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配信名:【PUYOPUYO TETRIS 2】 How Fast Can My Brain Go !!
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	38	494.37		66,159円
  ₩	KRW	5	112400.00	11,532円
  £	GBP	1	20.00		3,325円
IDR	IDR	2	200000.00	1,811円
CA$	CAD	3	17.27		1,710円
  €	EUR	3	9.98		1,483円
CLP	CLP	2	6600.00		1,108円
  ¥	JPY	2	520.00		520円
  ₱	PHP	2	192.50		466円
PEN	PEN	1	6.00		213円
 A$	AUD	1	2.00		179円
 R$	BRL	1	5.50		150円
----	----	----	----		88,655円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$50.00 Orenjiro Manju
I couldn't send a message earlier since I was driving but that was meant to be my gas money. I was drivign on emptyyays
$20.00 TaquitoBurrito Hi Mumei! I had a great time chilling with tetris. I tried playing at the same time but believe it or not you're actually way better than me.
$9.99 It’s Only Tuesday
Did you know Puyo Puyo is the oldest game of Tetris?
$10.00 GrumbleDogg ෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
Thanks for the Tetris stream! Reminds me, kinda curious on how the upcoming Tetris movie will be like. Sounds like a real blockbuster. OK sorry, that was a bad pun, please don't remove my other eye.
Morbidly (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
$2.00 sudoggs Is standing and super chatting OK?
CA$13.99 Fonzy Getting better at Tetris = excuse to collab with Suisei! You should get addicted!
$10.00 An Actual Duck
I am an expert! i've been playing it for over 25 years, since SNES. I figured how much help could a supa really be, so went for the joke instead. Watching someone would help more. And practice!
$10.00 Sadie VirtuousVarmint Hi Mumei! great stream today, I was watching while operating heavy machinery in a crowded construction zone that is also on an airplane I am flying!
$10.00 Customer Support Johnson I can see this as a movie now. Plot: Mumei, the underdog, training montage to beat Suisei, the undisputed champion of the Hololive world, in Tetris.
$5.00 UnundedentededCamel
Have you ever played Mean Bean Machine? If you have it's literally a reskinned older Puyo game.
IDR 100,000.00 Vanschia [ヴァンスキア]
oh that reminds me, maybe you can continue College Girl War using Tetris, your rival is also very good at it and she can speak english!
PEN 6.00 Touko So after all these years, can you beat your siblings (in games)?
$5.00 Erik_W1
Hey Moom. Random question but if you were the advice giving owl in The Legend of Zelda, what advice would you give Link to help him on his journey?