トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:≪漢字でGO!≫ I fluked my N1 exam. |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 ₩ KRW 4 610000.00 67,615円 ¥ JPY 21 12432.00 12,432円 $ USD 6 34.00 5,019円 A$ AUD 1 20.00 1,901円 NOK NOK 1 100.00 1,365円 CA$ CAD 1 10.00 1,094円 NT$ TWD 2 225.00 1,041円 MX$ MXN 1 100.00 862円 HK$ HKD 1 38.00 717円 SGD SGD 1 2.00 217円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 92,262円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
36 🔗 |
Silver Wolf |
37 🔗 |
NT$150.00 | RKK |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥694 | ||||
38 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ℲɹⱯH14 |
基本的に漢字の読みは、訓読み+訓読み、音読み+音読みが基本なので勉強の参考までに!自分も今漢検準1級のために勉強中なので一緒にがんばりましょー! | |
¥1000 | ||||
39 🔗 |
¥500 | MrJedburg | 君こそホロJPの一休さんや!! | |
¥500 | ||||
40 🔗 |
¥500 | yuito sasaki | 漢字の勉強偉い!! | |
¥500 | ||||
41 🔗 |
¥500 | 柊之木 |
¥500 | ||||
42 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Kayama |
Congratulations! You are so smart |
¥347 | ||||
43 🔗 |
¥200 | 佐樹(saki) | congratulation |
¥200 | ||||
44 🔗 |
¥1,600 | タキオン |
Welcome JP | |
¥1600 | ||||
45 🔗 |
CA$10.00 | Numbers 75 |
After today, you've convinced me you're not HoloJP. But I'm also not convinced you're HoloEN. So I welcome you as the 1st Member of HoloJapanglish! It's always great to see your bilingualism in play. | |
¥1094 | ||||
46 🔗 |
¥1,000 | 蓬琳[ほーりん] | べーちゃんてんさーい!! | |
¥1000 | ||||
47 🔗 |
₩10,000 | 돈땃쥐미(Shrew) |
Sasuga N1hongo jouzu! | |
¥1108 | ||||
48 🔗 |
¥1,600 | ちほ |
クリアおめでとう〜!べ〜ちゃん天才!今日が大切な人の誕生日で、23日が私の誕生日なのでよかったら2人分(ふたりぶん)祝ってほしいです! | |
¥1600 | ||||
49 🔗 |
₩250,000 | やよい軒 |
First of all, let me say this again, I'm glad you're back! Actually, tomorrow is my birthday, so I thought you might be taking a break at this time. It's a bit of a cringe request, but but could you sing me a birthday song while calling me "Yayoi 오빠"? |
¥27711 | ||||
50 🔗 |
¥320 | ぞゃっく♡ | 初スパチャ。漢字に挑戦するべーちゃんすごい!べ俺誇(読めるかな??) | |
¥320 | ||||
51 🔗 |
$10.00 | darkness2101 |
Look like Bae and her brain have an agreement. the Brain does all the "thinking," and Bae does the thanking. ( ;´・ω・`) | |
¥1476 | ||||
52 🔗 |
¥500 | いものはす🎀 | 漢字おかしな読み方多くてごめんね… | |
¥500 | ||||
53 🔗 |
¥500 | 蒼(sou) |
べーちゃんは神だからENとかJPとかじゃないよねb 天才! | |
¥500 | ||||
54 🔗 |
A$20.00 | WolkenKatz - the Tower of Bae |
The new single from Hakos Baelz: Hollow | |
¥1901 | ||||
55 🔗 |
¥320 | maporo |
クリアおめでとう〜 |
¥320 | ||||
56 🔗 |
¥1,000 | ゆきぐぅ | べーちゃんお疲れ!音読みと訓読みがあるから難しかったね! | |
¥1000 | ||||
57 🔗 |
₩100,000 | 권유선 |
天才 |
¥11084 | ||||
58 🔗 |
ジーク・フライハイト |
It's the genius Idol Rat |
59 🔗 |
₩250,000 | やよい軒 (2回目) |
It seems similar to last year, I was sure you were going to sing me a birthday song. This gives me the strength to make it through another year. Use this SC to buy a PP gun or Barbie heels! 멋진 생일선물 고마워요! | |
¥27711 | ||||
60 🔗 |
¥300 | Y K | ||
¥300 | ||||
61 🔗 |
¥500 | なかちゅ | 日本人もPCやスマホが広まってからは読めるがいざ書こうと思ったら漢字が出てこないことも | |
¥500 | ||||
62 🔗 |
¥320 | †vanilla† | ベーちゃんがんばったね!えらい!天才!めちゃ楽しかったよ!⸜(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝ | |
¥320 |