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配信名:≪Persona 5 ROYAL≫ Onto the next palace! #3 【SPOILERS】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	16	119.14		16,249円
  ₩	KRW	3	60000.00	6,225円
NT$	TWD	4	1275.00		5,673円
MYR	MYR	4	178.00		5,521円
MX$	MXN	2	675.00		4,677円
  £	GBP	2	10.00		1,665円
HK$	HKD	1	78.00		1,365円
  ₱	PHP	1	500.00		1,233円
CA$	CAD	1	5.00		500円
IDR	IDR	1	50000.00	437円
NZ$	NZD	1	5.00		433円
SEK	SEK	1	20.00		263円
THB	THB	1	40.00		156円
  ¥	JPY	1	100.00		100円
----	----	----	----		44,497円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
하늘섬 (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
MYR 159.00 LeonadoSV Hi Bae, first supa to you, last week is my birthday can you sing a bsong.for me, no pun for me
Luis Angeles [Takomander] Not really, my famaly make chocolates tho
MX$650.00 Rene Alarcon Watching you play this JRPG is very entertaining even with the long hours. It's a joy seeing you discover the coolness, story and fun complexity of JRPGs like Persona. It probably helps that it's also part Pokemon heh. Have fun going out!
₱500.00 byonni Glad to see you back in action! I missed this stream because of work but you bet I'll go back and watch the vod. Love seeing you play narrative-heavy games like this! Love ya, Bae!
Wolfbane (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
$10.00 GrumbleDogg[Cardinal of Chaos] Thanks for the stream! Also, I actually did have a few cool facts for CHADcast, but the one that was read was the one terrible dad joke I threw in. I totally butchered it too splash
Y.C. (Welcome to Rat Bro!)
₩20,000 KarisMeiu patpatpat
$10.00 MasterRichard Sending my first ever superchat to my 2nd favorite rat. (No one beats Queek headtaker~) I hope it's well received.
THB 40.00 Buffy BearBear Thank you for the long hour again today mate!
$5.00 Mumei's Right Feather
It's a play on words. "2B or not to be?" I highly recommend the game. Aside from Persona 5 (same release year) it had the best soundtrack of the year
$2.00 Wulf
MurderofBirds Impact Persona 5 Royal is my favorite game of all time and I'm really happy that you're going through it! Love you, Bae!