Welcome back and congratulations on the move.I visited the hololive production lanternfes.These Holomen's lanterns are so cute!Of course, the cutest are FUWAMACO's lantern and Dragon Plushie.BAU BAU!!
Fuwamoco energy refilled! It was really nice hearing from you after so long. Even though your world has definitely expanded I hope you will consider us your comfy place for when things get rough. Love and miss you both, keep doing your best
フワワちゃん、モコちゃん、おかえり~!会いたかった!お引越しお疲れ様!大変そうだったけど、よく頑張った!I'm happy to hear you two are having so much fun in Japan! Glad we're able to help during ruff times with our tweets too! No matter where we are in the world our home is with you, and yours is with us! I love you two!
AHHHH Missed you both so much… Didn't realize how much till I heard your voices… Thank you so much for taking time off your busy schedule to give us an update! Good luck on your quests and do get tempted by more funny snacks at the super! Will always be waiting for you