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配信名:【FUWAMOCO ROCK N' RAWR PARTY】a winter hotter than the summertime ❄
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	47	2132.28		309,512円
CA$	CAD	5	420.00		45,462円
  ¥	JPY	17	43545.00	43,545円
  €	EUR	2	200.00		31,775円
 A$	AUD	8	210.00		20,389円
SGD	SGD	3	125.00		13,622円
  £	GBP	1	50.00		9,243円
 R$	BRL	3	220.00		6,578円
HUF	HUF	1	10000.00	4,189円
  ₱	PHP	2	749.00		1,948円
IDR	IDR	1	200000.00	1,868円
  ₩	KRW	1	5000.00		553円
MYR	MYR	1	15.00		469円
MX$	MXN	2	40.00		344円
NT$	TWD	1	30.00		140円
----	----	----	----		489,637円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
¥2,000 蓮根っ子 ROCK N‘ RAWR PARTY ありがとう!!今日も名曲いっぱいの神選曲で、フワワちゃんとモココちゃんの感情を込めた歌い方にはいつも感動して心を奪われますFUWAheartMOCOheart和服を着ての歌枠!二人が綺麗で歌う姿がとても映えるね!可愛くてめっちゃ可愛くてすごい可愛い!雪が降って寒い一日だったけどフワモコちゃんの優しくて温かい歌を聴いて心が暖かくなったよ!ありがとう!!BAUBAU
$100.00 agri🐾 Thanks for the amazing rock n rawr party! Your voices are so beautiful...
¥2,000 シヴァ村卯月 いつも楽しい時間をありがとう
$100.00 Cataractic Planets 🐾 Thank you so much for this karaoke! My heart feels very fluffy and fuzzy right now! I was wondering how you decide the order of your setlists? The songs always seem to flow together so well!
dumfish FUWApatFUWApatFUWApatMOCOpatMOCOpatMOCOpat
A$20.00 SWMrPlow Thanks for the ROCK N' RAWR PARTY! Always a pleasure to listen to FuwaMoco's wonderful singing! FUWApatMOCOpat
MX$20.00 Nanamumei cant wait 3D debut, i love you mococo Bau Bau~!!!!
$9.99 Tek Meister Thank You, Fuwawa and Moroco for the awesome winter Rockin n Rawr party. Bau Bau🎉👏👏👏
A$20.00 L All the songs were lovely as always, but my favourites were definitely White Album, Yuki no Hana and White love. Thank for another fun karaoke!
A$20.00 DuckMorris Another amazing rocknrawr party! Just wanted to let you know that despite all the mocobullying, Mococo, you're the most adorable, most lovable, most fuzziest demon dog ever! Please continue to protect all of our smiles!
CA$100.00 mugetsu
冬系RockNRawr Partyお疲れ様!I'm always so happy to hear you two sing FuwaMoco! As always I loved every minute of it! I loved the live harmonics in today's White Album and White Love too! So good! I have a lot of songs to add to my Winter playlist now..! Thank you Fuwamoco!
Misao? I always love your singing Fuwamoco! Fuwawa's voice is always so soothing and Mococo's little growls always make me laugh. Thank U for making my day!
A$50.00 ranmazoku Thank you for another amazing Rock N' Rawr! We believed in Snow Halation been sung!!! FUWAlightMOCOlight
¥1,000 Jchul Thank you for another great ROCK N' RAWR PARTY stream! FUWAheartMOCOheart
₱500.00 Lord Ashton Today's Rock n Rawr Party is amazing! Thanks and looking forward to next week!
¥2,525 コンピューターおじいちゃん 初見です。2人とも楽しそうに歌うのがとてもよかったです。White Love生歌助かりました。フワワ可愛い!モコちゃんかっこいい!初見です。
$100.00 AndyTran Really amazing setlist as always! Went back and forth between ice and fire, could catch a cold! Did you know near the Tsugaru strait, there's a monument with a huge red button that plays 津軽海峡・冬景色 when you press it? Should put a song button in front of the FWMC monument
ねこ大好き (Welcome to Doggy!)
$50.00 Anan🐾Onel
My favorite songs were Fuyu e to Hashiridasu o and Natsu Yori Atsui Fuyu! I loved the variety in the songs you sang today! And I loved that Snow Halation surprise! One very protected smile on my face today!
$100.00 art おつバウバウ!I'm pretty fond of slower and sad songs so I really liked ORION and 雪の華 but the entire setlist was great! Also, you had me completely tricked with Snow Halation MOCOniya! I had lots of fun singing along! Hope your energy can carry over to stay warm!
$50.00 FireBladeRin 🐾 Oops I wasn't aware that fire was banned, I'll be sure to cheer from the parking lot next time!
$100.00 Sorioneko new house fund
₩5,000 고라니 (無言スパチャ)
$100.00 Randrey I'm happy you made it into Hololive and I look forward to you girls participating in more events and collabs with your senpai. I hope that you girls can accomplish everything you hope to. I know you want to protect our smiles, we will protect yours in return. BAU BAU!
$100.00 Osvald Traveler
Extra fund For new light on top of the heater!MOCOhuhMOCOhuhMOCOhuh We need a ruffian engineer on the case!FUWApatMOCOpat
Sire Iro How did Fuwamoco become so cute? FUWApatMOCOpat
$100.00 jameswargull
I cant send you my GameCube, but here's my contribution for one! There are so many great games for it! And as a selfish request, maybe you could also play Windwaker one day if we get through Ocarina? (Though the WiiU version of that is good too)
$20.00 ConicalSubset3 Thank you for the absolutely wonderful rock n' rawr party, it was a great way to end my birthday! BAU BAU!
$25.00 Nabeshugs Fuwawa and Mococo are always cute, professional, and powerful. Keep doing what you're doing, because you have protected my smile, along with all the other Ruffians' smiles.
¥2,000 シュガー&ソルト【ラッキーミルク】 フワワちゃんモココちゃんHello HelloBAUBAU今日の歌声も最高だったよFUWApat二人と出会ってから凄く充実してて半年まであっという間にだったよFUWAheartMOCOheartこれからもたくさんよろしくねBAUBAU
R$100.00 🐾 Alizoneto Rocha 🐾 I just noticed two details in the clothes you two are using, part of Mococo's is see through, like what I wished to get to see at summer and Fuwawa's little guy there has her hair wing! I was too distracted! I really like how part of this one is similar to your jackets!
$50.00 TheDAWinz I was scrolling through twitter and saw some peciluar art. It was art, of Mococo, but bald. Baldcoco! Maybe we should get a stream with Baldcoco! #RuffianswantBaldcoco!!!
$50.00 EtchySketchy I had a blast during the 2-hour live Karaoke session with Kobo, IRyS, and Nenechi at Anime Impulse just a while ago and we get this fun karaoke right after. I'm still pumped and even ran out of UOs to use. Thanks for this karaoke and Snow Halation!
$10.00 Luis Garcia I can't say much ruffians, but the first Ruffian war is coming so be prepared and always protect fuwamoco
Richard fung BAUBAU
michael to Gifted 1 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships
hong sian gan was gifted a membership by michael to
¥2,000 rororo Grank 田村ゆかりの曲とかも歌ってほしいな。キャッチーな曲がたっぷりあるよ。
¥8,000 ななしの 素敵なROCK N' RAWR PARTYを今日もありがとう。FUWAMOCO の歌はいつも笑顔を与えてくれる…。今年もたくさん2人の歌が聴ける機会があると嬉しい。2人の歌声が本当に大好き
$10.30 Nina Singson Today's karaoke stream was so much fun! I learned so many new songs that I've never heard before. Maybe you should do a spring themed karaoke in the future! BAU BAU!
SavageFoils🐾 I loved this Karaoke! The setlist was AMAZING! Thanks for making my night warm and comfy! BAUBAUFUWAheartMOCOheart