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配信名:[SUPERCHAT READING] Catching up on the 6 month anniversary weekend I spent with Altare
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	46	646.79		84,008円
CA$	CAD	4	100.00		9,738円
SGD	SGD	4	58.98		5,832円
  ₱	PHP	10	1350.00		3,212円
  ₫	VND	3	570000.00	3,155円
  ₩	KRW	1	20000.00	2,112円
THB	THB	4	439.00		1,740円
IDR	IDR	3	170000.00	1,475円
NT$	TWD	2	340.00		1,459円
 R$	BRL	5	47.00		1,195円
MX$	MXN	1	125.00		865円
  £	GBP	1	5.00		804円
  €	EUR	1	5.00		706円
HK$	HKD	1	38.00		630円
  ¥	JPY	1	500.00		500円
CLP	CLP	1	2500.00		403円
MYR	MYR	1	6.00		184円
----	----	----	----		118,017円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
zSuitSamus was gifted a membership by ohbems
Chop was gifted a membership by ohbems
Fray Isara was gifted a membership by ohbems
Sanders You just gotta take your time and get back into learning when you're ready to do soMAGLoveMAGLoveMAGLove
$2.00 Shin_Tatsu I'm proud of how far you've come. Also hi Chi.
$19.99 Claus
In all seriousness thanks for everything the last 6 months. I didnt know back in July that I would find someone to keep me company during my long night shifts but I’m definitely glad I did. Its been an honor to support you.
FaeMidway its super fun to see the boiz chase their dreams together! thank u for the fun and inspiration! MAGSWEEP
$2.00 Mi-chan ♡lactose free magmite♡
are u gonna smooch us again some day? 🥺
₱250.00 Riizzy Have been such a big fan of all Tempus from the beginning, you guys really had such good vibes. I enjoy you in particular, my #1 babygirl. Happy to always support. MAGLoveMAGLoveMAGLove
Kairinya【カイリニャ】 (Welcome to Tier 2 - Dezciple!)
$10.00 honey Happy 6 months!! Your content and streams bring great comfort and never fail to make me laugh! Happy to support and call you my oshi!! MAGLoveMAGLoveMAGLove
Struddles I loved it when you and Altare had that beat boxing moment, ever think about doing a group loop station jam? seems like it'd be fun.
$5.00 Muse Less happy 6 months! you and the boys have inspired me a lot and I've been more motivated to draw and get better! thanks for everything you do!
Richie Hinojosa Happy 6 months Maglord, Tempus continues to be great inspirations for me and make me want to keep pursuing my passions. Love ya and the magmites 🫶
$5.00 thegrandcricket Thank you for sharing that Dez. Your mom sounds like a wonderful lady. 💜MAGUwuMAGLove
Vincent Kagamine uve inspired me to take vocal lessons soon!! uve improved so much and it really showed during the karaoke stream MAGLoveMAGLoveMAGLove
$20.00 Coffee Carbs You're an inspiration , thank you for all the hard work
HeathRed7 I love loopstation, specially because you always seem to have fun doing itMAGUwuMAGUwuMAGUwu
$20.00 Keiko I love all your music and art content :) and your reignited my passion for art. I hope I can make art you'd be proud of
$5.00 isa happy 6 months dez! thank you for cheering me up at the end of really hard days all this timeMAGLove im excited to see you grow more in the future!
$199.99 Here (無言スパチャ)
CLP 2,500 Shopi ☆ Star Sending this superchat in behalf of a friend who can't send supas yet. Never stop being you, my dude 🫶
深海Umi Happy 6 months, Do you want dokidoki?MAGLove
₱125.00 RENKA
Just wanted to say we see your efforts and improvements especially in your singing! We're proud of you Maglord. Thank you for always doing your best💜
ゆえび Yuebi Thank you for the stream MaglordMAGLoveLove you! You are my oshi!!MAGJamMAGLove
₫50,000 Ruri
sneaky happy 6 months supa MAGSmug thank you for the fun time, glad to have found you from day 1 MAGLove
R$2.00 GM Lemmy
Secret SC!!!