トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。
配信名:【Granblue Fantasy: Relink】Short girls are the deadliest
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
IDR	IDR	1	3000000.00	28,892円
  $	USD	12	171.98		25,891円
 A$	AUD	9	122.00		11,935円
CA$	CAD	3	40.00		4,448円
  ₱	PHP	6	1375.00		3,689円
SGD	SGD	3	25.00		2,792円
  £	GBP	1	10.00		1,892円
MX$	MXN	1	200.00		1,762円
THB	THB	2	300.00		1,252円
  ₩	KRW	1	10000.00	1,133円
MYR	MYR	2	12.00		378円
  ₹	INR	1	200.00		363円
PEN	PEN	1	5.00		194円
 R$	BRL	1	5.00		151円
ARS	ARS	1	200.00		36円
----	----	----	----		84,806円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
SGD 5.00 Kokoa Kamishima JJ Biboo
THB 100.00 Geff Thanks for the stream!
CA$20.00 K Thanks for the long stream, Biboo~ Congrats on finishing the story!bijouCheer Lots of fun watching your reactions! Can't wait to see you play more with the other girls. The pebbles are waiting for you at endgame~ bijouHeart
CA$10.00 NiiChan 『兄ちゃん』
Congrats on beating the main story!! It was so fun and hype! All that anime knowledge you have made those tropes just funnier when you called them out! Let the grind begin and lets save Rolan! (Who?)
TeakAutumnGaming Just named my cat in Stardew Valley "Biboo" bijouSmile
水葉Kou⚓️🐾 BibooかわいいbijouHeartbijouHeartbijouHeart
THB 200.00 Serapae Congrats on finishing main story! I'm glad you enjoy the game so much. Been waiting for you to use Id for his SBA Dead Weight. Was not disappointed. Also, stabbed from behind moment was peak comedy.
₱125.00 Josh Capuno I play Cagliostro in Granblue and shout rock rock whenever I throw her big rock, thank you for the inspiration
₱250.00 Shiro can you sing a rap song in the future beejou