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配信名:【Super Mario World】The Mario Training Arc
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	67	1263.51		172,228円
SGD	SGD	7	218.96		22,348円
HK$	HKD	5	1000.00		17,364円
NT$	TWD	9	2880.00		12,763円
  ₩	KRW	7	120000.00	12,224円
CA$	CAD	6	88.00		8,785円
 A$	AUD	4	85.00		7,664円
  £	GBP	3	40.00		6,853円
 R$	BRL	7	181.50		4,961円
  ¥	JPY	6	4800.00		4,800円
  ₱	PHP	6	1650.00		4,061円
MYR	MYR	3	120.00		3,667円
MX$	MXN	5	465.00		3,521円
RON	RON	1	50.00		1,523円
  €	EUR	1	10.00		1,517円
BYN	BYN	1	20.00		1,080円
NZ$	NZD	1	11.00		927円
THB	THB	2	200.00		803円
CLP	CLP	2	3850.00		650円
  ₫	VND	1	100000.00	581円
  ₹	INR	2	330.00		550円
----	----	----	----		288,871円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$10.00 J.M. Henry
Great practice! Now all you gotta do is channel those loading reflexes into gameplay, and you're golden! 😆 Seriously tho, you're moves were really improving in the Lemmy stage. Ya looked good!
CA$11.00 Numbers 75 You certainly learned a lot today! Even if 80% of it was how to save spam. You'll get the hang of it! Food for thought: Why does Peach, a Human, rule over the non-Human Toadstools? Have a nice day!
$10.00 GrumbleDogg ɛ{ŎゝŎ}ɜ
For a first-timer, you did all right. Good job! Interesting fact: Nintendo actually put Bowser in jail. More precisely, an actual person named Bowser, for fraud and messing with their consoles.
₩10,000 Anthi7💎
Hey IRyS, the master of reloading! You beat Wemmy twice!!
HK$100.00 William Ng IRyS, I know you want us to forget the "eki moment" last night, but it will staying in my memory forever, not even MIB can erase that.
Giorgio Fauna team
King HiRyS! It's EkiRyS!
$10.00 美味しいたこ焼き Good luck IRyS! You won't drag your team down.
$20.00 Klutz Thank you for the stream irysHeartMario games are all intuitive so you will get the hang of them eventually..But no pressure irysPatrys and I will be rooting for you and Team B so, GO TEAM B GO! irysCheer2
Yuki oniniwa💎 tskr for your えき joke
₹220.00 AyaVi Did you see the trailer for Armored Core 6? It looks hella exciting for all the mech players and is a big nostalgic moment for those who have been waiting 11 years for this one.
₩10,000 Anthi7💎
HK$50.00 オーバーRayster💎
(no need to speak out)Oops, I said sadge to visit my grandma last SC becasue I can't watch the stream and be VOD gang😅 not I don't want to visit her LOL
$10.00 Garahel
Your reflexes with savescumming have truly become elite, it'll come in handy if you ever play Fallout. irysLaugh Btw any chance of you playing a Luigis mansion game again? I miss the best brother
₱275.00 greentea💎on purple purple block
You actually did well for a first timer. I don't mind seeing a lot of Mario practice streams. This one needs bwain muscle memory. Good luck! will be rooting for you! Good luck touching grass later!
shadowmaverick15 Cease and desist , last warning irysSurprisedirysSurprised
MX$125.00 F C Just make sure you sleep more than 2 hours the day of the tournament
SGD 10.00 Yi Xuan Tan Yoshi Yoshi, It's so hard to sleep properly sometimes, hope it doesn't give you too much trouble irysHeart And good luck for the holowork later irysHeart2
MX$65.00 Kevin P nee greeting: It's a me, IRyS!
$20.00 -Inasanaty- I'd say you did pretty good for 2 hours of sleep! If you were at full power, I'm sure you would do much better. Hope you get some good sleep today ❤
MX$125.00 KaminashiYukine P My hope is dubbed by Chris Pratt too? btw are you gonna cover Internet yamero? is such a banger, nice training episode looking forward for the tournament gambare<3
¥1,000 kent fukushima 日本人で筆記体読めないようなものかなぁ
Anthi7💎 Gifted 1 IRyS Ch. hololive-EN memberships
waon niki was gifted a membership by Anthi7💎
$10.00 Alexknight Honestly? For your first time playing Mario you didn't do terrible! There was a few pon moments here and there but it was totally for the content right?irysLaughHope it was fun in any case!irysHeart2
₱275.00 Yuriphiel 😆
A$20.00 NotLefthandMan Thank you for the Mario training stream! Don't look down on yourself, it's extra weight that serves no benefit. Mario is more slippery than Zero or Megaman. 液 may have been unfortunate, but now we may have 'Oh 尿'
₱275.00 Yuriphiel
お疲れ様でした! Good luck with the tournament dude! Btw, my brain now defaults to ふりん whenever I hear けっこん in Japanese class and I need to take a moment to reset, so thank you for the core memory XD
HK$500.00 オーバーRayster💎
Well, Mario games, I only played the very old one(1985) when 6-7 old. As it was tough for that age of me and got much suffering, I hadn't touched any Mario games til the Mario Party LOL. Is there any game in the past that you giving up it cus of suffering?
HK$250.00 Junping Qiu You did well in your kanji reading yesterday. Here is a little test for you can you read this phrase: 又双叒叕 ?
$20.00 Mjd 7 You did awesome today, definitely improving tons, on a separate note love your karaokes, might I request if possible, "Underworld by Azalea from kongming" or "In your Eyes by Samantha Newark from Project A-ko anime"
psych- Do the Mario Dance!
BYN 20.00 Bailing Baker Beautiful stream. You definitely got it, B in Team B is for "Making the viewers Braindead".irysWha
£10.00 Harry (無言スパチャ)
SGD 5.00 Rinelle Rhapsodos リネル・ラプソドス 💎 Sankyu for the stream! irysHeart2irysHeart2irysHeart2
₹110.00 AyaVi
AC6 has a steam version BTW, and the collector's edition provides you with a figurine of the mech itself with the garage, for a smol price of 450USD.
Janson Lee keep it up Irys! just remember to take a breather after each death as it can be quite frustrating
NT$30.00 ZHAO ERIC Hirys, Would you will play Diablo 4 second beta?
SGD 50.00 Shawnical HiRyS, 2 pregnant woman fighting is technically a 2 v 2
NZ$11.00 Miickopii to add on that pregnant 2v2 supa. the babies are basically piloting a flesh mechs.
£10.00 Michael ùwú_Lamp Good morning RyS, stream otukaresama. I will watch the archive.
SGD 28.98 lAngelingl💎
I’m back from my farewell lunch with my colleague🥺 How was Mario? Gotta catch with vod later. And I’m going to catch the Mario movie nao then continue trying to FC on bang dream! Gotta find out if u died to first goomba!
SaucyCharmander 1 yeairysRys!irysHeart2been super fun can’t wait for another!
$26.50 Wrixne Lenti
Today's fact - the "sitting" bones are your ischial tuberosities. Is(like hiss)-ski-uhl. There's good evidence to support lack of sleep on worse pain and inadequate recovery. Just saying. 10 cents per death. TY counters.
¥800 ジーク・フライハイト 配信お疲れ様でした!初見マリオはとにかく壁にぶち当たるばかりで心が折れそうになることがあるかもしれませんが、アイリスちゃんのポジティブなマインドがあれば、ゴールデンウィークの企画でも上手くいくと信じています!当日が素敵な思い出となりますよう願っております!Let's go IRyS!!
NT$150.00 Domo【IRyS' Florist】
I translated the whole 液..I mean weird Kanji Tshirt clip, for educational purposeirysSeiso, tbh it was really fun, hope we can see more collab with Marine senpaiirysSmileotsukare!