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配信名:#30 【Persona 5 Royal】SO IT'S FEBRUARY for real but ingame (SPOILER ALERT)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	34	440.96		65,868円
  €	EUR	6	136.00		21,506円
 A$	AUD	2	105.00		10,082円
  ₱	PHP	4	2875.00		7,581円
THB	THB	6	520.00		2,108円
SAR	SAR	1	50.00		1,991円
  £	GBP	2	10.00		1,822円
IDR	IDR	3	150000.00	1,446円
MYR	MYR	4	40.80		1,298円
NT$	TWD	3	120.00		556円
  ¥	JPY	1	500.00		500円
----	----	----	----		114,758円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$10.00 Javier Rodriguez there is an unused cutscene in the game that if you accept maruki's reality all the girls are happy all being your girlfriends. so if only you would have accept maruki's offer.
$5.00 Rarefindit It's not pity chocolate if I put effort into it.
$20.00 Borrowed Alpaca I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you very much!
$5.00 Anton M
I want some sushi too! What a koinkidenk! 🍣 funds
MYR 6.00 REXION - K9 Hiiiiiii you are so cantikkkkkkkkk✨
THB 40.00 Rósenya III
Now, He taking you where you want to go
A$100.00 Violet Gelato Congratulations Reine! After 32 Streams and 10 Months we have finally finished Persona 5 Royale! It has been such a epic journey and I couldn't think of anyone better to take it with! I loved this game and it has been such a pleasure watching you play it!
$10.00 Javier Rodriguez
Congrats on Beating P5R Reine, this is honestly one of my most favorite games of all time that I've played it 4 times, so I hope you enjoyed it.bigO
$20.00 WetTacoTime Great game! Thanks for the fun playthrough
Faron Thank you for the playthrough, Reine!heart
₱2,500.00 Crispy Crackers The 1 year + Persona Odyssey is finally over. Thanks for playing one of my favorite games of all time. Hope you had fun
$100.00 Sloth of Pavolia [model HBD-0909]
Can’t believe Persona is over. It’s surreal that it’s been ten months; the time before Persona feels like a different era. I’ll miss it after all this time, but it came to a satisfying end. Thanks for letting us experience the entirety of this massive game with you!
$100.00 Sloth of Pavolia [model HBD-0909]
I’m left with so many good memories both of the game itself and of the times on stream. Of course, unlike the Phantom Thieves, the Merakyats won’t be disbanding after this; we’ll see you again next stream! Have a good rest and enjoy some sushi.
€10.00 NairdaPeanuts
Congrats on finishing Persona5 !! It's been a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. I'm glad we got to see Kawakami's romantic plot. Also I really liked Akechi's presence in the Royal part--
€10.00 NairdaPeanuts
--his hater energy was a nice contrast to the group "friendship is magic" vibe. He was a real one, until the end and even beyond. Anyhow, looking forward to the next Saturday game as always~
Ajima bager I dont know you can play it on stream or not, play P5S, its direct sequel
$5.00 Taro de Culture Persona 5 Royal made history on this channel today as your longest series (so far). Thank you for taking us on this fun journey with you! heart
$1.99 NamingSystem Congrats on clearing it! Loved your playthrough!
$9.99 DarkB. Andy Thx Reine for streaming P5Royal. I don’t have time to play this due to other stuff so your stream helps. Thx to this, I’ve been watching you stream a lot this year and will continue to support.
£5.00 Sonicmaster2008 Hi Reine! Congrats on beating P5R! Never played any Persona game but I loved watching your P5 streams since you 1st started! Again, congrats!💙
$4.99 SenranKaguraWeeb What a crazy journey. What a fun ride to the end on.
SeventhEvil - KFP congratulations on finishing P5 heart
$5.00 GamblerofFate Congrats on beating P5 Royal. What a crazy ride. Hope to see you play some other persona games.
€100.00 zipli Thank you for the long journey! A lot of fun was had, and a lot of memories made. What a trip! It has been an absolute pleasure experience this story with you. heart
$5.00 Felix Homerson
$5.00 SpiritVet Congratulations on finishing Persona 5 Royal! This has been a great school year with you and the RoyalTea!
₱125.00 DA_4289
Congratulations on another long series cleared. Loved this playthrough! Got to fall in love with the game cause of you.
IDR 50,000.00 OneCircle Congratulations on finishing P5 Royal! It's been a long journey, but a really fun one until the end. I really enjoy your playthrough!
SAR 50.00 Sai Congrats! That was quite the long journey playing through the game...you almost couldn't because of the perms! But a lot of fun memorable moments to be had. We enjoyed it as much as you did smile
THB 200.00 Rósenya III
Thus our Journey came to an end, but as long as we keep our colours flying high no matter what the universe thrown at us, we shall síp some tea and move forward, and until we meet again ms. Trickster
$5.00 Anton M
Congrats on being the first one in Holo who beat P5R! Kawakami was truly the best girl All the massages and laundry! And I'll miss Mara. What about u?
¥500 三星玲央 レイネちゃんクリアおめでとう!🎉
$5.00 Clutchyfinger What an amazing playthrough, thanks for beating my favorite game on my birthday! ( in your timezone) I really enjoyed sharing the journey with you
MYR 15.00 Nicholas M
€10.00 FartunaZa
NT$15.00 龍牙神 (無言スパチャ)
THB 40.00 Rósenya III
Change the world my final message... goodnight