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配信名:『Megaman Zero』Overcoming the Odds
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	44	744.46		98,705円
SGD	SGD	5	95.00		9,475円
 A$	AUD	3	65.00		5,759円
  ₱	PHP	8	2350.00		5,741円
  ₩	KRW	6	52000.00	5,273円
HK$	HKD	5	235.00		3,969円
MX$	MXN	4	505.00		3,700円
MYR	MYR	2	120.00		3,600円
  ¥	JPY	4	3359.00		3,359円
 R$	BRL	3	123.20		3,181円
  £	GBP	3	16.00		2,612円
  €	EUR	1	11.99		1,724円
RON	RON	1	50.00		1,451円
NT$	TWD	1	300.00		1,303円
IDR	IDR	2	120000.00	1,058円
NZ$	NZD	1	11.00		907円
THB	THB	1	200.00		776円
CA$	CAD	1	5.50		538円
PEN	PEN	1	1.16		41円
----	----	----	----		153,169円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
A$50.00 Nop ❤
Alphonse Great job, IRyS!
$5.00 Bishop
Another one bites the dust [rgb glasses]
$10.00 美味しいたこ焼き Congrats on clearing Megaman Zero IRyS! It's been lots of fun. Glad you persevered through all that.
MYR 60.00 Tierru (ティエル) (無言スパチャ)
MYR 60.00 Furious Tree Man Thanks for the stream and congrats on beating Megaman Zero IRySoPro!
$10.00 Garahel Nice clear! irysSocool So what do you think you find harder platforming or puzzles? Heard the ones in RE:4 Remake can't be shown so good luck in advance irysLaugh
R$110.00 Erik Balthazar
Zero and X best partners! Aww irysPien, that was sweet! Congratulations IRyS!! You did it! And consuming so few Elves! Impressive! You are truly skilled! irysSocool Thank you for bringing Megaman Zero to us irysHeart2irysHeart2irysHeart2
$10.00 -Inasanaty-
Good job beating Megaman Zero irysSocool The most difficult battle today had to be the platforming imo
$10.00 Luis Miguel: CFAA and Nene's Husband I kept hope within my heart, and finally after some complicated weeks, I got the job I applied for!!! Thanks for always preaching reassuring words IRyS! love you!irysHeart2
MX$250.00 F C Congrats on beating the game! If you want more of a challenge, maintaining rank A or S rewards you by making the bosses harder. I don't read any shoujo manga, but webtoons used to be my guilty pleasure.
MX$125.00 Rene Alarcon Great job beating this! I remember the pain, the pain! About Shoujos,I read Ayashi no Ceres (an oldie classic) and Skip Beat (ongoing), where its anime tragically only had 25 episodes. It is hilarious
HK$50.00 CZero K In MMZ1, 2, 3, if you are at Lv A or S, the boss will use special attack called "EX Skill". In MMZ2 and 3, Zero can learn EX Skill ONLY if you maintain Lv A or S when fighting the bossirysNerd
SubNil I hope you sing Eyes On Me from FF8 on unarchived one day. It really fits your voice!
SGD 10.00 Yi Xuan Tan You said "I treat my controller with love and care", and now I want to become your controller irysLaughirysLaugh Thanks for the stream irysHeart2
$1.99 Destiny X
Megaman Legends? how you get your hands so fast?😇
SGD 20.00 Kyanern And that's another pain train of a game that you've cleared, hahaha. Honestly I don't know how you can persevere through these difficult games but I respect that. Great comedic timing as always, too irysLaugh
SGD 5.00 Yi Xuan Tan
Deflate is justice?
THB 200.00 Chaoton If you're interested, speedrun of the game is eyes opening to watch. Congratulation on beating the first game!
HK$50.00 オーバーRayster💎 Congratulations IRyS! You finished Zero1! Let's goo!! It's so happy to see you overcoming the odds and geting grown up in the game! Good job! Zero 2&3 will be a piece of cake for you nowirysSocool
MX$65.00 Freak Video Gamer Congratulations Irys! you cleared megaman zero! it was a tough game but hope never dies, unlike the fairies! can't wait for zero 2, 3 and 4!
$50.00 Mavjin8
Congrats on beating Zero 1 IRyS! You trashed everyone pretty easily on the refights. You keep saying "burn him to the ground" but you have no idea what that means to someone who played X7. Looking forward to Zero 2 (my favorite) one day.
$10.00 Zaclath Will we see IRyS doing speed runs of Megaman X series? Also, Zero is kinda like X's living legacy (if you get my reference)
$10.00 J.M. Henry
Your skill level definitely jumped since last stream, I'm proud! You suuure you don't wanna try Hard Mode tho? I think you could handle it 😆
$100.00 Wrixne Lenti
When the dialogue was taking longer than the actual fights, just like all my "faaavorite" shounen anime. In all fairness, X "did" tell Zero "terminate with extreme prejudice," so the roasting was warranted, no?
₱275.00 greentea💎on purple purple block Congrats! So, what's the next one? 😅 wait, did you finish the gundam? LOL
Domeini Gifted 10 IRyS Ch. hololive-EN memberships
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₩2,000 카드레 Yabairys
₱275.00 Shinn [3DRyS Enjoyer] Getting tired walking around your house barefooted? Why not grab Bloom&Gloom SlippeRyS?! Not only it will make your feet comfy, you'll get two cute companions as well! So BuyRyS now!!! irysWicked
SGD 50.00 Bloody Emperor - IRyS HipRoll同好会. BaeRyS 神社 Do you know that a new Horimiya anime series will be aired? Some nice Shoujo am rereading are: Akagami no Shirayukihime, May I Please Ask You Just One Last Thing?, Kanpeki Sugite Kawaige ga nai to Konyaku Hakisareta Seijo wa Ringoku ni Urareru
₱150.00 Chipzzz Modern manga I that heals the soul: / Demon King's Daughter is Too Kind!! / Hodoite,Musunde / MousouTelepathy / Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity
NZ$11.00 Miickopii you should check out hollow knight for a 10/10 platforming. you'll love it!
$20.00 Mavjin8
Z2 and 3 let you learn boss skills if you have an A/S Rank when you beat them. Also with Easy Scenario you get to eat all of the elves, from the start. If you want more X & Zero moments, there's X5, but it requires patience.
$10.00 Mavjin8
Oh and choosing company 2 seemed like the right choice. The second guy sounded more professional, hope it all works out. Thanks for another amazing stream IRyS, you did great today.
¥1,000 ボヘミアン浪士 さっき言ってたやつは「幼な妻でごめんっ!」(えばんふみ先生)だよ〜。 元不良少女と元教師で結婚したところから始まって、お互い不器用ですれ違ったりするけどお互いを思いあっててみたいな感じ(完結済み全6巻)
$20.00 GordonJ Congrats on beating Megaman Zero, happy to see the fairies mostly made it out unmunched irysHeart2 Here's some keyboard funds to help replace the ones you'll be getting rid of (I lost count of how many).
₱275.00 I love Zettai Ryouiki Nice, you're watching Build Fighters! IRyS Gunpla building stream maybe? Also I love the way you say "room"
€11.99 Walid I recently watched Gundam 00 and IBO (and obviously Witch from Mercury at the same time), do you have any recommendation for which Gundam I should watch next?
IDR 100,000.00 Kemkem Gundam Build Fighters over Gundam Build Divers. Gundam Build Divers Re Rise is better than the original Divers yes. The meijin OST in GBF hits really hard, maybe watchalong some time XD
LightningLiger Are you going to do a watch-along for holo fest?
HK$10.00 HolySwordLuna Would you try Megaman X DiVE? It's also on Steam.
SGD 10.00 Yi Xuan Tan
Even if the tofu deflates, maybe... deflate is justice? Btw are you gonna watch Suzume?
£5.00 AshExia Congrats on finishing the game! I'll watch the archive later! Yes x and zero are the best partners!
Raydeus Speaking of SEED, have you watched Heroic Age? Same studio (Xebec 2007)
JayDubYew Congrats on beating the game Irys! irysBloomrirysGlooml
$10.00 Wrixne Lenti
Can't remember - did you watch/finish/consider The 08th MS team?
HK$25.00 オーバーRayster💎
How about Gundam W and X? Have you heard of them, or are you interested in it? They are also great gundam anime
₩10,000 Anthi7💎
$100.00 NoukonNeko Thanks for playing Iris. I enjoyed watching you play Mega Man Zero so much that I decided to challenge myself to beat the game on my own stream before you do. Good job, you finished before me. So as a reward I offer you my very first super chat. Congrats.
GrumbleDogg ෴ˁಠᴥಠˀ෴
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