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配信名:【PEJUANG SENIN】#28 morning talk☀️【Kaela's Monday Warrior】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	20	98.00		13,677円
  ₩	KRW	2	60000.00	6,372円
IDR	IDR	8	425000.00	3,833円
CA$	CAD	3	30.00		3,156円
MYR	MYR	3	96.90		2,922円
SGD	SGD	5	21.00		2,132円
HK$	HKD	3	104.00		1,852円
MX$	MXN	2	250.00		1,788円
  €	EUR	1	10.00		1,441円
 A$	AUD	4	11.00		1,028円
  ¥	JPY	1	500.00		500円
----	----	----	----		38,702円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$5.00 Andrew Swallie Buenos dias, Elita! ¿Cómo te vas? I am trying to use more Spanish since I don't get much practice anymore
IDR 50,000.00 Naga Indosiar coding is fun if it's working, if not you will spend 4 hour more to search apostrophe or space error
A$2.00 Reine & Kaela make me doki doki
you like accounting? i also like money.
$5.00 Tabitha Gabrielle
Kaela the spanish pro, pls pronounce "Caballero", "quesadilla", "te deseo", "Asquerosa, te pisaré', and "Que Sera, sera" (which means DlhL) 🙏🌮
IDR 100,000.00 Taxmen So, last month I need to fix something in our system because finance dept found something weird in their reports. Yep, bugs written by my team causing unbalanced accounting. Double the fun.
A$2.00 Reine & Kaela make me doki doki
im doing biochem atm, i feel your dislike of it
$2.00 Andrew Swallie
Elita can you say "Te amo?" it means GSH, I think
IDR 50,000.00 Novan Kaelaa it's my birthday today. Can you wish something for me maybe
$5.00 AJ NNN? Sounds like azidoazide azide is the perfect compound for you laugh
Alex P Gifted 1 Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID memberships
$2.00 Magdalenus Rex
Pejuang streams are fun, usually more chaotic tho
MX$125.00 Mythkaz Hey Kaela, just passing by, thanks for the spell against Frogiwawa, it didn't work, but Kiara was saved by Pomu regardless, in all cases, Thanks, take care and hope you are doing well XP
$20.00 Tabitha Gabrielle
Thanks for always inspiring us to do our best every monday Kaela! I actually have a big appointment tomorrow that im really nervous about: can Kaela pls call me 'disgusting' to encourage and inspire me?🥺🙏🥺You're the best!
SGD 5.00 theShazerin
Ela I started playing Wild Rift coz of you. What champion do you recommend for mid lane?