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配信名:【METAL GEAR SOLID 2】bau baus of liberty 🐾
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	46	898.00		133,070円
 A$	AUD	12	725.00		70,627円
CA$	CAD	8	415.00		45,687円
  £	GBP	4	220.00		41,432円
  ¥	JPY	4	5900.00		5,900円
SEK	SEK	3	200.00		2,837円
UYU	UYU	1	150.00		573円
HK$	HKD	1	25.00		474円
IDR	IDR	1	50000.00	470円
HUF	HUF	2	800.00		332円
 R$	BRL	1	10.00		301円
MX$	MXN	1	20.00		173円
NT$	TWD	1	30.00		142円
ARS	ARS	3	320.00		58円
----	----	----	----		302,077円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$20.00 ZuzuTheEvil
Life's been busy lately. Glad I can wind down on the weekend, and to another Metal Gear stream on top of that. Thanks for the fun stream, you twoFUWAheartMOCOheart
$20.00 art Congrats on getting through the prologue! Laughed a lot and I'm looking forward to the continuation! SOOOO many special days next week! BAUBAU
CA$50.00 Dog Strings
Calling Rose throughout the game will give a bunch of relationship drama between her & Jack. MGS2 is like a soap opera with those two! It builds up the characters, & adds to the impact you get near the end of the game. Enjoy the game your way though!
$50.00 twobearshighfiving
I won't spoil it's relevance to the plot, but Kojima deliberately chose la li lu le lo, because Japanese fans and voice actors would have trouble pronouncing it, helping with the feeling of secrecy.
CA$50.00 mugetsu Thank you for playing MGS2! It was the first Metal gear I played before the rest of the games! As a younger Ruffian at the time I didn't understand the story so being able to re-experience the game with you two again is amazing!FUWAheartMOCOheart
Peter Campi 5 months of BAUBAU membership already. Time flies when you're having fun FUWApatFUWAheartMOCOheartMOCOpat
Andragos Escape from NY watchalong please 🙏