トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【70万耐久罰あり SUIKA GAME スイカゲーム】should be celebrating but instead we're embarrassed 🍉【ENDURANCE TO 700K】 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 11 610.99 88,126円 ¥ JPY 21 23745.00 23,745円 € EUR 2 105.00 16,584円 CA$ CAD 2 100.00 10,803円 A$ AUD 4 50.00 4,845円 HUF HUF 2 11000.00 4,599円 ₱ PHP 3 1250.00 3,234円 ₫ VND 1 500000.00 2,962円 CRC CRC 1 10000.00 2,777円 IDR IDR 3 250000.00 2,325円 NOK NOK 1 100.00 1,392円 £ GBP 1 7.00 1,287円 MYR MYR 1 6.00 186円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 162,865円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
55 🔗 |
$100.00 | Momochan |
¥14423 | ||||
56 🔗 |
Deadbeat Risuner Ruffian |
Good luck Mococo! BAU BAU | ||
57 🔗 |
umiyuu__ |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
58 🔗 |
redheart |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
59 🔗 |
ナット |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
60 🔗 |
ぽち |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
61 🔗 |
$50.00 | memegoddylan | Congratulations on 700K! You two absolutely deserve it! It's been so fun to be a ruffian since your debut, and I can't wait to see what happens this year! BAU BAU! | |
¥7212 | ||||
62 🔗 |
CRC 10,000.00 | Firemind |
Hello FWMC! Congratulations on 700k! I've smiled/laughed so much since your debut that my cheeks muscles will start growing www. You've made me love and appreciate more the concept of what an idol is. Love you! Bau Bau! | |
¥2777 | ||||
63 🔗 |
IDR 100,000.00 | John Smith (2回目) |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥930 | ||||
64 🔗 |
Jade Knight |
Congratulations on the 700k! You deserve that many subs and many more! Good job! |
65 🔗 |
ResteaSY _EZ |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
66 🔗 |
¥300 | 野菜の皮剥く係のせんりつ | マリオカートで観てからいっぱい癒されている…So Cute… | |
¥300 | ||||
67 🔗 |
のこのこ | Gifted 10 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
68 🔗 |
ネコノテ | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
69 🔗 |
First | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
70 🔗 |
Oh Well | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
71 🔗 |
HaiDoumo | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
72 🔗 |
誰でも大好き | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
73 🔗 |
クレープサ | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
74 🔗 |
下手の横乳 | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
75 🔗 |
gourmet pepper | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
76 🔗 |
かまっぽ | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
77 🔗 |
Sein Frau | was gifted a membership by のこのこ | ||
78 🔗 |
-Razor- らゾル |
Congratz!! 700k!! |
79 🔗 |
ゴンザレス |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
80 🔗 |
¥2,000 | 東京七三郎 |
フワワちゃん、モココちゃん、登録70万人突破おめでとう |
¥2000 | ||||
81 🔗 |
$50.00 | PaakType |
Congratulations on 700k subscribers! Your growth has been amazing to behold, and 100% deserved for such sweet, skilled, hungry guard dogs! The road to 1 million gets shorter every day, and I know the journey there and beyond will be nonstop fun! | |
¥7212 | ||||
82 🔗 |
¥1,000 | Ryota Nakagawa | (無言スパチャ) | |
¥1000 | ||||
83 🔗 |
$5.00 | StarCreator |
cg on 700k! I just woke up and it feels like I missed a lot w | |
¥721 | ||||
84 🔗 |
¥2,525 | 小石井チョコリング |
I'm die. Thank you forever. |
¥2525 | ||||
85 🔗 |
ジェード |
( ´ཫ` )グハァ | ||
86 🔗 |
ジーク・フライハイト |
70万人おめでとうございます |
87 🔗 |
NOK 100.00 | Banne |
My new years wish is for Fuwawa to loose before she hits 1000. | |
¥1392 | ||||
88 🔗 |
$2.00 | StarCreator (2回目) |
bless you | |
¥288 | ||||
89 🔗 |
¥500 | ねねね |
助かる | |
¥500 | ||||
90 🔗 |
HUF 1,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (2回目) |
cute Fuwasneeze TSKR | |
¥418 | ||||
91 🔗 |
$2.00 | Phoenix |
tskr fuwawa | |
¥288 | ||||
92 🔗 |
¥200 | ハンサン【Hansan】 |
¥200 | ||||
93 🔗 |
A$10.00 | Lux Aeterna🐾 |
Cute Fuwawa Sneeze! Bless you! | |
¥969 | ||||
94 🔗 |
$10.00 | Pudding Rat🐾 |
Bless you Fuwawa | |
¥1442 | ||||
95 🔗 |
A$10.00 | Flanntastic🐾 |
Bless you Fuwawa! | |
¥969 | ||||
96 🔗 |
$2.00 | Bishop |
Blessed Fuwawa sneeze | |
¥288 | ||||
97 🔗 |
A$20.00 | ranmazoku |
Bless the Fuwawa sneeze! | |
¥1938 | ||||
98 🔗 |
¥200 | 紫太陽 |
TSKR | |
¥200 | ||||
99 🔗 |
€5.00 | Leon Legend | Sneeze tax | |
¥790 | ||||
100 🔗 |
¥200 | ぽち |
くしゃみかわいい!ありがとうございます | |
¥200 | ||||
101 🔗 |
$350.00 | Anan🐾Onel |
I'd say 70 $5 sneeze taxes for 70万 YouTube Ruffians, but there seems to have been some sneeze tax inflation... and I'm way behind on paying sneeze taxes... Well, this will just be me paying my back taxes! Joking aside, big congrats on the milestone! You deserve it and so much more! TOTAL GLOBAL RUFFIANIZATION | |
¥50482 | ||||
102 🔗 |
Ira |
that was powerful <3> | ||
103 🔗 |
CA$50.00 | mugetsu (2回目) |
¥5401 | ||||
104 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ケジメ待ちのフングス | 最高のボイスありがとう、フワモコかわいすぎて心が持ちませんでした |
¥1000 | ||||
105 🔗 |
€100.00 | FabulousCupcake |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥15794 | ||||
106 🔗 |
¥2,000 | オルシオン[ザ・カーブレード] |
70万人おめでとう!フワワちゃんセリフで新しい扉が開きそうになったり、元々可愛いモコちゃんがより一層可愛く見えたり最高のごほ・・・罰ゲームだったよ!二人とも大好きだー! |
¥2000 | ||||
107 🔗 |
MYR 6.00 | Akmai「Projik Maju Jaya」 | BAU BAU FROM MALAYSIA... GOOD SUIKA GAMES | |
¥186 | ||||
108 🔗 |
GLH 7000plus |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
109 🔗 |
¥5,000 | ฅなるみや なゆたฅ🐾 |
なかなか調子出なかったけど、フワモコのスイカゲームやっぱりすき! |
¥5000 | ||||
110 🔗 |
$19.99 | Dong An |
I can teach you guys to constantly reach 2500+ by hands. Try to arrange fruits by chains. | |
¥2883 | ||||
111 🔗 |
₫500,000 | L Nguyen |
No one sleeps in Northern Passage tonight, cuz FWMC is on FIRE! Congrats on 700k subs! I'm sure this is the beginning of an amazing year to come. Also thank u for what u said during the Q&A. I promise to be happy, not only for u but for my own sake. | |
¥2962 | ||||
112 🔗 |
¥1,600 | ヤギちゃん | 最高に可愛い | |
¥1600 | ||||
113 🔗 |
₱500.00 | Darklancer99🐾 (2回目) |
ヤンデレ、ツンデレ、メード…二人共…ありがとう... マネちゃん…ありがとう… お父さん、お母さん、生んでくれてありがとう... Saying ご主人様 in english really is embarassing... お疲れ様でした! 最高でした! | |
¥1294 | ||||
114 🔗 |
しばやん |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||