.00 Lev S⌛ VOD again. I wish I could see you playing this great game live but got some other quests to attend to. sob* Ahppy streaming Warden!
Sol kroheartkroheartkroheartkroheartkroheart
Youlol2much (Second)
₫200,000 Triet Lam i preordered the case. it looks beautiful. hope to see more cool merch from you
I Am Luluo Glad u streamed today. gotta spend my milestonekrololkrololkrololkrolol
Hey, I'm Xon I ซอนเอง The Unfinished Swan : no, Power Wash 3 : yes
$2.00 Amelio Watsoff: Defective Extrodinaire Is this your origin story
xXUnoriginalNameXx33 - Meygaera $5,000 for a free SC
$10.00 NexAngelus405 Oh no, my baloon!
Clifsandwich Hey Kronii, I preordered your Hyte collab case. Time for me to join this decade with a new build. And with the perfect looks on the outside, heck yeah
HK$100.00 Noel Sylphiel - Jokerronii Lover Thank you for the stream Kronii, after that i may go to play some powerwash to cure my tiny soul. i just cannot forget those black paint you just spray at the start of the game lol and congratz for the PC case release too!
$9.99 Zoomed In Kobeni this is mesmerizing, i am mesmerized. more games should let you shoot spheres, yes.
$5.00 AquaticLettuce Guess you can say this game is just all a wild goose chase haHA im gonna die now bye. Congrats on the PC cant wait to see what else ya have in store!
$20.00 Skellum It's basically impossible to play without chat ruining it, but this game has major Outer Wilds feels. Outer Wilds may be the greatest game ever made if you get the chance to play it. Thanks for sharing this game with us.
$20.00 MisterVeeg
this got a lot more emotional than I was expecting it to. Good lil' game, though. Very good artstyle. Cheers for the playthrough.
$20.00 BurritoTime What an interesting game, that was nice.
₩50,000 No. 1729 good game! Thank you for the stream. Congrats on the PERFECT PC CASE release and I hope you have a good time at ANIME NYCkroheart
SGD 5.00 DoRevenge That was an interesting one kronichiwa Thank you for the stream kroheart
₱125.00 メガネ Crow | VoD dweller love4ever
CA$5.00 Lorenz Mil The Restricted and Restrained Would You Like To Try? I Would Let you Borrow the Rod~. Eks Dee. Love That U also Said that.
$1.99 JD Cadence, A Silver Wolf Thanks for the stream Kronii
$5.00 NeoMatrix
I'm glad you played through this since it's a cool game kroheartkropet
$5.00 KC Akisu Thanks for the stream Warden! A nice short story about tearing apa- I mean cherishing the journey of one's life and work, something to take to heart.
$10.00 AgentofShield11 Thank you for the chill gameplay! I guess this was a way to express that the world is one's canvas, free to create what one desires. Rest well, warden! We need u at your prime for the panel tomorrow.
₩20,000 hohoi Kronii cute as alwayskropetkropet
IDR 200,000.00 kusuma k Hey kroni you still have trouble fall asleep? how about eating fruit rich in melatonin like orange, banana or pineapple, or just take a melatonin supplement ? anyway thanks for the stream and looking forward for asmr stream
€5.00 SamGoesBy, Buttered Baguette That was a nice, short and sweet game, very interesting in its mechanics too, glad to have been there watching, thanks Kronii
$10.00 GAKtion64 This was a really cool game you played here Kronii. The King talking about how there will be kings coming after him reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzars statue dream from bible in daniel 2
₱125.00 TacoCurse why is it when other mems do your greeting you cringe but you do it always anyway.... are you actually a tsundere for us?? huh tsun tsun tsun tsun
A$10.00 NineBreaker
Thank you for the Stream and the PC Case announcement, I'll have to wait and hope for the PC Case to be available internationally since I live across the world
Luffymon Tv nice
ash24042 Can you show us what you talking about?
Khazgar I'M SOLD. GIVE ME 50!!! kromegalol
Daeus_ Pre order locked in krokanpai
Shrimpy - ゼロ Pre-order Locked in Yeeeeboroswhoaboroswhoaboroswhoa
SeNBr0 oh kronii oh kronii, you just like honey, I can't live without you like a bee, subway connects you & me, you make me believe you & me are meant to be
Guam Mastermind Thanks for the fun and stream Kronii!, whens the next devour play coming?krogwakkrogwakkrogwakkrogwak
Motoko Mei Thank you for the stream! Everytime you play a wonderful indie game I felt like I am in heavenlove4ever