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配信名:≪VR CHAT≫ Holoween Escape Room BTS w/ Ame
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	14	214.99		31,795円
CA$	CAD	1	10.00		1,086円
MX$	MXN	2	130.00		974円
  €	EUR	1	5.00		730円
----	----	----	----		34,585円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
CA$10.00 Iguana Guy I've worked with some game making software and can appreciate the amount of work you two did to make this happen. Ideas seem so easy until you are the one having to plan it out. Thanks Again!
MX$65.00 Berserk Knight: Dead or Alive
Very impressive guys👏👏👏 lessgooo This feels like great horror game yo!
Izanashi Lena wazzuppat
$19.99 broc6000 Thanks for helping create such a fun Halloween experience Bae!
robtheimpure big RESPECC to both of you, Seafoam, and Null for all your hard work! love seeing so much creative stuff from y'all
$5.00 RadDude You all did such a great job thank you!
$5.00 Majin D great work, it came out awesome~ ❤💛
$100.00 Neomalith 🪐 Thank you so so much for showing us the BTS! As a programmer, I find the creative process and techincal aspects of these kind of events fascinating. The group stream was incredibly enjoyable and I can't wait to see what other ideas all of you come up with in the future!
$20.00 flimflammable Thanks for helping make this happen Bae, you and Ame both did an awesome job! You really put a lot of thought into how to make it fun for everybody!
$5.00 NateTehFate the BTS stuff was really cool!
$5.00 Aaron Pampo THank you girls and other talents for all the hard work!!!!