トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME】temple of faiyaaa 🐾
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	46	668.96		100,058円
  ¥	JPY	7	16600.00	16,600円
 A$	AUD	8	130.00		12,271円
HUF	HUF	8	10400.00	4,220円
  €	EUR	2	15.00		2,361円
CA$	CAD	10	20.79		2,279円
CLP	CLP	1	10000.00	1,592円
SEK	SEK	2	100.00		1,358円
MX$	MXN	1	100.00		829円
 R$	BRL	2	4.00		118円
----	----	----	----		141,687円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
Monke (Welcome to Doggy!)
Black Boe (Welcome to Doggy!)
MX$100.00 Jarry Mingles FUWAMOCO sneeze while Link breaks his knees. (TSKR)
A$10.00 Lux Aeterna 🐾 Fire Temple down, one step closer to saving Hyrule. Thank you for the sneezy stream!
¥10,000 ฅなるみや なゆたฅ🐾 いりす症候群!からたくさん遊んでくれてありがとう~FUWAMOCOフワモコと一緒でたのしかった~~!! 🍉Endurance Streaming🍉まで、できるだけ休んでね(休めるといいなw)
$5.00 MeltyFruit
Fuwawa said she wanted to play Pikmin but you didn't own a GC. The whole series is on Switch! I'd love to see you two play it! 3 Deluxe has full coop.
$19.99 Rin Hello, I noticed you guys really like mini games/puzzles within games. Is there a in game minigame that’s your favorite that you can remember? I look forward to more puzzle solving from super genius tensaii kawaii Mococo
$20.00 Jojii Days in which you stream are always special, two stream in 1 day even more so. Thanks for you hard work, can't wait to watch you get 3000 in suika. Love you both!
CLP 10,000 Patico Hi Fuwawa and MococoFUWAMOCO! Today it's my birthday!! I'm so happy to enjoy this time with you and the RUFFIANS. Thank you for this funny Zelda Ocarina of Time stream! ,BAUBAU!!!
A$20.00 Flanntastic🐾 Thank you so much for all the streams today, suika is later today for me so 3 streams in one day! You both work so hard thank you! Also I'm sorry but I'm going to be rooting for a punishment.
$20.00 twobearshighfiving
Will the Halloween Rock n Rawr have 好き好き大好き by 戸川純? Definitely not asking because I want Moco-chan to hug me until my ribs crack, nope not me
$50.00 Rincewind Roo Great job Fuwawa! Thank you for all of your hard work and extra fluffiness! Oh, and you did good too, Mococo. Good luck on the endurance stream tomorrow!
$20.00 jameswargull Have either of you two seen UchiTama? I watched the 2020 series and it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Extremely fluffy and fuzzy and Momo and Koma actually really remind me of you two! Hope you can check it out!
Ruka Erika Ch. 絵里香 るか All the best, hope your day is great BAUBAU
$20.00 art Thanks for all the fun times today and good job on beating the Fire Temple! Between Moco-chan's elbow and thigh I'm wondering if she's more beaten up than Link... Let's make some watermelons tomorrow! BAUBAU
$20.00 Stingray Thank you FuwaMoco you two never disappoint, My love for you keeps growing each and everyday BAUBAU
¥1,600 白 shiro「すこん部・ちろりす・Ruffians」 今ちょうど秋葉原のミスタードーナツに来ました〜!雨が降っていて寒いのであたたかい飲み物で一息つきます。お2人もお疲れ様でした!
JAS (Welcome to Doggy!)