トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Palworld | EN Server】Entering the FALSE North America, So FAKE It's UNREAL |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 89 522.92 76,584円 € EUR 8 107.00 17,041円 £ GBP 9 41.92 7,826円 A$ AUD 4 50.00 4,815円 CRC CRC 4 8500.00 2,428円 PLN PLN 3 60.00 2,214円 NT$ TWD 5 330.00 1,547円 NOK NOK 1 100.00 1,403円 ₱ PHP 2 500.00 1,308円 CA$ CAD 1 10.00 1,094円 DKK DKK 1 50.00 1,068円 SAR SAR 1 25.00 976円 ¥ JPY 2 700.00 700円 ₪ ILS 1 15.00 600円 HK$ HKD 1 25.00 468円 MYR MYR 1 15.00 465円 CLP CLP 1 2500.00 393円 ZAR ZAR 1 14.00 110円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 121,039円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
174 🔗 |
$5.00 | Sir Lancelot (4回目) |
spoiling hours let's goooooooooooooooo | |
¥732 | ||||
175 🔗 |
Hachann | was gifted a membership by Loseapodo13 | ||
176 🔗 |
Matthew Nomura | was gifted a membership by Loseapodo13 | ||
177 🔗 |
$5.00 | Koudellka (2回目) |
if you keep an eye on your mini map on the top you'll see a icon of a bird appear that means there is a teleporter near by. | |
¥732 | ||||
178 🔗 |
$5.00 | Goop |
I must now return to work, hope you have a good time mapping out new north america! | |
¥732 | ||||
179 🔗 |
$5.00 | Uncle Frank |
I was trying to eat in peace at work but someone was talking on speakerphone. within 30 seconds of opening your stream. He left. thank you, Shiori. | |
¥732 | ||||
180 🔗 |
EkajTactless |
(Upgraded membership to Novelknights!) | ||
181 🔗 |
Gatzler |
(Welcome to Novelknights!) | ||
182 🔗 |
$10.00 | ゴースト |
¥1465 | ||||
183 🔗 |
DD |
184 🔗 |
£4.99 | Kronosok Kusok (3回目) |
You can’t escape cow’s rage. Face your retribution | |
¥932 | ||||
185 🔗 |
€50.00 | Tassimo |
Eyy I just came back from my driving lesson, nearly died ;) and now I can just sit back and relax here. Thank you for the early Stream Shiori! | |
¥7963 | ||||
186 🔗 |
€5.00 | Yahoru Kyôma (2回目) |
Heading to the restaurant with a Friend, have fun everyone and don't stop smiling Shiorin ~ | |
¥796 | ||||
187 🔗 |
CRC 1,000.00 | Firemind (2回目) |
Spot is perfect just like you are | |
¥286 | ||||
188 🔗 |
₱250.00 | bonkadonkasaurus |
¥654 | ||||
189 🔗 |
$4.99 | Zippo |
Dropping in to say a quick “Hi” then I’m off to resume my work. Hope you guys are enjoying the stream! |
¥731 | ||||
190 🔗 |
Ries (りえす) |
Good luck braving the Palworld wilds, it'll be interesting to see how you make the world your own |
191 🔗 |
HK$25.00 | Winson _HK |
I must go to bed now. good night shiori |
¥468 | ||||
192 🔗 |
$5.00 | Revelence 91 (6回目) |
Shiori has no clothes?!?! Novelites be sure you are watching respectfully... | |
¥732 | ||||
193 🔗 |
$5.00 | TheUnknownChair (2回目) |
That mound is where the bodies are buried |
¥732 | ||||
194 🔗 |
$10.00 | Phantom1356 | Thank you for finding the cow Pals for me, Shiori! I've honestly looking for them for days, but I couldn't find any. Now I know where to go! |
¥1465 | ||||
195 🔗 |
$5.00 | Evee |
ight I gotta get ready for work so catch ya later you lil goofball |
¥732 | ||||
196 🔗 |
A$5.00 | GemiHare (3回目) |
another love one to bury behind the cottage in the middle of no where | |
¥481 | ||||
197 🔗 |
Kai |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
198 🔗 |
₪15.00 | YaBoySlimy |
hey Shiori! had a long day and its a blast to be able to make it to one of your streams |
¥600 | ||||
199 🔗 |
£4.99 | Kronosok Kusok (4回目) |
Shiori is literally Harry Potter | |
¥932 | ||||
200 🔗 |
inx |
Would you rate it better or worse than the cell | ||
201 🔗 |
$5.00 | P!ckleMan (4回目) |
You just made a Harry Potter room. I'd live in it though |
¥732 | ||||
202 🔗 |
$19.99 | Lawst Mawg | Time to spoil Shiroi |
¥2928 | ||||
203 🔗 |
$10.00 | sanakan (2回目) |
more spoiling |
¥1465 | ||||
204 🔗 |
CA$10.00 | Luckyfox7 |
¥1094 | ||||
205 🔗 |
Cyndakip |
ur like a Disney princess the way u break into song |
206 🔗 |
$10.00 | Dragtistic Arrow (2回目) |
Biboo is the sparkling gem, but you are ShiOREi | |
¥1465 | ||||
207 🔗 |
Kenan Von Kaiser |
Hey Shiori Down Here How Are Ya Pal In Palworld! | ||
208 🔗 |
£5.00 | Arthur Abyss |
Oho, Shiori naming pals |
¥933 | ||||
209 🔗 |
$5.00 | Rubbertoe (6回目) |
Just got my acrylic stand of you delivered |
¥732 | ||||
210 🔗 |
🎀Markgonaut🎀 |
(Welcome to Novelknights!) | ||
211 🔗 |
CLP 2,500 | CiervoBizarro |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥393 | ||||
212 🔗 |
$5.00 | Pota |
Good morning Shiori, ya running wild in Palworld? | |
¥732 | ||||
213 🔗 |
$5.00 | Revelence 91 (7回目) |
I was a duplicate pal so if you catch him I don't mind being the pal that enjoys being beaten |
¥732 | ||||
214 🔗 |
Diego Armando |
put me in coach | ||
215 🔗 |
€5.00 | Viratasya |
I volunteer to be beaten with a stick and sleep on the floor! I yearn for the mines |
¥796 | ||||
216 🔗 |
$5.00 | Emiya Shirou | yooooo you just took that poor pal man | |
¥732 | ||||
217 🔗 |
Lanturn's Angler |
ruining a happy family I see | ||
218 🔗 |
$10.00 | Scary Walrus👁🗨 |
Hi Shiori! sorry my attendance has been spotty lately, i started college and have been trying to be a good novelknight to collect knowledge for the archives. Happy 6 months!! | |
¥1465 | ||||
219 🔗 |
£4.99 | Kronosok Kusok (5回目) |
Assault + Robbery + murder + kidnapping. That’s a long list of crimes. No wonder you were imprisoned. | |
¥932 | ||||
220 🔗 |
$2.00 | GrimCatnip [HopeWyrm] |
Lunch time with shiori. perfect. | |
¥293 | ||||
221 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Yoshii C (2回目) |
Thank you, Shiori |
¥352 | ||||
222 🔗 |
$5.00 | Mercenary VA |
Oh? how do we qualify for Pal names? also, good afternoon! | |
¥732 | ||||
223 🔗 |
$5.00 | foxxknight | We do not know how Shiori burned alive in her sleep | |
¥732 | ||||
224 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (7回目) |
I hope you have fire home insurance |
¥293 | ||||
225 🔗 |
PLN 25.00 | NeedMoreDakka | Thanks for EU friendly stream! always fun catching you live | |
¥922 | ||||
226 🔗 |
Shadowfox |
you gotta make some clothes to warm yourself | ||
227 🔗 |
$5.00 | phillegacy (4回目) |
Me and relevance are chicken buddies | |
¥732 | ||||
228 🔗 |
$10.00 | Mercenary VA (2回目) |
If you find a male Nox, name it after me :P |
¥1465 | ||||
229 🔗 |
$5.00 | Rubbertoe (8回目) |
Make sure to open inventory and sort, to reset food timer, or else they will mold |
¥732 | ||||
230 🔗 |
$5.00 | Sir Lancelot (5回目) |
Thanks for the early stream but unfortunately got a call from work to come in early I'll finish the rest on vod now im off to bed seeya shiori |
¥732 | ||||
231 🔗 |
MYR 15.00 | Cobus朱 |
Bday today |
¥465 | ||||
232 🔗 |
Cornbread Thief | Gifted 5 Shiori Novella Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
233 🔗 |
JoeYouKnown | was gifted a membership by Cornbread Thief | ||
234 🔗 |
Dangomakura | was gifted a membership by Cornbread Thief | ||
235 🔗 |
Yoshiphus | was gifted a membership by Cornbread Thief | ||
236 🔗 |
BlissnEso | was gifted a membership by Cornbread Thief | ||
237 🔗 |
aFatBird | was gifted a membership by Cornbread Thief | ||
238 🔗 |
$10.00 | EZ Humbug |
Yoyo Shiori! C-c-can I be named in future pals nya? | |
¥1465 | ||||
239 🔗 |
$5.00 | Jose Cortes |
¥732 | ||||
240 🔗 |
Pebble Mart |
241 🔗 |
$2.00 | boonster |
Das me | |
¥293 | ||||
242 🔗 |
NOK 100.00 | toastmastah | Newver stop being a Fujoshi, Shiori. |
¥1403 | ||||
243 🔗 |
$5.00 | Lawni | I don't like Cheetos, can I have Funyuns instead? | |
¥732 | ||||
244 🔗 |
DKK 50.00 | WolfPainting | You're such a cute dork, love from Denmark | |
¥1068 | ||||
245 🔗 |
CRC 2,500.00 | Firemind (3回目) |
Shiori how would you react if I asked you to buy me pads? Mousepads of course | |
¥714 | ||||
246 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (9回目) |
She's innoncent |
¥293 | ||||
247 🔗 |
$5.00 | MakeShiftWriter |
She's just being a responsible Pal owner, guys. You aren't supposed to have opposite gender Pals unless you're ready for kids! | |
¥732 | ||||
248 🔗 |
$2.00 | HOG Moto-Gamer | Perma death Play through when?? :) | |
¥293 | ||||
249 🔗 |
$5.00 | phillegacy (5回目) |
Just me giving shiori extra support | |
¥732 | ||||
250 🔗 |
Eternal |
251 🔗 |
John Boman |
(Page) | ||
252 🔗 |
namizora |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
253 🔗 |
Djengu |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
254 🔗 |
SethyPoo47 |
255 🔗 |
ボスケンKen |
(Welcome to Page!) | ||
256 🔗 |
Shioreos 👁🗨 (3回目) |
Gifted 5 Shiori Novella Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
257 🔗 |
Salmon Roe | was gifted a membership by Shioreos 👁🗨 | ||
258 🔗 |
Gytis Janušonis | was gifted a membership by Shioreos 👁🗨 | ||
259 🔗 |
悟峷ㄕㄣ | was gifted a membership by Shioreos 👁🗨 | ||
260 🔗 |
0000000 0 | was gifted a membership by Shioreos 👁🗨 | ||
261 🔗 |
Caio Santos | was gifted a membership by Shioreos 👁🗨 | ||
262 🔗 |
$5.00 | Syxti Watt | If you want a different kind of wood, you need to harvest in the morning. | |
¥732 | ||||
263 🔗 |
旬 |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
264 🔗 |
Yubinex |
265 🔗 |
Mateus Santana |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
266 🔗 |
£4.99 | Kronosok Kusok (6回目) |
First human slave | |
¥932 | ||||
267 🔗 |
$2.00 | Revelence 91 (8回目) |
Warcrimes let's go!!! | |
¥293 | ||||
268 🔗 |
Shōei |
(Bookwyrm) | ||
269 🔗 |
$5.00 | Rubbertoe (10回目) |
If you ever get a bandwagon fan girl raid, those will be Lovanders |
¥732 | ||||
270 🔗 |
$10.00 | Bunker-zer0 |
yes they have! watch out for the hologrls they're Husbando hunting! | |
¥1465 | ||||
271 🔗 |
$10.00 | boonster (2回目) |
¥1465 | ||||
272 🔗 |
$5.00 | Revelence 91 (9回目) |
Am pupper! let's go! | |
¥732 | ||||
273 🔗 |
$5.00 | phillegacy (6回目) |
I look so cool, as does my old partner revelence. Thank you very much shiori. | |
¥732 | ||||
274 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (11回目) |
You caught John Cena |
¥293 | ||||
275 🔗 |
$9.99 | kingmetal |
Submitting my name application. Novel Knight reporting for duty! A waiting orders for PALWorld! | |
¥1463 | ||||
276 🔗 |
Kirby |
wooooo | ||
277 🔗 |
$1.99 | Kingdomheart102 |
Any shiny pals in here yet | |
¥291 | ||||
278 🔗 |
$5.00 | Soccerfreak1230 |
¥732 | ||||
279 🔗 |
SAR 25.00 | Daiki |
Shiny Sheep is apears more ofter .. There there |
¥976 | ||||
280 🔗 |
PLN 25.00 | Arthur Abyss (2回目) |
Shioriii, can I be Depressoo? This pal is a mood fr fr | |
¥922 | ||||
281 🔗 |
£4.99 | Kronosok Kusok (7回目) |
So many names | |
¥932 | ||||
282 🔗 |
$1.99 | Webnovels Cafe |
How do I get named? | |
¥291 | ||||
283 🔗 |
€2.00 | Viratasya (2回目) |
I volunteer for the Hoocrates thats not yet named | |
¥319 | ||||
284 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | Yoshii C (3回目) |
I'm sorry |
¥141 | ||||
285 🔗 |
$5.00 | Revelence 91 (10回目) |
next level Shiori can saddle me |
¥732 | ||||
286 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (12回目) |
Look for a Vixy so they can farm up palballs ! | |
¥293 | ||||
287 🔗 |
Pancake | Gifted 5 Shiori Novella Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
288 🔗 |
SnoopDuc DD | was gifted a membership by Pancake | ||
289 🔗 |
Will Kenny | was gifted a membership by Pancake | ||
290 🔗 |
Hot Buttered Chum | was gifted a membership by Pancake | ||
291 🔗 |
Cruz | was gifted a membership by Pancake | ||
292 🔗 |
Jose Emmanuel Agregado | was gifted a membership by Pancake | ||
293 🔗 |
crossmenjeff |
(Welcome to Page!) | ||
294 🔗 |
Cornbread Thief |
(Welcome to Page!) | ||
295 🔗 |
古洛拿 |
(Bookwyrm) | ||
296 🔗 |
Steven Highland |
(Welcome to Novelknights!) | ||
297 🔗 |
$9.99 | grace |
shiori murdervella… | |
¥1463 | ||||
298 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (13回目) |
The lag gives you character |
¥293 | ||||
299 🔗 |
$20.00 | Djengu |
Hi Shiori! Thank you for the fun and cozy stream, if you end up catching a Merchant can I be named after them? Or a spare pal |
¥2929 | ||||
300 🔗 |
€10.00 | Tassimo (2回目) |
Well I'll have to go to bed now, nighty night! You all have a great Rest of your day! | |
¥1593 | ||||
301 🔗 |
CRC 2,500.00 | Firemind (4回目) |
Just got back from a work meeting, how goes the Shiori empire? | |
¥714 | ||||
302 🔗 |
$10.00 | Scary Walrus👁🗨 (2回目) |
Hey Shiori, I was wondering if you could do the love live Nico~ Nico~ Niiiiiiii~ but with your name, so Shio~ Shio~ Riiiiiiin~! ? | |
¥1465 | ||||
303 🔗 |
Julian |
(Welcome to Bookwyrm!) | ||
304 🔗 |
$10.00 | Revelence 91 (11回目) |
Hey Shiori. not to be needy but can you rename me? you spelled my name wrong | |
¥1465 | ||||
305 🔗 |
$5.00 | Ranivus Ch | Depression usually happens when users log off and don't put their pal's back in the box. They'll eat all in the food bowl and they suffer pass n away | |
¥732 | ||||
306 🔗 |
A$20.00 | Rhy |
Thanks for the streams around this time. Makes for great morning stream before work! | |
¥1926 | ||||
307 🔗 |
£1.99 | Kronosok Kusok (8回目) |
Jump | |
¥371 | ||||
308 🔗 |
$2.00 | Rubbertoe (14回目) |
Aside from my ocd going nuts, its a beauiful home! | |
¥293 | ||||
309 🔗 |
¥200 | Izumo・izuchi |
しおりんお疲れ様~ | |
¥200 | ||||
310 🔗 |
$10.00 | sanakan (3回目) |
today's been a stressful work day for me, but anytime i could even listen to you, it helped me relax. Ty, you rest well too, Shiori-hime |
¥1465 | ||||
311 🔗 |
$5.00 | Sir Lancelot (6回目) |
just woke up to wish a good day I'm off to work shiori I'll continue with the rest of the video on vod | |
¥732 | ||||
312 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Yoshii C (4回目) |
Thank you, Shiori |
¥352 | ||||
313 🔗 |
$5.00 | Luke Scioscio |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥732 | ||||
314 🔗 |
€10.00 | Ⱎⰻⱁⱃⰻⱀ ⰿⱆⰶ |
thanks for the stream Shiori | |
¥1593 | ||||
315 🔗 |
tako |
(Bookwyrm) | ||
316 🔗 |
$9.99 | boonster (3回目) |
Proud of you, Shiorin. Get lots of good steppies and get lots of good rest |
¥1463 |